#i just missed him ur honor.. he is my most special white man u have to understand.
todoya · 5 months
Vinland saga makes me care about white man like no other media has ever done. It's honestly impressive.
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toddsfall · 7 years
Oh, what are you willing to do?
Written for day 5 of Nurseydex week :) 
summary: What do you do when your friend is hurting and you're too far away to comfort him?
read on ao3 (which I would recommend doing, since I didn’t copy the formatting on here :p)
It's not like they had never talked before the summer started. Logically, Nursey knew that. Still, he couldn't help but smile at how close his friends felt when he kept in touch with them like this on the daily. Summer in New York away from the guys didn't seem so daunting anymore. It made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He was so glad Chowder didn't have the emotional range of a teaspoon. The dude was never shy to let them know how he was feeling. It was one of his best qualities and Nursey loved him for it.
The Frogs B-)
Chowder: I miss you guys :(
Nursey: aw me 2 c
Dex: same
Chowder: What have you been up to?
Dex: work mostly, kinda boring
Chowder: aw no tell us about it! We're interesting. Right, Nursey?
Nursey: sure
Dex: oh okay
Dex: I'm working in my uncle's shop this summer
Dex: it's a hardware store, but we haven't had many customers. so, pretty boring
Chowder: pity :(
Nursey: u should install some games on ur phone
Dex: hmm maybe
Dex: what are you doing, then? roaming around the city?
Nursey: p much, yeah
Nursey: I'm looking for inspiration, trying 2 write some poems
Chowder: cool! what are they about?
Nursey: lots of things
Nursey: the city, my mom, summer, etc
Nursey: I even wrote one about you guys
Chowder: noice
Dex: u should write about the ocean
Nursey: I don't see much of it, but yeah. maybe
Chowder: I have the best view of the ocean anyway B)
Nursey: oh, here we go again
Dex: Christopher Chow I love you with all my heart but you are Wrong
Chowder: :))))
Nursey: pls
Dex: ...
Chowder: I'm going to go help my mom with food
Chowder: we should keep talking guys
Chowder: it feels weird not talking to you guys every day
Nursey: I feel that
Dex: we will C, don't worry. go help your mom :)
Chowder: toodles
The Frogs B-)
Chowder: u know who's really pretty and smart
Chowder: and funny
Chowder: Farmer
Nursey smiled down at his phone. Chowder had many good qualities. Subtlety was not one of them. He was surprised it had taken Chowder a full two weeks before asking though.
Nursey: hmmm
Nursey: are you perhaps trying to ask us if you can add Farmer to the groupschat Chowder
Chowder: ... perhaps
Nursey: go ahead dude
Chowder: you won't regret it!
Chowder: I'm just tired of having to keep typing things in double when I have news to share
Nursey: lol
Chowder added Caitlin Farmer to the chat
Nursey: sup Farms
Cait: hey guys
Nursey changed the name of the chat to Farmer and the Frogs
Cait: oh that sounds like it could be our college band name
Chowder: omg yes! too bad I can't play any instruments :(
Nursey: too bad, we'd look so hot
Dex: oh good another rational person
Cait: hey dex, honored to join the chat
Cait: it's kinda infamous to me now lmao, Chris has told me a lot about it
Nursey: oh no
Dex: not cool c
Dex: what happens in the groupchat stays in the groupchat
Chowder: don't worry I didn't tell her about your embarrassing encounter with that cashier the other day
Chowder: oops
Cait: what happened?
Nursey: Dex stumbled when he got to the register
Nursey: he was holding a very juicy tomato in his hand
Nursey: and he was wearing a white t-shirt
Nursey: it was a very Me move
Cait: oh no :o
Dex: I feel very betrayed right now
Chowder: sorry Dex, I'll try not to do it again
Chowder: but Cait can be VERY persuasive
Cait: *wiggles eyebrows*
Cait: yeah I can
Dex: no flirting in the groupchat
Farmer and the Frogs
Nursey: why did I do this
Dex: what's up Nurse?
Nursey: remember how I thought it might be fun to enter that writing contest?
Nursey: Yeah, it's no fun
Dex: have you written anything for it yet?
Nursey: yeah I have a big chunk of it lined out
Nursey: I just can't bring myself to write :(
Dex: hey no pressure
Dex: I know that's weird coming from me, but putting too much on yourself just isn't going to help right
Nursey: yeah I know, it's just. I wanted to do this
Nursey: make myself proud or whatever
Dex: hey what about this
Dex: you promise to do nothing but focus on your writing for the next ten minutes
Dex: and I'll be proud FOR you
Nursey: aight i'll try
Cait: oh sorry only seeing this now, I was at work
Cait: how's the writing going Nursey? :)
Nursey: I actually made myself sit at myself and write
Nursey: and the chances of me actually finishing this thing are looking a lot brighter
Cait: yay!
Chowder: we're proud of you too!
Cait: you bet :D
Nursey: thanks guys :)
Nursey: thanks for earlier bro
Nursey: you actually helped me
Dex: you're welcome Nursey :)
Nursey: :)
That night, Nursey went to bed feeling very grateful for his friends. He stared at his phone, trying to see if Dex was going to say something else. When it didn't look like he had anything more to add, he went to sleep.
Farmer and the Frogs
Nursey: do you guys ever think about how small we are and how infinite the universe is?
