#i genuinely do not recall what tag i used for the covers live previously posted
a little song i made myself ^-^
i had a little hiccup on the chords on the chorus and the recording setup i have rn isnt great cause my guitar is waaay louder than my voice (also im still emulating ukulele on a classical guitar) but yeah whatever we ball here
lyrics under cut
aren't we restricted with this simple system of what any of us can be or do
aren't we behind things when we tell our children don't play with dolls, don't play with cars but what's this thing we do
we're forcing things that don't make sense we're placing them in molds we pressed but what's a spork to do in a world for forks and spoons
Is this what life turned to be Why are things a binary Perhaps life's a simulation It's just a 0-1 dimension
we're forcing things that don't make sense we're placing them in molds we pressed but what's purple to do in a world of red and blue
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johnboothus · 4 years
What Happens to Social Media Contest Winners Who Travel for Booze? Here Are Their Stories
When Paul Corgan, a 26-year-old from Portsmouth, N.H., sent his online application to become White Claw’s “best life ambassador” in March 2018, he completed a short blurb and shared a photo and link to his Instagram account. After clicking submit, he forgot about the competition almost immediately.
The contest would grant two winners $60,000 each to travel America for six months. Their only requirement was to document themselves “living their best life” by posting one photo per week to Instagram featuring the up-and-coming hard seltzer brand.
Articles detailing the competition went viral across social media platforms. So by the time Corgan received an email in June 2018 informing him he was one of five finalists being considered for the role, he still assumed his chances of winning were slim. Then, just over a week later, after a Skype interview with the brand’s marketing department, he awoke to an email.
“It just said ‘Congratulations’ as the subject line,” Corgan says. “It was the most exciting thing that had happened to me in my life.”
Contest Marketing: Everyone’s a Winner
For active social media users, competitions like White Claw’s “Best Life Contest” will be a familiar concept. While their prizes often seem too good to be true, the bar for entry is remarkably low.
All that’s usually required is to follow the brand on a social media platform and share a post or photo tagging its account, often using a specific hashtag. In advertising lingo, the concept is known as contest marketing; it’s a savvy promotional strategy and one that an increasing number of alcohol brands are turning to.
Within the past year alone, Natural Light has run a range of social-media-driven competitions with prizes including free beer for a year, $10,000 for a Halloween costume contest, and $1 million to help 25 drinkers pay off their graduate school loans.
Guinness, meanwhile, offered drinkers the keys to their very own Irish pub for a weekend, while Keystone Light launched a “Free Rent” campaign that paid 13 lucky winners’ rents for a year. In May 2019, Busch Beer announced it would contribute $25,000 toward one couple’s wedding ceremony and would send its spokesman, Gerald Downy, better known as “Busch Guy,” as the officiant.
Credit: Megan O’Leary Photography
These contests present a win-win scenario: Contestants commit to a small social media interaction, and brands generate buzz at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising. Plus, the headline-grabbing nature of the campaigns all but guarantees nationwide coverage from numerous media outlets. (VinePair was one of several drinks publications that picked up the White Claw campaign, and even national news outlets like CNBC covered the contest.)
But while the contests themselves gain widespread coverage, the actual winners often go almost unreported.
When Fox 32 Chicago covered the Busch wedding contest in May 2019, the story received close to 40,000 likes, over 11,000 shares, and upwards of 20,000 comments on Facebook, according to data from content marketing research platform BuzzSumo. Despite such a positive reaction, Fox didn’t bother announcing the winners — the now-wed Abbi and Andrew Roth of Janesville, Wis. — nor did it follow up on the contestants to find out how the big day went.
The only coverage of the Roths’ wedding day appears to be a July 2019 article in Janesville’s Gazette Xtra. “We’re just a couple of regular Joes,” Abbi Roth told the publication. “We never thought this would happen.”
The “Lucky” Winners
While the Roths may be a pair of Busch-Light-loving “regular Joes,” success in other competitions — those that call upon the winner to fulfill a specific role — rely on more than brand alignment or fandom.
Prior to working as a White Claw ambassador, Corgan ran his own company that handled the social media accounts for small restaurants and businesses. He points to luck as a huge factor in winning the Best Life Contest; but he also says his love of travel, which he emphasized in his online application and interview, as well as his photography skills and knowledge of social media, helped him stand out and eventually win the contest.
In August 2018, Mr Fogg’s, a London mini-chain of bars inspired by the novel “Around the World in Eighty Days,” announced it was looking for an adventurous individual to travel the world, drink gin, and collect botanicals to inspire a cocktail for the bar upon their return. The winner would also get to choose a travel companion to join them on their escapade.
Numerous publications (including, again, VinePair) covered the competition, which gained even more online traction after actor and Aviation gin owner Ryan Reynolds tweeted about it.
I’ll do it.
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) August 16, 2018
To enter the competition, candidates applied on Mr. Fogg’s website and had to prove they were social media savvy, over 21 years of age, and skilled at writing and photography. Previous travel experience was also imperative.
“We didn’t think there was any chance we were going to get it because you never do with these things,” Jessica Last, the winning contestant, says. “But at the same time, we did feel all the questions that they asked were really relevant to what we were already doing: We were adventure/travel photographers and bloggers on a very small scale.”
When Last, a 30-something London resident, won the competition, she selected her longtime travel companion Charlie Wild to join her on the trip. The pair had recently returned from an eight-month, around-the-world adventure that they documented together on their blog, The Travel Project, after previously quitting their jobs in advertising.
