#i have a lot of material of Danny just fucking w/Dick from this part. Danny has made it his mission to be the best little shit
xysidhequeen · 1 year
Dick: I'm older than you!
Danny, time traveller whose prove of existence dates back to ancient cave painting: ohh? prove it.
Dick can't prove shit and it's going to drive him insane that he can't. He can't find out Danny's real name, his family history, even if this kid has a diploma because Tucker scrubbed every trace of Danny off any electric device in the world. (And via blackmail and bribes used various ghosts to clear out any physical copies) Of course, if Danny wants that information made available again, Tucker can do that
But. What Dick can find is what Danny requested be left. Which is only things from hundreds, thousands of years ago. Mosaics of him in ancient temples. Busts of him carved by long dead famous sculptors. Hell, he's even now heard rumors there's ancient art of Danny on other planets! He's even mentioned in ancient texts!
And. What's even worse. Is occasionally Jason shows up or is mentioned too. But Dick can prove Jason was born 18 years ago dammit so it's the only clue he has that there is shenanigans afoot.
Danny Nightingale, gaslight gatekeep girlbossing his way through making Dick question everything. Because Dick knows Danny is fucking with him he just can't prove it.
Now a snippet as a present for the ask
"Did he take a thermos with him? I saw a thermos before he Leroy Jenkins himself out of my window," Dick demanded, opening said window to poke his head out and look around. 
"That was a thermos, yes." Jason nodded as Dick, with a slight pout, closed the window, giving it one last suspicious glare, as if the window itself was the reason behind Danny's sudden supernatural departure, and turned back towards Jason.
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