#i dont even like the chargrilled chickens either tho
missile-silo · 4 years
I fucking hate home bough chicken nuggets because the actual chicken nuggets are really hard to find so instead you get chicken dippers. So say you go to actually dip one of these chicken dippers, you’re gonna get fat too much sauce for one dipper but you can’t double up because the dippers are fucking huge and by the time you’ve thought to wipe the dipper on the side of your plate the batter is soggy and comes off with the wipe. What do you do then??? Why does the batter adhere so well to sauce but not the fucking chicken??? Why the fuck do people still buy them??? Don’t even get me started on this fucking popcorn chicken burgers. Cos the birdseye ones are ok ish but I’ve had actual branded birdseye stuff like twice and the knockoff stuff is so bitter and you can’t even dip them because they’re whole ass burger patties but don’t make the mistake of butting them on burger buns because it’s too dry even with sauce. THE ONLY acceptable oven baked chicken thing that you can get in the freezer isle is chargrilled chicken burgers and that’s because they have a singular gram of flavour to them and the batter is naturally a bit soggy so it’s not dry. It’s 2:35. I’m tired. I’m sleeping and I will never address this post again
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