#i just wanted to share this initial idea now because i'm an impatient and excited gal.
kithj · 8 months
now that it’s been a few days and i’ve Calmed Down from the initial release mania i wanted to collect my thots…. first thanks to everyone that left comments and genuine ratings/reviews and feedback on siren’s call! i appreciate it ❤️ i know it’s only been a couple days but in my experience interaction declines pretty quickly for me after the first 2 days, though that’s to be expected since i don’t really “market” my work.
this whole thing has been a bit of a learning experience… i’ve been writing publicly for about 3 years now but this was my first time publishing anything quite as “official” (at least that’s how it feels) it’s been really cool posting something tangible as a PDF. makes me feel legit hahahaha
it’s also been really exciting seeing other authors interact with my work. despite being on the “writing side” for a while now i still tend to get flustered when other authors acknowledge/read my work so that’s been pretty cool 🙈
anyways my ramblings under the cut
what i’ve learned:
i need to be patient. this is a problem i always have to be honest, i get too impatient and excited to share my work. i wish i had let it rest for a few more days because i ended up going in and editing it repeatedly the first like 24hrs of publishing it lmfao. i rushed into it with one day hike as well (tho that was more of an emotional rip off the bandaid moment) & i tend to do it with my IF updates so it’s just something i need to work on.
people will pay for free stuff. i decided on a whim to offer people to pay what they want and i was genuinely surprised that people did pay for siren’s call. the pay what you want model is how i plan to continue going forward with any other work like this, i like offering my work for free for the most part and i prefer not having set prices especially for my shorter works. my longer IFs, as long as they are demos, will remain completely free until final publication (we don't have to worry about this for a while...lol).
this is something i want to keep doing. when it comes to siren’s call, i am still interested in publishing the long form story, with the short story being a little companion piece down the line. i’m not sure when that will happen; there are a lot of things i still need to figure out for that story to truly work in the way that i want. but just know this is not the end of siren's call just yet :-) and i'm definitely interested in writing more short erotica (though probably not as short as this again)
this whole thing was completely just on a whim like i mentioned earlier. i was in the mood to write something in that vein and i ended up turning to familiar characters and revisiting Rome and Lucienne for the first time in a while. and then i decided to publish it on a whim as well because i thought it would be fun & interesting to experience that process, plus i just wanted to see if i could do it…. and i can! lmfao
it's kind of wild to see my progress from when i started writing tnp; i was insecure about a lot of my writing but especially writing sex.... i originally hadn't even planned to write it in tnp to begin with. now it's one of my favorite things to write lmfao. i've written a lot of it for my novel and i've written quite a bit for blood choke now, too. it's exhausting but fun.
i have another project, hell or highwater, that will most likely be next in line (not counting tnp or blood choke) i keep flipflopping about the medium, but i do think the interactivity will add something interesting to the narrative. it's a romance and also a tragedy... i like the idea of giving the player options to guide conversations and influence the main narrative, but it's a set main character and overall a linear story, with the player only able to do so much to guide Jamie (the mc) through it. i don’t see this being ready any time soon, especially since i want to finish the next bc chapter before nanowrimo… so it’s on the backburner for now.
my plans currently are to finish bc ch3 & then lock in and finish the blackwater route for tnp during nanowrimo. once i push both of those updates out i might shift focus onto hell or highwater a little more, and whatever other random shit i might decide to start writing between now and then lmfao.
anyways if you read this far thanks for being here and supporting me and reading my silly little stories!
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deathbyoctopi · 5 months
Hello! May I please ask the following questions for the ask game? :) Feel free to answer as many or as few as you want!
Favorite part of writing.
Least favorite part of writing.
How do you deal with writers block?
On average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
Hardest character to write.
Easiest character to write.
Best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had.
Any writing advice you want to share?
