#i couldn't decide if i wanted to make a still edit or a video cos the music itself is just 😘👌🏽
oneawkwardcookie · 7 months
Lonely is the room, the bed is made The open window lets the rain in Burning in the corner is the only one Who dreams he had you with him My body turns and yearns For a sleep that won't ever come
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chxotic-art · 3 months
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I finally drew her ref a bit...
Name: Fixit Foxette
Colors: shades of grey and black and white, bandana is purple and white
Pronouns: she/her
Symbol: wrench (but I messed up on her ref it's actually supposed to be sideways like this •---•)
Age: ? (Trying to figure out if she should be a kid or an former employee, I was thinking the latter but I'm unsure)
Scent: Raspberry
Role: the mechanic of the group
Hobbies: fixing and building things (she can fix anything!)
Foxette was to be a limited edition added to the Smiling Critters line, but she wasnt able to because Playtime Co was shut down shortly after (they made sneak peeks for her at first but then decided to just reveal her since yk)
Foxette survived the hour of joy by hiding in her own make shift shelter. Her will and motivation to fix "everything" kept her alive till now. She is kind of obsessed with fixing what is now broken, believing she could fix it all if she just tried. Even after her friends' deaths, she still believes she can fix them....
Met the player while she was on the hunt for something to eat; since then was protecting them even if Foxette got hurt in the process (which explains the lot of scars and stitches across her body and her tail less fluffy and big like it used to be)
Very protective, sassy, intelligent, and caring, can be super clingy at times
She is smaller than Dogday and Catnap, and one of the smaller critters
Her fur fluffs up when she feels threatened, and her pupils appear
Most of her body has been damaged, so she sewed and bandaged herself (Foxette cant smell really well, losing the ability to discern scent slightly because of what happened)
Usually stays hidden in the shadows; doesnt want Catnap or the Prototype to find out where she is
Calls the player "darlin' angel"
Would definitely let the player sleep on her tail when they're tired and loves ear scratches by the player
Her cartoon voice is much more high pitched than in game (imma make a video later)
Doesnt hate Catnap, but utterly despises the Prototype (she thinks he is one of the main reasons why everything has been broken)
Loves all her friends, with the occasional annoyance with anyone who bothers her while she works (will probably make a sheet of their relationships later)
Loves the kids, Foxette adores them and willing to protect them and help them (she couldn't and it almost broke her) also she has like a strong maternal instinct
She feels angry towards the workers, but more towards the higher ups for treating her and the other children like lab rats
(I'm not sure which universe to put her in atm, in the original in game universe or a universe where Dogday was saved, so I might put her in both for now)
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oliviap · 1 year
Overall this course as taught me a lot of skills in all three programs. Coming into this course we were asked to rank our skill level in each app. My original rankings were:
Illustrator: 7
Photoshop: 3
InDesign: 0
If I was asked to reevaluate my skills now I would say my Illustrator has changed from a 7 to a 9.5, Photoshop has changed from a 3 to a 6 and InDesign from a 0 to a 7.
Even at the start of this course, I was already very comfortable with Illustrator as it was the main program I used for design in high school. I was familiar with most of the tools we learnt so that learning was really just developing and mastering them. At the start of the course I bezier lines were frustrating and while I could draw reasonably well with them, I avoided it at all costs. I now really enjoy using the pen tool and bezier lines. I used it in so many of the tasks through out the course and I found every time I got faster and better. One thing I wish I knew in high school was the short cuts for the selection tool (v) and direction selection tool (A). This would have saved me so much time!
I knew very little on Photoshop when we started this course. I had done some drawing and image manipulation in digital technology at high school but that was the extent of my skill. Even now I don't feel I know a huge amount of what Photoshop offers but I'm very comfortable with what I learned in this course. I have used the adjustment tools were learnt outside of class numerous times as it was so simple to understand. I also found selecting and mask images was really fun and easy to pick up. I missed week 5 originally so I had to catch up later so I didn't have the chance to do it before week 6. It was explained to me in class and I found I grasped it pretty easily. I admittedly did forgot some of the stuff I learnt but I was able to refer back to tumblr and it was easy to remember after a quick recap.
