#i like Stacy and Phineas' friendship!! they look so cute
I just went through like... almost all of your posts. And loved all of them (mostly pnf and mml, haven't seen the other one yet).
But I came to ramble to you about a specific pnf character.
Stacy Hirano
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Like. She's Candaces' best friend, down for anything, and doesn't get mad (much) when Candace goes to bust her brothers. Loves hanging out with Phineas and Ferb. She dated Coltrane, a band member, who barely appears again (I think, I remember him in like, 3 episodes (it has been awhile since I've watched it.))
She binged Sherlock books in a night with Candace. Tries to help bust Phineas and Ferb with and for Candace. Becomes president of... someplace.
Canonically knows Perry is a secret agent. Has helped Vanessa out in that one Halloween episode.
Just. Stacy.
I noticed you going through my stuff today and taking a break from my long day to look at someone appreciating my stuff certainly helped make my day!
And yes. Stacy is AMAZING. She's honestly such a wild character in her own right and its kind of hidden behind the fact that while she is Candace's best friend, she's not quite a major character in her own right the way Phineas and Ferb's friends are, and that honestly the kids side of things tends to be a bit under appreciated to begin with. So she mostly exists as an auxiliary character to Candace, but Candace being well, Candace, that leaves a lot of room.
On first glance Stacy seems like she's just Candace's cooler best friend. There to provide contrast on what a normal teenage girl is. Stacy's generally more fashionable, more chilled out. She's Candace's straight man. But like any of the characters she has her own moments.
We may not have seen any Candace levels of stuff from Stacy. But Stacy is pretty capable herself. Being a good skater and a Disco Miniature Golf Queen, being able to keep up with Candace on some level in some of her escapades, and handle the obstacle course. But also her just accidentally surviving the pharmacist apocalypse. She's also rather smart, somehow becomes President of Uruguay, puts together an elaborate home entertainment system. Though that said its kind of anyone's guess what she knows on a given subject, horrendously bad at geography, but has been shown to enjoy documentaries, reading Sherlock Holmes and knows when hieroglyphs were deciphered. She is at least able to keep calm in situations that others may freak out in, such as when she got bit by a spider and when Doof broke into her house she was relatively calm about the whole thing. Also relatively calm about the whole being on a ship in turbulent water fighting a shark thing.
Stacy has been Candace's friend since they were 5. As in they've been friends longer than Ferb and Lawrence have been in Candace's life. And they will continue to be friends into the future, truly a lifelong friendship. While we have seen Stacy get upset with Candace before, for prioritizing her brothers and her boyfriend, Stacy all things. Stacy does generally get the short end of the stick, such as in Run Candace Run. I think Stacy provides a sort of frame of reference for Candace's new relationships, with Jeremy and Vanessa in particular. They are people she thinks are cool and wants to impress. Stacy already knows she's a disaster, but is one that Stacy appreciates.
I LOVE her and Jeremy's relationships, what little we get of it. Jeremy is madly in love with Candace and Stacy is her long suffering friend. Both care for her a LOT but it manifests very differently between the two of them, but also very much the same. Jeremy finds a lot of Candace's flaws cute and endearing, Stacy calls her out. Jeremy encourages her in a sort of overly saccharine sort of way. Stacy hypes her up in a more "you're better than this" sort of way. But both sort of tease her with the same sort of fondness. The comfortableness they display with each other is nice. In Nerds of a Feather they call each other to ask about Candace. In the Curse of Candace where Jeremy teases her about taking Candace to a movie, both fully aware of how Candace sometimes dials things up to 11. I also adore the CATU scene with the two of the, where Stacy teases Jeremy about LARPing. Stacy is also the one who told Jeremy about Candace being Queen of Mars which also implies they talk outside of Candace which I love.
I don't think it's unfair to say that Candace isn't as good a friend to Stacy as vice versa, but I think this just has to do with the framing of the show, where Stacy doesn't have any huge wants. But when we DO see Stacy want something: for instance a trophy, Candace does so without hesitation even if she doesn't have the complete context. Also, Candace never holds it against Stacy for failing to do what she wants. I think it is also sort of sweet that by the end of the show that Stacy will just do her own thing if she can't get Candace to do what she wants, even in a normal friendship that's a sign of not being a priority.
