#i have covid and im only watching romcoms
boundlessdaisy · 15 days
Merthur Only You AU hear me out:
A fortune teller tells young Arthur that his soulmate's name is Myrdinn Emrys. He buys into the idea for so so long.
But at 26 years old, now an English teacher, Arthur does end up proposing to his college girlfriend Gwen, a surgeon and colleague of his sister Morgana.
Anxious to start making wedding plans, Arthur comes to Gwen's office only to learn that she's in surgery. Impatient and bored, he answers her phone when it rings. Someone's secretary is calling to reschedule an appointment because her boss is going to Rome. Arthur takes the boss's name and, what do you know... Myrdinn Emrys.
Posessed by his hopeless romantic childhood, Arthur - upon learning from the secretary that her boss's flight leaves in 30 mins - runs to the airport to see his soulmate... but he misses the flight.
Feeling stupid, he attempts to reach Gwen again but her line is still busy so he calls Emrys' secretary instead and asks her where her boss is staying in Rome. Upon learning this, Arthur makes the impulsive decision to book the next flight out to Rome to meet his soulmate at last.
It's not until he's standing at Emrys' door, dressed to the nines, smelling like a flower shop, that he realizes how insane of a decision it was to come here. Christ, he couldn't just have Facebook'd her? What if she was married? He was getting married, dear God, what was he doing-- A lady opens the door. Blonde. Curvy. Was she a model? Arthur tries to stop himself from drooling and says, "Emrys? I'm Arthur," as if she would just recognize him. Well, she doesn't, and it turns out, she wasn't Emrys anyway.
She tells him Emrys won't be back until morning so Arthur packs it in for the night and says he'll come back tomorrow.
He oversleeps of course. He runs up to Emrys' room and knocks on the door. Someone's inside, thank God, says they'll be at the door in a moment. Finally, Arthur thinks, he's gonna meet Emrys. His soulmate. The woman of his dreams... is a man?
Merlin opens the door of his hotel room to see the most handsome man he had ever seen in his life... with the most disappointed look on his beautiful, beautiful face. "Can I help you?" Merlin asks. "No. No, sorry about the intrusion." Arthur replies and starts to turn away but Merlin stops him, "You seem upset." Arthur laughs. Yeah, he was upset. He tells Merlin how he flew a thousand miles to see a delusion he had when he was a kid, he really thought he would meet his soulmate, my God, he is twenty six-- Merlin presses him about it, "Soulmate?"
Arthur explains everything. How when he was a kid he went to a fortune teller and the fortune teller gave him a name. The name of his soulmate, and he held on to the idea for longer than he should and just as he thought he had fully let it go, turns out he didn't. He still believed his soulmate was out there. Hearing himself now, it sounds so ridiculous-- "What was the name?" Merlin asks. "No, forget about it, it's stupid--" "Come'on, tell me, I might know him. Who knows?" Arthur hesitates, but finally tells him, "Myrdinn Emrys." Merlin couldn't help but laugh. Arthur starts walking away in shame but Merlin stops him. "Hey, no, don't go. Listen." Merlin smiles at him, "I'm Myrdinn Emrys."
Okay, so Merlin lied. So what? Arthur likes him, or he's beginning to. Sure, he spent the first half of the day having a full on bisexual crisis, but Merlin methodically eased him out of it with a series of historical facts about ancient sodomy (just so happens to be the dissertation he's working on right now, actually) as they go around the most beautiful city in the world. Love is a strong word, but when Arthur kisses Merlin at the end of the night, he's feeling something dangerously close to that. They just fit so well together. It's like they've known each other all their lives.
They're in Merlin's hotel room when Arthur comes out with it. "I have to tell you something." Merlin keeps kissing him, "I know you're bisexual, and I'm proud of you--" "It's not that" Merlin gasps, "I knew it." "You do?" "You're secretly a prince of some faraway country who's running away from the limelight because you can't handle the pressure. No?" "Emrys. I'm engaged."
