#i don't think this needs a fatphobia tag but if you're sensitive to that kind of stuff. take care
ricksanchezbignaturals · 11 months
↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ daily click for palestine ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
☆profile picture by @piki-miki !!☆
ok tldr: this is my main blog but the rick and morty hyperfixation hit hard so that's most of what i post. there's other fandoms too, just not as often. as for non fandom things ive got queer, leftist, neurodivergent, mental illness shit as well as random memes/shitposts/etc that i find funny.
i tag posts with [media] [character] [ship] and relevant attributes like autistic [character] or trans [character]. totally ask if you want me to tag something, but at the moment i don't trigger tag anything consistently. so uh blanket content warning for this blog (and a list of fandoms and some stuff about me) under the cut.
content warning: nothing extreme enough to piss off tumblr, but there is very suggestive art and general "horny about that old man" vibes. slurs like f*****, d***, t*****, and r*******, and maybe others that i don't remember. discussions or depictions of homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, ableism, racism, classism, possibly some other bigotries that im not thinking of. canon typical content (like gore, death, probably some in poor taste jokes coming from rnm). loads loads loads of mental health things, suicide, self harm, smoking/drinking/drug use and addiction, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, body dysmorphia, ocd, adhd, autism, overstimulation, meltdowns, dissociation, gender dysphoria
basically i think the content warning can be boiled down to this: anything that happens in rick and morty, bojack horseman, or disco elysium can show up on this blog.
i do not ship rick and morty together but a lot of ship art just looks like regular fanart if you don't know any better so it's possible that ive reblogged something r1ck0rty before without realizing.
i do ship jerrick and rickcest and like to reblog that kind of ship art. i don't consider those ships to be incestuous but i know some people do so i figured id give you a heads up.
☆fandoms in varying degrees of frequency☆
~smiling friends~
~rick and morty~
~cyberpunk 2077~
~king of the hill~
~disco elysium~
~gravity falls~
~bob's burgers~
~solar opposites~
~bojack horseman~
☆about me☆
im 21, autistic, and very mentally unwell.
ive got a long time special interest in cats.
big fan of caffeine, nicotine and weed. love me some substances but my stomach is so sensitive that getting drunk and especially getting hungover feels like the whole ass organ is trying to die and take me down with it.
pretty much as far left as you can get without actually reading theory or doing anything lol. i spend every day rotting in bed so im not exactly out there fighting the system.
very queer. bi or pan, idrk which but that doesn't matter to me personally. im whichever one i need to be at any given moment to piss off people saying dumb shit like "bisexuals don't date enbies" or "pansexuality isn't real" or whatever.
a lot of labels fit my gender. im a male-ish, demiboy, nonbinary, genderfluid, genderqueer, transmasc with an interest in more obscure identities that the internet circa 2016 had me shying away from.
as of february 2024 im 3 years on t!
but yeah, that's all i got for now. asks and dms are open, you're welcome to just drop in my messages and start talking about rnm or whatever. im no therapist but if you need someone to listen or commiserate in mentally ill solidarity, im here.
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elivanto · 2 years
Would you actually Post all or at least some fat Thrass passages because 💕 pretty pls?
anon, i won't lie, you made my day with this. fair warning, this really can't be called textual evidence or anything of the sort at all.
it's mostly just me projecting and interpreting the text badly djshjsf
(also @ fellow fatties, there's stuff in here you might find... stereotypical? or insensitive of me? i mostly just went with how i've seen fat people be described in literature, really, and the parts where i was like 'haha thrass is Kin')
spoilers for outbound flight and lesser evil under the cut!
outbound flight, chapter 11:
“Its enemies,” Thrass said, leaning on the word. “Not potential enemies. Do you hear the difference?” “Yes,” Thrawn said. “And no.” Thrass lifted a hand, let it slap against his thigh. “Let me be honest, Thrawn,” he said. “The Eighth Ruling Family is not happy with you.”
it’s the slap on the thigh for me,,
outbound flight, chapter 15:
“And this is the engine compartment,” Thrawn said, stepping aside to let Thrass look through the access hatchway into the Bargain Hunter’s engine room. “You’ll notice it has a radically differently layout from those of Chiss vessels this size.”
thrawn moving aside because thrass needs more space (ノ ◠ヮ◠)ノ*:・゚✧
outbound flight, chapter 19:
“Then that is what we’ll face,” Thrass said firmly. “And as a syndic of the Eighth Ruling Family I cannot listen to any more of this.” He jabbed a finger at the carnage outside the viewport. “Now. Describe this battle for us.”
