#i do like hononico and kotonico though
nanjokei · 1 year
i think a lot of haters who didn't even engage with the series went "well nico is the only good love live character anyway" (pre-aqours days) so it makes it difficult to talk about this and come off as sincere but nico was truly a blueprint of something. not sure what. but i was shocked to find out circa 2020 or 2021 that people do not know basic info about her like the meaning of the nico nico nii or that her father is indeed canonically dead. why call her the best when you're missing a lot of context for her characterization?
anyway mu's was admittedly quite lackluster in hindsight characters wise so i cant fault "she was the best one" (there were other good ones too though!!) but their entire discography is a classic... slander the story and its compulsive melodrama and half the cast being kinda eh all you want. but the music... get behind me miss mu's discography
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