Arthur tells Merlin about Gwen, and how he proposed to her just because he thought it was what he was supposed to do. Sure, he loved her, but it just felt so... simple, what they had. It wasn't memorable. It wasn't what he thought his love life would be like. "What did you think it would be like?" Merlin asks him and Arthur admits, "Like... this. Like a cheesy romantic comedy where I rush to the airport and follow you out to Rome without question because I knew. I knew I was meant to be here. I knew I was meant to meet you and.. and kiss you. I knew ever since I heard your name-- Oh god, I have to call off my wedding."
Arthur grabs his phone and calls Gwen at once but before the call could go through, Merlin stops him. "Wait. Wait. Before you do this. I have to tell you something." He takes Arthur's face in his hands and says intently, "I'm supposed to be in England right now. Ten hours into an all-nighter at the only cafe in campus that's open at this hour; I'm supposed to be alone and miserable, but instead I'm here, with you, in Rome for crying out loud, during the best day of my life, because my colleague got sick and they had to ship me to the conference instead-- and because you're my soulmate. Do you believe that?" "I do..." "But..." "But what?" "But my name... isn't Emrys. My name is Merlin."
Arthur. storms. off. Oh my god. He was going to cancel his whole damn wedding for this... fantasy! He flew to goddamned Rome like an idiot, and for what? Just to make a fool of himself that's what. Merlin's tailing him saying things like "Arthur, come on, it's just a name!" and "What's in a name?!" as if quoting Shakespeare would make everything better. He just hated himself for buying into all of it. Of course there was no such a thing as a soulmate, just as there was no such a thing as Myrdinn Emrys.
Or at least that's what he thought until he's about to get on a plane home and someone pages Myrdinn Emrys. He tries to let it go, he really does. Who cares? Even if it was a real person, he or she wouldn't be his soulmate because soulmates aren't real. They keep paging Emrys and Arthur keeps trying to act like he doesn't hear it, but he does hear the footsteps running up to their boarding gate and the flight attendants saying "Myrdinn Emrys?" and, dammit, he couldn't help himself. He turns around, it's a beautiful woman, brunette, she looks just his type... but all Arthur could think about, as the woman he'd been waiting for all his life stood before him, was how disapponted he was that she wasn't Merlin.
Because Arthur does live in a cheesy romantic comedy where someone rushes to the airport to follow someone anywhere without question, who else does he see just outside the boarding gates but Merlin. The attendant asks him if he's getting on the plane or not. "Of course not," Arthur responds, and runs out to meet the love of his life where he stood.
Merlin starts shouting an explanation before Arthur even gets to him, "I'm changing my name. Legally. I don't care what my name is. It's gonna be a very weird conversation with my mom but if that's what it takes--" "Shut up, Merlin," Arthur pulls him into a kiss, which Merlin interrupts. "What about Myrdinn Emrys?" "God, don't make me say it." "Say what?" Exasperated, Arthur says, "What kind of name is Myrdinn Emrys anyway?" He tries to pull Merlin back into the kiss but Merlin interrupts again, teasingly this time. "It's Welsh. It means immortal. It's from these legends, around the 1200s, there was this magician--" "Merlin." "Yes?" "I can't believe I want to kiss you so bad."
On their flight back home, Arthur exclaims, "Oh shit." "What?" "I forgot to call off my wedding!"
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sungbeam · 1 year
And I’m not sure if I would be a casual marvel fan or an actual marvel fan like I’ve watched nearly all the movies and I know most of the lore but I din’t really catch up with the comics and I’m basically only gated to the movies and series spinoffs 😭 I’ve been a lil slacking since covid but I’m trying to catch up with the wasp and now quantumania! (Hopefully I spelt that right) but yeah! I’ve been watching marvel since I was a little kid lolol so I’m always down every year to see the new marvel movie!
