#i know people joke about fuuta being an incel/right wing but from everything weve seen he actually seems very progressive but just
good-beanswrites · 1 year
I'm just imagining how Fuuta and Mikoto must have bonded early on over their feeling of "I didn't do anything, I have no clue why I'm here, it's a mistake." Fuuta assumes Mikoto is just like him, and has some kind of death in proximity to him though never actually acting to physically harm anyone. Mikoto still assumes everyone's in on some big prank. It isn't until much later in the trial that Fuuta realizes "oh shit, he really has done nothing -- he is innocent after all" and Mikoto realizes "oh shit, this place is real and he actually did hurt someone." There's a weird rift between the two for a while, but then they'd learn some new things about Mikoto, they'd both get voted guilty, both get attacked, all resulting in a tentative closeness again.
In his drama Kazui seemed pretty accepting of his responsibility in the death despite not being directly involved, however, it's also fun to think he was pulled into their little I-didn't-do-anything club from their end. There would be some awkward tension between them all when the one guy who was willing to admit his guilt was the only one voted innocent.
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