#i do see myself as kind of a punching bag and isolated and stuff bc of it
princealberich · 1 month
HrrrRRm (minecraft villager noise)
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THIS IS GONNA BE ALL THE ODD NUMBERS FROM THIS POST (feel free to still send even ones in pFFFFffffFFFt) so I’m putting it under the cut!! Gonna be looong!! If you wanna learn random stuff about The Matt, click read more. :P
1.if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
Read: Bird by Crystal Chan. Watch: Sense8. Listen to: this song.
3.three songs that you connect with right now.
this - this - this
5.have you taken someones virginity?
Nope. Not… yet? XD
7.if you could, would you take back your last kiss?
Haven’t had a proper one yet, unfortunately.
9.what was the last concert you saw?
Never been to one, too much noise and flashing lights and people = complete sensory overload and panic attack. Cinemas are bad enough. XD BUT I would be pretty tempted to see Coldplay live!!
11.do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
Sweet Cheesus yes please.
13.a song you’d listen to during soft/slow/passionate sex?
this :D jk jk if it was somebody I rlly cared about it would be my favourite song probably
15.do you want to have kids? How many?
*hYsTeRiCaL lAuGhTeR* buddy I can barely take care of my own impulsive ass let alone a kid. But I’m never one to say never, so… I really don’t know. I’m not gonna be the one getting knocked up though, so adoption or… something else, depending on my eventual partner’s gender.
17.do you miss anyone from your past?
Yes. The two people I really miss though were slowly killing me so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ better off!!
19.have you ever broken someone’s heart?
I sure hope not! D:
21.have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
1) Haven’t had one yet :’) 2) I really really hope I never make them cry, I’ll never intend to. D’:
23.favourite weather?
A nice, cloudy, kinda chilly day with steady rain.
25.do you wanna get married?
Honestly I really don’t mind either way so it’ll depend 100% on my partner. If they want to, sure!! If they don’t, I won’t care. I do have this thing though where I tend to pass out if I stand still for a long amount of time so that’ll be… interesting. X’D my only thing will be that I want the ring bearer to be either dressed up as a Hobbit or to be a v good dog so those are my only conditions to marriage 😂😂😂
27.what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
Frodo reaction memes. X’D
29.what’s your favorite pasta dish?
Ravioli is pretty hecking good! I’m getting back into pasta recently, I never used to like it bc we used to have gluten pasta and it made me feel sick. But now I can find out which pastas I like!!! :’DDDDD
31.what’s your favorite eye color?
Blue eyes are stunning. It’s funny, my Mum has blue eyes and I’m so bitter that I didn’t inherit them. :((( But rlly all eye colours can be super pretty!!
33.are you a morning person?
Yes in the fact that I LOVE mornings. I can be grumpy first thing sometimes when I’m still half asleep but I get really happy and energetic from overtiredness lmao quickly!! :DDDD
35.what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
My boots. I’ve had them forever and I don’t own any other shoes, apart from some runners that are still practically brand new bc I never wear them. XD
37.tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
Okay so normally when I’m awake at 3AM it’s one of 3 scenarios: 1) I got fixated on something and don’t know how much time has passed, or 2) my insomnia has flared up yet again and I am this close to having a mental breakdown because I’m so tired, or 3) I got overtired and now act pretty much drunk and have too much energy to go to sleep. One time I sent Enna three separate rambly stupid asks about her OCs and I was so tired that the next morning I remembered I sent them but I couldn’t remember anything I said. She was super sweet about it. The end. X’D
39.who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
My Dad. We both love the stars. We were also talking about Pokemon and DND. XD
41.do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
I don’t particularly like it, I prefer just downloading songs now. Mainly because I don’t like a lot of songs from the same band and buying a whole CD or record just for ONE song that I like on it is… meh. XD The last one I bought was an Ed Sheeran CD and it was for my mum.
43.what are your favorite memes of the year so far
I haven’t found any yet that really grab me, we’ll see. X’D
45.what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
I got my Dad a One Direction calendar once. We both hated One Direction. (When the cashier gave 12-year-old me that kind of ‘stupid teenaged girl in love with a boy band’ look I stared right back at her and told her with a straight face we were going to light it on fire. I’ve never seen anyone look so pleasantly surprised in my entire life.) My Dad loooved it. X’DI asked my Dad for a toothpick a week before my birthday once and he didn’t have one. Guess what my “present” was that year. Guess. XD
47.describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
V tol and thoughtful and pretty and talented and nice and spams me and sends me pics of cute dogs occasionally. 11/10 good fren, would befren again. :’)
49.is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
Yup. Should be writing 2 things and maybe doing something else but idk if I should do the thing or not so. Procrastination it is. :))))
51.what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
Any mutual of mine who just sends me nice messages or asks me stuff warms my heart so much. And anyone who has ever shown interest in my OCs has my eternal gratitude, if y’all ever need a kidney you caN HAVE MINE.