Mr. Fogg’s enlisted the help of British explorer, writer, and photographer Levison Wood to pick the winners from more than 10,000 applicants. Resumes arrived from across the globe, including New Zealand, the U.S., Argentina, and Bermuda. According to a 2018 interview in trade publication Hospitality & Catering News, Woods picked Last because of her “genuine” passion for travel, and her “beautifully shot” Instagram photos.
Winning the Contest: What Happens Next?
Within two months of finding out he’d won the White Claw contest, Corgan was in the brand’s Chicago headquarters learning about the company values, discussing travel plans, and tasting the difference between White Claw and rival hard seltzer brands.
The aim of the immersion course was to prepare him and the other contest winner for their new, temporary ambassadorial roles. The position, he soon learned, would be remarkably self-driven. “The team over at White Claw was amazing,” he says. “They were really open to our ideas of what we wanted to do and where I wanted to travel.” (Corgan and the other winner traveled independently, but they did cross paths briefly in Denver during the six-month excursion.)
 View this post on Instagram
 A post shared by Paul Corgan | Adventure Travel (@paulcorgan) on Aug 14, 2018 at 2:52pm PDT
As advertised, the winners were given the freedom to travel as they pleased, he says. “We just had to share one [Instagram] feed post a week about what we were doing, where we were going, and how we were living our best life with White Claw,” Corgan says.
Last and Wild, meanwhile, were whisked off on the worldwide gin trip in even quicker fashion. Though she doesn’t recall the exact time frame, Last estimates they set off within a few weeks of finding out she’d won in August 2018. The fact they were both working in freelance roles allowed them to drop everything and jet off at a moment’s notice. “It was all a bit of a whirlwind and continued that way till we got back,” she says.
Life on the Road
While Last and Wild’s journey was slightly more prescriptive than Corgan’s adventure (the pair followed in the footsteps of Phileas Fogg, the protagonist in “Around the World in Eighty Days” and the namesake of Mr. Fogg), Last says they were given free rein on what they did in each country they visited (seven in total over a 72-day period).
The highlights of their trip included a visit to an Indian tea plantation in Darjeeling, cycling across eight islands in Japan, learning about micro herbs in Singapore, and discovering the incredible cocktail scene in Mumbai. Perhaps the biggest “high” was taking to the skies in a hot air balloon in the U.S., Last says, adding, “I’ve always wanted to do that.”
Corgan set off from New Hampshire at the end of August 2018 and embarked on a 12,000 mile, three-month road trip across America to the Pacific Northwest, and then south to California. He toured various national parks and also ticked off a major bucket list item along the way.
“My grandfather was a senator in North Dakota back in the ‘30s and he helped establish Grand Teton National Park,” Corgan says.
After the road trip finished, Corgan planned his remaining experiences around the things in life he’s passionate about. He visited New Orleans because of his love of music (Corgan shares piano tutorials on YouTube), went camping in Hawaii, and piloted a plane in Miami. The latter forced him to get creative when it came to sharing the experience on Instagram — “you can’t fly a plane while drinking hard seltzer,” he says — while other unexpected obstacles presented their own challenges.
“There was a time driving through Wyoming where I couldn’t find a single can of White Claw because there was a national shortage,” he says. “A lot of my friends thought I was going around with a truck of White Claw and promoting it at fairs and stuff.”
In reality, Corgan purchased the cans for his photos on the road, so when the shortage hit, “I had to just travel until I found a liquor store that had some,” he says. “They were sold out for miles and miles, so I just postponed shooting that week.”
 View this post on Instagram
 A post shared by Paul Corgan | Adventure Travel (@paulcorgan) on Jan 24, 2019 at 6:04pm PST
Luck Favors the Experienced
When the first deposit for his White Claw adventure landed in his bank account, Corgan was on the shop floor of a men’s clothing store where he supplemented the income from his social media business as a part-time sales associate. “It was the craziest moment ‘cause I was there selling stuff, but I was smiling so much,” he recalls. “I was like, ‘O.K., I don’t have to be here at all.’”
After his six-month gig, Corgan started a new content creation company, Content Club Co., providing curated photos and videos for brands he feels strongly about, like Timberland, La Colombe, and Underwood.
“My life is completely different now than it would have been had I not won,” Corgan says.
So was it luck or skill? Probably a combination of the two. But if you find yourself procrastinating on social media and stumble across an alcohol-fueled opportunity of a lifetime, just remember: It could be you.
The article What Happens to Social Media Contest Winners Who Travel for Booze? Here Are Their Stories appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/viral-alcohol-travel-contest-winners/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/what-happens-to-social-media-contest-winners-who-travel-for-booze-here-are-their-stories
0 notes
isaiahrippinus · 4 years
What Happens to Social Media Contest Winners Who Travel for Booze? Here Are Their Stories
When Paul Corgan, a 26-year-old from Portsmouth, N.H., sent his online application to become White Claw’s “best life ambassador” in March 2018, he completed a short blurb and shared a photo and link to his Instagram account. After clicking submit, he forgot about the competition almost immediately.
The contest would grant two winners $60,000 each to travel America for six months. Their only requirement was to document themselves “living their best life” by posting one photo per week to Instagram featuring the up-and-coming hard seltzer brand.