But yeahhhhh I feel like I was somewhat prepared to see GOTG3 just cause I saw the Rocket floor clip on youtube but damn it still didn’t prepare me to see how horrific,y they were treated 😭 Floor’s design freaked me out the most but she was still so sweetie and it just ARGH ☹️☹️
But yeah! MANIFESTING THAT TBZ COMES TO BOTH OF OUR CITIES THIS TOUR I SWEARRR 😭🙏 and hold awn, how were you able to write the Changmin fic on a PLANEEEEEE pla I’m always so embarrassed when I whip out my ipad to even watch a movie 😭 like phew you are wayyyy stronger than me JSUNFJGNE
Also, just a fun lil question, if you were to turn ANYYYYYY of your fics into a live action movie, which one would it be 😳 (could be published or a WIP 🤭)
- Love you 3000, 🌷 anon
SLFNKDNFKDJFJ HEY IF THEYRE STUCK IN MY HEAD, IMMA MAKE EM STUCK IN URS TOO 😁😁😁 PLS THE 2000S ROMCOM ALLEGATIONS ILY AHAHHA i just need to write more tension for that man like it's nearly impossible NOT to atp, and i found this thing on pinterest the other day
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okok i found the one hawkeye ronin scene from end game for reference, and im sure u can find the one scene on yt somewhere cuz it was FIRE
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LMAO I JUST REALIZED BUT NAT IN THE BACKGROUND LOOKS LIKE 🧍🏻‍♀️ AHHAHAHAHAH BUT essentially, i saw jacob in the roar mv and thought of this IMMEDIATELY !! omg no cuz i also wish them all the good health in the world, but i just have a morbid obsession w bloodied and bruised aus and whump tropes, like i wanted bruised knuckles and busted lips and split eyebrows y'know ??? and GODDDD THERES A REASON MAVERICK HAD ME BY THE NECK FOR SO LONG LIKE IT WAS THE FIRST TBZ TT THAT I WAS OBSESSED W it's like,,, my perfect concept like it was MADE TO APPEAL TO MY DERANGED AESTHETIC??? so yeah im ready to beat up sunwoo, chxngmxn, and jacob 🙏🏼
ahhh icic, i think i would have also been a casual watcher but my parents were so into it so my brother and i also, naturally, became hooked !! i also was not able to really read the comic books bc they cost money and there r just so many of them :')) but yeah, hope ur able to catch up !! it's taken me a bit to catch up too esp w college 😭🤧 but im getting there !! quantumania was prob my least favorite release so far of the recent mcu releases and that makes me SO SAD like JUSTICE FOR PAUL RUDD!!!!!
OMG FLOOR :(( TEEFS AND LYLLA ALL OF TJEM HAD ME SO SAD AND TERRIFIED AT RHE SAME TIME?? pls what animal was floor....... a goat?? a bunny?????? FLOOR'S MOUTH TOO LIKE WHAT'D THEY DO TO HER 😭😭😭😭😭 i didn't realize they completely gave lylla ROBOT ARMS EITHER LIKE I WAS PREPARED FOR A SEA OTTER NOT A CYBORG SEA OTTER skcneknfk okay but it's also like they're all kind of disabled but super cool and i loved teefs' little wheelchair?? even tho the high evolutionary def did some cruel fkn shit to them :')))))
AJAHHAHAHA im used to writing on my phone !! so writing on a plane's no problem for me as long as im not in writer's block yk 🤡🤡 im def worried abt my neighbors seeing the banners i make tho LMFAO
KSNFKSJDJDN TULIP I LOVE U MWAH 😚😚 I HAVE THOUGHT ABT THIS QUESTION SO MANY TIMES ??? and tbh i think if i had the time energy and resources, i would've gone into film for real bc i write so many of my fics in the view of like a movie rather than like a book, idk how to explain it skcnekkckf okok but hmmmm this one isn't tbz specifically, and idk if u stan txt or know them but
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this one is another superhero au and i've honestly REALLY thought abt turning the idea into a proper novel idea, or maybe a screenplay !! I've thought abt the music and cinematic scenes for a couple plot points, but it might be a little too similar to spiderman in some instances 😅😅 but it's essentially a txt choi line au where reader is the superhero, and i don't really wanna give away too much bc im very gatekeepy w ideas that i like A LOT haha but yeah skfnskfmkf
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SKFNKD I JUST REALIZED THIS IS ANOTHER SUPERHERO AU PLS 😭😭😭😭 BUT this is another one i think would be SICK as a tv show/movie, maybe it's cuz it's based off of like moon knight and ms marvel and shangchi and spiderman but i think that the quality and vibe of the storyline and characters would work so well as one?? and just the potential of lighting as symbolism in this is just TOO HIGH and osdjoenfk ugh i get so excited talking abt this
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THIS ONE. THIS. ONE. would work so well as like a show or movie???? i just envision it with like taylor swift's miss americana and the heartbreak prince and im in tears at how cool it would be akcnkenfkf just the vibe of that song is what that entire thing would be like, like imagine how the sky looks JUST after the sun has set, but the glow of light is still in the sky and making it this reddish kind of color— it's called half-light and just imagine that with like stadium lights and darkened school hallways and kscnkenfk it's a time travel au, so i think those r always so much fun to depict in media and yeah :')))((
i could literally talk abt this all day every day but i almost forgot to go to class so i will sign off here LOL o7
I LOVE U 3000 TULIP 🌷🫂💖
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jojoreadwhat · 4 years
stuck in quarantine. | joe mazzello x fem!reader
- I’m the worst. This took so long, I fell into a small case of writer’s block in middle of writing this. but it’s up and I hope you all enjoy!
