#i don't like doing promos but here we are
luhafraser · 1 day
Hello Anons...
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I'm quiet because I think most people won't like my opinion. And because I don't think it will add or change anything.
I wasn't there. Idk how much I can give an opinion based on what was posted.
But... Here goes...
1) Caitríona
She seemed to try and really enjoy it at times. But there was definitely something off about her.
I only caught a glimpse of in one of the videos. She's always attentive when any movement is related to Sam (and vice versa). We already saw this...
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2) Sam
I don't even know where to start... But I think he's at his limit. Tired of this character he created of himself... Sam is polite and will always be nice to his fans. But clearly he is apathetic and tense, publicly. It seems like he is in automatic mode, just doing what he has to do.
Okay... He looked tired too. Maybe because the night before he attended another concert. And I think one that he really enjoyed being at.
About their distance, Idk. He was similarly tense at the Tribeca Festival. He looks like he's going to explode controlling who knows what.
Cait presses her lips together and he mirrors her movement. I don't think they're uncomfortable with each other, but with the fact that they're trying to stay aloof from each other. Sam and Cait are tense and they are there out of obligation, at that moment... And Cait waiting if that girl would want a selfie with just Sam or both... 😕
Besides I think that's what I've already said and other blogs have said... Promo! They took the opportunity to engage with TS fans. That's it.
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arkaix · 1 day
mortimer is so underrated us mortimer fans have to scrounge in the dirt for content and will have to keep doing that until pastra shows us mercy and he shows up in some promo art or in doai itself. but seeing fan content that we all create makes it worth the wait frfr! anyways, im going to be freaking out over this for the next week, thank you so much, farewell-
ABJDJRJFJJEJXJRJEHHFHTJW thankyousomuch aaa (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ I cannot WAIT to see how Mort will fit into the main story, but for now we'll make it work with what we have (not much TwT)
Recently Pastra posted a tweet with the moral alignment of all the characters and 👀👀 Mortimer is lawful neutral apparently!
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That's interesting, maybe since Mort is working for the Lankmann foundation he'll be thinkin' "Yea maybe what's happening is fucked up but I believe it's necessary/ the lesser evil"
That's not gonna stop me from drawing him as a little gremlin hehehe
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(definitions taken by the D&D alignment chart wiki)
Now while we're here allow me to ramble a bit about this tweet because there's a lot to ponder 👀👀
here goes out the window any chance that Clyde might be an even remotely peaceful creature in normal circumstances: it's here to get its revenge and it's gonna cause as much damage as possible in the meantime <@_@>
On the other side Winfrey is true neutral aaaaaaa ✨✨
Klaus is the one that baffles me the most because?? The one Veldi who Pastra described as the sadistic one is Lawful??
We know for a fact that Klaus is the name of officer Krueger's son, who in the current timeline is still VERY young (we're talking like 10yr young). We still don't know yet if in this new version of the story Veldigun share a mind with the ones they consume but if that's the case, will lil' Klaus have a warped and strict vision of society and rules? Will this aspect be influenced by Klaus' dad himself? Will his "system" or strict code of conduct be related or opposite to the one reinforced by Lankmann?
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Oh and if you were wondering about Lankmann:
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That also surprised me 'cause my first thought was "Well he'd be lawful evil, he is in charge of a rigid system he created and is absolutely willing to sacrifice a few people if that can help save the county from the whole Veldigun crisis" but talking with some friends I realized this alignment makes sense too, if you think about Herbert as a ruthless man who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal, no law and no moral is unbreakable. It is debatable if he also actively wants to cause harm to others, but my guess is that he just doesn't care who gets hurt.
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That being said thank you so much for the ask, have a cyber hug (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ⊂⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠⊂⁠)
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lemotmo · 1 day
What do you think about this ?
I…kinda have to agree. Like I’m already a little iffy going into season 8 because I honestly felt like if nothing massive happened in season 7 then it probably wasn’t going to happen since they had new network, new audience, it was the time to weed out any of the old (old as in everyone who watched it on fox) audience who would have an issue with buddie, get the new audience on board with it etc. Which Bi Buck helped but then nothing else really happened. Are there threads? Yes. But the shows more known for having threads and then just pretending they never existed.