Articles detailing the competition went viral across social media platforms. So by the time Corgan received an email in June 2018 informing him he was one of five finalists being considered for the role, he still assumed his chances of winning were slim. Then, just over a week later, after a Skype interview with the brand’s marketing department, he awoke to an email.
“It just said ‘Congratulations’ as the subject line,” Corgan says. “It was the most exciting thing that had happened to me in my life.”
Contest Marketing: Everyone’s a Winner
For active social media users, competitions like White Claw’s “Best Life Contest” will be a familiar concept. While their prizes often seem too good to be true, the bar for entry is remarkably low.
All that’s usually required is to follow the brand on a social media platform and share a post or photo tagging its account, often using a specific hashtag. In advertising lingo, the concept is known as contest marketing; it’s a savvy promotional strategy and one that an increasing number of alcohol brands are turning to.
Within the past year alone, Natural Light has run a range of social-media-driven competitions with prizes including free beer for a year, $10,000 for a Halloween costume contest, and $1 million to help 25 drinkers pay off their graduate school loans.
Guinness, meanwhile, offered drinkers the keys to their very own Irish pub for a weekend, while Keystone Light launched a “Free Rent” campaign that paid 13 lucky winners’ rents for a year. In May 2019, Busch Beer announced it would contribute $25,000 toward one couple’s wedding ceremony and would send its spokesman, Gerald Downy, better known as “Busch Guy,” as the officiant.
Credit: Megan O’Leary Photography
These contests present a win-win scenario: Contestants commit to a small social media interaction, and brands generate buzz at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising. Plus, the headline-grabbing nature of the campaigns all but guarantees nationwide coverage from numerous media outlets. (VinePair was one of several drinks publications that picked up the White Claw campaign, and even national news outlets like CNBC covered the contest.)
But while the contests themselves gain widespread coverage, the actual winners often go almost unreported.
When Fox 32 Chicago covered the Busch wedding contest in May 2019, the story received close to 40,000 likes, over 11,000 shares, and upwards of 20,000 comments on Facebook, according to data from content marketing research platform BuzzSumo. Despite such a positive reaction, Fox didn’t bother announcing the winners — the now-wed Abbi and Andrew Roth of Janesville, Wis. — nor did it follow up on the contestants to find out how the big day went.
The only coverage of the Roths’ wedding day appears to be a July 2019 article in Janesville’s Gazette Xtra. “We’re just a couple of regular Joes,” Abbi Roth told the publication. “We never thought this would happen.”
The “Lucky” Winners
While the Roths may be a pair of Busch-Light-loving “regular Joes,” success in other competitions — those that call upon the winner to fulfill a specific role — rely on more than brand alignment or fandom.
Prior to working as a White Claw ambassador, Corgan ran his own company that handled the social media accounts for small restaurants and businesses. He points to luck as a huge factor in winning the Best Life Contest; but he also says his love of travel, which he emphasized in his online application and interview, as well as his photography skills and knowledge of social media, helped him stand out and eventually win the contest.
In August 2018, Mr Fogg’s, a London mini-chain of bars inspired by the novel “Around the World in Eighty Days,” announced it was looking for an adventurous individual to travel the world, drink gin, and collect botanicals to inspire a cocktail for the bar upon their return. The winner would also get to choose a travel companion to join them on their escapade.
Numerous publications (including, again, VinePair) covered the competition, which gained even more online traction after actor and Aviation gin owner Ryan Reynolds tweeted about it.
I’ll do it.
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) August 16, 2018
To enter the competition, candidates applied on Mr. Fogg’s website and had to prove they were social media savvy, over 21 years of age, and skilled at writing and photography. Previous travel experience was also imperative.
“We didn’t think there was any chance we were going to get it because you never do with these things,” Jessica Last, the winning contestant, says. “But at the same time, we did feel all the questions that they asked were really relevant to what we were already doing: We were adventure/travel photographers and bloggers on a very small scale.”
When Last, a 30-something London resident, won the competition, she selected her longtime travel companion Charlie Wild to join her on the trip. The pair had recently returned from an eight-month, around-the-world adventure that they documented together on their blog, The Travel Project, after previously quitting their jobs in advertising.
Mr. Fogg’s enlisted the help of British explorer, writer, and photographer Levison Wood to pick the winners from more than 10,000 applicants. Resumes arrived from across the globe, including New Zealand, the U.S., Argentina, and Bermuda. According to a 2018 interview in trade publication Hospitality & Catering News, Woods picked Last because of her “genuine” passion for travel, and her “beautifully shot” Instagram photos.
Winning the Contest: What Happens Next?
Within two months of finding out he’d won the White Claw contest, Corgan was in the brand’s Chicago headquarters learning about the company values, discussing travel plans, and tasting the difference between White Claw and rival hard seltzer brands.
The aim of the immersion course was to prepare him and the other contest winner for their new, temporary ambassadorial roles. The position, he soon learned, would be remarkably self-driven. “The team over at White Claw was amazing,” he says. “They were really open to our ideas of what we wanted to do and where I wanted to travel.” (Corgan and the other winner traveled independently, but they did cross paths briefly in Denver during the six-month excursion.)
View this post on Instagram
  A post shared by Paul Corgan | Adventure Travel (@paulcorgan) on Aug 14, 2018 at 2:52pm PDT
As advertised, the winners were given the freedom to travel as they pleased, he says. “We just had to share one [Instagram] feed post a week about what we were doing, where we were going, and how we were living our best life with White Claw,” Corgan says.