Aww, Love to play!! >w<
Favorite part of writing. The initial daydreaming, I think. The plans!! I have so much fun drawing little diagrams on paper, usually the first thing at hand, with my complicated diabolical schematics that make the bones of my stories XD
Least favorite part of writing. Revisions. I care so little for them -_- When I finish a story, I usually am too blind to my own mistakes (ESPECIALLY TYPOS!!!) to see them, too tired to re-read, and too impatient to wait for a proper revision before posting. I'm still finding stuff to mend weeks after I posted ^^U
How do you deal with writers block? I wait until I have some other irl responsibilities I don't want to do, so I can procrastinate! Then writing becomes exciting again, because I should be doing something else buuuut I. Would. Rather. Write (so I write! XD)
On average, how much writing do you get done in a day? I have no average, I'm incapable of keeping habits of any kind. I might get a nice idea and within a week produce a 5k fic, but that means I simmer the idea for a few days, write my little notes, and then on a sprint or two on the weekend write the thing.
Hardest character to write. Xue Yang or Xiao xingchen. I really want to do them justice, and I have to rethink a lot of their dialogues to make them sound just right. Describing their actions is a bit better, but the voice... oof...
Easiest character to write. The Stormcloud!! XD I find it so enjoyable to convey its mood through the weather and the boys reactions to it. A second close is Cangse Sanren for a spin-off of @10holmes's mermaid fic <3 She took a life of her own, I did nothing there!! XD
Best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten. From Phantom Threat:
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And from To carry a piece of yesterday:
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Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had. An original work about an AI spy bot who bluffs his way into making believe his maker he can disobey orders and go on strike unless he is given rights XD
Any writing advice you want to share? Have fun!!!! Write about anything you like, be as kinky as you like, even if it's wips that will never go anything there is always something good about shaking those brain juices a bit ^-^ That was fun!!! Thanks for the ask, now I'm waiting for your answers >w<
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sasorikigai · 4 years
I'm gonna avenge myself here and ask you to do the whole alphabet (or at least all the letters that can apply) for Hanryou :^)
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fluff/cute alphabet || @sonxflight​​ || accepting
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
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Generally, Hanzo Hasashi is attracted to people who express themselves and their passions freely. He is drawn to people with a bit of mystery, but he wants to be able to open this person up and hear about their hopes and dreams. For him, the chase can sometimes be appealing, since it makes them feel excited and on edge. He just doesn’t like anything boring, and so he is attracted to people who can make him feel excited and ready for whatever comes next. It can be hard sometimes for Hanzo to differentiate when someone is playing games, or when the connection is sincerely strong between them, but he is often willing to take this risk. He doesn’t like being around people who keep everything bottled up and don’t know how to really share themselves with him.
Hanzo is attracted to people who are passionate about life and have exciting hobbies to share. He needs something he can connect with and want to be able to share himself with this person as well. Hanzo also is attracted to people who can be adventurous and willing to take chances in life. If this person can really shake things up and keep him guessing, he is likely to be drawn to this. And Ryou Sakai fits the majority of these categories, as Ryou is such an exquisite balance of being an enigma, while also being direct and simple in the deliverance of not only in his vocalizations, and his gesticulations as well. 
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Hanzo is usually more strongly connected to the need to make others happy than to traditional values or roles, which gives him this openness and acceptance of the needs of others. If his partner or family prefers a certain structure or roles, he will most likely just go along with it because he doesn’t really mind either way. Because he has a natural need for independence and space that can make them seem a little distant to some family members. They dislike having their own personal boundaries breached and will usually withdraw if this happens. For other members of their family, who prefer closer and more intense bonds, this can feel like rejection or neglect, when it’s really just the ISFP protecting themselves against intrusion.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Hanzo Hasashi is a very physical person and truly enjoy observing the beauty in the world around him. He often enjoys giving and receiving hugs, even when he isn’t always the one to initiate this. He enjoys feeling close to his loved ones, and might want to constantly be touching his romantic partner. Hanzo enjoys physical touch as a way to express himself, and often love being close to people in this way, as this is one of his main ways to express his love and affection along with his words of affirmation. 