prompt; quarantine time equals baby making time.
words; 3k
this piece includes unprotected sex(please wrap it before you tap it!) if you’re not interested don’t read under the cut! :: breeding kink, oral(f!m!receiving), handjob, pet names, strong language and other materials that may not be suitable for others.
taglist - @supernaturalee @im-an-adult-ish @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @fairestkillerqueenofall @theindiealto @xmxisxforxmaybe @fallingoutofthe1975 @puffnstuff08 @liar-yourelyingtome @deacyspatronusisacheesetoastie @ask-mr-baldis-class @johndeaconshands @shadycupcakefox @michael-is-bae @rocketrhap917 @glimmeringlife @freddiefuckingm3rcury @m90schick @90sledger @thediscotomydeacy @artemisiaarm @spunky-town @crazylittlethingcalledlobe @brinteylovesaliens @mcdeaks @nurseemilyblog @underratedmisfit @briarrose26 @kateshorrorstory @belladonichaaze @mrsjosephmazzello @thosequeenboys @lukewarmatbest @anotheronebitesthedick @amethyst-serenade @miojodetomatin @joemazzello-imagines @taronegertonthewelshboi2 @rogerina-owns-me @berltsworld @importantpersonllama @deacyblues @stephydearestxo @punkebass @acdeaky @cherry-holland and to all my joe wives and joe enthusiasts!! (Theres a stupid 50 tag limit on these and I apologize if I didn’t tag you 😐 it’s tumblrs fault.)
I listened to this while writing.
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Days ago your governor declared a state shut down due to the COVID-19 outbreak officially making its rounds across your city and other counties close by.
At first, you and many others were taking the whole pandemic as a bit of an exaggeration.
You heard about the symptoms which seem like nothing to a young, healthy person like you. You couldn’t help but giggle about the crazy line stories at the stores you were hearing. Everyone’s reactions and precautions, like an apocalypse was about to ascend.
But once it began hitting home, affecting your job and livelihood. It had stop becoming a joke to you. It was more serious than you thought.
Luckily for you, you weren’t facing this troubling time alone. Your boyfriend Joe had flew back home after the production of his latest movie had been put on hiatus indefinitely. You did feel terrible that his project got cut short but.
You’d be lying if you weren’t happy about having Joe all to yourself until... god knows whenever the glass globe surrounding the world would be lifted.
So the both of you laid cozied up along the sofa, Joe’s warm chest was pressed firmly against your back, with you lying closely in front of him, filling in every curve and crevice of his body. Limbs entangled together as you cuddled, keeping warmth at a high with the living room throw draped over you both. Feeling his soft breaths against the crook of your neck, Joe’s toned arms tightening around your waist every so often, while you traced your little fingers upon his arms.
Aimlessly watching the blue screen across from the sofa, Joe had moved his arm that was wrapped over you down to your leg, overlapping his. Left exposed from the skimpy fabric you called sleep shorts you were wearing. Giving him access to the fresh shaved smoothness you worked on the night before.
At first it wasn’t anything, just nonchalant, gentle circles drawn from the pads of his long slender fingers along the top of your thigh. Joe enjoyed touching you any chance that he could. Tracing your soft, delicate skin that felt like a road to home.
