#i made 2 new friends today in The Real World 🥺
nectar-cellar · 2 months
Hello! How are you doing? I hope everything is fine? Just came by to tell you that I'm obsessed with the Rope's Jeans and Chinos you remade! I'm ready to put them on all male Sims in CAS! I change the color and texture so they don't look like twins, but I can't bring myself to put them in any other pants!😆 Thank you for this! I love you and everything you do😍
hii, aww thank you so much my friend ❤️❤️❤️ i'm so glad you like the pants!! i use them sooo much too 😆 i'm so happy i made the effort to convert the full set, it was worth it.
i've been quiet because of exams 🤢 and real life events i've had to attend 🤭🤭 but i'm doing well!!
i have to schedule some simming time in!!! i miss my sims and my cc projects.
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factual-fantasy · 5 months
25 asks :}} MERRY CHISTMAS! 🎄🎄🎄
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Jevil and Seams world still exists, its just so horrible that they don't ever want to go back to it..
Grillby and River persons AU were both destroyed/de-stabilized..?? Their worlds don't exist anymore.. they cant go back.
Goner Kid's AU still exists, but another version of her already exists in it. Its like a duplicate..? Of her was created when she fell into the void. When she tried to re-enter her AU, it was hurting the other Goner Kid. In order for her to go back, someone would have to kill that other Goner kid. But that Kid has a family, real memories, emotions.. she's a person too... no one had the heart to kill her. She cant go back..
Spamton's AU still exists, but he doesn't want to go back. There was nothing for him there. He had no friends, no family, he hated his life. And being in his own world for some reason causes his pain to be more extreme/less tolerable. So staying away from his AU brings him some relief..
Asgore's AU still exists, but he cant go back. Or else he will continue turning into dust and eventually fully die.. staying out of his AU is the only thing keeping him "alive"..
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I don't know if their boss status really played much of a role.. mostly their friendship started with Jevil helping Spamton, and then sparked into something more by them having a similar sense of humor. :00
As for the phone person? I haven't decided if my Spamton had that phone guy or not.. but if he did, I might make it so they're different people. Or maybe the same person but from different aus..?? 👀👀
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The group might not keep in touch consistently. But I can see them occasionally returning to this AU to seek shelter, knowing that they're safe here.
Like imagine they got in a wicked fight and some of their toughest members are all beat up. They retreat to this AU and hide out in the forest to rest. Some of the Queens guards find the group and bring them to her. She's surprised to hear that they've been living in the woods.
"Why did you not return to my castle?"
"We didn't want to intrude or overstay our welcome..."
"Nonsense! You are always welcome here."
Now as for Seams relationship with her? I imagine its complicated.. Of course he thinks she is wonderful and very gracious. Having freed him from his chains and continuing to welcome them into her castle..
But Seam can't help but be afraid of her. She is the same species as the Spade King. He cant help but be reminded of the king when he looks at her and feel uncomfortable or intimidated..
Seam is probably stressed and uncomfortable being in her castle, despite how kind the Queen is.. Everything just reminds him of the King and all the horrible things associated with him.. its just.. man, its complicated.
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Aw its ok! <XD Don't worry, it really is mostly a design choice now. But to go over the story again..
When I was designing my sona I wanted something to be on my hands. Gloves? Different skin color? I didn't really know.. Now at the time my fingers/knuckles were covered in band-aids due to dry skin and cat scratches.
So I thought hey! I can give my sona edgy bloody bandages! And I can call them my weathered artists hands! XD And so I added them.
Although my hands still aren't in the best shape today, I'm pretty hard on them- the bloodied hands don't have any darker or concerning origin. Just cat scratches and dry skin. I appreciate the concern though! 🥺💖💖💖
Also thank you! Happy holiday and a happy new year to you too! :}}
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Yeah, my sona is kind'a all over the place <XD for funsies I made this little chart that might help explain the strange forms I take XDD
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Basically, the drippy-ness and blood is when I want to emphasize my exhaustion and/or emotions is some way..?