Last and Wild, meanwhile, were whisked off on the worldwide gin trip in even quicker fashion. Though she doesn’t recall the exact time frame, Last estimates they set off within a few weeks of finding out she’d won in August 2018. The fact they were both working in freelance roles allowed them to drop everything and jet off at a moment’s notice. “It was all a bit of a whirlwind and continued that way till we got back,” she says.
Life on the Road
While Last and Wild’s journey was slightly more prescriptive than Corgan’s adventure (the pair followed in the footsteps of Phileas Fogg, the protagonist in “Around the World in Eighty Days” and the namesake of Mr. Fogg), Last says they were given free rein on what they did in each country they visited (seven in total over a 72-day period).
The highlights of their trip included a visit to an Indian tea plantation in Darjeeling, cycling across eight islands in Japan, learning about micro herbs in Singapore, and discovering the incredible cocktail scene in Mumbai. Perhaps the biggest “high” was taking to the skies in a hot air balloon in the U.S., Last says, adding, “I’ve always wanted to do that.”
Corgan set off from New Hampshire at the end of August 2018 and embarked on a 12,000 mile, three-month road trip across America to the Pacific Northwest, and then south to California. He toured various national parks and also ticked off a major bucket list item along the way.
“My grandfather was a senator in North Dakota back in the ‘30s and he helped establish Grand Teton National Park,” Corgan says.
After the road trip finished, Corgan planned his remaining experiences around the things in life he’s passionate about. He visited New Orleans because of his love of music (Corgan shares piano tutorials on YouTube), went camping in Hawaii, and piloted a plane in Miami. The latter forced him to get creative when it came to sharing the experience on Instagram — “you can’t fly a plane while drinking hard seltzer,” he says — while other unexpected obstacles presented their own challenges.
“There was a time driving through Wyoming where I couldn’t find a single can of White Claw because there was a national shortage,” he says. “A lot of my friends thought I was going around with a truck of White Claw and promoting it at fairs and stuff.”
In reality, Corgan purchased the cans for his photos on the road, so when the shortage hit, “I had to just travel until I found a liquor store that had some,” he says. “They were sold out for miles and miles, so I just postponed shooting that week.”
View this post on Instagram
  A post shared by Paul Corgan | Adventure Travel (@paulcorgan) on Jan 24, 2019 at 6:04pm PST
Luck Favors the Experienced
When the first deposit for his White Claw adventure landed in his bank account, Corgan was on the shop floor of a men’s clothing store where he supplemented the income from his social media business as a part-time sales associate. “It was the craziest moment ‘cause I was there selling stuff, but I was smiling so much,” he recalls. “I was like, ‘O.K., I don’t have to be here at all.’”
After his six-month gig, Corgan started a new content creation company, Content Club Co., providing curated photos and videos for brands he feels strongly about, like Timberland, La Colombe, and Underwood.
“My life is completely different now than it would have been had I not won,” Corgan says.
So was it luck or skill? Probably a combination of the two. But if you find yourself procrastinating on social media and stumble across an alcohol-fueled opportunity of a lifetime, just remember: It could be you.
The article What Happens to Social Media Contest Winners Who Travel for Booze? Here Are Their Stories appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/viral-alcohol-travel-contest-winners/ source https://vinology1.tumblr.com/post/190645703179
0 notes
wineanddinosaur · 4 years
What Happens to Social Media Contest Winners Who Travel for Booze? Here Are Their Stories
When Paul Corgan, a 26-year-old from Portsmouth, N.H., sent his online application to become White Claw’s “best life ambassador” in March 2018, he completed a short blurb and shared a photo and link to his Instagram account. After clicking submit, he forgot about the competition almost immediately.
The contest would grant two winners $60,000 each to travel America for six months. Their only requirement was to document themselves “living their best life” by posting one photo per week to Instagram featuring the up-and-coming hard seltzer brand.
Articles detailing the competition went viral across social media platforms. So by the time Corgan received an email in June 2018 informing him he was one of five finalists being considered for the role, he still assumed his chances of winning were slim. Then, just over a week later, after a Skype interview with the brand’s marketing department, he awoke to an email.
“It just said ‘Congratulations’ as the subject line,” Corgan says. “It was the most exciting thing that had happened to me in my life.”
Contest Marketing: Everyone’s a Winner
For active social media users, competitions like White Claw’s “Best Life Contest” will be a familiar concept. While their prizes often seem too good to be true, the bar for entry is remarkably low.
All that’s usually required is to follow the brand on a social media platform and share a post or photo tagging its account, often using a specific hashtag. In advertising lingo, the concept is known as contest marketing; it’s a savvy promotional strategy and one that an increasing number of alcohol brands are turning to.
Within the past year alone, Natural Light has run a range of social-media-driven competitions with prizes including free beer for a year, $10,000 for a Halloween costume contest, and $1 million to help 25 drinkers pay off their graduate school loans.
Guinness, meanwhile, offered drinkers the keys to their very own Irish pub for a weekend, while Keystone Light launched a “Free Rent” campaign that paid 13 lucky winners’ rents for a year. In May 2019, Busch Beer announced it would contribute $25,000 toward one couple’s wedding ceremony and would send its spokesman, Gerald Downy, better known as “Busch Guy,” as the officiant.
