#i just take it a whole other level by drawing them as little gremlin beasts
pestilentbrood · 1 year
i see u all liked that beepo post . now what if i told you that
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
.Hack//Gilfection Pt 3 (Gilgamesh, Hakuno, Rin, BB)
.//Chapters//. – 1 – 2 –
Rin was a pain in the ass.
This was the area she had decided on. She wasn’t new to the game, or so she said.
It was a little difficult to believe that she wasn’t a new player with the way she was carrying her character. No grip control. No mindfulness for that large broadsword of hers. She pulled it along behind her like a boat anchor that had been forgotten. When she went to hold it over her shoulder, which she did when they reached the doors to the place, she awkwardly shuffled and tried holding her blade one handed over her shoulder.
That didn’t work, as her dropping of the weapon gave away.
He probably could look at her stats, but it was easy enough to guess what level she was.
And Enkidu had thought that I was hopeless.
The music alone was solemn. The floors were dusted, coated with a texture layer to show that the place had been all but abandoned. Even the air, although clear, held a slight series of flakes, tiny pixels that worked like dust particles in the air.
They moved forward, through the rows of pews.
Only one thing was really worth seeing in this place. There were no rooms to go to, no other areas to visit. The whole immaculate building held but one space, one that was filled with only a singular point of interest: a statue.
Gilgamesh frowned, knowing that figure.
“Take this.”
The girl from before, adorned in white, had looked exactly like this.
The only difference was that she hadn’t been covered in chains. The torn dress on the woman’s body was plastered against herself too, doing nothing to help with the sight of her being trapped beneath metal chain links and locks.
“…There’s no one else here.”
Rin frowned, stepping to the side of the room and looking around. “There’s no one here at all…”
There wasn’t.
Gilgamesh turned his gaze to the altar.
The epitaph… Nanna… Ishtar… Ereshkigal…
The writing was faded from there.
Rin’s shout caught his attention, sending him spinning on his heels, his blades coming to hand and slamming into the beast that had appeared. The small gremlin was easily destroyed, falling back with a small roar.
“…You… You didn’t even flinch…”
“Should I?” Gilgamesh put his blades away. “It’s just a regular weak monster.”
“Yeah… Yeah. Weak. Right…” Her eyes drifted to the statue. “The statue looks so sad…”
What a fool.
He turned his gaze back to the statue for inspecting.
It didn’t take long now.
Rin moved to his side, her hands going to the fencing between the statue and the rest of the room. Her gaze turned downwards, her body trembling a bit.
“I guess… you’ve probably figured out that I’m a noob too, haven’t you?”
Gods, what a child.
Why was he here again? The statue was interesting, possibly enough to give him a clue where to go to find Enkidu’s avatar in this game, but…
“My um… My boyfriend played this game a lot.” Her voice lowered, like she was confessing some secret. “The idiot always got on before bed and would fish in the stream. He let me play once or twice with him, but we didn’t really go to areas. We just fished. He liked the Mac Anu area for that kind of thing.”
“Uh huh.”
“He invited me again, this time, to go to an area. He’d cleared it out and it had this great big moon in the background. I thought maybe… maybe this time he had another reason for inviting me, but the world changed.”
“Things went to a coding area with no scenic view?”
“No, it was a place that had these running numbers and there was this almost lava like place, but the lava didn’t look right.”
He’d just said that-
“Cu managed to smack my PC, totally destroying it. I was so mad and I was yelling at him for ruining the computer that he forced me to take such careful attention to, but…”
“He didn’t wake up.”
Rin looked at her hands, shaking her head. “He lay there so quietly, Gilgamesh. I’ve never had him be that quiet before.”
She’d be useful.
The next area they could go to was that area that the woman had mentioned. Wherever this moonlight area was, he wanted to go straight there next.
“Cu mentioned this code when he had the goggles on. I thought-“
“Let’s head back.”
The heart to heart wasn’t necessarily something he was interested in, but it had given him an insight into the fact that others could have suffered this. There could have been others. He would have to check the forum board when he got out of this area and checked the other.
Rin nodded, “You’re nicer than I thought.”
“Sure.” They could go with that.
He still needed her to work with him. No point in opening his mouth and pointing out the many flaws in her method of thinking, beginning with and not limited to simply trusting any character that came crawling-
The doors flew open at the entrance.
A figure, adorned in silver and white armor, held her blade in hand. Her brown hair was loose, flowing over the feathered paldrons on her shoulders and her red accents to her attire showing just beneath her cloak.