And the "stable" version is usually seen at the start of comics before I've consumed any energy. Or in posts with 1-2 drawings that don't take much time/energy to make. Also being a drama queen is fun. Does that make sense..? <:D
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I'm assuming you're talking about the ruin mask? If so, that would be very bizarre.. they wouldn't know what to make of it. How is this thing even possible?? <XDD
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Wow, 2020? That feels like forever ago-
And well I just kind'a lost interest in tfp. <XD I never even finished the show due to lost interest- such is life :/
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XD You're the first person to ever send me that I believe. Season's Greason's indeed :}
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Nooo, <:/ I had already planned out my AU before the Ruin DLC came out. No room/reason to add prototype Freddy.
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Fank u! :}}}
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Here's a link to my FNAF master post! (Its also in my pinned post <XD)
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I got an ask about this recently, :0 I'm sad to say that I'm actually unfamiliar with this game.. sorry! <XD
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Part of me thinks it would be very foreign to their (probably cruddy) Fazbear brand pizza. <XD Chica would love it though!
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This is a really good question! :0 I had to think about it for a sec XDD
For Freddy and Glamrock Foxy I imagined their vice would be the same, hoarding. They would try to latch onto things and objects that make them feel better. At first it would start with collecting certain posters of event that they had a good time at. Or if someone gave them a plush they would hide it from employees so that they could keep it. But then it would quickly spiral into something worse..
They would both start stealing from the other animatronics. Taking things that they see as valuable and worry the others might throw away. Or if they had a nice time at a kids birthday party they would try to collect souvenirs. Like the present wrapping and bows. Trash and plates with food still on them.
Freddy would collect all this trash and stuff and hoard it in his room. The food would get moldy and make his room a hazard. But Freddy would become very protective of his room and his collection. The employees would try to clean if but Freddy just wouldn't have it. They would have to clean out the worst of it little by little so Freddy wouldn't notice..
Foxy would be the same except once his room got too full, he would extend his collection to Pirates cove. Parents would complain about Pirates cove being dirty and about there being trash all over the floor. But just like Freddy, Foxy would be very protective of his collection and it would be a hassle to clean..
For Glamrock Bonnie however, his is harder to describe.. but I imagine he is completely opposed to change. Maybe OCD you could call it..?
I can see Bonnie being hurt by all the change in his life. When Freddy and Chica died that was a huge change. When the glamrock era began and they threw out everything familiar to him.. it hurt. It was a big change.
I can see Bonnie hating change. For 5 seconds, he wants everything to just, stay the same. This might manifest in Bonnie not allowing any employees in his room. Becuase he doesn't want them moving anything around. He wants to come back to his room after a stressful day and have his room be exactly the way he left it. This would mean Bonnie's room gets very dirty/dusty but he wont allow anyone to clean it.
Not sure how this could spiral to something that effects other people.. Maybe he doesn't like the new songs that they are told to sing. He just wants to sing the same familiar songs he already knows. This could cause problems for the other animatronics because Bonnie wont cooperate? Things like that. :0
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I suppose anyone who doesn't have a river person in their AU would be spooked yeah <XD Poor river person :(
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XDD Yeah "Mommy look! A Kangaroo!"
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Yes, Seam is absolutely devastated with guilt. Not a day goes by where he doesn't feel horrible for what he did to Jevil.. And despite your point, Jevil holds nothing against him. Not anymore, and here's why.
Jevil was there when the king threatened Seam. When the king commanded him to lock Jevil away. It was very clear from the situation that the King would hurt or even kill Seam if he did not obey. Seam was torn, tears streaming down his face. He was shaking.. He had no choice. It was lock Jevil up, or face the Kings wrath. He had to.. if he didn't, both of them would probably have been slaughtered..
He doesn't resent Seam for locking him up. He knows he had to. But after years of being down there.. Jevil did develop a bit of resentment over Seam never visiting him. He always expected Seam to sneak down to the dungeon to see him.. but he never did.. that he resented a bit.
But as soon as he escaped, and found out why Seam never visited.. that resentment all vanished.