53.what’s some of your favorite album art?
Literally anything Coldplay has ever had ever.
55.do you like concept albums? which ones?
They sound pretty cool but I don’t think I have any favourites…?? Idk.
57.list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
This one (This one. This one.
59.what do you do when you’re sad?
Isolate myself + throw love at my online friends so hopefully they don’t feel like I do. Also drink warm drinks and reading and spending time with my pets bc they always help.
61.what was the best (non-romantic) night you’ve had?
I read this as sex thing wooPS. X’D Best non-romantic night I’ve ever had.. hmm… the night we got our German Shepherd. It was Good Friday. We’d finally gotten our puppy. We stayed up super late watching her toddle around and fall asleep on us. One of my absolute favourite memories. :’D
63.what’s the best piece of advice you ever received?
“You will only find your special someone when you are perfectly happy with the idea of being single forever. You can only be in a comfortable and loving relationship with somebody else when you are in a comfortable and loving relationship with yourself.”
65.what’s your secret dream?
Be in a Marvel movie one day. ^-^” oof
67.three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one
The only things that come to mind are P!nk songs ASDFGHJKL XD
69.three last songs you listened to
Pffft the songs I put on this thing X’D
71.have you ever had a friends with benefits?
Nope but I’d be open to the idea! (i may even have plans with one fren lmao)
73.Is there anyone you would die for?
My family (friends included), my pets, what’s right: if the world could be magically fixed but I had to die I’d do it on the spot.
75.do you give out second chances too easily?
I used to. But then I used up all my second chances on people who didn’t deserve them. Normally if somebody really seriously hurts me, I give them one more chance and make it very clear for them to please not do that particular thing again. Everyone makes mistakes, I get that. But if they do that exact same thing again, I’m normally gone. I’m done with waiting around and getting hurt over and over just to “be a good friend.” That’s not being a friend, that’s being a doormat/punching bag.
77.is this year the best year of your life?
So far, nope. We’ll see though!!! :DDDDD
79.who/what was your last dream about?
I think it was about Shameless?? I heard there was a trans character so I watched just those clips and I think I dreamt about it. X’D
Thank you so much for asking, Em!! ^____^
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stuntchica · 7 years
i just keep getting so angry about hospital so im going to try and write down everything bad i can remember them doing to try and get it all out
when they first came to my house dr d completely waved off what i said abt not remembering childhood & being disturbed by that. he asked me to name a childhood toy & after i could he said ‘see, you can remember’ even though id literally seen that toy that morning & was remembering from,, you know,, my whole life not just my childhood
despite the fact that i was not a danger to myself or anyone else, dr d decided after seeing me for 20 minutes that i had to go into hospital. he said i could either come informally myself or he would have me sectioned
i was not told how long i would be there for. we were told to bring an overnight bag so i expected it to just be overnight. when i got there i was told that i’d be there for at least 2 weeks
when they first gave me the menu to order off i wasnt told that there was a Rule that i had to finish everything so i ordered the thing i thought id like the most even tho i knew there was stuff i wouldnt like with it
when the food arrived (pizza, peas & chips) i ate everything except the cheese on the pizza bc it was cheddar & thats a Bad Food(tm) & i was really proud of myself bc it was more than i’d had in one sitting for weeks. the exact words the nurse with me said were ‘this counts as a failure’
when the snack time came around no one told me the full list of options (weeks later i found out that chocolate was available) so i picked a yogurt. after opening it i realised it had bits in it but i was too scared to ask for a different one bc i didnt like any of the other flavours. i ate as much as i could but i rlly couldnt stand the bits. the nurse with me told me it was another failure but another nurse in the room, thankfully, replaced her & understood what had happened
i dont remember what happened on the rest of the first day bc my abandonment fear kicked in and i got really panicked when my parents had to leave
i dont remember the rest in chronological order, but lets see
the room i was put into had a leaky toilet. it would leak all night long and due to how the bathroom was the leak echoed. it sounded like a waterfall. every time they came to fix it it would break again later that day. my shower was also broken and wouldnt turn on
i had to have a blood test on a friday but they didnt send the bloods off straight away so i had to have another one the next monday. keep in mind that i have an intense fear of needles
dr d compared me going on the internet to drug addicts waiting in line for heroine, even after i explained that it was the only way i had to avoid isolating myself & tried to explain what i actually do there
i couldnt eat a meal and was told ‘if you dont start eating we’ll have to make you’ despite the fact that i was eating when i could & if i couldnt finish a meal i was eating chocolate that was in my room. also despite the fact i was an informal patient so that was literally not possible
dr d spent hours trying to convince & guilt me into agreeing to take medication, despite the fact that was the one thing i’d always said no to (fun fact! i literally cant swallow medication. no one took me seriously when i said that either). eventually tho the psychologist spoke to him abt it & he stopped
the first 2 weeks i was there i saw no therapists. at all. because it was the easter holidays and they were away. there was nothing to do all day except watch tv, colour, & play cards. despite the fact that we were all so bored we were not taken out of the hospital or allowed access to our phones
in fact, for the entire 2 months i was there i was only taken out by staff twice. both those times happened in the same day. and were to the same place. a costa that was in the main hospital. does it even count as going out if youre just taken to a different part of the same building?