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Hanzo has a true exploratory nature in which he loves to discover new things and have new experiences. He is charming and easy-going, attracting many potential dates to his agreeable and adventurous nature, despite the traumas and unapproachable visage he frequently wears as he happens to wear many different faces professionally, socially, and personally. Since both Hanzo and Ryou are both introverts, they frequently spend their off-days and free time lounging at home, exploring their sensuality, while they also like to explore outdoors and nature. They would most likely have a weekend getaway to an undisclosed secret location, more private, the better. Or just building a pillow fort at home could make Hanzo’s heart soar, as he is an adventurous introvert who likes to experience new things out of the ordinary to make them extraordinary. And with Ryou as his dedicated husband and lover, he doesn’t require too much extraneous things in order to enjoy an easy day in or out. 
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
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“Despite darkness tearing at the light of my being, biting into it with sharp teeth, but every time the darkness manages to gain the upper hand, your presence and weight settled in my heart will always manage to push it back, preventing it from ever truly going dark. You are always somewhere, anywhere, as your love manifests as celebrations of the magnanimous light as my purified everburning flames will burn sempiternally in continued anticipation, excitement, and yearning.” 
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Since both looks and personality are important when it comes to Hanzo Hasashi’s idealized aesthetics. The former determines the first impression and presentation is really important, but a nice face with a horrible personality would definitely be out of the question for him. Jack/Ryou encompasses all the characteristic which Hanzo finds worth revering and respecting; Jack strongly exhibits not only the characteristics of a stoic hero. He is unfailingly kind and generous, and will always attempt to help those in need, as well as dispatching sagacious wisdom to those he believes are in need of guidance. He often ends up sacrificing a chance to return to his own time in order to help someone else. Those traits are the surefire ways Hanzo finds endearing, and Hanzo also knows that Jack/Ryou grants the most unadulterated trust and conviction of his love towards him. 
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Hanzo feels very strongly about his values and about treating other people right. Bullying, harsh words, and cruelty all impact him greatly. He has strong empathy and he comes across as gentle and sincere. While his brutal honesty and directness may come across as authentic and real, Hanzo is rather independent than opting for the idea of fitting in, which could make him a lone wolf amidst his squadron and even his colleagues, despite him having strong chemistry and bond due to multitudes of life-threatening, physical and mental injuries shared. That being said, Hanzo Hasashi is definitely not weak or a shrinking violet. He is practical, resourceful and creative when it comes to his gentility and he can think quickly in a crisis, which is why Hanzo excels at his perilous position of being a Commander. He is gentle but unyielding, sensitive but factual, and when it comes to his romantic/sexual relationship with Ryou, he can be more so be adventurous, even more kinky as their modern verse is much more open and viscerally raw, compared to their more vanilla, and proper canonical verses. 
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
As Hanzo is affectionate and a warm person, especially towards his loved ones. He doesn’t mind displaying his affection in public, and often become swept up in the moment. He becomes very present and enjoy being a part of the physical world around him. Hanzo wants to follow his heart and do whatever makes him the happiest, which is why he often doesn’t mind a little PDA. If he wants to express their affection in that moment, he won’t let his head get in the way as long as he finds the circumstances appropriate. With Ryou, he specifically enjoys small little touches that gradually builds up for them to entwine each and every finger, interlocking them together as they walk shoulder to shoulder, the expanse of their exposed flesh brushing as they do so in tandem. 
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
Hanzo perceived Ryou as polite and intelligent upon first meeting him, but as both of them are particularly not the most outgoing people, Hanzo would have resented Ryou at first because how withdrawn and reticent he seemed to be, which could come across as dispassionate and unenthusiastic. But at the same time, Hanzo knew Ryou to be how to behave around others. Considering they both are naturally good communicators in their own ways, and will do their best to appear more extroverted in front of new people, especially Hanzo in his professional setting. Ryou often came across as the person who knew the right things to say, and eventually, despite the pent-up frustration and impatience on Hanzo’s side, eventually made a pleasant first impression for most people. Now Hanzo knows his beloved seemed to be more reserved at first, since he was attempting to be appropriate.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
He isn’t definitely not a jealous person, since he likes to giving people space and room to be themselves without coming across as clingy and possessive. The last thing Hanzo wants is to smother his loved one, since he enjoys being able to have his own freedom as well. He wants to inspire the people he cares for to be themselves, no matter what that means. Hanzo does not want to possess people and prefer to trust them at all times. There might be moments where they want to have plenty of attention from their favorite person, which might make them seem possessive.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
While Hanzo comes off as quiet, supportive and encouraging, he is a partner who is meek yet a passionate individual. Although he is flexible and easy-going about many things, when it comes to relationships, he is utterly committed and serious. It was as if unspoken poetry was being born on his lips with that very first kiss.. a few thousand words shy of an entire language as it had been a slow and sensual, yet emotionally charged and determined one at that. Hanzo most likely initiated it, for he could be a lover who is full of spontaneity, affection, and sensuality. In fact, Hanzo is probably the most impulsive, and always has been on the lookout for someone whom he believes he could spend the rest of his life with. He can be counted on as a loyal and serious partner who will do what needs to be done in order for the relationship to thrive. 