Cait: all the time lol
Nursey: it's craaazy
Cait: tell me about it
Dex: guys please go to sleep it's 4 am
Nursey: okay but why are you awake dude
Dex: I'm already up bro
Dex: have to drive my uncle around today, we're talking to his suppliers
Nursey: kay, good luck
Cait: night guys
Nursey: night
Nursey: and morning Dex
Farmer and the Frogs
Dex: fuck fuck fuck
Dex: ugh
Nursey: bro?
Nursey: what's up?
Nursey: Dex?
Nursey: what's wrong
When Dex still hadn't answered after ten minutes, Nursey decided to call him. Maybe he was feeling worried over nothing, but he wanted to make sure. Dex was there for him when he needed him, now he could be there for him too.
Dex picked up after three rings. "Hey Nursey." He sounded tired, but not in a panic or anything. Nursey blew out a breath.
"What's up man? I saw your post in the chat. Sorry I didn't answer immediately, I was writing."
"That's okay. I was just blowing off some steam. Don't worry about it."
"Well, I have you on the phone now. You might as well tell me. C'mon, I'm your d-man. Let me carry the weight, got your back and all that."
"It was nothing major, really. Just one of those days you know?" Nursey hummed, he knew those days well. He was in fact so intimately familiar with those day, that he might as well be in a long-term relationship with them by now. Dex continued. "Like, this morning. I overslept, so I had to rush to the store and I couldn't eat breakfast. Then, to add to my already great morning mood, I dropped a wrench on my foot. Of course, I was wearing work boots. That didn't stop it from hitting my shin, though."
Nursey sucked in a breath. "Ouch, that sounds painful."
Dex huffed out a laugh. "Yeah, it fucking was. And then after my morning in the darkest timezone had finally ended, of course everyone in town suddenly decided to stop by the store. I was swamped all afternoon. God, I'm so tired."
"That sucks dude, but now you're home right? Go rest. Watch some youtube videos of people doing stupid things and falling. Those always cheer you up. Forget about this day for a bit."
Dex sighed. "I wish I could. I got home with that exact plan in mind. But of course my teenage sister has decided that today is the day she's going to rebel against my parents. I heard them fighting when I came in. And now everyone is in a foul mood."
"Yikes. Alright dude. Let's go, you're getting out of the house." Nursey was already getting, putting on his shoes.
"Where am I supposed to go? Nursey, what are you doing?" Dex said, sounding concerned.
"Go sit outside, your yard or your roof or whatever. Just, somewhere without any people around. Can you do that?" Nursey tried not to sound too excited. He was just helping his friend. Not his crush.
Dex sighed again, but Nursey could tell it was the kind of sigh that came before Dex decided to give in. "Okay, fine. I'm going outside right now. Hold on, I'll call you back."
"Aight dude, take your time. I want to show you something."
Nursey went outside, grabbing a blanket as he went. He wanted to settle in before Dex called back.
It wasn't long before he got the call. "Okay, okay I'm on my roof. What now, Nursey?" He could hear the smile in Dex's voice. Good, he was getting him out of his head already.
"I'm going to FaceTime you. Hang up."
Derek Nurse calling
Nursey waved at Dex. "Hey Dexy! Okay, I'm going to show you the view from my roof." He moved his camera around while he went on. "It's nothing special, I know. I just like coming up here when I'm feeling down. Look how pretty and pink the sky looks, though. That's pretty dope right?"
Dex's camera showed his face. A small smile was creeping in the corners of his mouth. "Yeah, it's pretty dope Nursey."
They stayed talking like that for a long time. Nursey felt a little overwhelmed, he hadn't been able to look at Dex's face for most of the summer. Snapchat just wasn't the same. Eventually though, he had to admit that he was getting cold. The sun had set and on the roof, a cool night breeze was giving him goosebumps. "I'm going to have to go inside soon, I'm getting a little cold."
Dex smiled at him, looking infinitely more relaxed than he had hours before. "Okay Nursey. But first, let me show you something too." He turned his phone so Nursey could see the night sky. There were many more stars visible than he could see in the middle of the city.
"Wow, that's pretty cool." The comfort of the moment must have gone to his head, because he added. "Those stars kind of remind me of your freckles."
Dex flipped the camera back around. His blush was visible, even in the low light of his phone. "Oh. Well, thanks. I guess?" His nose scrunched up.
"You're welcome." Nursey smiled at him. He looked adorable.
Dex's answering smile was blinding.
Farmer and the Frogs
Chowder: sooo what's up guys
Chowder: me and Cait are going to the aquarium today :DD
Cait: we're v excited
Nursey: sounds great bros
Dex: have fun
Chowder: thanks! I'm excited to see the sharks
Dex: wow would've thought
Nursey: not me that's for sure
Nursey: I've finished my draft for the writing contest thing btw
Cait: whoooo
Cait: you should celebrate
Nursey: mm maybe I will
Dex: you called?
Chowder: haha wow
Chowder: and you say my jokes are corny
Nursey: oh well, maybe I WILL call you
Dex: oh yeah? and what would we talk about?
Nursey: oh, all sorts of things
Nursey: maybe poetry
Nursey: or sustainable energy sources
Dex: what makes you think I want to talk about those things
Nursey: I can be very persuasive
Chowder: no flirting in the groupchat they said
Cait: hypocrites
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