It was the moment when you relaxed closer into him than he thought possible. Sighing sweetly, vibrations passed your lips and onto him.
That it pinged an array of ideas of spending this time, thoroughly.
Joe continued his exploration, watching for signs of you catching his drift as his hands reached higher levels along your thighs. Moving further till his hand crept under the hem of his shirt you were wearing. Still engrossed by the tv, Joe had to up his attempts.
He nuzzled his face and lips into your vanilla scent hair, savoring and feeling the softness against his lips, planting a kiss under your ear. Beginning a short trail, he freed his hand from under the throw and moving your hair off your shoulder and neck.
You giggled into the sensation of Joe’s lips meeting your neck, igniting your attention. Trailing from your neck, to the back, back again and up to your face and temple.
“What are you doing, Joseph?” You muttered low, taking your bottom lip between your teeth.
Trying to but poorly subside the tingles dancing down your spine. His plump, determined lips now covering the silk skin, further out across your shoulder before they paused.
“Appreciating you.” He answered, his voice silvery and low to your ears. Continuing on. Shading your cheeks pink by his words.
You chuckled soft, “Really?” Joe humming a short “Mhm” before proceeding the assault.
“Well I think this is you distracting me.” You said in a matter of fact.
You two were watching a silly romcom you had found after being elected to pick next. It was cute, light and whimsical. Marriages and little babies being born. Keeping your mind off a time like this.
You smiled at the feeling of his muffled laugh by his lips on your skin.
Moving and lifting himself behind you to give more space. He placed his hand on your shoulder, pushing you down onto your back, lightly to get a better view.
“You think so, huh?” He smirked, hovering over you now. Catching his chestnut orbs with your own while gazing up at him.
His dark auburn hair disheveled from laying about, tinted in bronze hues from a lamp nearby. You wrapped your arms around his neck, playing with the little hairs at the back of his head in your fingers. You nodded, “Mhm, I do.”
Joe cackled, throwing his head back before he looked back down at you, smirking. “You got me! I am.” He admitted. You scrunched up your face, playfully pinching his bicep. He cried an ouch in between laughs before he took both of your hands in his. Setting them at the sides of your head in his large ones.
He stared at you momentarily, just taking in your current state beneath him, his favorite kind where you were just your natural, beautiful self.
“But you know,” he began then, lowering his face closer to yours. “there’s something else we could do instead of watching babies in movies.”
You rolled your eyes up at him, a playful tude already cascading your face, preparing for the antics he had under his sleeves.
“Oh, and what’s that?” You asked, then.
Joe then placed a light kiss to your lips before disappearing from your view and to the left side of your face.
“Making one.” He whispered, his hot breath grazing the lobe of your ear before it followed with a firm kiss at the spot below. Causing a swarm of chills descending down your spine and right to your core. A mixture of both desire and shock from those words un-expectancy.
“You want to have a baby with me?” You questioned, makingsure that you heard clearly.
He removed one of his hands from yours, moving it to the top of your head, his long fingers feather-like to your skin as he moved the flyaway strands around your face. “Of course.” He clarified.
You’ve discussed the idea here and there, after he proposed to you a few months back. The topic was more fluid with comfort for the forever commitment between the both of you. Any chance you got, the comments were thrown and “A mini Mazzello” was aspiring. You both loved children, it was a long time dream. So why wait any longer?
“Babe?” Joe broke, removing you from your thoughts, “Hm” he chuckled before smiling at your bewilderment. “What are you thinking?” He asked, then.
Smiling, you freed one of your hands from Joe’s ginger locks. Cupping his cheek and running your thumb over his lips “About what you’re waiting for?”
You swore you never seen Joe’s eyes grow so wide, he deviously smile at you, “Dont have to ask me twice.” Not getting a second to react and his lips were on yours. Kissing him back so sweetly having only be just as needing as he hummed when he deepened it, and the kisses trailed all over your face.
You wrapped your arms around his neck. Joe took this as a invitation, straightening himself out over you, parting your legs with his knees before he slotted between them. Hovering over you now.