So if after season 8 it’s still not happening then I really do think it’s time for the fandom to accept it’s not going to. Because at this point, the shooting and then breakdown were the perfect set ups for it. And it was such a baffling concept to learn it was shut down and then for us to have to sit here and think how are they going to reach the same level of the shooting and breakdown aftermaths to make it happen again. And they have hit it now with what is probably the only realistic way with what happened by the end of season 7 with the Kim of it all and the Chris of it all. So if they don’t do it now? I really and truly do not think they plan to because there really won’t be any other way to reach those levels for Eddie to look deeper and accept and acknowledge etc.
Hey Nonny! I had already seen this on Twitter and I fully agree with it. The time is now. If they don't start Eddie's journey and eventually Buddie's journey in season 8? I don't think it will ever happen and ABC will have wasted the biggest chance of making history.
A lot of people will be disappointed if that happens and I won't lie, so would I. 6 years of shipping, only for one half of the ship to end up in a lackluster, unsatisfactory and boring relationship and the other half probably shoved into a new nothing relationship again? No, not for me. Thank you. I would retreat to fanon-land where Buddie are happily in love and together.
However, I feel like we have seen plenty in season 7 that is highly promising for season 8. So I really don't think my retirement into fanon-land will be happening anytime soon. :) I have a good feeling about season 8.
It's obvious that they were planning to go all in with Buddie when they thought they would only get one season. The promo was insane. But then they got that renewal and I think they decided right there and then to push Eddie's storyline to season 8, giving them time to prepare it properly. Since we now know that they are already writing season 8, I think they have a chance to really do the storyline justice.
The thing is, when Buck was outed as being bisexual it was a big shock to the general audience. Not to any of us, because we have seen this coming for years now. Buck was always queer-coded and so was Eddie by the way. Even more than Buck in my opinion.
However, Eddie having some sort of queer awakening in the same season? I really think ABC wanted to slow the pace a little. See how the general audience would react with Buck, which didn't turn out to be such a big problem after all. 911 is still leading strongly in viewership.
Another perk of pushing the Eddie storyline to season 8? It gives the story room to breathe and percolate. It will only make the payoff even more satisfactory.
The reason why Tommy was used to out Buck is obvious as well. He's an easy choice. Nobody remembered Tommy from season 1 and there is no emotional attachment to the character. He came into season 7 as an established gay character. When eventually Buck and Tommy break up, not a lot of people of the general audience will actually care about it, because there is no emotional connection to Tommy. He is just a new character they brought in as a narrative device. He will eventually disappear again, maybe showing up once in a while as a friend to Buck.
If they had gone for Eddie, the stakes would have been so much higher, because he is a beloved main character. It was safer to start with Tommy.
Besides, Eddie has so many canon issues with his previous relationships that his story needs more time. With the Vertigo arc (which I hated by the way) he is now in a perfect place to take a good look at himself and his past relationships. He might start comparing all these relationships to what he has with Buck.
Who knows how they are planning this? I just know it has the potential to be so good and satisfying after 6 years of shipping. And the fact that this show will now have a canon queer slow burn? Epic! Something ABC wouldn't want to drop. It's dream promo for a network.
Also, the reason why they never went through with the original storylines was because of FOX. Seeing as ABC has shows like 'Grey's anatomy' which has had many popular queer characters, I really don't think they have told 911 to cut the storyline. I just think it's all about pacing and getting the general audience on board.
Now, all that being said, if season 8 ends up giving us nothing? Sorry for being wrong about this. I humbly apologise. :b
But I don't think I'm wrong though. And a lot of people in this fandom share that conviction.
So yeah, who knows? Buddie season 8? Yep, it's highly possible at this point.
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only-by-the-stars · 2 days
Fic Promo: Song of a Champion
Now that @spacelemon has put up that amazing promo vid of the Mipha's Grace mod, it feels like a good time to do a little self-promo of my own, for something that I promise is related (otherwise I wouldn't be mentioning the vid; I am doing so in hopes of helping to get more eyeballs on it): a fic I've been writing since 2022, that is both inspired by and based on the mod. I've been lucky enough to have been allowed to play early versions of it, and was inspired to write a fic that retells BOTW with Mipha as the lead, taking cues from many plot points and armor redesigns present in the mod. If that's not enough to entice you, then please read on for my list of things that you might enjoy about this fic!
