#i fully posed this scene it was about 15 poses in total :D
elderwisp · 3 months
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Atlas: So I was thinking about piercing my other nostril and adding a septum piercing as well.
?: Hell yeah, that’s gonna look cool. Want me to change out the hoop so it matches?
Atlas: I would love that. 
?: Alright, so you know how to care for your piercing right? Don’t pick at it, don’t change it out until fully healed. 
Atlas: Alright, what do you think?
Taryn: Jesus are you okay? You didn’t even flinch.
Atlas: Completely fine. You’re next!
Taryn: [ a small squeak ] ‘kay!
?: First time? You’ll be okay. 
Taryn: Kind of, I wasn’t conscious the first time.
?: Wait what?
Taryn: Sorry, I meant that I was a kid so I didn’t really remember. [ mumbles ] When I get nervous, I forget how to speak. 
?: [ laughs ] I see. Well, it’s really sweet of your boyfriend to bring you here. He even offered to pay.
Taryn: Oh, he’s not my boyfriend.
?: My bad. You guys seem like- Slight pinch.  
Taryn: [ flinches ] Like what?
?: Seem to be yourselves around each other.
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sailorspazz · 8 months
Inouesatoh Exhibition 2023
In the summer of 2019, Vanilla Gallery in Tokyo hosted an exhibition for Inouesatoh featuring her 10 Dance art. In July 2023, they announced they would be running a second exhibition from September 7th to the 24th, this time additionally including her works from before 10 Dance, serving to also celebrate the 20th anniversary of her manga career. In addition, there would be new 10 Dance goods for sale, as well as some merch from earlier events. After attending the amazing Real 10 Dance event in February 2023, surely I couldn't justify going to Japan twice in one year for 10 Dance related things, could I...? Well, spoiler alert, I did, so below the cut you'll find my report on attending this special exhibition!
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After a rather long trip that included a one-hour technical delay of my first flight and a three-hour weather delay of my second flight due to a typhoon going through Tokyo, I made it to Japan on the evening of September 8th, with my exhibition ticket set for entry at noon on the 9th. After doing various things in the morning such as getting a nice bowl of fresh seafood at Tsukiji, walking around the Hama Rikyu gardens, and stopping by the large Uniqlo in Ginza (where I ended up buying a Magic Knight Rayearth shirt, one of my old fandoms from the 90s lol), I arrived at Vanilla Gallery about 10 minutes before noon, where I saw several other people lined up on the sidewalk. Once the doors opened, we were led down a couple flights of stairs, where the above poster was displayed on one of the landings. Then, after getting to the bottom of the stairs, there were two different rooms labeled A and B. The left side was A, which contained all of the 10 Dance pieces as well as the merch selling area, and the right side was B, which featured Inouesatoh's older works, as well as displays of 10 Dance art reproductions that were available for pre-order. Everyone headed into the A side first, where all of the walls featured either original drafts (for chapter 31 and earlier) or large digital copies (for chapter 32 onward) of manga pages, plus various illustrations such as volume covers and special colored pages. For the earlier chapters you could see things such as white out, corrections, and notes about which screentones should be used. For the later, digitally created chapters, the pages looked mostly the same as how they were printed, except some were larger and showed bits from the edges of pages that were originally cut off and hence not fully drawn in detail or screentoned. There were over 100 pieces on display in total; some of the scenes featured included chapter 11's flirting practice, chapter 15's subway makeout session, the entire farewell dance sequence from chapter 33, and Suzuki and Norman's *ahem* "arrangement" from chapter 38.
The absolute "wow" piece was the new artwork created specifically for this exhibition, featuring Suzuki being a devil and angel simultaneously (and Sugiki indulging people who are into feet lol). I had seen some pics of it on Twitter, but it still surprised me with how impressive (and big!) it was in person. It was the only piece that pictures were allowed to be taken of, so here're the shots I took (due to the lighting, I couldn't really get a shot without reflections, unfortunately):
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I'm absolutely o b s e s s e d with their expressions.
For a sense of scale, here's a picture Inouesatoh and Teacher shared on Twitter:
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In the middle of the room, there was a set-up that included a map of the Ginza area that showed locations used in the series (including their route to Tokyo station from chapter 33), a chair that included an artfully draped dance tuxedo, four sketches of merchandise ideas (one that was used for the stand, one that turned into the angel/devil piece, one that she colored and shared on Twitter before we even knew about the exhibition, and a fourth that hasn't yet been used anywhere, but I hope it will be since it shows a really cool and dynamic pose), several flower arrangements celebrating the exhibition/Inoue's 20th anniversary as a manga artist/her birthday (September 10th), and a guestbook for fans to leave messages. I was wary of writing anything at first, since I don't ever practice hand-writing Japanese, so I know my penmanship is sloppy and I have a hard time writing kanji from memory (I tried turning to my phone for assistance, but alas did not have a wifi connection in that underground level). But I thought I should still try anyway, so I just wrote a short and simple message congratulating her on the exhibition, saying that I'd come from America to see it and it was great.