Credit: Megan O’Leary Photography
These contests present a win-win scenario: Contestants commit to a small social media interaction, and brands generate buzz at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising. Plus, the headline-grabbing nature of the campaigns all but guarantees nationwide coverage from numerous media outlets. (VinePair was one of several drinks publications that picked up the White Claw campaign, and even national news outlets like CNBC covered the contest.)
But while the contests themselves gain widespread coverage, the actual winners often go almost unreported.
When Fox 32 Chicago covered the Busch wedding contest in May 2019, the story received close to 40,000 likes, over 11,000 shares, and upwards of 20,000 comments on Facebook, according to data from content marketing research platform BuzzSumo. Despite such a positive reaction, Fox didn’t bother announcing the winners — the now-wed Abbi and Andrew Roth of Janesville, Wis. — nor did it follow up on the contestants to find out how the big day went.
The only coverage of the Roths’ wedding day appears to be a July 2019 article in Janesville’s Gazette Xtra. “We’re just a couple of regular Joes,” Abbi Roth told the publication. “We never thought this would happen.”
The “Lucky” Winners
While the Roths may be a pair of Busch-Light-loving “regular Joes,” success in other competitions — those that call upon the winner to fulfill a specific role — rely on more than brand alignment or fandom.
Prior to working as a White Claw ambassador, Corgan ran his own company that handled the social media accounts for small restaurants and businesses. He points to luck as a huge factor in winning the Best Life Contest; but he also says his love of travel, which he emphasized in his online application and interview, as well as his photography skills and knowledge of social media, helped him stand out and eventually win the contest.
In August 2018, Mr Fogg’s, a London mini-chain of bars inspired by the novel “Around the World in Eighty Days,” announced it was looking for an adventurous individual to travel the world, drink gin, and collect botanicals to inspire a cocktail for the bar upon their return. The winner would also get to choose a travel companion to join them on their escapade.
Numerous publications (including, again, VinePair) covered the competition, which gained even more online traction after actor and Aviation gin owner Ryan Reynolds tweeted about it.
I’ll do it.
— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) August 16, 2018
To enter the competition, candidates applied on Mr. Fogg’s website and had to prove they were social media savvy, over 21 years of age, and skilled at writing and photography. Previous travel experience was also imperative.
“We didn’t think there was any chance we were going to get it because you never do with these things,” Jessica Last, the winning contestant, says. “But at the same time, we did feel all the questions that they asked were really relevant to what we were already doing: We were adventure/travel photographers and bloggers on a very small scale.”
When Last, a 30-something London resident, won the competition, she selected her longtime travel companion Charlie Wild to join her on the trip. The pair had recently returned from an eight-month, around-the-world adventure that they documented together on their blog, The Travel Project, after previously quitting their jobs in advertising.
Mr. Fogg’s enlisted the help of British explorer, writer, and photographer Levison Wood to pick the winners from more than 10,000 applicants. Resumes arrived from across the globe, including New Zealand, the U.S., Argentina, and Bermuda. According to a 2018 interview in trade publication Hospitality & Catering News, Woods picked Last because of her “genuine” passion for travel, and her “beautifully shot” Instagram photos.
Winning the Contest: What Happens Next?
Within two months of finding out he’d won the White Claw contest, Corgan was in the brand’s Chicago headquarters learning about the company values, discussing travel plans, and tasting the difference between White Claw and rival hard seltzer brands.
The aim of the immersion course was to prepare him and the other contest winner for their new, temporary ambassadorial roles. The position, he soon learned, would be remarkably self-driven. “The team over at White Claw was amazing,” he says. “They were really open to our ideas of what we wanted to do and where I wanted to travel.” (Corgan and the other winner traveled independently, but they did cross paths briefly in Denver during the six-month excursion.)
  View this post on Instagram
  A post shared by Paul Corgan | Adventure Travel (@paulcorgan) on Aug 14, 2018 at 2:52pm PDT
As advertised, the winners were given the freedom to travel as they pleased, he says. “We just had to share one [Instagram] feed post a week about what we were doing, where we were going, and how we were living our best life with White Claw,” Corgan says.
Last and Wild, meanwhile, were whisked off on the worldwide gin trip in even quicker fashion. Though she doesn’t recall the exact time frame, Last estimates they set off within a few weeks of finding out she’d won in August 2018. The fact they were both working in freelance roles allowed them to drop everything and jet off at a moment’s notice. “It was all a bit of a whirlwind and continued that way till we got back,” she says.
Life on the Road
While Last and Wild’s journey was slightly more prescriptive than Corgan’s adventure (the pair followed in the footsteps of Phileas Fogg, the protagonist in “Around the World in Eighty Days” and the namesake of Mr. Fogg), Last says they were given free rein on what they did in each country they visited (seven in total over a 72-day period).
The highlights of their trip included a visit to an Indian tea plantation in Darjeeling, cycling across eight islands in Japan, learning about micro herbs in Singapore, and discovering the incredible cocktail scene in Mumbai. Perhaps the biggest “high” was taking to the skies in a hot air balloon in the U.S., Last says, adding, “I’ve always wanted to do that.”
Corgan set off from New Hampshire at the end of August 2018 and embarked on a 12,000 mile, three-month road trip across America to the Pacific Northwest, and then south to California. He toured various national parks and also ticked off a major bucket list item along the way.
“My grandfather was a senator in North Dakota back in the ‘30s and he helped establish Grand Teton National Park,” Corgan says.
