#i hope this is coherent DHDBG Im just an emotional person
ennaku-sirri-da · 1 year
Hii i just wanted to say!! Thank you soso much for your wonderful tags on my piece for the smile for me zine! im still all mushy about it :'-) s4m is important to me as a whole, but Trencil has a particular special place in my heart!! the main idea I wanted to try and convey was Trencil tending to his overgrown garden, much like his heart, in an attempt to change and grow and move on (i see him as a widdow!), taking the last flower he and his partner planted together and getting ready the pot he now always carries it in. so he's got his reminder of love with him, and he'll always be taking good care of it
Of course!! You get what you deserve!!!
That's a lovely interpretation :") ( smiling emote with tears) thank you for sharing.
Hmm...I feel I should share something in return....well there's this MLP fic very very special to me called The Mare At The End Of Forever by Obselescence...
(Withered and weak, she sat with the tree, guarded only by the dwindling magic of a million-year-old spell. Somehow, it seemed fitting. She was ancient by then—beyond ancient—but the tree was ancient too. She had seen to that much. It had grown older and grayer with her as the years had gone by, and was practically fossilized now, despite her preservative magic... Soon it would die with her too. Neither of them would be forced to face the end alone.
"There isn’t much time left, Sister," said Luna, suddenly sitting beside her as well. "Are you sure there is nothing left that you wish to say? No final words?"
Of course. Celestia sighed. She couldn't be left to die in peace. "Leave me alone, Luna," she croaked. "I've said all there is to say for you. I've done all I could do—" a hacking cough interrupted her and her eyes drooped downward as her energy began to flag. Even the mere effort of speech was starting to take its toll on her. It almost hurt to talk. "If there's anything more... I don't care to hear about it."
Luna moved in close and draped her wing over her. It seemed bigger now, to Celestia. Or perhaps, in her age, she had simply shrunk. "I never asked that you do more," said Luna softly. "You have done so much, Sister. Far more than anyone could ever have asked of you."
"Then... why do you keep coming back?"
"To remind you," said Luna, "so that you would not forget."
"I don't want to remember," Celestia rasped. "I shouldn't have to remember."
Luna said nothing to that, but drew her wing in, nestling a bit closer to her big sister. She felt warm, Celestia realized. Warmer than anything she'd been able to feel in a long time.
"It was often said that the moon needs the sun," said Luna, after a time, "for the moon could not shine if it did not reflect the sun's light."
"When there were still those who could say that..." said Celestia, her eyes turning back to the ancient tree behind her. "When there was still a moon..."
"But I think it true also," Luna continued, "that the sun needs the moon, to keep its light shining when the night is at its blackest, and all is dark."
"It hasn't been dark for a long time."
Luna hugged her tightly, tears starting to flow from her eyes. "You think it meant nothing because it came to nothing," she said. "But it did mean something. We all meant something. To you. If ever, even once, a subject, a student, or a sister, mattered to you—if you still cherish what time you did have with them—that is reason enough for them to have lived in the first place."
Celestia coughed again and shuddered. The sand glowed with heat from the flickering sun. She wouldn't last much longer, she knew. Not like this. She didn't have to deal with Luna’s shadow forever. The chill of death, slowly welling up inside her, would save her from that fate. "I keep telling you: it doesn't mean anything to me now," she said. "Maybe it did... Not anymore. I’ve grown past that."
Luna smiled at her, her eyes bright through the tears. It wasn’t the disappointed, piteous smile from so many millions of years ago, but that adoring, unconditional grin she'd always worn when she’d looked up to Celestia in life. Celestia could barely remember the last time she had seen that smile, and she wondered how, after everything she had said, Luna could still wear it while looking down on her in death.
"As you wish, Sister," she said. "But you are wrong: if it truly meant nothing to you, the tree above us now would not still be standing."
With that last parting shot, Luna vanished, and the feathery warmth of her wing faded into the air around Celestia, leaving her alone to spend what little time she had left.
And with only a few hours left on the clock, Celestia turned her head upward one final time. Through the withered and leafless branches of her tree, she looked to the looming red sun that she was destined to die with. She leaned just a bit to the side, to rest her head against the tree that was her baby sister’s gravestone, and mustered just enough of her remaining strength to smile.
"Fair enough, Luna." She closed her eyes. I'll see you soon.)
It may not be a 1:1 with your headcanon, but I do not mean it to be. I simply see that, they both carry the same beauty and thought in them. It's wonderful what we can do for the people we love. It's wonderful how the feeling I got from a fic I read more than ten years ago, author's left the fandom, can be brought back in just the 5 or 6 sentences where you have passed on your story. Celestia moves on from all-encompassing grief, and so does Trencil. Both shall rise like new stars in the wake of the dark left behind.
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