Before this course, I had never heard of or used InDesign before. We used InDesign in our graphic design class as well while learning it so this made it way easier to learn as I was using it for around 9 hours a week in classes. I found that InDesign was really easy to use and especially helpful for text layout. The columns tool was really helpful in creating even, balanced layouts in my graphic design class. This also taught me a lot about general text, like a lot of the terminology (e.g. kerning, tracking, leading).
I think the program I found hardest to work with was Photoshop. While I enjoyed fixing the images, I've never had a very good eye for photography so it took me a while to be happy with my results. It was also frustrating how a lot of the commands didn't overlap with Illustrator. In Illustrator you hold down shift to restrict when resizing where as in Photoshop it morphs and manipulates it. This pissed me off quite a lot. But with time this became more natural and I just learnt it and did it without thinking.
If I didn't understand something in class I was able to go back and find the instructions on Moodle or Teams. This really helped me keep up to date and properly process what I was doing. I also used videos on Youtube to help me if I couldn't figure something out. Often they were on older versions of the programs but they were still mostly the same.
I think my favourite task was the two illustrations we had to make in Illustrator. For my first one I decided to make a bike. I used the pen tool as well as pathfinder to do this. Once I was done, I decided I wanted to add to it as I didn't really find it challenging. I decided to add two parrots to the bike because why not? To challenge myself, I didn't trace them from the reference I just tried my best to make the right shapes and then used the direct selection tool later to edit it after. I really loved my second illustration, I got quite carried away and just kept adding and adding to it. I decided to try recreate my original drawing as a challenge and I wanted to see what I could produce when using Illustrator.
Overall I was pleased with my final booklet project. To be honest I don't think it was the best display of my Illustrator and InDesign skills. I decided to procrastinate this booklet a lot as we had a lot of other projects due at the time. I started the booklet on Wednesday night which in reflection was stupid. I really should have chipped away at it over the days prior so I wouldn't have had to do so much work on Thursday night. But for the time period I did it in I'm pleased. I do like the actual book. I really enjoyed researching all about the different meanings behind common nursery rhymes. I decided to make my book a book for adults rather than children. I kept the cartoonish style of nursery rhyme books but added some much more disturbing imagery.
If I was to repeat this I would have liked to make some more vector images so showcase some more skills but I'm pretty happy. I definitely shouldn't have put it off. I really liked my drawing for 'Ring Around a Rosie'. I'll probably end up adding more detail to it once this course is finished.
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tenglows · 4 years
sweet aftertaste
summary: it’s late at night and student!ten and his friends are left with nowhere to go; ending up at the bar where lounge singer!reader is performing.
inspired by halsey’s song and video “finally // beautiful stranger”
if you want to see an edit based on this, click here!
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“so what are we supposed to do now”
yangyang sighed and sat down on the sidewalk
being downtown at half past two am with nothing to do was definitely not in the boys’ plans.
but it was now, considering they had been kicked out of the house party for breaking an (apparently) very ancient porcelain vase
“it was totally sicheng’s fault though”
but no one really cared about who was at fault, there was no time for that.