“We could say the same to you!” Rin shouted. “YOU’RE BEING RUD-“
What did she-
The world was glitching, the area beginning to fade a moment before something dropped down.
Rin leaped behind him, her blade held in both hands. Gilgamesh found himself pulling out his twin blades, but the other was already running forth.
She flew like a great bird, slashing down upon the golem. Her blade cut cleanly, her eyes filled with a deep, defiant look that made his damn heart flutter. He could hardly breathe as he watched the woman spin on her feet, taking that weapon that had just slashed at the golem and sending it slamming into the golem’s gullet.
In and out, a perfect stab.
The world glitched again, a strange green armor coming onto the golem.
“What’s happening?! What the fuck is that!?”
“…Shit, another glitch. These computer viruses have been making these bastards have unlimited defense. It’s basically invincible,” the stranger woman growled.
“…This must be what got him,” Rin breathed. “Get out of the way, I’ll kill it!”
“You idiot!”
She was already sprinting forward though, her broadsword in hand as she rushed at the giant golem. There was no stopping the idiot. She was going to end up getting her character killed!
“Damn it!” The armored woman rushed after the woman, slamming her body against the other. The golem slammed a fist towards the two, nearly smashing them to bits.
The book.
Gilgamesh paused.
Open the book.
The power it holds can bring forth either salvation or destruction at the whim of the user.
[You used the installation Book, Book of Twilight.]
The controllers were shaking in his hands. The nerve sensors were burning, hurting his hands. He could see a flashing in the background, the world around his character vanishing away and a white base background appearing.
The attire his character had was changing.
Gone was the random red clothing. Symbols were growing up the sides, a deep red set as the color of the fabric turned to gold. He could see the gloves he had, glowing with the same color as the computer virus around the golem.
The color focused, forming a ring around his arm. It blasted a focused ray of light, a series of numbers shooting forward until-
It struck right as the beast went to kill the two nearby.
The golem hit the floor, giving the perfect opportunity.
His armored, feathered knight struck forth, her wings fluttering in the air as she stabbed the beast to die. The final roar rang out again, but this time, the glitches were gone.
As Gilgamesh felt his hands shaking, his body covered in sweat, he felt his character fall to his knees. The figure ahead rose up, her blade slowly being pulled forth from the beast.
“I see…”
“You’re the same… the same as that virus. To think I’d be saved by someone like you.”
“Someone like me? Woman, I should be asking you about that knowledge of the beasts and computer viruses.”
“Recently, there’s been a lot of places damaged by viruses. It’s ruining the game, damaging people’s lives, creating a world that cannot continue. Anyone with that virus… your virus, should be struck down immediately.”
Well, that was a shame, he was looking for the cause of the trouble here too.
“Draw your sword!”
“Draw? Bullshit, woman. There’s no use in that.”
“There is for me.”
The woman was preparing to rush forward when Rin stood up. Her heel slammed against the stranger’s hip.
“YOU! What the hell did you say your name was?”
“I didn’t.”
“…Hakuno. My name is Hakuno.”
“Put your damn weapon away, Hakuno! Gilgamesh just saved your life and the first thing you do is threaten to kill him?”
“Woman, do you understand what kind of cancerous-“
Rin kicked her again.
“He. Saved. Your. Life!”
“…I still don’t trust you.” Hakuno set her blade back into her sheath, her eyes glaring daggers. “…You did save my life…”
“I did.”
What was her character address in this game?
That’s who he needed on his party. She had to be either an extremely attractive woman or extremely boring.
“I need time to think. That’s why I’m sparing you. If I find out that you are indeed responsible, then I will be killing you.”
She needed to give him her information immediately.
Home address. Phone number.
Body in his bed.
“What an asshole,” Rin shook her head, sighing. “I’m logging out for today. I need to visit my boyfriend in the hospital.”
She logged out, her character vanishing from his side.
He took a deep breath, debating on how to proceed.
“That was rather childish of you, knight of the Moon Cell, descendant of the ancient mages of Fuyuki.”
Hakuno paused, glancing over her shoulder at the woman that was standing atop the cathedral. It was impossible to mistake that voice, that purple hair.
“I do not speak to hackers.”
She tried to continue forward, knowing that the woman wouldn’t let him off that easily.
Sure enough, the fool was warping, moving to another of the spindles. BB’s long black coat fluttered softly in the wind as she giggled away with her wand in hand.
“That guy, he’s a friend of your partner’s.”
That, of all things, made her pause.
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