Seam tried to visit Jevil. But he was caught. And what was his punishment? His eye was gouged out, his mouth stitched shut, and heavy shackles clasped around his neck and wrists. He was told of he ever tried to visit Jevil again. The king would kill them both.
How could Jevil hold any resentment after that? There was nothing else Seam could have done..
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I think it was the opposite. Jevil saw the danger of the situation. It was clear that if Seam didn't lock Jevil up, the King would likely kill them both.
Seam was extremely hesitant. He was crying, he didn't want to lock him up..
Instead of begging the king for mercy, knowing the king would not listen. Jevil probably just tried to comfort Seam..
"Seam.. i-its ok... j-just.. just do it... just do what he says.."
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I don't think I ever gave them claws.. I suppose if the situation calls for it they'll magically have them XD Not sure about scratching post though, they'd more likely just want to use a nail file :0
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I sat on this ask and thought about it for a while.. and every time I think about it I picture the same scenario..
Asgore comforting a neutral route Undyne..
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I'd like to think that Bibi can because he's very cat-like. but Cici? Mayyybe not? <XD She's more mouse-like to me.
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WOAH HANG ON!- I cant make THAT many arms! XDD
Also thank you! Good night/day to you as well! :}}}
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Oh yeah, it likely happens a lot. :( And you know Jevil is either gonna deny it, or curl up under a blanket and refuse to let anyone touch him in an attempt to not spread it..
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rinadragomir · 2 years
Julie Plec and convenient diversity 🙃
Okay so when I found out they chose a British guy to play Dimitri I was a bit upset but in a super chill way cause 1)he looks fantastic 2) British accent kinda reminds me of Russian so I thought they not gonna have any problems with working on it.
Then my Tumblr friend made a post and I found out they erased that part of him. TV show Dimitri is not Russian anymore. I was kinda confused cause 1)then why would he have a Russian name👀 2)what about the fact that Rose spends the whole book in Russia, what about Roza, what about half of their jokes😟
Okay it's not a literal quote but it's almost it:
Dimitri is not Russian anymore, you'll be fine with it when you learn more about that amazing man playing his role.......It was important for us to convey the spirit of modernity, to show today's world with all the diversity of its cultural idiosyncrasies. Accent, origin and race do not matter because we are all part of the same community.
That clown living her clown life 🎪
Okay let's see
So she put 1) diversity is important, we all different and it's cool to show it AND 2)why diversity if we're the same person? 🥺 IN ONE FUCKING SENTENCE?!?!????!
Julie Plec literally said: OF COURSE diversity is important, we have Black Americans! Latins, Chinese guys...or not Chinese, I mean asian people = only Chinese right? And of course ...*whispers* I can't remember more..... um.....what? Turks? what is it? Turkey? Like ...Turkey on Thanksgiving day?🥺Yeah? Russian? Russia... sounds familiar where is it👀ugh nevermind some white dudes, they sound like British anyway
I forgot to mention I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST THE CAST they're babies and they do the best they can, their acting is the reason I watched that trailer✋they just do their job and do it perfect
I have BIG ISSUES with creators of this show
⚠️Before some of you start with your American "um bitch u know dat black people live in Turkey and British people live in Russia and Latin people live in Romania" I'll say: they definitely MIGHT live there, tho I've never seen anything like this in any of these countries (I live in one of them and I've been in two others
But after Dimitri being a British announcement, there's no way Rose is Turkish. No fucking way. No one actually cares about the diversity. Diversity is a thing ONLY when it comes to people who live in America.
When people from Turkey, Russia, Romania even slightly open their mouth EVERYONE SHUTS THEM UP with "um....white dudes talking again 😴we have Black and Asian people, others don't actually exist👁️👄👁️)
If you think that "WOW we have a cool beautiful black girl as a lead, finally some good fucking food, finally a WELL WRITTEN WOMAN OF COLOR"
no think again😍you really believe that a woman who thought "ugh....idk all of these Turkish and Russian....ugh language, traditions are so hard🥺" will MAKE AN EFFORT?! To write a proper black lead girl? Seriously? I have some news
If you look at the cast and think "we have a proper diverse cast! That's so great! Different cultures were so important in the books, I'm sure tv show creators will explore this topic even deeper" you're poor innocent silly soul, that's who you are.
