#i haven't read this fic since like 2015 or something so i forgot about so much shit that happens in it
dealtersorcerer · 6 months
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"That golden figure he saw, the golden hallucination he saw of an animatronic of himself? There was no doubt it was a figment of his imagination."
I may have reread Five Nights at Team Crafted's recently... maybe Holy shit I forgot how much I loved this fic it was so fun to reread wahh I forgot how much shit Tyler goes through
I also included two different colourings of animatronic Tyler for funsies :)
Thank you Ninjanekoaru for your service to the old mcyt fandom
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newtedison · 2 years
Brenda ?
for a second i forgot that i had been doing an ask game and was just gonna say "hell yeah, brother" but then i remembered LMFAO. thank you!
favorite thing about them
that she is a bitch that can't fight off her own kindness. her instinct with jorge is self-preservation and survival, but she can't fight helping the gladers, forming bonds with them, sacrificing herself and her safety for them. she seems cold but she can't fight her innate kindness. her own capacity for love. and she can still retain her personality and fierceness among the love but it's that own struggle against herself that i love exploring
least favorite thing about them
book!brenda in particular is obsessed with thomas romantically and i really hate it. both in that i hate trenda as a ship but also because consensually a lot of stuff is icky. movie!brenda would never though
favorite line
"I see you've met our guard dogs."
ironically, trenda lmfao. romantically i hate them in every way imaginable but on a platonic level they are like soulmates to me. the parallel in the death cure of "you never know when to walk away from something even when you should" like they are that level of friendship where you can call someone out on their shit and neither party will be mad about it. they are in so many ways similar to each other but enough of their personalities differ that they can either pull the other back from the edge or encourage them when need be.
okay so i'm notably not a multishipper but i love both brenderesa and brinho in equal measure and have never been able to choose between the two. i guess brenderesa technically has leverage since i haven't written brinho yet but that's my own achilles heel to bear.
brenderesa as i said before has essentially no canon basis and exists entirely in my head. i love how messy and complicated they are. like they can be incredibly toxic to each other but god help them if they ever learn how to communicate they could flourish.
brinho has like a crumb of canon basis but that was enough for me in 2015 reading the death cure to be like O_O and i have never looked back. i've said it many times but they can make each other worse and better. i will pay someone to write a safe haven brinho fic.
as mentioned earlier i fucking hate trenda so much. both for the weird nonconsensual stuff in the books but also because everything about it feels so forced. again this is mostly book stuff but brenda was so clearly set up as a teresa alternative and the trilogy ending with them kissing was so like ??? okay feels like a weird time for this but sure. the movies luckily dial back on this a LOT but any time they interacted in the scorch trials especially i got a weird icky feeling.
random headcanon
in modern aus she always has to be into punk music. i also usually make her into roller skating/derby. both of these are incredibly self-indulgent.
canonverse i did not make this up myself but sometimes think i dreamed it because i have never found the source. but. in the safe haven, every morning she gets up and runs, sprints, times herself. separately, minho is also running. eventually their paths meet, and they silently join each other on their runs. brenda is running because she couldn't save newt; brinho runs because it's all he's ever known.
unpopular opinion
i don't really see gallenda. like i understand the reasons but i personally can't get into it. maybe it's because i cap out at 2 ships but
song i associate with them
girl is a gun - halsey
I keep falling in love This measuring cup Is overflowing with the same damn problems
This girl is a gun Before you know it, it's done And you'll be wishing that you crossed your fingers
favorite picture of them
like. it can't be beat.
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send me a character!
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bohemiansweede · 4 years
Pairing Roger Taylor Brian May Maylor
Warnings Smut 🔞
A /N Rogers POV, Please like and reblog or if you want leave a comment
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When your third shot of whiskey burned down your throat, it was time to go on stage
It was NYE 2014, Queen & Adam Lambert had a special arranged concert in London
Earlier that evening you were all on a big buffet dinner, Brian and Anitha had a huge argument, she accused him for being too flirty with women.. As always
He looked good tonight..
Well.. He always looked good, a black shirt on which he of course left a few buttons open.. that tease..
He didn't really left much for your imagination you scoffed
- You ready Rog?
Brian wrapped his long arm around your shoulders
- Yeah.. Yeah I am ready...
- How much have you been drinking mate?
-... A few... Your eyes trailed over him.. and sighed.. That tall beautiful creature..
You had pretty recently divorced and bought yourself a big flat in central London..
Of course he was worried that you had a depression now, but you were faar from it... In fact it was loooong time ago since you could see things so clear
- Dad... You look good... Where is your Santa hat?
Your son Rufus bounced up at your side
- Ahh.. I am wearing it later... maybe
You had a little gathering, you all pepped and hugged each other before entering the stage, Adam was pumped as always.. Spikey gaved a sign that it was time
This was no stadium, no arena, it was a smaller place, more intimate
Some people might see it as negative to be sitting in the back of the stage hiding behind the drums.. But you enjoyed every minute.. You had full few.. over everything and everyone
You could not stop look at Brian, you sometimes even forgot your key to start playing
He turned around and smiled at you, after all these years he knew what distracted you.. Usually a pretty girl in front of the stage (his words)
His fluffy grey curls bounced around his head when he walked across the stage and long slender legs carried him up..
Not much had changed on him since 68..not your feelings either
Song after song echoed out and now it was not long until New Year 2015
Everyone took a break to go behind the stage and celebrate, bubbly champagne filled all the glasses
- Bri.. Can I talk to you for a second..