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
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Hanzo, despite his initial hardness, seriousness, and being always equipped with an intimidating and assertive facade, he could be very sensitive and will put forth great effort to mask his emotions (too often failing) so that others are clueless as to what is really going on under the surface. Ideally, he would choose a lover with a gentle and thoughtful disposition; one who is capable of handling problems and criticism in a smooth and careful manner. It is important that Hanzo is not harshly judged or criticized by his partner because he take this to heart and suffer a debilitating blow to their self-esteem. He knew by spending enough intimate/private time with Jack/Ryou to perceive such characteristics. And it was his way to solidify their relationship further, by admitting the candor, visceral truth of his words. 
M = Memory (What’s their favorite memory together?)
Their honeymoon for sure; and also their ‘arguments,’ or rather, deep, philosophical discussion in regards to Hanzo’s own trauma and how he functions in his modern verse. Because Hanzo considers Ryou as the sunshine through raindrops drowning his atmosphere with thickened clumps of clouds, the world which had gone imperviously dark will breach through a prism of light with their solidified relationship. Hanzo may hold Harumi in his heart as a hauntingly beautiful, a graveyard of feelings that would never satiate fully if he was truly honest with himself, but with his love with Ryou, Hanzo is truly moved on more than he ever has in the past, and healed enough to once again re-explore and get in touch with his jovial, humorous side. 
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
They are not the most materialistic people, but they definitely can indulge more in sharing experiences, than material goods. If they are material goods involved, they are always tasteful, aesthetically beautiful, with exemplary craftsmanship and practicality. They would take joint days off and go on a road trip, or fly to a foreign country if their interest matches. As they are well-respected experts in their respective fields, they make more than enough money to live more of a luxuriant life, but they do not like to splurge and be wasteful on things simply they want to fulfill their greed and avarice. They adopt kids, they may do charity work, and give things back to community often as well. 
O = Orange (What color reminds them of their other half?)
Hanzo thinks the color gold, or ki, is the symbol of the sun, and of the gods’ power and mercy befitting Jack/Ryou. Gold is often used at temples and shrines. Blue is also a color which represents purity and cleanliness in traditional Japanese culture, largely because of the vast stretches of blue water that surrounds the Japanese islands. As such, blue also represents calmness and stability. 
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Both in their verses do not hold high regards to pet names, for they may call each other ‘my beloved,’ or ‘my concern,’ or other much more respective and proper names. While Hanzo and Jack/Ryou know that pet names and nicknames are just meant to be ways to show a deeper bond, or some sort of private and intimate connection between each other, they are strictly reserved for private endeavors. In their modern verse, everything is off-limits; more intrusive and playfully degrading, the better, as they would hold no qualms of calling each other ‘dipshit’ and ‘fucktwat.’ 
Q = Quaint (What is their favorite non-modern thing?