what bothered them more was that no one wanted to go back to the dorms yet
but it wasn’t like they could just go and crash another party
they just know the people at their college
and well
the big party was that one, the one they surely didn’t dare to put a foot on again
ten kept looking around the deserted street no one was really familiar with while the others bickered in the back
he found it nice, even if it felt a little bit lonesome considering the hour and all the small houses showing no sign of corporality
there were no many shops in the block, and if they were, they were closed and dim
until ten caught sight of a small pub
a classic, old-fashioned with a wood design and a few hanging lights that were the only source of brightness in the view
he signaled his discovery to his friends and they all looked at each other for confirmation before excitedly nodding
they didn’t encounter themselves with a rousing ambience when they entered the bar. just a typical bored bartender and some grown men devouring peanuts and beer at the counter
ten’s eyes focused on a small stage, a guitar placed on the wood floor. some holes making it look like it was gonna collapse anytime soon
some of the others got themselves some beers and when they were in the middle of asking ten if he wanted something,
someone’s unknown steps made that floor crack. the slow screeches made ten’s gaze feel trapped in curiosity
it was you
a student who struggled to pay rent and had to resort to singing late at a local bar to generate any sort of income
it wasn’t always this late, though
but that day you also had to cover your coworker’s shift at your other job
and yeah, you could have just told the pub’s owner that you would just play the following night
but it wasn’t just about the money. the truth is that you loved singing. of course it wasn’t a lie that you would prefer to make more out of it,
but sometimes a heartfelt praise from a costumer was all you needed to get the energy to raise that guitar all over again
you were surprised at the sight of more people than you would have thought taking the hour and location of the place into account, but it also made a sigh of relief leave your mouth
after all, performing for an empty audience always left a bittersweet aftertaste in your stomach
you smiled at the expectating boys that looked around your same age
and one of them smiled back. you weren’t one to get nervous when performing, since you were more than very used to it
but somehow the way his face glowed when he smiled made you relax your fingers and grip, that you thought were already relaxed
you introduced yourself and started strumming the guitar
ten, meanwhile
had never seen a purer face
and each melody that left your mouth had him more lost, more captivated
he listened attentively at the lyrics you had mentioned you wrote yourself
you sang about your grandmother and the stories she'd tell you about living in germany. how her own grandfather would tell her that the freckles on her face resembled stars
you had such a way of talking about her that made ten's chest throb. in that moment, he believed that he knew her. how she seemingly always smelled like coconut and how she baked the most delicious cakes ever made. he imagined her living in germany and picking the same flowers every evening, her hair dancing with the wind even though in reality, he didn't even know which color it was.
the ballad ended with a final strum and at that point ten was convinced that the guitar was created solely with the purpose of being touched by your fingers.
of course he and the boys exploded in claps and cheering, the men he had noticed when they first entered joining them too
ten could swear he even saw johnny shedding a couple of tears
and it was understandable. you had something and ten wondered if you had the power to brush the strings of all their hearts at the same time you did so with the guitar.
ten eyed his friends and he pointed at you as he sat up from his chair
them smiling knowingly and telling him they would wait for him outside
"hey um" he started, his hands in his pockets as he went through posible ways of starting a conversation "my name is ten, and i really liked your performance"
he mentally shouted at himself for not being able to hold eye contact with you. he was not a shy person, he was actually very outgoing and had no trouble in meeting new people
it was funny, then. how for some reason you made him nervous and he oddly made you feel at ease
"thank you so much. i actually wrote that song not so long ago, my grandmother helped me"
and that's when it all started.
you talked to him a little bit more about your grandma and he told you he had a similar relationship with his aunt, sharing stories about each lovely woman
you found out he was a dance major and didn't hesitate to tell him that was admiring
he also guessed you were a music major, and commented that you were doing a great job if it was that easy to sense there was more than just natural talent in there. you apparented like you knew a lot about what inspires you
that made you feel content
and you also asked yourself how a stranger had successfully seen through you that much
but something about ten just felt right
and you weren't sure if it was your overflowing emotions, or the late hours of the night or the lack of sleep you had gotten lately
but before ten you had never seen a mouth that you would kill to kiss
after a bit more of chat, you and the beautiful stranger decided to exchange numbers since the bar was closing and ten had to go back to his friends
you had to come home to your roommates as well.
(the next day at work, your co-worker who you had covered was tripping over her words to apologize all over again. she knew that the change resulted in you performing at a later hour, and was scared that that might have been prejudicial for you.
you just hugged her with the biggest grin on your face. and thanked her. she had never seen you smile so wide)
for both of ten and you, it was good news that you kept in touch since then
you learned so much about ten in a short period of time.
he also sang (he had promised he would show you sometime. and once, as you were falling dozing off on the phone with him, he started singing a lullaby when he was convinced you were asleep. you totally weren't. and his voice was velvet through the line)
he loved to draw and he did it marvellously. he had showed you some of his artworks and you always begged for him to explain the meaning behind it. but in the majority of the cases, he himself didn't even know it
you also learned that he used way to many smiley faces when texting, that he drank iced tea as his life depended on it, and he always dreamt of the ocean.
