#i doubt og anon with us HAHA but if you are uhm. Hm. this is very awkward
i dont want to dampen ur mood but.. isnt the idol fan daigo sprite an edit…….. like his ribbons say “mayu” which I’m almost certain is the name of the twitter user that made it. Like she does these cute self ship illustrations and I think she made the sprite edit so that he’s cheering for her…….. I might be wrong but I don’t think it’s canon as much as I’d like that to be the case 😭
i aint even mad at this point fuck it i'll shake mayu hand for the convincing cap. plus her art's cute and she seems like a sweetheart so if i HAD to accidentally make fanart for someone then i wouldn't mind it bein for her
i'm hunting OG anon down for sending me falsehoods tho. fool me once shame on you but let me RB it months later with no other comment clarifying it was an edit then shame on me
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