Both trying fast enough to help one another out of each other clothes. The instant your shirt hit the floor, Joe’s lips latched to your skin. You smiled at his neediness, eyes closed, melting into the feeling of mouth on your skin like it was the first time. From your neck to your collarbone, letting out a short gasp when you found the sweet spot. Skillfully taking his trail along the tops of your breasts. His large hands, perfectly cupping them. Kneeding them and his thumbs over and around your harden nipples.
Joe came back to your face, planting another chaste kiss to your lips, “I’ve waited for” he spoke in between speckling your jaw and mouth, “this moment.”
You giggled at his confession, securing your arms him. “Yeah?” You got out edgewise between a moan. “Mhm” he nodded, trailing his lips now further down to your breasts.
“There’s not a moment in the day that I haven’t thought about you pregnant.” he began, pressing a kiss to the valley “I think about putting a baby in you all the time.”
The vulgarity of that sentence slipping pass his lips left you a blushing mess, “tell me more. Please.” You said, turning into a round of moans the second his lips clasped around your nipple. He pulled away momentarily, his eyes on you, “I think about how even possible, you could be more beautiful. With our a baby in you.” lowering himself again. Bringing your neglected nipple into his mouth.
For Joe, this had been an ultimate goal for him ever since he could remember. The whole concept was a fascination to him. A human being, being created with parts of him and favorite parts of the love of his life? To the magic of a woman’s body, molding that little person, bringing it into the world. And that woman being you? You bearing a child, his child... to say that Joe wanted it the worst way, really was an understatement.
Moving away once more, inches away from your skin. “How” Beginning a scattering of kisses around and under your breasts,
“How strong.”
“How caring.”
“How loving.
“How smart.”
Stopping to look at you, “how wonderful of a mother your gonna be.” He finished, then. Diving in again. You bite your lip, concealing yourself to not break down right then and there at his words.
It escalated, his mouth was everywhere. Traveling down your body. Throwing your head back further into the cushion behind you, gasping when he took your harden nipple again into his mouth, tracing X's and O's over and around. Bringing Joe closer to your chest as he worked you up. Your fingers grasping at his dark ginger locks. Him kissing, licking, sucking, biting at every bit of your bare skin. Earning him moans and whimpers from you, who was a mess now beneath him.
You wanted him now, you were done with the way he toyed with you. You smiled into a moan when you felt his erected shaft underneath his briefs, graze inside your leg. Giving away that he wanted you just as much.
You wrapped your legs around him as you felt your clitoris throb, drenching the fabric of your panties. Joe smiled at you, wanting to say something witty about your eagerness but he didn't say a thing. He came back up to kiss you one more time before going back down your body again. Kissing above your panties, his fingers rubbing at the outside over your heat.
“Feels like you’re ready to see that happen too.” He said, you nodded ferociously. He groaned,  not waiting a moment longer before he pulled down your panties. You moaned as you felt the sharp chill grace your cunt.
Joe continued to tease, starting from your knee and aligning kisses on your inner thighs. You bucked your hips once at him, immediately his hands meeting them and his chestnut eyes flashing up at you to be “hold on, baby.” he muttered against you. Leaving you irritated as your head forcefully met the pillow. Your essence of a tantrum beginning helped you, when you felt his mouth kiss your mound.
You shuttered in surprise, only to then feel it strike of his tongue like an electric shock to your body. Soft and slow, a divine misery he caused. As he was careful, building you up till you thought you were ready enough for him. You moaned loudly, echoing through the living room. Feeling hot to the touch, as he set fuel to your fire. You squirmed, reaching for his hair as you were reaching your peak. Joe knew, taking your legs and throwing them over his shoulders. Intertwining your fingers as he devoured you until you came.
He moved away a bit. Kneeling between your legs after he was done tasting you, you caught his gaze. Being it was hard to follow when you seen his cock hard and waiting to spring free from his briefs. It made your mouth water, you wanted to taste him. You couldn't wait for him to be clenched around your walls. Your hands met his hips, fingers slipping under the elastic of his briefs. Sliding them down to his knees and watching his harden cock slap against his stomach. Licking your lips at the delicious sight.
You took your hand, wrapping it gently around his shaft. Pumping slow, “Y/N, please.” He begged, wanting to feel your mouth. You wrapped your lips around the tip of his cock, beginning to work him. You looked up through your long lashes, watching as he threw his head back, lips parting to let out a sweet moan pass his lips, groaning. You moaned around him at the sight above you, proud of the praise.