They are warriors (ninja/samurai) held strictly in traditional Japanese upbringing. They would always find their inseparable and rudimental connection to nature has always being an important feature of their living space. This can be attributed to Japan’s Shinto and Buddhist beliefs, which have had a significant influence on its architecture. This can be clearly seen in the focus on natural light and the use of raw wood as a building material, both on the exterior and in the interior. Also, I see them immensely appreciating minimalist design. Unlike Western architects who have traditionally tried to make to make their buildings interesting to look at by adding unnecessary decorations and arranging modules of differing heights, Japanese architects focused on making their structures sublime and mysterious on a horizontal level. They would most likely prefer simplicity and appreciate buildings that have clear construction and transparency.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Either lounge in their shared bed, do a marathon of their favorite movies (most likely documentaries, historical dramas, thrillers, crime-related or even modern dramas and romance) while snacking on foods they made for one another (Hanzo finally gets to cook while Jack/Ryou is the one who often does the cooking during their weekdays - at least in their modern verse) and simply sensually exploring one another. They don’t require any over-the-top, grand gestures and acts to make one another happy and satiated. 
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Jack/Ryou may retreat inward and shut himself out from others when he feels extremely saddened. He will probably attempt to fix whatever problem is occurring that is making him feel this way. While he will work hard to make everyone happy and try to mend the harm that may have been done, seeking to fix everyone’s pain is how he would attempt to cope with sadness, as Hanzo is much more raw, visceral and exceedingly open with his emotions. While the best way for Hanzo to relieve his own sadness would also by retreating, but not doing it alone. And even without words of comfort and reassurance, Jack/Ryou’s presence alone will help Hanzo greatly. Having that special someone to make him feel loved and understood is the best way to heal and overcome whatever is bothering him. So in the end, I’d like to really think that they are made for one another. 
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Hanzo is generally private and gentle individual. He will usually feel uncomfortable if someone is too forceful, debative, or inquisitive of his personal life. He needs time to consider the details and reflect before making a decision (unless he is functioning out of his intuition and recklessly making decisions on his own), so being rushed to decide or respond quickly can frustrate him. While Hanzo generally isn’t interested in debating things or arguing because he dislikes conflict and also because he doesn’t see the point in debating theories that may have no real impact on his life, he rather enjoys discussing philosophical and fantastical concepts in conversations. They don’t necessarily have to be deadpan serious, nor their problems somehow magically solved, but repeatedly talking about his own traumas and anxiety out in the open serves as panacea, as Hanzo simply likes to engage in deep, lengthy conversations, only specifically and exclusively with Ryou. 
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
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Hanzo enjoys a peaceful, serene life where he can live according to his moral convictions and make a real difference in the lives of the people that he loves. For both Hanzo and Ryou’s professions are highly stressful and they are workaholics who are highly involved, since they are altruistic, self-sacrificing and magnanimous almost to a fault. When Hanzo is stressed, however, his naturally easy-going nature can seem distant, withdrawn, even eroded to become crude and brutally rough and he could feel irritable and critical instead. They would simply stay put in their home, sensually exploring one another’s body and mind, enjoying the rarity of shared domestic bliss. 
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Hanzo doesn’t like being prideful in a negative way, instead he wants and strives to be someone others can connect with. Most often, he is kind and approachable, despite being steeled and assertive in his outward demeanor and composure, who loves being around likeminded people who understand and trust him. He doesn’t like being around others who are prideful in a more arrogant way, and who seem to push others away with their inability to be vulnerable.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
It was nothing grandeur and extravagant; as it was from their apartment, each of them getting one another a wedding band, matching one another’s skin tones (yellow gold for Hanzo, white gold for Ryou). As they prefer things to be minimalistic and simple with low-key and quiet wedding, it would regardless be a beauteous and solemn moment of declaration, as Hanzo would most likely ramble poetic nothings, and drown in surging emotions as he might shed a tear or two. 
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Imagine Dragons: I Bet My Life
I've been around the world and never in my wildest dreams Would I come running home to you I've told a million lies but now I tell a single truth There's you in everything I do
Now remember when I told you that's the last you'll see of me Remember when I broke you down to tears I know I took the path that you would never want for me I gave you hell through all the years
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
They are already married <3 They proposed on the same day, Hanzo beating out Ryou by a close margin. They have such great empathy and understanding towards one another, that they would be able to at least pinpoint the moment of one another’s reciprocated proposal. For Hanzo, ever since they started to live together and spend more intimate time to believe such improbable love he once thought would complicate things further with his past trauma just became simple; that Ryou Sakai would be his clarity and anchor that gravitates him towards the present and now, and near future, instead of his irreversible past and all of his accumulated despair and hopelessness, he knew then, almost immediately and instinctually that it was time to acknowledge it. 
