#i have a few other voices I heard recently that make me 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
reevesdriver · 7 months
Mr. Dutton (NSFW)
Summary: You're recently single and living in hotels so when you get talking to your long-term friend, Beth Dutton, she invites you to stay at the Dutton ranch where you suddenly become close to the man you crushed on as you grew up, John Dutton.
Word count: 2535
Reader: Female reader
Character(s): John Dutton
Warning(s): NSFW / 🔥🔥🔥 / Smut / Unprotected Sex / Age-Gap (Reader is of legal age) / Best Friends Dad / Save a horse you know the rest / Oral Sex (M & F Receiving) / Dickhead Ex-boyfriend / John is a strong man I just know it /
Support Me: Kofi
Part 2
(AN: This man, well, this series has me in a chokehold at the minute and there's a serious lack of Yellowstone fics so here you go have some daddy Dutton🥵.)
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Splitting from your useless excuse of an ex was proving to be the best thing you ever did. Even if you didn't have a place to stay and a boot full of your belongings your happiness was improving already. Your long-term friend, Beth Dutton, had invited you out for dinner and when she heard of your current hotel-staying situation she invited you back to her family ranch to stay.
You declined at first, not wanting to be in the way, but when she asked you for a ride back to the ranch and made you come inside for another drink you conveniently got talking to her father about the situation and when John Dutton said you could stay who were you to refuse?
“Thank you for letting me stay Mr Dutton."
“You can call me John, darlin’. We’ve known each other long enough to keep up the formalities.”
“Told you he wouldn’t mind.” Beth smiled as she looked up from her food. Gator had prepared a meal for the three of you since Jamie was working and Kayce and his family wanted to spend some time to themselves so John let you take his youngest sons seat next to him.
“It should only be for a few weeks. Until I can sort out a place of my own, if there’s anything that needs doing please let me know. I don’t wanna be wandering around doing nothing whilst everyone else is working.”
“We could probably use some help keeping the place tidy but I’ll see if Rip needs any help too.”
“Thanks Beth.”
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Later in the day Beth showed you to your room and after John insisted on helping you bring the boxes of your belongings up you got settled for the night. The room that had been given to you was large, definitely the largest room you'd ever stayed in, and as you hung your clothes up in the double-wardrobe you peered out of the window and across the ranch taking in the sights.
It had been a few years or so since you'd had the chance to come back to the Dutton ranch. Between working and dealing with your ex it became almost impossible to have any time to yourself let alone with your friends. Fortunately you remained in touch with Beth and despite you not being able to meet up like you used to you were thankful that she was understanding.
You sighed. You hadn't thought about your ex since walking out of the relationship after you found out he was cheating and you were annoyed that after a few weeks he decided to plague your mind now when you were trying to start fresh. As if on queue your phone pinged with a text from said ex and you felt the tears start to well up in your eyes as you saw the brief begging message he'd said. A gentle knock on the open bedroom door brought your attention away from your phone screen.
"You alright?" Johns soft voice filled the room as he stood cautiously in the doorway.
You sniffled a little bit and wiped the corners of your eyes before nodding. "Yeah I will be." You turn to face him. "Thank you for letting me stay John, it really means a lot to me."
"You don't need to thank me darlin', you're welcome here anytime. I'm headin' to bed but if you need anything then come and wake me alright?" He says and you nod in understanding. "Make sure you get some rest."
John turned and left the doorway, closing the door behind him he left you in peace as you continued to put your clothes away. When you finished you picked up your phone, blocked your ex and climbed under the sheets after turning the light off.
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The following morning the Duttons woke before you did and made their way downstairs. Beth made herself a drink and then sat at the dining table immediately digging in to the food that Gator had put out for them. Soon after, her father followed and took his seat at the head of the table with his own drink.
“Is she still asleep?” John asks, referring to you and Beth nods. “I was thinking of getting her set up in the stables, she was always good with grooming the horses so figured that’s a good place to start.”
Beth agreed and soon they fell into silence, silence that was soon interrupted by Beths phone pinging. When she checked it a smile crossed her face and soon she was standing up and excusing herself for the rest of the morning. Shortly after Beth had left you'd woke and quickly got dressed after checking the time. It was still early morning but you didn't want to start sleeping in especially since you offered to help around the ranch.
Exiting the bedroom you made your way through the house and eventually to the dining room where you saw John sat at the table on his own. "I was wondering when you would be making an appearance." He greeted you with a smile. Gator was bringing more plates of food to the table, toast, bacon, eggs etc and you felt like you were in heaven.