You then began to bob your head around him, swirling and running your tongue down and around his shaft. Earning more appreciation with every moan, groan and praise he gave you. “You feel so good around me. Such a good girl..” the whole dictionary of filth keeping you going. Joe loved the way your mouth and tongue felt against him, but he was growing close with each stroke, each suck, each pump and he didn’t want to meet the finish line yet.
Joe tapped your cheek, backing away from your grasp. You began to chased him but he cupped your face, tilting you up to look at him, leaning down to kiss you, “Lay down for me.”
You obliged then, feeling you back meet the couch cushions and Joe follow after. He kissed you again, a hard, longing kiss. His hands running from your waist to your hips, directing to wrap your legs around him. Joe then grabbed himself, pumping himself, lining himself to your entrance. He placed his cock between your folds, sliding back and forth to lubricant himself in your juices before he began pushing into you.
It wasn’t very often that Joe didn’t wear a condom. Feeling him raw was amazing, even more so now with the reasoning behind it. He slowly entered you, feeling every ridgid egde, every vain and crevice of him until he completely disappeared in you, bottoming out.
You both waited just a moment to adjust to the new feeling, sharing sweet kisses and affirmations before you gave him the go to continue. Slow, careful thrusts into you. Hands all over each other, you couldn’t count how many times you kissed. Both your moans, groans, whimpers and sweet nothings colliding with the faint sounds of the television still on across.
The mix of paces, fueled of love and passion, it drove you insane how amazing it felt. There was no longer a filter for neither of you, words you didn’t know fell from one another, sounds you didn’t know you could make were sounded out. You swooned when he groaned and moaned for you. Watching the twinkle in his smile everytime you praised him, “you’re going to be such a great dad.” Only to have him pick up more, drive you further to the edge. Pulling you closer to him, furthered fleshed to him then you could imagine. Just so enraptured by the moment.
Your climax was growing closer by each second, Joe knew with every signaling tight clench around his throbbing cock, “Joe, I-I’m close, Baby.” You mustered the energy to call out, Joe nodded, “So am I, y/n. Come with me.” He kissed you swiftly.
Suddenly surprising you when he brought your leg to rest on his shoulder, burying himself deep inside and thrusting erratically, pounding into you. You were in awe watching Joe furrow his brows from time to time as he grew closer too. Before resting his forehead to yours now, and you beginning to feel the heat rising quickly, engulfing from your curled toes to your belly.
Without another warning, you met your orgasm. Screaming out in absolute pressure. Your back arching, closing any gap possible between you two and letting the feeling wash over you and take over any little control you had of yourself. Joe met his second a behind you, groaning loudly as he road it out, holding you close as you trembled and you kissed him so much as he came and twitched inside you. Before breathlessly collapsing onto your chest.
Joe still kept a grip on you as he rested on you. You combed through his now sweaty and damp hair. Just lying there motionless for a while, both hot and sticky, the good kind. Processing and waiting for your breathing to regulate its patterns again.
“That was... wow.” Joe broke through the thick air of the room. You chuckled beneath him, vibrating against his ear and causing him to smile weakly. “It was.” You replied, quietly. “That could’ve been the one.” You said once more, allowing your thoughts free. Joe turned his head up to you, placing on hand on your stomach to rest on.
You watched him take his lip between teeth before slowly nodding. You smiled down at him as he picked himself up to reach up, cupping your face in his hand. and kiss you, deeply once more.
He pulled away, laughing lightly when you chase his lips before he kissed the tip of your nose and rested in the nook of your neck and chest. “But you know,” he started, tracing over your collarbone with his fingers. “We can always go another round.”
You let out a loud chuckle, before looking down at Joe who was already looking up at you, with a goofy toothless smile. “Oh yeah?” You questioned, then. Joe nodded, “Mhm.”
“You know, for safe measures.” You shook your head, rolling your eyes before looking at him again. “Well then,” you began. “what’s the hold up?”
And before you could say anything else, Joe and you were up on your feet. Scurrying like two fools in hopelessly and utter in love with each other, to the bedroom.
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