With Stacy finding out about Perry's secret identity she really has found herself in a position to understand all sides of the mysterious force. We haven't really seen it come to fruition, but Stacy knows a lot. And I think this is great. Now, mind you, I am a firm believer that all of the teens are quite close to cracking the situation open, Candace I believe knows subconsciously, Vanessa just has to actually be invited over to the Flynn-Fletcher's once, and to a lesser extent Jeremy has taught guitar lessons to Doof and Monogram.
I've seen the idea of Stacy being like another older sister to the Flynn-Fletcher boys floating around and I buy it. Stacy is very often Candace's extra set of hands, attempting to bust Candace's brothers on her behalf. Stacy accompanied the Flynn-Fletcher's to England, and was Candace's Tree House Fight buddy. Stacy being an older sister herself also means Stacy GETS it, maybe she doesn't get Candace's exact situation. But she gets the "overly talented younger siblings who admire you for some reason even if all their attempts to get your approval really just makes you feel bad" thing.
Also besides knowing Perry's secret, the fact that she is Ginger's sister has allowed us to see more of Ginger outside of the Fireside Girls, which kind of puts her in a position of having a sort of connection to both the Fireside Girl plots, the Candace plots, and the Perry plots. No direct connection to the boys plots, but the fireside and Candace plots both intersect enough. She's kind of in a position to get to understand the whole mysterious force situation better than anyone else, aside from Perry, which I think might be interesting.
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polvoronii · 5 years
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she’s the disco miniature golfing queen!!!
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amigolupus · 5 years
Thoughts on PnF Season 3
I’ve actually finished Phineas and Ferb season 3 a few days back, and am now in the middle of season 4. All in all, WOW! I’m really impressed at how they ramped up the quality of the episodes. While season 2 episodes ranged from ‘okay to great’, season 3 episodes turned it to ‘great to amazing’.
Besides the increase in animation quality, they’re also playing around with the formula a lot more. Like how some episodes Candace never even tries busting the boys, or even joining them, or the episode focusing on other characters.
It’s also neat how other characters have bits of development. Like Norm being a complete sweetheart. or some of the Fireside girls being differentiated, or even Jeremy and Stacy. It’s honestly kind of a bummer that Jeremy and Stacy don’t get to appear more in future episodes when they’ve been more prominent at the start of the season.
Monty as the newest addition to the show is alright. He fills the niche of competent human agent in O.W.C.A. I like him a lot more when he’s not being developed as Vanessa’s love interest (though I think Monty and Carl are cute together)
Also, remember me mentioning season 2 had a lack of adult jokes due to S&P meddling? Well, never mind that for season 3 lol.
Some brief thoughts on other episodes under the cut:
Canderemy:  Stacy’s got a point that Candace does bring up Jeremy a lot when she’s not trying to bust the boys. It’s totally a friend thing for her to mess with Candace by pretending she doesn’t know the two were joined though.
Candace Disconnected: The true millennial or gen Z horror story: Your phone’s broken and you have no way to replace it...unless you have genius siblings to make you a new one.
Magic Carpet Ride: Lawrence being so accepting of the way the boys defy the laws of physics and just enjoying spending time with the kids is so dang wholesome. Also, wow, Doof’s backstory here is just painful after watching Gravity Falls. While Doof is similar in a lot of ways to Stan, here we see that he’s in the same position as Ford where a very important project of his got ruined by his brother’s carelessness. And then Roger spent twenty years restoring Doof’s painting... Just. OUCH. If Stan and Doof met, this would prolly be one thing they’d have an argument about.
Phineas and Ferb Interrupted: I love that Linda spends time willingly with Candace this episode because she wants them to bond. Also Perry’s face when he realizes Doof’s Inator hit PnF was priceless, especially how this is one of the few times Perry doesn’t mess around to bust Doof because of the boys being in trouble.
A Real Boy: I think of this more as a dark comedy. I’m thinking the reason Doof doesn’t treat Norm right is prolly a mix of Doof not being too attached to his Inators since it gets destroyed all the time, and him designing Norm to look kind of like Roger makes Doof more predisposed to be mean to Norm.