"That was probably the best night sleep I've had in a while." You smiled and took the seat that you had sat in the night before. "I hope I didn't get up too late."
John laughed. "Darlin' you're up earlier than I thought you would be anyway so it's fine."
"You got any jobs for me today?"
"Actually yes, i want you to groom the horses if you're up to it, they haven't been bathed in a while and even though the men in the bunkhouse are capable they never get them looking like you did."
You happily agree and think back to all the times you spent with Johns horses, brushing their mains and fur, bathing them and just overall paying as much attention to them as possible. John always watched you from a distance since he had other things to be taking care of but when you stopped coming around he started to notice that the horses looked dirtier and never seemed to be as clean as they used to be.
Finishing off your breakfast you started the day with choosing a horse and hosing them down before washing and drying them. You brushed their fur, main and platted their tail before mucking out their stable and then moving on to the next one. By the end of the week you'd cleaned up a handful of the horses and had been introduced to the new workers like Jimmy and reacquainted with the old ones like Lloyd and Rip who you'd come to miss. You helped out where you could but when Friday night hit you were glad to have been told to rest over the weekend by John.
Your old cowboy boots had rubbed your feet raw as it had been so long since you'd last worn them. When you entered the house you kicked off your boots and carried them upstairs to your room sitting on the edge of the bed you removed your socks and frowned at the redness of your feet. As the sun set you undressed and showered before returning to the bedroom and climbing into bed. Not a minute or so after your head hit the pillow your phone pinged.
Sitting up you were curious as to who could be texting you, that was until you saw the 13 missed calls and around 50 texts from an unknown number. Your stomach dropped, it was your ex and the messages ranged from "I miss you" to "Go fuck yourself" as well as. few others thrown in here and there for good measure. You skimmed the messages quickly when another one came through "I can see that you've read my messages, fucking reply to me." and with that you blocked the number and turned off your phone.
All the work you'd done over the past few days didn't seem to have affected you anymore since you'd gone from being on the verge of falling asleep to wide awake in a matter of minutes. You tossed and turned in bed trying to fall asleep but after 2 hours had passed you gave up.
Leaving the bedroom you stepped into the surprisingly warm hallway and made your way to the staircase. Peering over the bannister you saw John who looked comfortable for once, normally any time you'd seen him he was tense but now, sat in front of the lit fire with a tumbler of Whiskey on the side table and his feet up on the coffee table he looked relaxed. “What’re you doing up?” You ask after glancing at the clock on the wall.
“I could ask you the same thing.” He replies looking up from his book as you descended the staircase.
“Can’t sleep, mind if I grab a book and join you?”
“Help yourself.” He replies and you smile. John watches from his position on the couch as you turn and head towards the bookcases. He watches you skim the leather bound books for a title that piqued your interest. Reaching up for a familiar title and raising up onto your tip-toes makes your oversized t-shirt rise up your thighs and stop just under your ass. John struggles not to choke on his drink as he drags his eyes up your thighs and catches a glimpse of your laced underwear peaking from underneath the baggy t-shirt.
After grabbing a book you quietly made yourself a drink from the bar and took a seat on the couch next to John as he topped up his glass with the opened bottle of Whiskey next to him. “Whatcha reading?” He asks with genuine curiosity. You flashed him the cover of the book and he recognised the title. “Good choice.” He smiles and you smile back.
Sitting down on the couch next to him you made sure to leave some room between the both of you. Your legs were bent at the knee and tucked up next to you and it didn’t take long until you started rubbing at the sore areas of your feet. The action didn’t go unnoticed and soon John broke the silence. “Your feet hurting you?”
“Yeah, been a while since I’ve worn my boots. Think they need breaking in again or I need a new pair.” You laugh.
“Here, let me.” He says extending his hand out to you and you knew better than to argue with him. Lifting your feet you drop them into his lap gently, the fabric of his jeans rubbing against the backs of your legs. Suddenly it took you much longer to finish a page as your mind kept wandering to Johns calloused hand rubbing your feet as he continued to read his book, stopping occasionally to take a sip of his drink.
His lap was warm, his jeans felt nice and rough and as his hand traced the bottom of your foot up to your ankle you felt the growing rigid length of his cock press against the side of your foot. Your eyes were no longer focused on the book and instead you peered over the pages to look at your best friends dad as you gently tilted your foot towards his crotch. Johns breath caught in his throat, his rough hand grabbed your ankle and he looked over to you. "Be careful darlin', I don't want you doing something you'll regret." He spoke before moving your feet off of his lap so he could stand up.