- Sure thing mate.. What's up?
Your throat suddenly felt thick and you felt your neck get sticky of sweat
He stood in front of you and his big hair made him look even taller
- I...
- Are you guys coming.. It is soon time Adam chirped
Fuck.. There was so much you wanted to say.. So much you wanted to do
- I.. am just so happy to have you in my life Brian..
- Awww mate... I am happy to have you too, you know that.. Was that what this were all about huh..
Mate.. That was all you were.. All you ever would be.. Nothing more..
- C'mon Rog.. It is soon time, he caressed your back, turned around and left you 
You held up your glass and clinked it together with the others
You glanced over to him he nodded at you, holding up his glass
- For 2015!!! And.. for Freddie!!!
If Freddie was here he would probably laugh at you for being so pathetic and say that you should get ur shit together
You entered the stage yet again for playing the last songs
When it all was finished, you just wanted to leave
- Rog... Wait... I...
Brian chased after you.. What was the point to stay now really..
- I didn't think you were leaving this early
- Well.. I wasn't... It...
He cupped your face in his big hands and placed a soft kiss on your lips
- Dad?
In the corner of your eye you spotted your son standing in the doorway scratching his head with his drumsticks
- Fuckin finally!!!! Adam clapped his hands
- Come on Roger.. Let's go
You went out in the chilly night and while fireworks blasted all over the sky you jumped into the car
It was all silent.. Not much had to be said
He trailed after your hand and the whole ride home you lingered your fingers together
The taxidriver could not take his eyes from you in the mirror, when you got to your apartment, you paid him.. you thought that maybe you should've paid him extra for his silence
You took Brians hand again inside the elevator, the whole air was trembling of tension
The door closed behind you
- I love you Brian
You shrugged your shoulders and almost felt tears building up in your eyes
He took you in his arms and held you so tight that you didn't know who's heartbeat you heard
You could not stop shaking
Sometimes you were like this after a gig, overexcited and full of adrenaline, but this was something else, something else entirely..
There was no turning back now.. Placing soft kisses along his neck you heard him moan
- Ohh God Rog.. I love you so so much
Your lips krashed together, tounges were wrestling and you kissed like you had hungered for this your whole life... and maybe you had
Still kissing eachother you started to fibble with the rest of the buttons on his shirt
It was dark in your whole apartment, the only light was from the skyline and fireworks, the flashing colours maked his skin look like pure art
- Take me to your bedroom Rog..
You didn't hesitate
Grabbing his wrist you stumbled through the hall, giggled like two kids scared to get caught
- M.. my son saw us... And... Adam
- Don't worry about it now.. We did not do anything wrong right..
You kneeled in front of him and unwrapped his trousers like he was a gift
He helped your desperate clumpsy fingers
You wrapped your hand around his hard length and kissed it, your tounge ran up and down his shaft before finally taking him in your watering mouth
- Shit Rog.. Fuck...
You moaned and looked up at him, he had his fuckface on.. The one you've seen so many times on stage wondering if he looked like that when you taking him.. and he did
You started to suck him harder and faster it felt amazing to have him totally helpless in your grasp
- R.. Rrrrog.. Fuck.. Stop... I am coming..
- Come.. Please just come, you panted, muffled against him...
- Nn.. no.. no.. I want to come.. Shit... inside you
Letting his cock go with a soft pop you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand
Smiling a devilish smile at him you crawled up in the bed
He was fast behind
Gripping your jeans and pulled them down your legs
His upper body landed on you and he kissed you again, the kiss was more passionate yet sloppy, you took a grip around his neck and lingered your fingers in his curls
- Take me Brian... Pl.. Please...
You turned over and on shakin legs you managed to stand on all four
- I.. don.. don't have any... shit...
- It's fine.. I trust you.. And.. I cannot get pregnant either..
He laughed nervously
Kissed a trail of kisses along your back down to your ass, there he licked around your entrance before he wettened his finger and slowly pushing it in, bit by bit
Gasping for air you throwed your head back and almost screamed
He stopped in motion
- No... No shit... continue... Bri please.. fuck
He did.. He pushed even further in..
With his long slender skilled fingers he stretched your tight hole out
- You have checked out my fingers before haven't you..
His hot laughing breath on your ass maked you whimper of pleasure
You pouted your ass more up towards him
Slowly slowly he pushed in his cock in you tight body
- You OK Rog?
- Yes.. Shit.. Yes... Fuck
Your bedroom was soon filled with loud grunts, high moans, soft whimpers almost pornographic.. sounds from skin slapping against skin
He took your leaking cock in his hand and pumped you fast, totally helpless you tried to grip the bed sheet to hold on to something
You felt drops of his sweat on your back, holding your hips in a firm grip he trusted harder and harder rubbing your prostate with every snap of his hips
Both your orgasms were closing in and soon you could not hold it any longer
He was suddenly a trembling mess and emptied himself inside you, he continued to stroke you in even faster rhythm and soon you spilled out your cum with a loud scream
He kissed your neck and rushed out in the bathroom grabbed a towel and came soon back to you
He laid down on the bed and just breathed, you scooted closer placing your head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around you
The warm big heart inside there pounded hard and fast..
Neither of you noticed the silence outside
It was a new year now..
A new beginning
My other NYE fic
Enjoy more reading in my masterlist
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