#i have finally bought my first james baldwin and read it last night
patheticphallacy · 5 years
Seeing as it’s a new year, I thought I would try and do something new with these wrap ups by not only talking about books I’ve read, but also talking about some other stuff I’ve enjoyed or got up to- articles, films, TV shows, that sort of thing!
Of course, I’ll start with my reading wrap up and go into other stuff.
January Reading
  The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump by Rob Sears [unrated; my dad bought this for me for Christmas. It doesn’t really offer anything new to the style of poetry, it’s pretty unoriginal tbh, but it does make you realise that Donald Trump has quite possibly the worst grasp on the human language, especially considering he’s supposed to be a president and therefore have some level of skill in general]
Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A. Milne [5 stars; we LOVE Pooh bear in this house! Stupid, food obsessed and loves his friends!]
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson [4.5 stars; wrote a book review for this! Love!
By Night #6 by John Allison [3 stars; really do like this series, I feel like John Allison can go back to his weird, supernatural roots more than ever with this series, not like Giant Days which is grounded firmly in reality]
  The Woods Volume 3 by James Tynion IV [3 stars; this series is very meh if I’m being honest]
A Pest Most Fiendish by Caighlan Smith [4 stars; this is such a good fantasy-steam punk short story and I’m desperate for Caighlan to get a 10 book deal about these characters, but alas, she has not]
My Hero Academia Vigilantes Volume 2 by Hideyuki Furuhashi [3 stars; this series has such incredible characters and character development so far, but goddamn, the sexism in this drags it down so much]
Sparrowhawk #1-2 by Delilah S Dawson [3 stars; it’s okay, but not blowing me away so far]
The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham [1.5 stars; BAD BAD BAD BAD]
Labyrinth: 30th Anniversary Special by Jonathan Case [4.5 stars; my heart!]
Lair of Dreams by Libba Bray [4.5 stars; I have a review of this one coming up on here, so keep a keen eye out! It was my TBR pick for January and I read it in very good time]
Last Will and Testament by Dahlia Adler [1.5 stars; this one makes me feel all icky, the age gap was so gross and the relationship just wasn’t as great as everyone insisted it was]
Silt by Robert MacFarlane
The Death of the Author by Roland Barthes
Beware the Cat by William Baldwin
An Antidote Against Atheism by Henry More
Sadducismus Triumphatus by Joseph Glanvil
Roxane Gay: My body is a cage of my own making
Felipe Torres Medina: I’m Marie Fucking Kondo and You Can Keep All Your Fucking Books, You Ingrates
You on Netflix, based off the book. It’s not perfect, but it certainly kept me hooked
Safe on Netflix. Not as good as You, but I still enjoyed the mystery, although the last episode really let me down and I don’t think the writing was very good.
Tidying Up With Marie Kondo on Netflix. You bet your ass I KonMari’d my whole uni house!
13 Going on 30 on Netflix. I’ve never watched this before, and I honestly loved it. It’s so cute and wholesome and I LOVE Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo even more now!
Favourite Channel: WhittyNovels
BooksandLala: Space Books Not Set in Space and 2019 Most Anticipated Releases
Jenna Marbles: I Want to Be Tall
I Like Giants by Kimya Dawson
Daphne Blue by The Band CAMINO
Medicine by The 1975
Almost [Sweet Music] by Hozier
Every Time by RAMES
    Overall, my favourite part of January was going to watch The 1975 at the O2 Arena. It was genuinely a once-in-a-lifetime thing: they performed Medicine, my favourite song by them; so many people sang alone with Robbers that Matty turned around and said ‘WOW’; Matty cried during Always Wanna Die [Sometimes]. I went with some friends, met some new people, and had a grand old time!
While I had loads of issues arise in January, and have had to go back to counselling at University, there were good moments, and I’m on track with all Uni work for the first time ever. I’m hoping February leads to better things and I’ve received some news that could quite possibly change my life, so I’m hoping I can finally talk about that by the end of March.
What were your favourite parts of January? Any stand out books, TV shows, etc?
Thank you for reading!
January Wrap Up & TBR Jar Pick Seeing as it's a new year, I thought I would try and do something new with these wrap ups by not only talking about 
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spiritinabody · 7 years
August 26th, 2017
My last day in Kanab! This week has seriously flown by. I hope Colorado doesn’t go even faster. This morning I got a ride from Madi that I met yesterday to Best Friends and started what ended up being the longest hike of my life. Seriously. I think I hiked at least 8 miles today.
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(One of only two mushrooms I found in Utah. Way too dry.)
First I started on a trail right by bunnies which took me to Angel’s Overlook, a smaller pet cemetery. It was hauntingly beautiful. I started to tear up at the thought of how loved these animals were. Then, after finishing my morning coffee, I realized I was going to have to poop and went on the hunt. Once I actually was going the right way, it was 1 mile to Angel’s Rest. I hope they would have SOME kind of bathroom, but I was wrong. I gave my condolences, took some pictures, and continued on. Finally I realized where I was and that a lady I volunteered with yesterday had used a bathroom nearby. I made it just in time. Best. Poop. Of. My. Life.
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Then I explored the area nearby and read some of my book as I watched a pack of wild turkeys graze. I found a feather from one and stuck it in my hat on my way out. Twice I stopped to hike through the mountain to try to get to the river below, but to no avail. There was too much brush that could have potentially held a rattlesnake nest. Finally, at least another mile later, I came to the Welcome Center and bought a few things to be shipped home. I decided I just wanted to get back to Kanab. I hiked all the way up to the road and probably at least another mile down that highway before someone stopped to pick me up. His name was Digs, he had a dog and dreads, and he was originally from Columbus, Ohio!!! Very nice guy. Dropped me off in town. Then I went in search of lunch as I had had nothing but granola and it was almost 1:30PM.
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I stopped on a bench outside of a restaurant to collect my thoughts and ended up talking to a woman from another part of Utah for 10 minutes or so. She invited me in for lunch which was very sweet but I politely declined. Found my way to Wild Thyme Cafe which was very nice and had salad and vegan stew. It was super good! Then I walked home to pass out for an hour or so. Around 4 PM I headed to the historical museum just to get my Kanab history fix. After that I headed to my favorite gear/coffee/book store for coffee and to sneak some pictures of the map of Colorado, since I ain’t buying the whole damn atlas. I left a note in the guest book for folks to follow my travels via Tumblr.
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Then I finally watched the sunset, which wasn’t impressive, and stopped at the grocery store for dinner. For my last night with a kitchen, spaghetti and soy sauce brussel sprouts, my favorite. Ryan drunk called me after. Laurie, the lady here with the cats, is going to give me a ride to St. George so I can get a flight to Denver tomorrow. The ride I thought I had bailed. :( Aw well, such is life. I saw a bunch more hummingbirds too! I also sent mom’s letter so hopefully that will make her happy. I think that’s it! Still have to get up early to get lots done.
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(So excited I finally figured out how to tie my sleeping bag to my backpack.)
xoxo Kelsey
**Nobody Knows My Name by James Baldwin
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