#i know i said i'll be participating in 25hwh but i'm currently not satisfied with any of the pics i'm writing for it
admdmrtn · 3 years
hi alicia! please can we have 16 with edith and adam for the kiss prompts? ❤️
Thank you for sending an ask!!! I’m a little slow at writing these prompts but I hope you enjoy them!!
16. when one person’s face is scrunched up, and the other one kisses their lips/nose/ forehead
“You don’t have to be—” A sneeze escapes Edith before she continues, sniffling slightly, “—here.”
She doesn’t get sick easily, but every month her body somehow loses all its resistance to the wrath of the devil’s waterfall; it’s an absolute curse, one that she wishes could be cured simply by popping a bloody pill or two so she can get on with her tasks.
She adjusts the blanket that wraps her shoulders as she fidgets in the high stool, her laptop left open on the island as she peers over to look at the man on the other side of it. Seeing him at such ease in her apartment is a sight she’d never thought she may experience, and yet there it is. It’s still something that bewilders her from time to time, but mostly, Edith’s incredibly content at how their relationship has progressed since their first official meeting.
“No,” Adam replies, turning around from inspecting her fridge. His eyes land on her and soften. “But I want to be.”
He strides around the kitchen island to where she’s sitting and takes her face in his hands, his thumbs gingerly caressing her cheeks as he bends down slightly to be closer to her. In normal circumstances, Edith would undoubtedly turn red under his mere touch alone - and that is already without the close proximity of him, in which allows her to be completely devoured by the ferocity of his eyes. But instead she scrunches up her face, closing her eyes and pouting slightly.
“I know I must smell weird to you,” she comments as an excuse, sighing wearily. “Weirder,” she corrects herself after.
Edith hears him chuckle, low and deep; enough to wake butterflies in her stomach. With his thumbs still stroking her face gently, she feels his lips on the tips of her nose. “I have no issues.”
Peeping her eyes open - one first, then the other - her gaze is instantly drawn to the appearance of Adam’s dimples, courtesy of him smiling softly at her. She reaches out to him, poking into the indents playfully in the comfortable silence. Adam watches her with his eyebrows raised in amusement.
However, the moment is cut short when Edith feels a sudden itch rising within her, and she reflexively pushes him away while swiveling in her high stool before sneezing loudly, her eyes snapping shut.
“I guess it’s a good thing that you can’t get sick,” she attempts to lighten the mood, though the groan she lets out right after speaks otherwise. Edith remains facing away from Adam, feeling so much more horrible as she did before, fatigue flooding over her in waves.
She doesn’t see the corners of Adam’s lips twitching upwards as he moves to hug her midriff from behind, planting a small peck on her temple when she leans into him in automatic response.
“Perhaps you should rest in bed for a while,” he suggests. Edith looks up at him, pouting slightly in quiet protest, and Adam knows that she wishes to continue with her work despite feeling unwell. He shakes his head. “You will be better fit to work after some recuperation, Edith,” he insists.
Upon hearing her resignation, Adam silently lifts one of her arms and places it over his shoulder before he bends down further to grab the back of her knees. In one easy motion, he carries Edith in his arms bridal style before walking to her room.
Oddly enough, this isn’t the first time he’s carried her in such a manner. Once, when she had sprained her ankle during training, way before either one of them had even confronted their feelings for each other, Adam took no hesitation to gather Edith in his arms the second she cried out in pain and brought her to the infirmary. She chuckles against his chest, and opens her mouth to say something about the memory but then closes it and pinches her nose quickly when she feels yet another sneeze bubbling to escape.
All too soon however, Adam crosses the threshold into her bedroom and lays her down on her bed. Without his arms around her, Edith feels strange and empty - naked - almost immediately longing to be in his embrace again. As he kneels by her side, pulling the blanket up to her chin, she decides to ask, “will you stay?”
“Only if you wish it.”
His reply comes so effortlessly, almost thoughtlessly even, that it makes Edith grab at his hand, nudging him to look at her. When he does, she notices the tenderness in his eyes, where what once held ice and frost now mimics the colour of an open field, filled with nothing except for one’s freedom to be.
“I do.”
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