#i just kinda use AO3 and tumblr nowdays
softsweetsuffering · 4 months
Hai hai hai and BOOKS I LOVE BOOKS if there's any books you like that you'd recommend reading we'd love to know about it :D
-hai anon
Oh I haven't read a good book in a hot minute!
Although I did buy a very wonderful but very short little visual novel. (It was called Demon in the wood, by Leigh Bardugo & Dani Pendergast)
I probably don't have many good Adult recommendations tbh, since the last time I hungered for good books was awhile ago.
Honestly my two stand alone favs are:
The eyes of the Dragon By Stephen King
It is set in a kinda medieval time, and involves poison, an evil right hand to the king, and escaping a tower by using a sowing machine inside a tiiiiny doll house that had working furniture!
Mister B. Gone By Clive Barker
A super interesting tale told from a demon in hell who tells you repeatedly in a wild breaking 4th wall to burn this book.
I also love Clive Barkers other Series: Abarat
This follows a young girl who very Alice in wonderland style is taken to a whimsical wild world. Sadly I never got to finish it as I believe he still has yet to even finish the series (smh). But the few books were certainly an interesting read!
Bonus: A childhood fav that I always think about!
The Key to Rondo By Emily Rodda
A young boy recieves a music box as a family heirloom. His cousin and him end up sucked into the music box and whisked into the wonderful world that is actually the very same that decorates the outside of the box. I adored this concept as a teen, it had such interesting world building, like these black spots that you could hide inside of ? but they were sentient and talked??
Thank you for all the fun questions Hai!! <3
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paintedpeeta · 3 years
hi. I'm sorry for what im about to say, but i just need to let this go somewhere, otherwise imma explode. i can't talk to most of my friends right now, and i don't wanna bother anyone.
that's hypocritical of me since im coming here to bother you... and that's what im sorry about the most, but since you answered my previous ask with the most gentle treatment ive been given in days, here's me again.
im in the fandom for almost a year now. it's still difficult for me to write for everlark, specially following canon because they mean a lot to me, and im always afraid that im doing it the wrong way. I've been working on a longfic since february and there was a time where I was SO GENUINELY PROUD AND EXCITED about how i was writing, but i can't feel that anymore.
i can't feel that with anything i write. and when i do, or at least have some hope that someone will read it... nothing. not even my friends, the ones who pressured me to post it earlier than i planned in the first place. and now i feel like i have nothing, since nobody reads my thg shit and i pretty much stopped writing for other fandoms.
as a brazilian i kinda don't have the right to expect much, bc people who read everlark in portuguese nowdays are basically extinct and im not exactly using the best plataforms... but i still do. and that's making me sick.
i had to deactivate my twitter account this week because some family stuff, and i used to post a lot of my writings there. i created a new one, but now i have lost all of the lil reach i had, and i can't find most of my mutuals. my friends still couldn't care less about my writing.
i feel like im a bad author. not because my writing sucks or because I can't build storylines. i can, and feel like i do that decently. what i mean is that... nobodys reading what i put into the world. and what's the sense in all writings, if not make others feel so comforted and welcomed by our stories as we do, as authors?
i genuinely feel like getting out of twitter for good, because being there is not nice anymore. not when i see all people that promised me they would read my fics tweeting all day about all kinds of subjects and leaving me on read on dms. not when i post drabbles and have to delete them hours later because nobody sees or interacts w it.
at the same time, i don't know how to use tumblr. and every other part of my life is falling apart.
im sorry, again. but that's what I feel right now and i guess I just wanted someone to listen and comfort me, since my two other happiness sources are fictional. ignore that if you want. please, don't answer it because you feel like it's the polite thing to do or because you feel like you have to. you don't.
- I.H.
hello, anon :)
first of all i’m sorry that you’re feeling so down, i wish there was something i could do to help you more than just replying to this ask - so please remember that my messages are always open (i won’t take offence if you’d rather communicate through my inbox to keep ur anonymity of course) if you wanted to talk a little more. you must be hurting pretty bad if you feel like you can’t talk to your friends about it :(
and second of all, please don’t feel so discouraged that you stop with your writing. i really don’t read multi-chapter fics myself (i don’t even have an AO3 account if you’d believe it or not) so i sometimes feel a little guilty that i don’t do enough to support fic writers, who give up so much of their time to give other people some enjoyment and a little bit of escape. if you’d like to share the name or link etc of your fic with me i’d be more than happy to post it on my blog if you thought that would help any.
as for your troubles with writing in your native language, i can only imagine how frustrating that would feel for you. i wonder if anyone in the fandom would be able to help in the way of translation or something in order to help you in that respect? sadly i don’t speak portuguese, so i doubt i’d be any use on this one :(
and honestly i only have twitter for personal use so i’m not any help there but is there perhaps a way to reactivate your account? i wasn’t so sure but according to google you can get a deactivated account back within 30 days, if that would be in any use for reconnecting with your followers on there.
and lastly i hope you keep the faith in the longfic you’ve been writing. it would be terribly sad for you to lose all that you’ve worked on since february. that being said, if you feel like it’s giving you so much stress and just feeling fruitless it’s also okay to take a break and step back for a little while. no one will feel disappointed and you certainly shouldn’t feel that way about yourself. tumblr is sort of a pain in the ass to use i won’t deny it, but there are some amazing people and writers on here who i’m sure would be willing to help you out.
please don’t be a stranger if you need to rant again, and i hope any of what i’ve said is at least a little bit useful for you 😊
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