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?
They’re not homebodies when they are fully occupied with their professional work (as Hanzo as an active SWAT Commander and an officer of the law will frequently travel around, and Ryou’s work could get extremely packed also with clients and liaisons from the FBI and the likes), having a cat or even a bird would be most likely than dogs. They are lower-maintenance and much easier to take of, especially cats. 
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cinaminho · 5 years
Stray Mafia: Mission Kisses
╰ Group: Straykids
╰ Genre: Fluff
╰ Warnings:None
Plot - After he confessed/showed his true emotions towards you, you found yourself quickly reciprocating his feelings as they ran wild you found yourself growing attached to him which came with many different emotions, one of them being worry, worry because he was in the mafia and anything could happen any day at anytime which was a con to your feelings, but, they were there now and there was no going back,so everyday you cherished with him as if it'd be his last which it might ,god forbid, everytime he came back from doing business on a mission you'd find yourself letting go of breath you didn't even know you held ,only this time in particular you didn't just tell him you were glad he was safe and home, you showed him.
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+ Chan +
Your brain shut off all functions that didn't involve you thinking of Chan as you paced back and forth while twisting your engagement ring with your trembling fingers. You blew air out from your lips as your heart rate would not calm down it was out of your control.
"I swear when that boy gets back,well, if he get's back.. Chan I swear I'm going to kill you."
"But I just escaped a near death situation now I have to come home to one?" Chan whined, your neck nearly snapped from how fast you turned to see your Fiancee standing in the livingroom doorway. You charged at him jumping into his arms and connecting your limbs to his body.
"I've been a nervous wreck. Stop doing that." You said as serious as possible without a smile.
"Aww sorry , buttercup, but it's my job." He grinned playfully , you just rolled your eyes before cupping his cheeks and planting a warm loving kiss to his lips, his eyes went mega wide and wouldn't close not because he didn't like it but because he was caught off guard, once you release his lips his eyes softened with love.
"Near death experiences have there perks,eh?"
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+ Woojin +
You had been asleep when he came in plopping his duffle bag down on the bed initially startling you. You woke up quickly whipping your small hand gun out from behind your pillow and positioning your index finger on the cold trigger You glared in the dark at figure, soon the sound of hand claps were heard causing the lights in the room to turn on so you soon saw Woojin. You slowly put your gun at your side.
"Well I'm glad your reflexes aren't rusty."
You were blindsided by the rush of excitement and relief washing over you. You tore the covers off of you crawling to the edge of your bed where Woojin stood pulling him down into a hug.
"Is this ever not going to be nerve wrecking?" You mumbled into the base of his shoulder to which he replied with a slight shrug. You released him before quickly pecking his lips, Woojin slyly smirked at you registering what you had done.
"C'mon let's get some rest." You suggested.
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+ Minho +
You looked at your watch as you sat impatiently bouncing your leg up and down as your eyes were trained on the crystal glass door hoping to see the reflection of Minho on the other side of it. You groaned at agonizing anticipation of waiting for your mafia lover. Soon the door you'd been practically staring at for so long swung up and in stepped Minho, he looked smug and confident but cute as always.
"Todays Mission was more lengthy, but, I'm back Baby love." He cheered cheekily.
You quickly hopped up from the couch as you stomped towards the male with a small growl leaving your lips before grabbing him by the collar of his leather jacket.
"Do you want me to go back to despising you? 'Cause we can do that."
Minho let out an amused laugh. "Yeah because that'd actually happen."
You pursed your lips together knowing he was right before pulling him by his collar into a longing kiss the first you'd ever shared with him, he melted into the kiss as did you before releasing him.
"Wow, I need to go on more long missions." He joked but you only gave him a death stare.
"Kidding." He quickly added.
