#i hope both sides of your pillow are cool
ohno-myboy · 9 months
shoutout and much love to fanfic writers who create playlists for their fics and share them with us
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meows-on-you · 2 years
What's up? I just came in to see your profile because i saw your account on the joel g site the margoth skin kinda got my attention and you seemed like a nice person! (i'll definitely check that fanfic ya recommended!)
Omg what's up!! I didn't expect anyone to actually show up lmao. I hope you have a wonder 24 hours and any hours after that! =]
Oh also! Here's the link to the fanfic. It's seriously one of the most amazing fics ever.
And if you want more content related to it you should check out the authors Tumblr @inkspottie her writing and art are so good and she is genuinely so freaking creative!
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rennarita · 3 months
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schumiatspa · 7 months
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Jannik and his shameless PDA in Turin AGAIN (part 2/?)
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parfaitparka · 24 days
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This one's for KiriAn nation.
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sekhmetswrath-if · 9 months
It's all good man! Try not overwork yourself!
thank you, i appreciate this ask immensely 😭👍
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
Yuriiiiii!!!! I saw your tags on your francesca request! I'm so happy you liked it, I woke up one night with a switch flipped and was like "I got the perfect idea for this" when listening to songs from magica madoka!
You clocked it, Ace's story was basically an aceyuu madoka au and I had do Francesca (song) for it!!! It's basically telling the story of two famous lovers that were included in Dante's Inferno, and the gist of it is that the two lovers were cast into hell for their sin of lust, but are telling each other that they would do it all over again. They'd turn back time just to sin and love each other again, to be cast down into hell, if just to be able to hold each other again. I felt that it would be SUCH a perfect inspiration for Ace, since I feel like he'd slowly realize how important Yuu is to him over the loops, and get more and more intense and desperate as he slowly realizes that their death might be inevitable, whether it's by Riddle's hand, Leona, Azul etc etc up to Grim.
But he's gotta take care of the (his) Prefect in anyway, so he'll keep trying again and again, if just to see them over and over. Anyways I ought to go to bed but again I'm glad you liked it!!!! xoxo I'm very proud of that request, might turn it into a fic in the future its very yummy
MOCHI!!!! I am so so glad you are proud of that fic! It was very very good. I totally get that switch flip thing I am so grateful you let it out of your head and shared it with me and everyone else ♡ ~('▽^人) and ty so much for explaining the song, idk why but I just can't listen to Hozier. His music does this weird thing to my brain where it gives me unpleasant squiggles in the back of my mind that tingle through the rest of my body and I just do not like it (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) That theming though. What a lovely twist on how Francesca's story is portrayed in Inferno!
Aceyuu madoka au is something I have been thinkin on ever since I saw this comic @/tartppola drew. The image of Ace fucking Trappola claiming "it's only natural for me to upset the laws of a god" has me howling. The idea of Ace slowly realizing his love for the Prefect at the same time as just how hopeless their situation is... ooooh that has such beautiful potential. The sacrifice everything to save one person vs sacrifice yourself to save everything dynamic is something I really like so I should probably actually sit down to watch Madoka If you do write that au make sure to tag me I would love to see it!
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goodieghosty · 3 months
.....Well um...I want a maid dress.
Fabavajvajq what color?
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planete777 · 17 days
This took so long 🫠
no because this is TOO! HOT!
this artist materialised what i was thinking, damn its so good 😩😩😩
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I saw that you updated Flame of Autumn but I was at work so I couldn't read it but I devoured the chapter as soon as I got home. So good! :)
You are so incredibly sweet 🥹🥹
I got this ask as I was getting off work, and I wanted you to know it made me smile so big! I still have trouble believing people are reading the things I write, and hearing from you means the world to me 💕
I mayyyy have written a bonus mini-chapter to post Friday as a treat!
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senseiofbullshit · 2 years
First of all, i just wanna say that i love your dad!josuke series, it's so well written and it warms my heart. I was wondering, what if Josuke's wife suggested to name Bean as Josuke's grandfather? How would he react?
*checks my house for cameras*
First, I want to say thank you for showing me kindness and enjoying my content! It makes me really happy. You have no idea.
Are you saying you don't like the name Josuke Higashikata, Jr.? 🤨🤨🤨 LMAO I'm joking! I toy with that idea ALL THE TIME. I think it crosses Josuke's mind but he's hesitant to suggest it. He loved his grandfather, but he doesn't know how you'll react to him wanting to name your son after him. Especially if you never got to meet said grandfather. So he probably locks the idea away as you guys try come up with something. One day Josuke is reminiscing about his grandfather (probably retelling a funny story) and you see the way his eyes sparkle as relives the memory. The story is funny enough on its own but Josuke adds in his sound effects and different voices and you're laughing as if you're remembering it as well. When you both get the giggling out of your system, a calm silence settles into the room. You can see that Josuke is still playing the memory in his head. You sit up straight and clear your throat. "What about Ryohei?", you ask. Josuke perks up at that. "What about him?" You smile, realizing that Josuke hasn't caught on. "The name Ryohei. After your grandfather," you say softly. Josuke's eyes immediately soften. "You wanna name him-" he pauses as his eyes well with tears "-after my grandpa?" You smile at Josuke's genuine reaction. "He seemed like such a great man. I can't think of a better role model for our son, Josuke. He'd be named after one of the people you love the most." You watch Josuke chew on his lip for a moment and consider recanting in case you've overstepped. "It would also make a nice middle name in case you—" he interrupts you before you can finish. "I love it, babe." He pauses before spreading again. "I love you." And just like that, Ryohei gets put in your top three baby names.