And a little reminder how people look outside of England and the USA for my beloved Julie Plec and people saying "real diversity is here, who needs these white guys on the screen" (Turkish, Romanian, Russian)
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Hi there love!!🥰 Could I possibly request a little something? I'm craving a Billy Hargrove fic or blurb based on the song "the way I loved you" by none other than Taylor Swift.
I feel like it's the perfect song for Billy×reader, maybe in a situation like the following: Reader and Billy dated, were in love and made plans after graduation, but then Billy died. So reader, clutching a cute photo of the two (one of them dancing) listens to the song while remembering the good and the bad with Billy. ( flashbacks are what I'm thinking of)
Thank you so much and remember that it's okay of you don't want to do it!💛💛
Hi love!! Thank you requesting!! I put my own spin on your request and I hope you like it. I don’t write angst much so this was a little new to me. But oof did I feel it 🥺 I also completely forgot about how much I loved this song and it was totally made for Billy 😩 Enjoy! 😘😘
*gif not mine
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Dear Billy,
It’s been six months since the battle at Starcourt, and I’ve had nightmares ever since. I wake up every morning and tell myself that today is going to be different. That today, I won’t cry as much when I’m in bed alone. That I won’t feel like I was sucker punched in the gut every time I drive by Hawkins High. These last 6 months have been the worst of my life. And it’s all your fault.
He is sensible and so incredible
And all my single friends are jealous
He says everything I need to hear
And it's like I couldn't ask for anything better
The flashbacks hit me like a ton of bricks every time I stare one of our photos. Especially your favorite. You know the one….where we were dancing around like idiots on your front lawn, the music playing from your Camaro. My head is thrown back in laughter because you made a silly comment about working at the pool that summer, and I thought it was the funniest thing ever. I always knew you loved my laugh, but whenever I see that giant grin on your face in this photograph, I can feel your love for me, and my heart breaks a little more. Your eyes were shining bright, and even though it was the middle of the night, your blue eyes shined like diamonds.
I can still hear your voice, the way you told me that we were going to have the rest of our lives together. I’ll forever be grateful to Max for taking that picture, even if it was a sneaky shot from the window of your house. We were peaceful. We were happy. Why did you leave me?
But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain
And it's 2:00 a.m. and I'm cursing your name
So in love that you act insane, and that's the way I loved you
Staring at the picture now, I hardly remember the fight we had earlier that day. It was something stupid, about Heather flirting with you at work…or was it Mrs. Wheeler? I remember being so mad, and slamming the Camaro door when I got out of the car. I remember I told you to fuck off and stormed inside my house. I can still hear you, calling out my name and telling me I was overreacting and how you thought my jealousy was sexy. I hated you in that moment…but I also loved you the most. I regret that day you know? I regret slamming the door and letting you drive off while I huffed and puffed at home, cursing your name. I didn’t know that was going to be the last day I saw you. The real you.
He can't see the smile I'm faking
And my heart's not breaking
‘Cause I'm not feeling anything at all
And you were wild and crazy
Just so frustrating, intoxicating, complicated
You were supposed to be at my graduation. We were supposed to get away from this stupid town and go back to California, where you’d show me your world. I wanted to see where you grew up, and see the beach you were always telling me about. I wanted to move down there and be with you, forever. I miss you, Billy. I miss you so fucking much it hurts.
You just had to go and play the hero, huh? Had to save all of these people who will never even know how you died? How you spent weeks on end being tortured by a monster? But you know what? I’m glad that some people finally got to see that side of you. The caring side. The side of you that would fiercely protect those who you deemed worthy. I’m glad they got to see the side of Billy Hargrove that I have known and loved.
I hope you’re in a better place now Billy. And I hope you can hear me. God, I miss you. I miss your smile, your eyes, your cocky sense of humor. I miss your touch, your hugs and your kisses. I miss the feeling I would get at the pit of my stomach whenever I saw you. Now my stomach clenches and drops at the memory of you. The memory of your bloodied body…of Max having to pull me away from you. But I promised myself I wouldn’t dwell on that. Not today. Not anymore. I only want to think of the good times. Of the times where you made me feel like I was the luckiest girl in the world.