Here's an image that Vanilla Gallery shared on Twitter that gives a good view of the center and a partial wall:
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I then headed over to the B room, where Inouesatoh's earlier works from 2003 to 2011 were featured. Many of the pages included sex scenes, which somewhat amusingly had bits of black tape covering the naughty bits (I saw a fan note on Twitter that if you looked at them from a slanted angle you could totally see under the tape lol). One of the walls also had information about the signed reproductions that could be pre-ordered for delivery in mid-December. This is an image from the online sales afterward showing the options and prices:
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I didn't place an order at the venue because I wasn't sure if they would deliver outside of Japan, and didn't know if my friends who live there would be available to receive the artwork in that timeframe. Instead, I waited until afterward and placed a proxy order for the new piece through Buyee.
There were other items available to purchase on site, so I indulged myself in a bunch of merch! On my first trip to the register, I picked up the tote bag, washi tape, art books for both this exhibition and the previous one, the acrylic stand, two blind pack keychains, and six blind pack art cards. The art cards included five regular designs and one rare special (the new angel/devil piece), and I hoped I could get all of them in one go. I tried to quietly open the packs to see if I'd gotten lucky, and while I did get all of the regular designs, no special was among them. So I bought a second round of six cards, plus two more keychains just because. Again I checked to see if I had gotten the one I wanted, but all I had was doubles/triples of the five regular designs. So I gave it one more shot, six more cards, and again ended up with duplicates. At that point, I figured I shouldn't let myself keep gambling since I'd probably just get more and more duplicates of the ones I already had, so I sadly accepted my fate lol. At least there's a beautiful print of the new art piece in the catalog book for me to stare at (plus the signed version that'll be coming my way in December!)
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After the event ended, they started selling the exhibition catalog and acrylic stand online, which can be found here. Also available is a separate catalog featuring her pre-10 Dance works (assuming the split is because her earlier series are owned by a different publisher). That book is sold here.
Though I had wanted to visit some more of the sites used in the series that I didn't get to see on my previous visit (when I had been racing against the clock as it got dark), ultimately I didn't end up having time to go on a full pilgrimage. However, on my last day just before heading to the airport, I wanted to at least visit one of the most important series locations and take a few photos with the adorable acrylic stand. So here I present to you, the Shinyas having a date in their favorite park!
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Overall, it was a short but fun trip! I'm glad I was able to go to this exhibition, to see the original drafts in person and admire the craft that went into them. Also to feed my need for merch; I'm so happy to indulge in a more direct form of support than the secondhand goods I've bought before. I hope that this event was considered a success and let Inouesatoh feel the love and encouragement from her fans, inspiring her to keep pushing onward in her now two-decade career in manga!
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turoveroofficial · 7 years
State of the Game (or rather, demo)
"So dev,” you ask, placing your foot on the chair and shining the lamplight on me in your best “Bad Cop” impression, “now that you’ve revealed the game, we’ve gotta ask - just how much of it have you finished?”
I’m happy to say quite a bit, actually! In terms of overall game mechanics/systems and materials needed for the demo, I actually have a majority of it complete. I want to set up everything in a way where I can focus almost entirely on mapping, eventing, and scenewriting by completing the “guts” of the game (e.g. the database for actors/items/skills/monsters, the music, the graphics for menus, etc.) first, so a good chunk of that is already done. :D
Keep in mind that the following progress report is (for the most part) related to completion of the demo, which I want to try and release this fall. The demo will over about 25% of the game’s total playable time, if not a bit less, and about 15% of its total content (taking into account branching story routes).
Story and Outlines: 100%. I usually make sure I have a good grasp on how the story will play out before I ever even open up the editor.
Character and Event Sprites: 75%. Additional poses for the MCs, NPCs, creature sprites, and several environmental sprites (e.g. switches, puzzle items) are complete. I usually add more as I go along and draft new puzzles, etc. 
Artwork: 65%. All four main characters’ busts are complete, along with all regular enemies (for the demo) as well as the entirety of the prologue’s cutscene art. I’m still waiting on two bosses (that will cover the span of the demo), title artwork, and an important NPC’s busts.
Misc. Graphics (Logos, windowskins, etc): 90%. All menu graphics and item/skill icons are complete. Since development began, I added a “journal” feature that the player can use to access story summaries, character bios, and a bestiary, and some of those graphics still need to be made and plugged into the game.
Database (Skills, monsters, items, etc): 80%. All weapons, armor, and consumable items are complete; animations for party skills and some enemy skills are also complete. I am adding enemies and enemy skills as I receive their art, so this part will take a little longer to complete.
Music: 99%. I need to make a quick song to use for the end-of-demo sting but the demo tracks are complete otherwise.
Dialogue: 40%. A majority of dialogue for the first “dungeon” (out of the two that will be showcased in the demo) is complete, as well as several pre-written scenes that I have yet to plug into the game proper.
Mapping: 25%. About half of the first dungeon is completely mapped with fully functional events, puzzles, and battles. It helps that I made several dummy events to be used as “bases” for the semi-complex environmental puzzles, meaning that I don’t have to construct each one from scratch.
And that’s it from this front! Look forward to more silly screenshots of our ~Heroes of Justice~ in action as well as music previews over the next several weeks! :D
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