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+ Changbin +
Sure you knew now that he loved you and he knew you felt the same for him but your reaction to him coming home from a mission after 3 days of being gone was still shocking to him. You had asked the men that Changbin had assigned to watch over you while he was gone to alert you when he was back.
You got a knock on your bedroom door and you rushed to open it knowing it'd probably be the news of Changbin's arrival. To your surprise Changbin himself was present at the door once your yanked it open, you stepped back stunned not believing it was him for a moment.
"You're back finally." You cheesed.
"I know it's odd to knock on my own bedroom door but it was a surprise, I told them not to ruin it."
You looked at him in complete adoration as he came closer to you. He grabbed your hand before raising it to his lips and kissing it. You honestly didn't know what switch you hit in his brain to make him so loving towards you, but you were glad you did.
You leaned on your tippy toes kissing his nose and then his lips lightly but tenderly.
"Welcome home Binnie."
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+ Hyunjin +
You made yourself a bowl of popcorn before making your way back into the living room of your shared home with Hyunjin that was illuminated with only the light of your TV , which was currently playing a horror movie. The lightening that ehoed from your HD speakers on your TV Startled you but what startled you even more was the Dark Figure standing across the room that made you drop your popcorn.
"OUCH What the-- Y/n, calm down it's me! " he Said as you charged towards him after picking up the bowl that once held your popcorn and viciously hitting him with it.
"Me who?!" You screamed not letting up on the hits.
"HYUNJIN!" He exclaimed. You almost instantly came to a hault.
Hyunjin fell over with a pained Groan with you quickly going down with him making sure his head didn't hit the floor.
"You're viscous with that bowl." He said in an airy voice with a slight laugh. You pouted a bit.
"I'm sorry you just scared me." You explained.
"Well I'm sorry but I think you owe me an apology too for assaulting me with a bowl."
You pretend to give thought for a moment when you knew exactly how you wanted to make it up to him. With a kiss. You rubbed the hair off of his forehead giving him a soft healing smile before leaning down briefly pressing your lips to his before departing.
"All is forgiven." He smiled.
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+ Jisung +
He had wanted you to stay up and wait for him but you couldn't stay up past 3 a.m. so you fell asleep but woke up to him with his head on your shoulder sleeping peacefully. That morning during breakfast the mafia technician was pouty and whiney.
"Jisung I told you I tried to stay up."
"But you didn't." He concluded.
You sighed getting up from your seat and approaching the stubborn male.
"Sometimes it's hard to believe you're apart of the mafia." You giggle but he doesn't budge.
"Jisung let it go okay everyone needs their sleep can you forgive me?"
"Nope. Not at all. Not-.. Not unless... " he trailed off eyeing you with sudden mischief.
"Not unless what?" You begged desperate to make him feel better.
"You give me a nice kiss to repair my heart." He said smiling like a kid in a candy store.
"I thought you said you didn't have one." You argued teasingly.
"Not unless it's for you now is it a deal or not?" He deadpanned. You playfully looked agitated before you kissed both of his cheeks then lips.
"I accept your apology. But don't let it happen again."
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+ Felix +
You had no idea that he was already home until you came in your shared bedroom to grab your things for a shower and the clearing of his throat caught your attention you grabbed your bath brush pointing it at the Intruder, at Felix.
He stood up clapping sarcastically.
"Well done my Flower, if an intruder got In you'd surely show them who's boss by beating them with a back scrubber."
You looked at your weapon before dropping it. "I would find something else." You shrugged it off though you were embarrassed.
"If you weren't killed before then." He bluntly said making you look at Him bewildered.
"I'm sorry dollface." He held his arms open and out for you to enter his embrace. "Care to give your soulmate a hug?" He chuckled.
You ran into his arms wrapping them around his waist looking up at him before reaching to peck his chin, he shortly puckered his lips indicating where he wanted another kiss so you happily obliged.
"Much better, I'm glad to be home after that mission." He sighed contently.
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Hi, I just wanted say thank you for supporting my Mafia Series or just supporting anything I write really, I love you 😄😚😊💖.
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