It's about Mipha Judging by the results of my poll, a lot of you like reading about Mipha! I've written a LOT about her over the past few years, but this is my most in-depth exploration of her yet. It's entirely centered on her, delving deep into her thoughts and feelings and exploring the myriad aspects of her personality as we follow her journey. Instead of Link waking up on the Great Plateau without his memories and being handed the responsibility of saving Hyrule, it's Mipha who must walk this path; unlike in the base game, she's not a fridged love interest for Link to be sad about, she's an active heroine in her own right with a monumental task ahead of her from the moment she wakes up, not to mention a lot of questions. How did she get there? Can she do this? What--and who--has she forgotten in her century-long slumber? How will she find her way in this strange new world she awakens to? What kind of bonds will she forge with the people she meets along her way? All these and more are tackled in great depth as she goes on her adventure, setting out with, initially, little more than her own courage, determination, and compassion. I've been told by many people that I write their favorite Mipha, and though this isn't my first time giving her a starring role, I fully believe this is my best character work for her so far. I've given her so much to do and act on and react to, exploring her rich inner life and personality and character FAR beyond just shipping stuff, and developed a lot of really fun friendships for her and gone heavy on her familial relationships as well. There is miphlink, but it's only one aspect, and Mipha herself is the shining star at the heart of everything.
2. It takes inspiration from Wind Waker Mainly, the concept of a character who is not the chosen one stepping up and proving themselves worthy and going on to save Hyrule. If you, like me, enjoyed that aspect of Wind Waker, then you'll like this story!
3. It plays with the lore in fun ways Do you like the older bits of lore from pre-Skyward Sword games? Like the Golden Goddesses and other deities? Then you'll like the bits of it I've weaved in!
4. It treats the NPCs with care, love, and nuance One of the things I'm proudest of about this story, that I've gotten praise from others for, is how the various NPCs are written. I've treated them all like people in their own right, who all have their own rich inner lives, schedules, interests, priorities, and feelings that don't revolve around the protagonist. Mipha befriends most of them, yes, but that's because she treats them with compassion and kindness too. Nobody is shallow here, I've gone to great pains to illustrate a world filled with people all living their own lives that intersect with Mipha's journey in various ways, and allowed people to just be human and make mistakes and have doubts but ultimately just be people. There's a lot of emphasis on Mipha's relationships with her family, and I've certainly won praise for my depiction of these dynamics, but also a ton of friendships being formed and explored, and people have told me that I made certain characters interesting and likable to them where the game failed to do so.
5. It has awesome fight scenes BOTW is a game with a lot of combat, so anyone novelizing it better be good at writing that kind of scene. Fortunately, I am! This is an action-packed story, not just for its own sake, but to show the dangerous world Mipha is traveling through and the challenges she has to face as she ventures into each Divine Beast and cleanses them of their respective Blights. I write really fast-paced action that also shows the characters' mindsets while fighting, and strikes a balance between showing off their strengths and that they're up to the challenge, while also respecting their opponents and demonstrating why the Champions of a hundred years ago fell to these things, why NPCs fear certain monsters. And speaking of respecting opponents, I've taken stuff from Age of Calamity as well as some of my own inventions, to beef up the boss fights, a certain area, and make every Divine Beast threatening (we all know how scary Medoh wasn't in-game).
6. It has beautiful prose/descriptions But you don't have to just take my word for it! Here's a sample from the rough draft of chapter 42!
Shards of light drifted across her floor, leaves caught in the current of clouds flowing over the moon. Mipha took a moment to watch them before closing the door behind herself. The water in her sleeping pool murmured a melody of rest and relaxation after a long day, calling her to it, but she ignored it for now. She’d done all her preparations for tomorrow, downed a warm elixir crafted from a few hearty lizards, and now only one thing remained to do before going to bed. It wasn’t a need, as the other tasks had been, but a want. Nothing wrong with that. She crossed the room to the old chest that lay tucked beneath her window, opening the lid with a whining creak from the aged hinges. A folded length of fabric the color of spilt starlight lay atop the item she sought; Mipha moved it aside. Her breath catching, she withdrew the armor beneath and held it up to the softly swaying illumination of the moon outside and the luminous stone lamps within.