i had to stay there for 2 months while actively suicidal patients were allowed to leave before their 2 week assessments were over
even my camhs psychologist admitted that she didnt expect them to keep me for more than 2 weeks
the hospital psychologist admitted that she had no idea why dr d was insisting i stay for so long
i was told i was going to be put on a meal plan. i told them that would make me lose weight bc it would further limit how much i could eat. they didnt listen to me and blamed me when i did, in fact, lose weight
for the first month i was there no one did anything about my weight. i had to keep telling them that was my main problem and i needed help with it. after their ‘help’ hindered more than anything i regretted bringing it up
one night we found a piece of paper saying ‘i have a knife and im going to use it to self harm or kill someone’. when we all got, understandably, scared the nurses patronised us and got annoyed with us
a nurse yelled at my friend for ‘not being polite’
my friend managed to run away from the hospital twice. there were warning signs that the rest of the patients picked up on. she nearly killed herself both times
my friend found a razorblade on a seat. she was so shocked to see it there she said out loud ‘there’s a razorblade’. she said later that she regretted alerting everyone to it bc the nurses obviously took it away. we still dont know how it got there
one girl brought in a pair of scissors. no one had thought to check her bag. luckily she didnt intend to use them for anything other than arts & crafts (& cutting her hair, which is how i found out about the scissors & told her to hand them in. yeah, they didnt even notice she had scissors until i pointed them out)
one girl stole a syringe from the medical room and used it to take the supplement out of her nose tube. they didnt notice for weeks.
one week i gained some of weight. when i was happy dr d said ‘thats not really enough to be happy about’. the next week a lost less weight than i had gained. he spent half an hour telling me about how much of a failure i was
dr d tried very hard to have me diagnosed with atypical anorexia despite me consistently saying ‘i want to gain weight because i know im unhealthily underweight’ and the fact that the reason i was admitted to camhs was bc i went to the doctor for help to gain weight
my parents came to collect me to go out every day at 1:30pm. one day by 3:30pm they still werent there. i was scared something had happened because i had no phone to text them using. eventually i was told that the staff had called them to tell them not to come, and no one had told me. i had a panic attack because theyd gone behind my back and this meant i wouldnt be able to text my fp all day. the next day when i saw dr d he said ‘youre nearly 18 isnt it a bit childish to get upset over not seeing your parents for just one day?’
an ot that i saw said that i ‘put on an american accent and smiled when it was pointed out’. what really happened was she asked if i had an american accent and i smiled out of awkwardness and said ‘i speak to american people so maybe i picked it up??’ bc i didnt want her to feel awkward. if she had asked me i would have told her that i wasnt trying to put on any kind of accent
we were allowed to watch the babadook and mama but the second we suggested a film about psychosis we were told no
me and my friend got yelled at for what was on tv once
they called the police on patients, multiple times, when it was clear that no one would have reacted violently if they’d just done their jobs right
my friend cried because she knew after she left hospital she would have a criminal record. she had punched a nurse by accident while having a panic attack
i was told i could go home & was being discharged. i emptied out my room and spent a great 2 weeks at home. then we were called and i was told i had to go back for a night
dr d always had an idea in his head of what was wrong with me, and if i said anything that went against it he’d tell me that i was either lying or in denial
dr d told me off for not looking at him and said it wasnt polite
dr d told me off for crying
dr d told me off for not feeling safe with my eyes closed
dr d told another patient that she was probably not autistic bc she understood what ‘pull your socks up’ meant
despite me saying that i wanted to be assessed for asd nothing happened. they told me that they would consider me to be ‘informally autistic’ but that meant literally nothing
nurses thought that they could get me to eat by sitting next to me and guilting me
very few nurses noticed that i ate chocolate after meals because i was aware of the fact that i wasnt eating much & i wanted to change that
i had to eat chocolate after meals bc no one listened to me when i explained my food issues and that was the only way to make sure i was eating
there was what was basically a riot. i wasnt there when it happened but its easy to see how people got that upset and angry
the day after the riot everyone was punished, even those of us who hadnt even been at the hospital
my friend was shut in the ‘rumpus room’ (padded room). its illegal to do that
it took a month before someone told me i was allowed to discharge myself
i spent two months in a psychiatric hospital. it was never explained why i was there in a way i could understand. dr d literally said ‘my colleagues ask why you’re still here’ yet he didn’t discharge me. if i hadn’t turned 18 im sure i would still be there. i wasnt diagnosed with anything. it made my mental health worse
this isnt even everything because my memory of then is very patchy
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