#i hope you dont mind me usin your ask to type my braindump hahahah
kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
I’d love to know more on you’re apotolesma theory!
Awe heck yeah i gotchu >:D
So basically its a little abstract but hear me out The idea comes from the definition of the word 'apotelesma' which translates to "the influence of the stars on human destiny"- and in the case of origins, it relates to how o!jordan and o!scott are bound to each other in a way that transcends soulmates, its more like having an intent and purpose on two sides of the same coin, being so inherently tied together whether it be what you're seeking or why you were there in the first place, that it manifests in the form of a power so great that it has the potential to influence how things go.
In the case of Jordan and Scott, its that they fall on two sides of justice (the balanced/calcuated side, with Scott being Ia's son, and Jordan the more not necessarily chaotic, but driven/passionate side as Dia's son) and are bound to the Overworld and the Homeplanet (respectively), the two forms of home- they bridge that metaphysical gap by providing the other with a second half to some kind of intrinsic power they already possess. And they can use that for all sorts of things, but mainly to create rifts (contd.)
(Its also meant to sort of explain why once only purple particles on Scott are suddenly becoming red more frequently, because his soul bound guy is here now. It'd be even further proven if Jordan starts showing purple in his particles that them existing in the same place is empowering one another in a funky kinda way)
From a practical standpoint, this is how I think Jordan's gonna be able to get back to the homeworld- via some kind of portal, some kind of rift. The way he talks about the homeworld makes it seem like very distant place, and to me that makes me think about it that its a place alike to the End, or the Nether, which can only be accessed via portals. So, what if the homeplanet is maybe 4 wormholes away, or a dimension alike to the Nether that could be accessed via something like an Aether portal. So the stars above the sky are an Aether i guess?? idk I think it could just be really neat?? but the catch is that for it to work under this whole pretense I've set up, they'd need a key (like a flint and steel to activate it that they'd have to work together to make)
And the parts of that key could be something they'd have to craft (that only they can) based on some intrinsic quality they have about themselves, or if you wanted to get some kinda Big Server Endgame lore, it will involve the two of them having some kind of hand in an event that either saves or drastically alters the server in someway; I started thinking about having to save it, along the lines of corrupted fabrics of reality at the hands of the DMCA something something opening a rift to protect the server
Jordan's half of this "influencing" power comes from his dad, cause in SKoD Dianite uses a similar power alongside Queen Khailani to banish Anphidhea to the Spaces Between; Scotts comes from Ianite, but is amplified in the time he got shot from the homeworld to the Overworld, something about wormholes and stuff i haven't quite figured it all out yet [:
anyhoozers i hope that makes some kinda sense this is more a braindump than anything super concrete yet
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