#i hope lakshmi pokes your eyes in your sleep
idhayathudipu · 1 year
Cbse i will fight you.
"this principle marks a departure from the legacy of bookish learning which continues to shape our system and causes a gap between the school, home and community"
"They also attempt to discourage rote learning and the maintenance of sharp boundaries between different subject areas. We hope these measures will take us significantly further in the direction of a child-centered system of education outlined in the National Policy of Education (1986)"
"Treating the prescribed textbook as the sole basis of examination is one of the key reasons why other resources and sites of learning are ignored. Inculcating creativity and initiative is possible if we perceive and treat children as participants in learning, not as receivers of a fixed body of knowledge."
"Syllabus designers have tried to address the problem of curricular burden by restructuring and reorienting knowledge at different stages with greater consideration for child psychology and the time available for teaching. The textbook attempts to enhance this endeavour by giving higher priority and space to opportunities for contemplation and wondering, discussion in small groups, and activities requiring hands-on experience."
You are so good at talking, spitting words out of your mouth like its nothing. TO YOU, IT IS NOTHING.
"discourage rote learning" yes, thats why ive been failed for not writing the sentence exactly like in the textbook.
"Inculcating creativity and initiative" yes thats where the phrase 'ncert is bible' came from
"Syllabus designers have tried to address the problem of curricular burden" i feel so free under the weight of memorising every word of the textbook.
"consideration for child psychology" oh yes, the memes give me free therapy
i would understand if this was a new thing, like the nep
take your own advice.
the "foreword"
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To Whom It May Concern,
I don’t know
is all I do know that I don’t… And I won’t… just let go til I can float the terms with the worms in the skull. No hope, flicker out with no fear and no reproach
Mesmerizing me it takes control Of us Squirming with each touch Nervous. I clutch til I bust
Raw I’ve been balancing terror on a see saw just want you to see what I saw that’s all
I’m a legion of extra “ordinary” souls extracting light that enfolds bipolar totem poles as it grows ancestral nodes Of struggle Where I snuggle
With all the pain inside this bubble where funny thoughts huddle Gravitates the echo with bass and treble from jazz to heavy metal. like Hansel and Gretel seeking to settle in candy houses that eventually crumble.
But chaos is what it is though.
And I’m still learning to let go. the ultimate treason betrays all meaning
My heart beating through my brain bleeding, dreaming like ripples in rain, teething on the monolith insane this game is trained not to change and that’s why it’s so hard to leave home and to cope I wrote you this poem.
I used to pray to God to show me a path. a billion roads appeared and I suck at math. but I took all the roads less traveled by Is what I decided in the aftermath, of this riff raff energetic mind craft, clicking on the least ambiguous ones that attracts keeping me coming back
Me da igual All’s predictable, It’s like I never left home but I miss it though
Know your Nostalgia
Luke I’m your father, your mother, and your blotter
light side dark side it’s all just a ride I separate yours from mine my mind’s safe in the harbor covered in armor so I choose what to lose these loose screws slack the noose this abuse is obtuse and at times I’m confused but I always find my way back home to you so get real what’s the truth sometimes, it’s like…what’s the use? I’d rather repress the abuse. make it old news where the lie becomes the truth
Floating on top of hope decibel increasing in each note trying to cope by writing this note Sink, choke, or float in muddy waters. Gotham blues got the sadness ohms in a bathtub lukewarm madness and then Cliff poked holes in the magic and it’s tragic but it happened.
Apparitions appear in superstition my parents and culture taught me the mission tradition
But my depths searched for fission preferring summer to seasons for silly reasons from fall to winter, anticipating when spring comes.
Nostalgic envy for a prenatal song goes unnoticed til I look back and it’s gone
Diabolic with the logic he circumvents her circuits with half-life in buckets, long lived fuck its.
my mind’s full of Muppets and the world’s full of puppets,
my hearts on my sleeve go ahead I want you to touch it.
I’m so sorry Eurydice! my Belle Rave …I just wanted to see I’m addicted to doubt it leaves a taste in my mouth
So now when I speak all this grit just jump out Grinding jaws in my sleep all my teeth falling out.