Escape from Phineas Tower: Gotta love the moment of PnF asking the others if they want to go to the death trap tower and them going “Yeaaaaah, nope!”.
Ferb Latin: Seriously, Linda and Lawrence alone in the Sensory Deprivation Tank? How did this get past the censors?
A Phineas and Ferb Family Christmas: This episode works as a half-loving/half-mocking tribute to tacky network-mandated Christmas specials. The best joke is getting a Celebrity Guest Star to sing a song and never letting them sing anything.
Tri-Stone Area/  Doof Dynasty / Excaliferb / Phineas and Ferb and the Temple of Juatchadoon: Just bundling these together as a bunch of specials that are loving homages to different types of shows/genres. It’s cool how well PnF work with just about any genre.
Monster from the Id:  Candace being a neurosis and anxiety-riddled mess in her mind is so relatable. Also this is one of the few episodes we get hints of Candace and Buford being unlikely friends.
The Remains of the Platypus:  What. The. Fuck. This remains the most insane PnF episode ever. It’s GREAT!
Meapless in Seattle: Knowing that this was just a bunch of unrelated scenes made for a fake trailer that went on to be a full episode is awesome. I bet the creators had a hell of a time trying to come up with a series of events that would stitch the entire thing together.
Delivery of Destiny: Now this is a pretty cool concept, basing the entire episode around one of the regular folks in PnF-land. I do feel sorry for poor Paul, sticking with a job he doesn’t feel hot about (even if he did get some new perspective to appreciate it)
The Mom Attractor: While Candace gave the idea to create something that will bust the boys, it’s really heartwarming how it ended in a small party for Linda with Candace getting the credit. Also Lawrence is such a good dad, when Candace asked him what Linda liked he immediately said Candace, Phineas and Ferb.
Cranius Maximus: I was wondering if Buford would keep up the characterization and never give Baljeet a wedgie again after the events of ‘Bully Bromance Break-Up’. Technically, he doesn’t actually do it to Baljeet but to his death machine. And I suppose if you tried to destroy the entire world after you go on a power trip from a brain-enhancing device, the threat of a wedgie is probably kind of deserved. But yeah, it looks like Buford has dropped giving Baljeet wedgies!
Sipping with the Enemy: Man, Perry is an absolute friend this episode, covering for Vanessa like that. Also hipsters being treated as cool folks is hilarious considering what people think of hipsters nowadays.
Tri-State Treasure: Boot of Secrets:  Fun as the A-plot was, I do feel sorry for Candace going through all that trouble to get the memorabilia she wanted, only for The Mysterious Force to screw her over in the end. Seriously, OUCH.
Doofapus: This has to be up there as one of the “this is so wrong” episodes. Doof turning himself into a platypus was bad enough, but then Candace got turned into a friggin’ puddle. By comparison, Buford keeping life-sized moulds of all his friends is tame. Also hey, Buford considers Candace his friend!
Where's Perry?: I’m a huge sucker for Perry being so caring to PnF so this episode hit me right in the heart. Just one big awwwwww. Also, Evil Carl’s biker outfit is so fab~ Also scarily competent. This is what, the second or third time another character got turned evil and proved WAY more competent at it than even Doof? And yeah, Carl STILL being an unpaid intern for all his services is pure evil. Doof Was Right!!!
Road to Danville: Perry and Doof are the best of friends. Seriously, Perry doing the chestbump and pointing at Doof made me teary-eyed. Also, it’s been pointed out that Perry and Phineas did the same thing in PnF: Across the 2nd Dimension, so it just highlights how important Doof is to Perry as well. Also Doof is an amputee with titanium arms. ...What?!
This Is Your Backstory: Despite being a clipshow episode, the fact that Doof gets defeated by being reminded of his friendship with Perry had me smiling.
Blackout!: This was actually just a merely Great episode. It just SEEMS worse only because the past few episodes preceding it were all pretty fantastic. I really liked how setting the entire episode in a blackout was pretty much an excuse for the artists to take it easy and not have to do much work haha.
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