#i have invented purple for peace because it's what amethysts (apparently) symbolise and satine wears it a lot
youare7567 · 24 days
Satine Week Day 1: Jewel
A short list of Duchess Kryze's favourite jewels:
Silver earrings, passed down from mother to daughter for centuries. Satine inherited them when she was six.
An emerald necklace representing the duty of a leader. Given to her by her father on her twelfth birthday, Satine did not truly understand it until six years later.
A faux-amethyst bracelet with purple glass beads. Though cheap and childish, it was the last gift she ever received from her sister and she never takes it off.
An even shorter list of jewels the Duchess never wears:
Sapphires. They look too much like Obi-Wan's eyes.
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