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kaeyx · 9 months
I apologize for my wording but uh that was directed at that person that made Shawn Dawson joke and yeah I get it haha funny but like..just saying he's supposed to be a hybrid..you have a wonderful day tho! Hope both sides of your pillow are cold!
Nah no worries! Honestly getting compared to Shane Dawson of all people was what threw me off the most, but I do think the person meant it as a joke and they know that the guys are supposed to be hybrids. At least I hope they do, I do Not want to be the guy who writes zoo shit
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nerdy-stilinski · 4 months
I haven't read many of your fics but your style is wonderful and if I may, quite lovely c;
alsjsusndjksmdd this literally made my whole day — thank you so much kind anon, I am literally tearing up
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ovaryacted · 4 months
I just wanted to come by and say I absolutely adore the way you write Leon AND write in general. You're literally like my like other side comfort writer compared to some others. Thank you for always feeding my brainworms and giving me the inspo and such to low-key follow in your footsteps. I feel so stupid for asking this cause I've been going around and literally praising other people and such. (Low-key feels like dick riding to me 😭) Just hope I can live up to your example of writing Leon!! 💙
OMGGGGG THIS WAS SO NICE TO SAY LIKE?? THANK YOU?!! You’re making a real bitch emotional. 😭
Whenever people tell me that they look up to me or stuff in terms of writing or like how I write I’m shocked every time cause I usually second guess my ability in the first place. But this was really encouraging to read. I must be doing something right if I’m one of your comfort writers, that’s such a big title to have and I’m honored you hold me to such high regard. I’m very glad I’m able to feed into your brain worms and give you stuff you like to read. 🥹
Please don’t ever feel stupid for sending kind messages. Things like this are what keep creators going and motivates people to keep writing. Dick riding is good in moderation with good intentions (lmao), but seriously I appreciate it a fuck ton.
When it comes to your writing, just have fun with it, and if you ever need tips when it comes to Leon’s characterization specifically, character analysis posts will be your best friend. Read up on character studies, and your brain will conjure up its own version of him for you to morph into your writing. I have faith that you’ll write Leon in a way that makes you happy, because at the end of the day that’s what matters most. Don’t doubt yourself, you got this! 🫶
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thesparklingwriter · 1 year
4 + 20 + 32 for the ask game ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎
[fanfic writer ask game]
ahh hello! i feel a little starstruck rn omg
4: what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
i don't know if this counts as a plot bunny cause i feel like I've written it before to some extent, but i always imagine zhongli with a decently sized family. i feel like having a family is a part of the mortal life he wouldn't have been able to entertain as an archon and he'd welcome that with open arms.
also, i like the thought of him in the kitchen wearing a kiss-the-cook apron. in my defense i am only a girl :) the only reason why i haven't written it yet is cause i can't think of names for the other children yet lmfaoo (also my baby fever is bad enough as it stands i can't be voluntarily adding to that)
20: what is your favourite trope to write?
i really like writing found family. or anything where it's kind of like two people existing together, learning about each other, and the cute little routines they all make together—regardless of whether it's romantic or platonic.
i always feel like an alien when i say this but i think it's so cute how humans look at other humans and think 'i want you in my life' and then they do silly little things like learning each other's orders at restaurants and their favourite flowers and then i start sobbing.
32: do characters influence your writing style?
i think they do? i only wrote original fiction up to like october last year, and my focus was always on making characters shine and having their essence be in the writing, even if i wasn’t writing in their pov.
i find that when i’m writing for zhongli sometimes the language i use gets more ornate and flowery, especially in longer pieces. the only problem is that i don’t write for anyone except for him very often, so i don't have much to compare with lol. maybe i should rephrase my previous statement and say i hope they do.
thank you so much for dropping by and leaving an ask! i love doing these so much and i hope my rambling was fun to read <3
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scumbagwizard · 11 months
It's on fanfiction.net and I'm pretty sure it's called Feral because it's a fangrai redo of that jet li movie Unleashed.
I’m guessing sometime in the past ten (😬) years it��s either been deleted by the author or eaten by whatever demon is responsible for ff.net’s UI, but thank you for giving me a name and saving me from my ff.net death spiral lol
I hope you put on a jacket you haven’t worn in a while and find $5 in the pocket.
If anyone has a link tho……👀 please send it to me lol
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