#i just like hc him as things my titos did in my childhood
tito-toji · 1 year
Tito Toji na mangungulangot tapos ipapahid sayo
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thiagowrites · 1 year
Again i posted this on wattpad first, this is completely inspired by my friends hcs about alejandro being a dad so all credits go to him:)). I also am up to writing a part 2 if anyone wants one(maybe revealing the mum or what it's like when ale is on missions) lol
Warnings: male!reader, kinda ooc maybe?, single father alejandro,mention of guns and other weapons, readers favorite childbook is pollito tito because i said so(it wqs my favorite so y'all gotta suffer with me),spanish used instead of latin(i think that's what it's called) which is fairly poor because i don't use my spanish as often as i used too, raeder is about 15 y/o, i think that's it
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"Mira cómo lo hago" (watch how i do it). your padre held the gun in front of his body, he aimed at a Target about 20 metres away and pulled the trigger, hitting the cardboard figure in the head. Smilling proudly while handing you the gun he helped you stand right and aim at another target a little closer to the two of you.
this wasn't something new to you. ever since you turned 10 Alejandro started teaching you how to defend yourself, it started with simple orders like what you have to do if you were being followed, what you shouldn't tell Strangers or who you could and couldn't trust. slowly it began getting more serious, you started learning face to face combat at the age of 11 and now you are here, a few years later, being thought how to handle hand guns. He started teaching you how to handle a ZEV OZ9 Compact gun, which is a smaller hand gun, after you learnt how to shoot with sub-compact sized guns as well as slim sized pistols. Alejandro hoped you would never need to use this knowledge in serious situations.it was a promise he made your mother
Everytime you asked about her he was quick to change the subject, you didn't know much about her. the only things your grandma ever got to tell you where that they met in the military. while he was away for missions you often stayed with your grandparents who told you Storys about your padres childhood, how he met Rudy and many embarrassing facts. when Alejandro was home he made sure to spend as much time with you as possible, going into the mountains, taking you to a beach, playing in the Backyard and what not. though he couldn't spend as much time with you as other Fathers, Alejandro made sure you had the best Childhood possible.
"hijo" (son). you got called back to reality staring at the sinking sun ahead. "Deberíamos cenar" (we sould eat dinner). walking into the little house outside of Las Almas made you realize just how cold it really was outside. "¿Necesita ayuda para preparar la comida?"(do you need help preparing dinner?) Alejandro answered with a simple sure, telling you he doesn't mind letting you help. every night he reads the story of pollito tito(chicken little) to you, he has done it ever since you can remember. and that night was no different. he sat in the chair across your bed, in which you usually played games or did Homework.
Deja que te cuente una historia sobre un pollito. Su nombre es Pollito Tito. Él vive en un gallinero pequeño y normal en un barrio pequeño y normal. (Let me tell you a story about a chicken. His name is Pollito Tito. Pollito Tito lives in a normal little chicken house in a normal little town.) Pollito Tito no es alto ni bajo. No es gordo ni flaco. No es inteligente ni tonto. Es un pollito completamente normal.(He is neither tall nor short. He is neither fat nor thin. He is neither smart nor stupid. Pollito Tito is a completely normal chicken.) your mind slowly but surely fell into unconsciousness.
Tontos animales dice el Zorro Berto. Se sienta debajo de un árbol, agarra su computadora y empieza a escribir otra vez.("Silly animals," says Zorro Berto. He sits under a tree, gets his computer, and begins to write again.) Alejandro finishes the story with you fast asleep. While walking to the door he stops at your bedside to pull the Covers over you and turn on your Alarm clock. "Buenas noches nene"(Good Night, little one). he says while leaning down. he walked out, leaving the door open just enough to let the hallway light shine into your room and leaving to get ready for bed.
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