Finding this photograph is the best thing that has ever happened. It’s my last connection to you and you bet your jean clad ass that I’ll never let go if it. I will love you forever, Billy Hargrove. You have my heart. Rest In Peace, my love. Until we meet again.
Love Always,
Your Sweetheart
Oh, and that's the way I loved you
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Never knew I could feel that much
That's the way I loved you
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dancerpanda04 · 2 years
(Sfw) Eddie Munson x GN reader (Best friends-Confession)
Mostly fluff (with some light kisses) 🥺
I looked at the clock, noticing we have a whole hour left of school. Usually, I’d be skipping this portion of the class, out in the woods, with my best friend; Eddie Munson but today there was just something different in the air.
“C’mon stupid clock, can you move any slower!?” I thought to myself as I internally pleaded with the circular machine.
“Hey, bug” Eddie whispered to me from his seat next to me, knocking me out of my trance.
“Yes, Eds?” I give him a small smile, as I come back into the real world.
“Ya want to join me and the guys for our new campaign today? I can pick you up, since you live near Henderson” He returns a sweet smile back.
“Oh um, sure Eds, I’ll have to just have a normal shirt since I’m not cool enough to own a Hellfire shirt” I roll my eyes, chuckling.
“Bug, we’ll get you a shirt made, Henderson needs a new one anyway since he spilled red sauce on his” Eddie replies in a sarcastic tone. I smile and time starts to move faster, Eddie always had that effect on me, since we were in elementary school. Making the time fly by and making me smile.
Finally the last bell of the day rings and I put my headphones in, playing dead or alive songs. Eddie comes up to me, holding my hand as we walk to the parking lot.
“Bug, I think we can just go back to my place cause I have an extra shirt that’ll fit you and’ll save us time” He gives me his signature smile and I nod
“Okay, sounds fun Eds, Your uncle home?”
“Bug, you should know this by now, Wayne works all day nearly every day. That trailer is basically mine at this point” He chuckles and opens the door to his van for me.
“Wow, such a gentleman Eds” I chuckle and get in.
“Anything for my bug” As soon as that left his mouth, my heart fluttered and my face blushed. I attempt to hide it, poorly though..
“Oh, someone is blushing~” He mocks me and I shyly giggle
“No, Eddie Munson, you are definitely imagining things” I say, as my blush starts to fade away. Eddie chuckles and starts driving to his trailer. He puts on some Black Sabbath, a band I’m neither here nor there with as we pull up next to the trailer.
“Bug, you can go in, I need to hang some of my clothes real quick” I nod and step into the absolutely trashed trailer and find a spot on the couch to sit on, rewinding my cassette tape on my walkman.
“Eddie! Where is the shirt so I can change fast?” I call out to him
“Um, it should be on top of my dresser! You know where my bedroom is!”
I go into his room, grabbing the shirt and starting to change in his room. Quickly switching shirts and putting on a pair of black sweatpants to keep myself comfortable, in the next 1-2 hours with the guys. I look threw his closet, stealing a Metallica pull-over sweatshirt.
“Hey Bug, you ready to- oh you look to cute!” Eddie smiles and walks over to me. I look down at my feet, mumbling into my chest. Eddie takes one of his hands and lifts my chin. My face goes beet red and I try to look away.
“Y/n Y/l/n, I think I’m in love with you.. I have been for a long time” He confesses and I gasp, lightly. He holds my face softly and kisses me with just true love and compassion.
“I think I’m in love with you too, Eddie Munson” I kiss him back. “We’re gonna be late to our meeting and Dustin is waiting for us”
He chuckles and grabs my hand “Let’s go fight some monsters, my mage”
This is my first fic post here, I really hope you enjoyed it, cause I loved writing it. Eddie has been my obsession since I watched the show.
Please reblog, it does more than a like
Thank you for reading 🖤
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