After the road trip finished, Corgan planned his remaining experiences around the things in life he’s passionate about. He visited New Orleans because of his love of music (Corgan shares piano tutorials on YouTube), went camping in Hawaii, and piloted a plane in Miami. The latter forced him to get creative when it came to sharing the experience on Instagram — “you can’t fly a plane while drinking hard seltzer,” he says — while other unexpected obstacles presented their own challenges.
“There was a time driving through Wyoming where I couldn’t find a single can of White Claw because there was a national shortage,” he says. “A lot of my friends thought I was going around with a truck of White Claw and promoting it at fairs and stuff.”
In reality, Corgan purchased the cans for his photos on the road, so when the shortage hit, “I had to just travel until I found a liquor store that had some,” he says. “They were sold out for miles and miles, so I just postponed shooting that week.”
  View this post on Instagram
  A post shared by Paul Corgan | Adventure Travel (@paulcorgan) on Jan 24, 2019 at 6:04pm PST
Luck Favors the Experienced
When the first deposit for his White Claw adventure landed in his bank account, Corgan was on the shop floor of a men’s clothing store where he supplemented the income from his social media business as a part-time sales associate. “It was the craziest moment ‘cause I was there selling stuff, but I was smiling so much,” he recalls. “I was like, ‘O.K., I don’t have to be here at all.’”
After his six-month gig, Corgan started a new content creation company, Content Club Co., providing curated photos and videos for brands he feels strongly about, like Timberland, La Colombe, and Underwood.
“My life is completely different now than it would have been had I not won,” Corgan says.
So was it luck or skill? Probably a combination of the two. But if you find yourself procrastinating on social media and stumble across an alcohol-fueled opportunity of a lifetime, just remember: It could be you.
The article What Happens to Social Media Contest Winners Who Travel for Booze? Here Are Their Stories appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/viral-alcohol-travel-contest-winners/
0 notes
webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/google-gives-seo-tips-on-how-to-handle-day-long-site-closures/
Google gives SEO tips on how to handle day-long site closures
Need to show off your website for a time period, but worry your Google scores will drop? Right here are a few guidelines from Google’s John Mueller on a way to take care of it.
John Mueller, a Webmaster Tendencies Analyst at Google, wrote a weblog submit explaining how SEOs and webmasters can deal with website outages or closures that last for an afternoon or longer. That is when a webmaster deliberately takes down the site for maintenance, web site movements, religious motives or different motives.
John gives three options:
Block the cart functionality from Google and your users. Always show an interstitial or pop-up announcing your website is offline today. Switch the whole internet site off for a time period. Every option may be handled in another way, but the simplest alternative appears to be blocking off the cart functionality in case you don’t want humans to buy out of your website. That is commonplace for religious practices in which they’re offline for Shabbat once every week. They do now not need customers to transact with their website and earn money on Shabbat.
but some site owners want to take the entire website offline and offer a warning, which includes an interstitial or pop-up with an evidence of why the website online is not on hand. Google advised individuals who were concerned approximately this that interstitials for spiritual purposes are inside their ideal use recommendations. These sites gained or shouldn’t be hit with the aid of the Google interstitials penalty in this example.
While doing this, John Mueller stated “the server should return a 503 HTTP end result code (“Provider Unavailable”) … The 503 end result code makes sure that Google doesn’t index the transient content that’s proven to customers. Without the 503 end result code, the interstitial might be listed as your internet site’s content.”
Same with turning off the web page, however also add These recommendations on your to-do list:
How to Add Your Business to Google Maps
Previously known as Google Locations, the Google Maps Characteristic presently belongs to the dashboard of Google My Business, the dashboard of Google to tune and manipulate your digital presence throughout unique structures of Google with the inclusion of AdWords, Google Analytics, Google+, Google Maps (Google Nearby).
In case you are getting ready to start list, just take into account that in a few situations, Google will show businesses from groups around in the Nearby search outcomes; however, you’re just accredited for registering your Commercial enterprise in the city or town in which you live physically.
Claiming or adding your Enterprise on Google My Commercial enterprise:
Your Enterprise should exist already inside the directory of Google My Business if it’s miles installed. All you want is simply claiming it. New places and new companies will probably need to be delivered.
1. At first, go to Google My Business after which comply with the hyperlink of ‘Get on Google’.
2. Then, enter the name and address of your Commercial enterprise within the search Container.
3. Subsequent, in case your Business listing appears a few of the endorsed matches, click on that. If it does not appear, then Add Your Business and give critical info.
Understand that the deal with you are supplying will be proven as your default cope with online. So, you must provide a permanent address.
Also, take into account that giving applicable and particular info to Google will help you display your Business list maximum accurately.
Always pick out an applicable class to explain your Commercial enterprise. This way, Google can classify your Enterprise and with the aid of typing, this category people can without problems discover your Business.
For each industry, Google has preset key phrases and categories. So, first, type the correct keyword on your Enterprise to peer whether it fits with the search result and then choose the maximum applicable one. Nicely, you may Continually get the possibility for adding greater classes later.
4. Google will Usually verify the address of your Commercial enterprise region.
Usually, this means waiting 1 to two weeks for a postcard together with your verification PIN.
Now and again, you will be provided with an option to get your PIN with the aid of automatic smartphone name or text message for absolutely the Characteristic with greater ease.
5. Eventually, you want to verify your Commercial enterprise by using putting in place a Google+ page. In Nearby search Optimization, putting in the Google My Enterprise page is the first step to being taken, and must be exceptionally vital for each Business with a wish of being found across the internet.