You watched as John grabbed the now empty bottle of Whiskey and passed round the back of the couch, leaving the room and entering the kitchen. Thoughts raced around your head and after deciding on what to do you opted to go with the idea that would hopefully release the pulsing between your legs. Standing from the couch you shimmied your lacy underwear down your hips and let them drop to your feet before picking them up and walking over to the book that John was reading.
You dropped the flimsy fabric on-top of the closed book, grabbed your glass and walked past John to the kitchen as he made his way back to the couch. You poured another drink and barely had time to take a sip when heavy footsteps stopped at the doorway of the kitchen. “You forget something sweetheart?” John says and you smirk. Turning to face him you see your underwear gripped in one of his calloused hands.
“I didn’t forget anything sir.” You reply. He lets out a hoarse laugh and closes the distance between the pair of you. Your back is pressed against the counter and John is pressed up against your front peering down at you with a smirk.
"You're a little tease aren't you."
"Only for you." You reply and he laughs again.
"Beth'll kill you if she finds out, hell I think she'd kill the both of us."
"We best hurry up then whilst we have an empty house."
Lifting you up onto the counter John parts your legs and kisses the inside of your thighs before devouring your cunt. One of your hands found the back of his head and you ran your fingers through his hair as he continued to lap and suck at your clit, his rough hands that were delicately rubbing your feet moments ago now roughy grabbing at your thighs to keep you steady.
Your thighs threatened to trap his face as he made you cum with his tongue and soon you were jumping down off the counter and dragging John back to the couch. Shoving him down you dropped to your knees with a crack and made quick work at unbuttoning his jeans freeing his cock from the confines of his underwear. You licked the tip before drawing it into your mouth and using your spit to soak his shaft.
His hand is resting on the back of your head as it bobbed whilst you sucked his cock. You always assumed that since John was a tall man he would have the cock to match and you were pleasantly surprised to find that it was true. When your jaw started hurting from shoving his girth between your lips you stood and straddled his thighs wasting no time in lowering yourself down on his cock.
John lifted up your t-shirt and took a nipple into his mouth roughly sucking it as you bounced on his lap, his hands moved to grip your hips as your cunt swallowed his thick cock with every rise and fall of your body. Cumming on his cock John wasn't far behind you, his laboured breathing urged you to push through the burning sensation in your thighs to bring him to his high. Pushing you roughly against his thighs John held you in place as he came, pulsing thick ropes of cum deep inside you.
"Looks like you still have it in you old man." You laugh trying to catch your breath.
"I'll show you more of what an old man can do."
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kimchokejin · 2 years
tag game 🎼 holy shit that italicized the emoji too
i was tagged by my muse (all 9 of them) @jiminsproof and the supreme @softertune to list my top 5 songs at the moment. not sure if these are my top songs but i’ve been playing them a bit more than usual lately and i have many things to say!
1. vegas by doja cat - i remember this came out like a couple months ago or something and i liked it but i forgot about it. but THEN my roommate and i were watching something on youtube and the preview for the elvis movie came on and my roommate mentioned that the guy playing elvis was taylor swift’s boyfriend and i was like no WAY how did i not hear about that? but then we kept watching and found out it was austin butler. and i was like no. not austin butler of zoey 101 fame beach boy with the shaggy blonde hair that every preteen tv show/movie in the 2000s tried to convince me was hot austin butler? he looks so different! no shit he looks different ashley it’s been 15 years and you need to stop recognizing people by their hair ANYWAY it reminded me of this song again and OH BOY. sampling the original version of hound dog for a movie about elvis is...legendary...and her voice when she says “ahhhh get it” 🥵😮‍💨 god i hope she isn’t serious about quitting music for good 🤞
2. gone by charli xcx and christine & the queens - tbh i’ve just been playing this regularly ever since i first heard it a few months ago (late to the party as usual!). it’s on my most perfect pop songs playlist. also here’s the music video. happy pride!!! 👭
3. king kunta by kendrick lamar - due to mr. morale, comeback/hopapalooza hype, and my excessive internal RAGE i have been on a hard kendrick kick
4. orpheus by sara bareilles - i don’t think i’ve mentioned this before but i’m actually a HUGE fan of sara b. like i don’t keep up with her personal stuff or anything but i know a lot of her songs. behind the singles you might already know she makes the BEST soft strong sad bitch comfort music her voice is so soothing and she’s so POETIC. anyway this song (the whole album really) helped me a lot through the first half of 2019 and i’ve been thinking about that time lately. and this particular song might be helpful to some other people too given...recent events...
