#i feel like nondisabled people daydream about vacations and cars and big houses or whatever
choixsimple · 2 months
If I ever become rich there are two things I am doing immediately:
Personal chef and house cleaning service.
My chronically ill ass is so tired of having to figure out what to eat 2-3x a day every day and routinely having to eat suboptimal food because it's available/close by and I'm disabled. And definitely tired of spending all my energy cleaning and then by the time I recover from the cleaning the house is dirty again. I've started waiting longer and longer between cleaning sessions but that just makes me sad because my house is dirty.
But fr I feel like people really underestimate how hard it is to (affordably and regularly) feed yourself good and healthy food when you're disabled and work a full time job. Perhaps if I worked part time or not at all I could go shopping for fresh food and cook my meals at home more, but if I don't work full time I can't afford food at all so...
And same logic goes for cleaning, except it's so hard on my body I'm not sure quitting my job would make that situation much better.
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