So, these are approaches of claiming or adding your Commercial enterprise to Google Maps. Lease the satisfactory firm while you are searching out a Seo Offerings Business enterprise and beautify your Enterprise’ online presence.
Local SEO Tips Anyone Can Implement – DIY Tips
  Thanks for preventing by and finding out my neighborhood Search engine optimization recommendations. There is a lot of fact floating around the internet, it can be tough to determine what is going to help, and what may not. Rest confident, the recommendations I can percentage with you within the brief article will without a doubt assist you to get off to a great start. Let’s dive in.
I am going to provide you a few nearby Search engine optimization
Recommendations that you can place to use, beginning nowadays. Right here are the things you can do this will help your site start acting better to your area of interest:
Optimize your site. Do not overdo it Right here, however, you Must tell Google what you do and in which you do it. If you Don’t have that statistics to your domain call, then use your website online identity to achieve this. In case you are a plumber in Omaha, a well-optimized website online name could be Logo name | #1 Omaha Plumbing Organization. Optimize your title a little, then perhaps upload associated key phrases a time or 2 for your content material. Sound normal, and Do not overdo it! Also, upload your NAP information into your footer. NAP = name, Cope with, Telephone #.
Declare and Optimize you Maps list. If you are a legitimate business,
Probabilities are Google knows about you. If you have no longer claimed your listing, accomplish that straight away. You may need to have your NAP data be same in your web site’s Right here. Additionally, add hours, categories, and fill it out as completely as you can. A brilliant neighborhood Search engine optimization tip Right here is to Geo Tag your snapshots. There is lots of data on the web approximately a way to do this, so just supply it a quick search and you will be exact to head.
Get those citations! Citations will assist your Maps scores, as well as provide your website a nice foundation of branded links. Maximum of these could be no follow links, but do carry weight and are very essential. Those are websites like Yelp, Manta, YellowPages, CitySearch etc, and you may create Unfastened listings on them all. They’ll without a doubt try to get you to market it, which I assume is not sensible, however, your decision. We are after the link we get from the websites. Make certain NAP information is Genuine Right here. If you Do not want to do this yourself, there are plenty of offerings to be had that build citations for you. I might be glad to assist In case you get caught.
How to Handle Your Tenant Showing Appointments.
Inside the beyond we mentioned approaches to find potential tenants or tenant consumers and what to say to them on the primary cell phone call. These days, we are going to speak approximately displaying the assets to the ability tenant and getting a deposit to preserve the house for them. This step Within the procedure will via a long way take in the maximum of your precious time so it’s far crucial that we get it right and make the most out of every appointment.
In case you recall we ended our smartphone communication with the prospect through asking them to name us to verify their appointment.
In most instances, they will name and affirm. If no longer you’ve got one in all picks, you could name them and discover what is going on or you could circulate directly to the next prospect. If I’m having hassle filling a unit I’m able to call them, if I do not suppose I will have hassle I do not follow up. To me this is a superb way to screen them; if they can’t without a doubt call you once they stated they would, they will no longer be the quality tenants for you.
Continually get to the belongings about 10 mins early, you want to have enough time to put together for the display you’re about to put on. Whilst you get there to do the subsequent:
· Pick up all free trash In the backyard
· Make sure the front door is wide open
· Switch on all lights and open doors to bedroom closets and toilets
· Open all window coverings to permit the light in (except the window makes the vicinity look bad)
· Plug for your air fresheners or do whatever odor desirable approach you opt for
· Start the fireplace if there is a gasoline log
· If you use flyers positioned them out wherein it’s miles seen alongside your utility and any other advertising material.
0 notes
webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
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Google gives SEO tips on how to handle day-long site closures
Need to show off your website for a time period, but worry your Google scores will drop? Right here are a few guidelines from Google’s John Mueller on a way to take care of it.
John Mueller, a Webmaster Tendencies Analyst at Google, wrote a weblog submit explaining how SEOs and webmasters can deal with website outages or closures that last for an afternoon or longer. That is when a webmaster deliberately takes down the site for maintenance, web site movements, religious motives or different motives.
John gives three options:
Block the cart functionality from Google and your users. Always show an interstitial or pop-up announcing your website is offline today. Switch the whole internet site off for a time period. Every option may be handled in another way, but the simplest alternative appears to be blocking off the cart functionality in case you don’t want humans to buy out of your website. That is commonplace for religious practices in which they’re offline for Shabbat once every week. They do now not need customers to transact with their website and earn money on Shabbat.
but some site owners want to take the entire website offline and offer a warning, which includes an interstitial or pop-up with an evidence of why the website online is not on hand. Google advised individuals who were concerned approximately this that interstitials for spiritual purposes are inside their ideal use recommendations. These sites gained or shouldn’t be hit with the aid of the Google interstitials penalty in this example.
While doing this, John Mueller stated “the server should return a 503 HTTP end result code (“Provider Unavailable”) … The 503 end result code makes sure that Google doesn’t index the transient content that’s proven to customers. Without the 503 end result code, the interstitial might be listed as your internet site’s content.”
Same with turning off the web page, however also add These recommendations on your to-do list:
How to Add Your Business to Google Maps
Previously known as Google Locations, the Google Maps Characteristic presently belongs to the dashboard of Google My Business, the dashboard of Google to tune and manipulate your digital presence throughout unique structures of Google with the inclusion of AdWords, Google Analytics, Google+, Google Maps (Google Nearby).