5. man! i feel like a woman by shania twain - my roommates and i have a mom music playlist that we like to play on long drives. this song came on recently and i guess i just forgot how good it is? i can’t listen to it without smiling, it just puts me in a good mood every time 😊 and i hereby declare this song is gender neutral! yay!!!
ZERO pressure tagging: @namjoonsmissingairpods, @mutedstring, @sugaggukkie, @blueside-hobi, @mindofnmn, and anyone else who wants to do it! <3
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Masooooo! I have a headcannon idea between these two fineass men 🥵😍
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The reader is an actress who is Damian's girlfriend and is casted as Yennefer of Vengerberg in The Witcher on Netflix, He's excited to watch her in the show but gets insanely jealous of Henry aka Geralt of Rivia; her love interest
OMG OMG OMG, okay, this is EVERYTHING! Because I’ve been both obsessed with The Witcher on Netflix (also discovered a very unhealthy crush on Henry Cavill 🤣) and I love Damian so 👀 This will be fun 😂
@ziasaph , @alyhull , @theworldofotps , @wrestlersownmyheart , @new-zealand-chic , @cuzimacomedian , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @aerynscrichton , @thealliasylum , @crowleysqueenofhell , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @ava-valerie , @sultryfandoms
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You did it!
The most important script of your whole career was in your hands
And you couldn’t contain your excitement
So the first thing you did was call Damian
“What’s up, mami?” His breathing was heavy and you could hear Rhea and some other guys in the back screaming and laughing
“Did I interrupt your set?” You asked as soon as you heard him putting the weights back down on the rack
“No, it’s so okay, baby. I needed a break anyway” He chuckled “You sound excited, do you have any good news?”
“Guess who you’re talking to?”
“Ummm....My girlfriend?” He cackled
“Incorrect, my dear sir” Your voice now had a slight English accent and it didn’t pass by unnoticed to Damian’s ears
“Shut up! Y/N, you better not be playing with me”
“I’m not” You squealed in excitement
“You did it? You did it! See? I told you you would get the role! I’m so proud of you!” His scream was so loud that you needed to take the phone away from your ear for a few seconds
In the back, you could hear Rhea and the other guys doing a “yay, she got it” chant
Damian promised you that you would celebrate when he was back home and so he did
Once you were back from the celebration date (where you spent most of the time talking about Henry and how amazing he was)
You were ready to show Damian the first scene of Yennefer and Geralt together
Simon, one of the editors, who became a big friend of yours had edited the first scene of you and Henry together and so he let you borrow the scene on a dvd so you could show Damian
Since you didn’t know what scene it was, you were also excited as you pressed play
The scene was one of your recent ones. The djinn scene.
You were topless while your character, Yennefer, and Geralt had an argument
The next scene was followed by a pretty heavy make out/sex scene
Anyone could see the chemistry between you and Henry
The Director, as well as the other cast members, almost always pointed it out how natural you two were as a couple and how convincing you are together
“And out of all scenes” You muttered under your breath and watched as Damian gulped
He was having an internal debate and wasn’t sure how to feel about it
The rational part of him was incredibly proud of you. He knew how much you wanted this role and how much it would help you career-wise
But the emotional part of him was furious and jealous. You were so good at acting that it almost looked like he was watching you cheat on him right in front of his eyes
He knew that it wasn’t the case, but fuck, it was so convincing! The way you and Henry acted towards each other, as two lovers would, was driving him insane!
Sensing his uncomfortableness, you turned off the tv
“I’m sorry. If I knew that was the scene, I wouldn’t even have brought the dvd home”
Damian unclenched his jaw and took a deep sigh “You don’t have to apologize, mami. I’m the one who has to apologize to you” He kissed the back of your hand softly “You’re a great actress and it shows” He huffed at the last part “It’s just weird seeing you with another person in such a natural way that....”
“It looks like I’m cheating on you?”
“Sort of...it’s the natural response of my instincts, I guess. And well, they could’ve chose someone more attractive than Henry Cavill” He mocked
You slightly giggled at his sour joke and completed for him “And the fact that he’s pretty makes you even more insecure”
“I’ll work it out” He mumbled
“Hey, I don’t want you to feel guilty about it, okay? You’re having a natural response and I understand. I would feel the same if they ever put you in a romantic storyline with one of the girls”
Straddling his hips, you held his face with your hands as you spoke
“Even though Henry has the English charm, you know my weakness lies on the Puerto Rican swag, right?” You teased him
“Really?” He smirked “So there’s no space in your heart, or panties, for the posh Prince Charming?”
“Oh please, a posh Prince Charming is overrated! You know my heart, and panties, belong to a certain Hispanic rocker” You smiled before kissing his lips
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