‘jabbing’ a finger doesn’t sound very elegant, does it? that’s how an author would describe a fat person.
lesser evil, memories ii:
Really, so what? This depth of political game was far beyond Thrass’s position or skill. The Patriarchs and Speakers and high-level syndics could play if they wanted. Not Thrass. All he was here for was to have lunch. With a friend.
look. lesser evil told us that thrass loves food and i‘m SO here for it.
lesser evil, memories iii:
If the debriefing of the Parala officers was still on schedule, Thrawn should have finished up his testimony half an hour ago. If he was still on the ground, maybe Thrass could grab his friend for a quick lunch before they both had to return to their respective duties. Mentally working out a short list of cafés near the Defense Force HQ he could offer, he pulled out his comm.
lesser evil, memories iv:
“The fleet gave me the basics,” Thrawn said. “But yes, I moved on from there. Aside from the valuable exercise involved, simulated combat also helps train the eye to notice small errors, and the mind to learn how to take advantage of them.” “Which occasionally results in free food,” Thrass said drily, waving at the platter.
lesser evil, memories iv:
[Thrass] stood up and headed quietly toward the charge register, angling across the open space as he walked to put himself between the thief and the main exit. […] The thief leapt to his feet and charged toward Thrass, clearly intent on getting past or through him and escaping out the door. Thrass braked to a stop, shifting to a poised stance that would let him move in any direction if the thief tried to dodge around him.
thrass posing as a living wall between the thief and the exit? hello??? 💖
and then—and this is really just me projecting like a moron, because i’m sure not every fat person feels like this and it’s a common phenomenon for pretty much everybody—there’s bits of the novels describing feelings of inadequacy that just really got to me, for example
outbound flight, chapter 10:
Once or twice along the way Car’das noticed Mitth’ras’safis frowning at him and Maris, as if wondering why Thrawn had brought non-Chiss along for the ride. But he never asked for an explanation, and Thrawn never offered one.
not me interpreting this not as typical Chiss Xenophobia(TM) or suspicion but as ‘wow i am uncomfortable in my body with these strange aliens around’ lmao
lesser evil, memories vi:
“Good evening, Your Venerante,” Thrass greeted the Patriarch as he hastily stood up. Thrawn, focused on his questis, didn’t seem to notice the other’s arrival. “I’m afraid we haven’t made much progress.”
like, thrass being very exact about social etiquette not only because he’s a politician, but because he’s fat and any breach of etiquette would reflect even worse on him than on other people
again memories vi:
“You planned to maneuver us into this position,” Thrass said, feeling like an idiot as he finally got it. Politics was supposed to be his strong point; he really should have figured this out himself.
lesser evil, memories viii:
“They were lugging a cargo ship with them that whole time,” Thrass pointed out, wondering why he was even arguing the point. Apparently, the low-level tension that had been nagging at him since they left Glastis 3 had suddenly blossomed to full strength now that they were actually here. “That would have slowed them down.” “I took that into account.” Thrass ground his teeth. Every single time he tried to debate something with Thrawn, he ended up on the losing side.
is anyone else always trying to make up for not fitting into societal standards re: Looks by being right about stuff and being smart and then being super pissed when they fail to do even that? because it happens to me all the damn time.
he just reads like a fat person to me so that’s what i choose to believe. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and the fact that he’s not Tall and Fit in the first official art that was released for lesser evil helps of course!!
i hope this wasn‘t a letdown, and that you enjoy these passages as much as i do 😌💙
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