All in all, I think this fic is some of my best work, and shouldn't be missed if you're a Mipha fan like I am (she is my favorite Zora, so if it's okay I'd like to use this as a belated submission for that Zora May prompt). She truly is the star of the show, with so much to offer as a lead character, moving through a world treated with depth and care. If you're in the market for a BOTW retelling that does something different, something no other retelling has done, and does it really well, then give it a chance! You can read it here on AO3. :3
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tloupride · 2 days
TLOU Queer Fic Recs
Happy Pride! Admin Zoo here, with some of my favourite queer fics, please share your own recs, I'm looking for more to read!
🏳️‍🌈 🩷💜💙 🖤🩶🤍💜 🏳️‍⚧️
Late October, 2022 (Or The Last Time Joel Saw Bill and Frank alive), 5k, T, by Springandastorm, @spr1ngandastorm
Joel and Tess and Bill and Frank hang out and find community in each other. This devastated me in the best way, I have not stopped thinking about it since I read it. Beautiful and bittersweet and hopeful all in one.
trace my fingers across your frozen veneer, 2k, E, by fromthewhales @deervsheadlights
Bi Joel gets pegged by Tess, as he deserves. Like all the best explicit fics, this is a character study and really gets into their relationship. 10/10 no notes.
some sort of private conversation, 2k, M, by fromthewhales. @deervsheadlights
Bi Joel tries to have a hookup on the road but Ellie cannot mind her own business. So in character and hilarious, RIP Joel hope the next time works out better for you.
Eternal Love Bullshit, 3k, T, by @sedumlineare
STOP THE PRESS, ASEXUAL JOEL IS ON THE SCENE. Lovely fic where he bumps into an old friend in Jackson (who's a lesbian!), remembers past community, and it's just so sweet. Neare aced this one.
The Trans Joel Universe, series, 27K, G/T, by @sedumlineare
NEARE THIS GIVES ME LIFE. This series has everything: gender euphoria and mentorship, trans Joel through the years, and nonbinary Ellie! Stunning, lovely, special mention to Took a While But I Don't Mind (How Do I Look Now?) which is full of joy and is named after one of my favourite songs
I know, I know the sirens sound/Just before the walls come down, 2k, M, by @donttouchtheneednoggle
Trans Bill AND Frank!!! Oh. My. Sweet. Jesus. This fic left me in a puddle on the floor. Beautiful, stunning, please read it, it's gorgeous.
making yourself up as you go along, 6k, M, by awenswords, @awens-words
Trans Joel!! Really brilliant fic, I especially love the detail given to his smuggling operation and how that doubles up as a way to get hormones. Him trying to come out to Ellie is a particular highlight.
Different Shades, 773, G, by mandocule, @theydjarin
Ellie asks about Bill and Frank, and she and Joel come out. Really sweet little fic with lesbian Ellie and bi Joel doing their best to be #Vulnerable. One of the first queer TLOU fics I read last year!
mellow is the man who knows what he's been missing, 15k, G, by flannelfeelings, @boopernatural
The happy AU where Joel gets to meet JJ and Ellie, Dina, and Jesse have a polyamorous relationship! We love love, we love community.
Watch Me Bleed, series, 24k, M/E, by Fiachra, @consultingzoologist
Apologies for the self-promo, but writing this changed my life due to the people I met as a result. TLOU but Joel is trans, with an Ellie-centric sequel exploring her queer feelings, and a t4t TessJoel installment (that gets the E rating)
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neverevan · 2 months
you all can hate me all you want but I'm so glad we didn't get canon buddie in s4 cuz there's no way the show would've gotten renewed for a seventh or eighth season...
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the-gene-mile · 8 months
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thinking about how we see nat's limo in the promo images for 1403 but no nat
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kaylor · 11 months
why does Speak Now always get fuckall promotion and is always overshadowed and never done justice. God this album deserves better
she literally announced it during a show in front of millions and shot a music video for it. i'm not sure what else you want her to do while she's on tour
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fightzaynfight · 7 months
i go fairly long periods of time not actually looking @ the z°wens tag on here and every time i take a peek in i'm just like
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stillcominback · 1 year
𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐝𝐲! passing around my latest oc sideblog for anyone who missed it!
