#i likely wont ever mention megumama ( himawari ) here she just happened to be in the fic
multeasers · 1 year
“Besides,” she continues on, once he’s right next to her, her smile perking up once again, “since your birthday is the last day of the year, it’s as if us celebrating it is a way of welcoming in the new one! So if we celebrate you today and bring in blessings for you, it’s as if we’re bringing in blessings for the next year, too, don’t you think?”
He really can’t help the way he laughs, then, the action overtaking him before he can reel it in, but it isn’t because he’s agreeing with her; no, he’s laughing because the idea of it just seems so wrong. It’s so incredibly wrong that he just can’t help the amusement over it.
“Don’t laugh, I’m being serious!” She insists, her pout coming onto her features, but he isn’t fazed by it—if anything, he just thinks it’s cute of her to do. “Megumi and I went to all the trouble to even pick out a gift for you, and yet you’re already laughing at the cake!”
That makes his laughter die almost in an instant, a wave of confusion overtaking him as his mind processes her words. “A gift? For me?”
“Well, who else for? You’re the birthday boy, and birthday boys get gifts.”
What did I do, he thinks to himself, his face falling back into its neutral look; the look he takes on when he’s trying to hide how he feels. What did I do to deserve you?
No matter how much he tries to hide, though, he can’t hide from Himawari. She’s too smart, too smart for his tricks, and she always knew how he would respond to this, anyway, so all she does is smile at him. Her smile is so dazzling; it’s what drew him to her in the first place.
“…It’s cold.” He finally decides to say, coughing into a closed fist. It truly is cold, there’s snow falling at a leisurely pace all around them; they’re bundled from head to toe in thermals and winter clothes. Even Megumi is swaddled by two blankets instead of his normal one. “Let’s get home, alright?”
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