I mount my steed onward into foggy delta night Many things uncertain…but it’s dark and its quiet Trying to find the brakes Trying to find what it takes
I laugh and pretend I’m alright
carpe diem ……. I guess
I mean what else? I digress, my life’s a mess but I confess
I used to be depressed, but considering the outcome I must have been blessed Laughing my way back to who would have guessed? I used to be vexed but now I’m just fucking perplexed (and fucking is just a word I use to amplify what comes next)
no reason to fight because no reason to find lost my soul in the starry divine
Battery Acid leaking down a crooked spine
I follow the light…dial tone trailing behind
Uncertainty is certainly not tidy But luck be a lady She’s a maybe A might be a mighty tight likely.
Breeze through the cracks, it shivers and cracks! Organs quiver light refracts tissue glands frizzle, collapse! Shapeshifting pixels and crafts!
I AM OZMA welcome to fear and loathing in OZ.  discovered solipsism with no applause, I pause… long enough to feel this odd.
My head nods on a lightning rod someday they’ll say death sawed this tree from the sod and my ashes will become the new manuscript for war and peace that no one will read damn.  I should have planted a seed.
Post-apocalypse we live inside virtual tombs. Searching for that peace we left behind in the womb. The scholastic book thugs work in teams. Ignorantly weaving them dreams within dreams. Meme processing mental masturbating fiends. Generation X, generating X equals why?
shrug it, whatever, fuck it, ignore it so clever …it’s an endless endeavor you forever and ever. forever ever? forever ever? forever ever.
Our minds schism in this black hole. See myself everywhere but in mask though Want to rip it off and look you in the mind’s eye. But the truth is best told slant less ye go blind
lost rhythm lost rhyme
Lost my mind In the sands of time
so, when I die please be kind …and don’t rewind.
I’m trembling and that’s fine.  I’m trembling and that’s fine.
All my friends fast forward hand on the mouse Scrolling clicking like hold up…let me update my tombstone
Life’s a drag and I take a puff…to find no amount of time will ever be considered enough.
And time is an illusion, I know that right now, here is how… No tracing the dial, Dumbo, measurements irrelevant just ask the dancing elephants misunderstanding the patterns of insignificant stimulus signifying limits from limitless until we’re all clutched up strung out hung up on silly myths
There’s no parameter, only drifting drops, caught in a web of clocks. Its feeding time…Calypso gonna eat you up. And the more you fight it the more you get stuck. Don’t get star struck on the mind fuck, just grow up
I make mistakes because I make mistakes And fell in love between the shakes I maintain the eternal flame But that flame don’t maintain my name. Most people never see it Raw But all roads lead to Awe for All Not Us or Them or You and Y’all
The fear and trembling along the way. Anxious ambiguous patience. Where do I put my hands? Now my emotions need a chemical facelift.
Like standing on stage, naked public embarrassment, forgetting my lines…
Crash into a road block
Feeling chest clog
tight squeeze
Got a grip on my light
Tour my mind through eternal night PTSD living in the fight or flight.
Sky opens so wide step through and died. Earth trembles back alive! Screaming this Is not my life! This is not mine!
Unable to live life on life’s terms. I’m a microscopic god…made of worms.
You think you reach the end but the end’s a repeating trend. Spiraling into reflexed madness sadness a laughter a passion.
Just what did you come here for? Asked the bouncer at the door.
Alice get a grip, beware the coup infected mushrooms in my animal soup. stuck in a time loop. my face come right off Howling at the moon til Kali chopped my head off
Stop… Who goes there? I heard a voice uncanny that noise!
Be this bitch wailing witch my own screaming white noise through the T.V?
By golly
By geez
By fuck it
Purge the demons fill up the bucket
Why is Vishnu sleeping in my bed? snuggled with Lakshmi or so I’ve read
Dreaming awake… how much did I take? rabbits eating rabbits karma equals habits Fates like Sisyphus and Atlas
Eternal maintenance of balance on this lifeboat mattress in a sea of magical madness
I mean…it happens,
What is a feeling?
Bet it’s worth a thousand words but what’s worth really worth? quick without using words!
You’ll know it when you know But then you’ll forget. And Jesus wept While we slept But we each got a peace That we’ve kept
Distracted I fight for attention
Think about it…just what am “I” tending?
All I’ve got is a paradox, some crazy thoughts, a flooded apartment, and building blocks
I’m a waste of paint graffitied on your memory box
There’s a bridge of trust that leads me to you,
If it can take the pressure, then it must be true
There’s a bridge of trust that leads me to you
  And I ‘d take you there if I only knew              
                            …but I don’t
-Unknown Mortal
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