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Are all of you guys leaving dnn? :(
no we're not leaving!! we just know that there's gonna be a lot of content coming up very very soon and when we all have jobs and personal lives and other interests going on, having another person or two on the team to help keep everything up to date might be really helpful!
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volot · 2 years
i can't really add much that anyone hasn't said and covered really well ( and i'm glad that this is being spoken about again; this conversation is extremely important ), but i'm definitely in the boat of needing to send more asks in general lately as well. rectifying that is what i'll definitely be doing here and is the game plan moving forward! my mutuals far and wide are extensively talented, especially in the realm of oc's and fan-content, so the least i can do is boost that and make their work be seen.
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barmeciide · 2 years
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{ Updated my rules, muse list, and pinned post! Honestly nothing super important! I’m not remotely fast with replies, but I’m here every so often! }
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fracturcdfire · 2 years
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OOC.  Tag Drop, Pt. I
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asea0fmxses · 2 months
OOC TAG DUMP - Don't Interact
OOC╰┈➤ ❝ [ make you whole ] ❞ PSA╰┈➤ ❝ [ you should just do it yourself ] ❞ QUEUE╰┈➤ ❝ [ leave it to somebody else ] ❞ PROMO╰┈➤ ❝ [ but you're just like me ] ❞ HC╰┈➤ ❝ [ show and tell ] ❞ PROMPTS╰┈➤ ❝ [ made mistake and made me hurt ] ❞ DASH GAMES╰┈➤ ❝ [ here at a standstill ] ❞ THREAD╰┈➤ ❝ [ feeling rips you inside out ] ❞ ANSWERED╰┈➤ ❝ [ grinding the gears ] ❞ CH. MAKERS╰┈➤ ❝ [ like puzzle pieces] ❞ SAVED╰┈➤ ❝ [ something different ] ❞ DASH COMM╰┈➤ ❝ [ that's something I know ] ❞ CRACK╰┈➤ ❝ [ shocking. ain't it? ] ❞ WISH LIST╰┈➤ ❝ [ we both don't know what we can do ] ❞ EDITS╰┈➤ ❝ [ make everyone happy ] ❞ MUN ART╰┈➤ ❝ [ my fingers fading ] ❞ STARTER CALL╰┈➤ ❝ [ trying for so long ] ❞
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victorluvsalice · 2 months
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-->And then it was Victor and Smiler date time at the Freezer Bunny Arcade in Newcrest! Haven’t been here in a while (I think Smiler was still living in Britechester the first time they and Victor visited), but the arcade was on my mind after watching onlyabidoang’s “Functional Objects” video featuring all the arcade stuff Cepzid created. It was raining when they arrived (and soon ramped up to a major thunderstorm -- great dating weather!), so I sent them inside into the cafe area at the back right away. They sat and chatted for a while, with Smiler telling Victor an engaging story for his entertainment --
As some random sat down at their table with his coffee. *grumble* Fortunately, he didn’t try to join their conversation, and I was able to get the pair to move to another table once Victor ordered some pain au chocolat from the barista (which went a LOT fucking smoother than it did at the other cafe – Steampunk Cafe LOOKS nice, but it doesn’t play very well, unfortunately). They continued having a very pleasant, occasionally flirty chat, sharing the spirit of the day and officially developing a “Close” family dynamic, awww. :) Randos did keep coming to sit at their table, but again, nobody actually tried to TALK to them – they just let the pair get on with their date. Sheesh, wonder why everyone kept bothering Victor and Alice...
-->Anyway – Victor finished his snack, then donated some plasma to Smiler so they could have a snack before grabbing some sleep replacement potion from the aspiration rewards store so he didn't pass out from blood loss on their date. Smiler wandered over to the skeeball machines while Victor found a table to drink his potion --
And ended up next to, of all people, JOAQUIN, who’d showed up here too. >( Fortunately I was able to keep him from trying to talk to Victor, allowing Victor to Energy himself up and join Smiler at skeeball. They both completed a level one game and ended up winning a child’s toy apiece. XD Smiler then went over to the pinball machines and had a good game there, while Victor played some Whack-A-Gnome poorly. I had him go get a gumball to make himself feel better after that (and after seeing Joaquin) –
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