In case you are getting ready to start list, just take into account that in a few situations, Google will show businesses from groups around in the Nearby search outcomes; however, you’re just accredited for registering your Commercial enterprise in the city or town in which you live physically.
Claiming or adding your Enterprise on Google My Commercial enterprise:
Your Enterprise should exist already inside the directory of Google My Business if it’s miles installed. All you want is simply claiming it. New places and new companies will probably need to be delivered.
1. At first, go to Google My Business after which comply with the hyperlink of ‘Get on Google’.
2. Then, enter the name and address of your Commercial enterprise within the search Container.
3. Subsequent, in case your Business listing appears a few of the endorsed matches, click on that. If it does not appear, then Add Your Business and give critical info.
Understand that the deal with you are supplying will be proven as your default cope with online. So, you must provide a permanent address.
Also, take into account that giving applicable and particular info to Google will help you display your Business list maximum accurately.
Always pick out an applicable class to explain your Commercial enterprise. This way, Google can classify your Enterprise and with the aid of typing, this category people can without problems discover your Business.
For each industry, Google has preset key phrases and categories. So, first, type the correct keyword on your Enterprise to peer whether it fits with the search result and then choose the maximum applicable one. Nicely, you may Continually get the possibility for adding greater classes later.
4. Google will Usually verify the address of your Commercial enterprise region.
Usually, this means waiting 1 to two weeks for a postcard together with your verification PIN.
Now and again, you will be provided with an option to get your PIN with the aid of automatic smartphone name or text message for absolutely the Characteristic with greater ease.
5. Eventually, you want to verify your Commercial enterprise by using putting in place a Google+ page. In Nearby search Optimization, putting in the Google My Enterprise page is the first step to being taken, and must be exceptionally vital for each Business with a wish of being found across the internet.
So, these are approaches of claiming or adding your Commercial enterprise to Google Maps. Lease the satisfactory firm while you are searching out a Seo Offerings Business enterprise and beautify your Enterprise’ online presence.
Local SEO Tips Anyone Can Implement – DIY Tips
  Thanks for preventing by and finding out my neighborhood Search engine optimization recommendations. There is a lot of fact floating around the internet, it can be tough to determine what is going to help, and what may not. Rest confident, the recommendations I can percentage with you within the brief article will without a doubt assist you to get off to a great start. Let’s dive in.
I am going to provide you a few nearby Search engine optimization
Recommendations that you can place to use, beginning nowadays. Right here are the things you can do this will help your site start acting better to your area of interest:
Optimize your site. Do not overdo it Right here, however, you Must tell Google what you do and in which you do it. If you Don’t have that statistics to your domain call, then use your website online identity to achieve this. In case you are a plumber in Omaha, a well-optimized website online name could be Logo name | #1 Omaha Plumbing Organization. Optimize your title a little, then perhaps upload associated key phrases a time or 2 for your content material. Sound normal, and Do not overdo it! Also, upload your NAP information into your footer. NAP = name, Cope with, Telephone #.
Declare and Optimize you Maps list. If you are a legitimate business,
Probabilities are Google knows about you. If you have no longer claimed your listing, accomplish that straight away. You may need to have your NAP data be same in your web site’s Right here. Additionally, add hours, categories, and fill it out as completely as you can. A brilliant neighborhood Search engine optimization tip Right here is to Geo Tag your snapshots. There is lots of data on the web approximately a way to do this, so just supply it a quick search and you will be exact to head.
Get those citations! Citations will assist your Maps scores, as well as provide your website a nice foundation of branded links. Maximum of these could be no follow links, but do carry weight and are very essential. Those are websites like Yelp, Manta, YellowPages, CitySearch etc, and you may create Unfastened listings on them all. They’ll without a doubt try to get you to market it, which I assume is not sensible, however, your decision. We are after the link we get from the websites. Make certain NAP information is Genuine Right here. If you Do not want to do this yourself, there are plenty of offerings to be had that build citations for you. I might be glad to assist In case you get caught.
How to Handle Your Tenant Showing Appointments.
Inside the beyond we mentioned approaches to find potential tenants or tenant consumers and what to say to them on the primary cell phone call. These days, we are going to speak approximately displaying the assets to the ability tenant and getting a deposit to preserve the house for them. This step Within the procedure will via a long way take in the maximum of your precious time so it’s far crucial that we get it right and make the most out of every appointment.
In case you recall we ended our smartphone communication with the prospect through asking them to name us to verify their appointment.
In most instances, they will name and affirm. If no longer you’ve got one in all picks, you could name them and discover what is going on or you could circulate directly to the next prospect. If I’m having hassle filling a unit I’m able to call them, if I do not suppose I will have hassle I do not follow up. To me this is a superb way to screen them; if they can’t without a doubt call you once they stated they would, they will no longer be the quality tenants for you.
Continually get to the belongings about 10 mins early, you want to have enough time to put together for the display you’re about to put on. Whilst you get there to do the subsequent:
· Pick up all free trash In the backyard
· Make sure the front door is wide open
· Switch on all lights and open doors to bedroom closets and toilets
· Open all window coverings to permit the light in (except the window makes the vicinity look bad)
· Plug for your air fresheners or do whatever odor desirable approach you opt for
· Start the fireplace if there is a gasoline log
· If you use flyers positioned them out wherein it’s miles seen alongside your utility and any other advertising material.
0 notes