you soon came to know that ten was the sort of person you learn new things about each day, and you never got tired of it
it was scary
you didn't have much experience feeling this things
this love things
you had had some crushes, of course. still, they were all innocent crushes who either faded into thin air or turned into short-lived flings
on top of that, you never were a scaredy-cat type of person
at least that was what you thought before ten,,
because now you had received a certain text from ten that made you drop in the trash the carrot you were peeling
"i want to see u tomorrow :("
"i have my two shifts ://" (you were never really one to use emoticons, but i guess that's one thing you inhabited from ten)
"i can go watch you perform, if you like"
"i would really like it"
so now it was friday and you found yourself almost at midnight, at the bar you knew perfectly, but now you felt as if it was a completely different and new space you had never breathed in before.
you were tapping your foot in the stage so much the floor was actually breaking down even more. you decided to stop, you couldn't afford being nervous over ten's pretty face
you tried to distract yourself fixing some last things on your guitar, when you heard someone getting up on stage with you
"woah, it feels nice seeing everything through here"
"i know right? i never get tired of audiences. i like knowing that for a few minutes everyone is aware and probably thinking about the same thing"
ten looked at you with shiny eyes. you were truly the only source of brightness in the view
you obviously had to include the grandma song when performing (ten sang along and some giggles escaped your lips).
and then proceeded to present a new song you had just finished retouching the night before
ten raised his eyebrow and he looked even more concentrated than before, probably thinking about how you hadn't mentioned any new song you were working on
the song was about him
about the wish of ten letting himself fall in your arms
and although the lyrics could be a little more straightforward, you knew ten would get it anyways
he always did.
you had finished and now the following jazz singer was filling the room with a tranquil euphony
ten asked you to dance, it was a slow song and your hands found their way to his shoulders, his hands steadily on your waist.
"the song was beautiful" and there was something in the way that he said it with a shy but cheeky tone that indicated that you were right, you knew he had realized. and you were more than glad than he did.
"you know, you can join me singing anytime. you said you liked how it felt"
"i wouldn't mind taking up that offer"
in that moment you knew
you knew that it was finally safe for you to fall.
you had sung about wanting ten to feel secure enough to let himself drown in your embrace, but what you didn't know
is that he had already fell
he had made himself at home in your arms and was waiting for you to open the door too. and now you had
so it went on
after day that, ten went to every single one of your performances
and you also went to see him whenever he had a dancing show
you praised him so much every time he looked like he had red dye all over his face
he had sung with you at the bar multiple times already,
all his friends coming to see the growth of the young romance
"you should be thanking me for breaking that stupid vase!!!!!" yeah - you really liked sicheng.
you never experienced that bittersweet aftertaste of an empty audience ever again
because now ten was always the audience,
and you were his
and that's all you needed.
he's right here now,
and you think he'll stay.
(also, ten soon became your grandma's favorite person to bake cakes for.)
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irenerei-n-svt · 5 years
Ok i am shooked the first thing in the morning when I saw Jun with glasses and I felt I have add more point for Teaching Jun's but in a different scenario :
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So Jun is a senpai/senior from your uni, and due to GPA and university rules, you end up taking Chinese language as second language
(If you can speak Spanish or French since its your other language on your extended family, you felt choosing them are cheating so you decided to try on Chinese. Because that is the only option left.)
You knew Jun from Video editing class. He uses the computer beside you during the lesson.
You remember very well that he approached you by tapping you on you shoulder asking if the computer/seat beside you were already occupied. He smiles and did a small wave with his hand while asking you.
You guys start to chat but he will mostly just quietly listen to you because Jun is shy. And he does not want to overwhelm you too.
He said he want to learn video editing because the skill somewhat related to his hobby.
You are in awe and could not help but feeling lucky that this cutie pie is sitting beside you, serving you godlike visuals.
You also notices that Jun only wear glasses when reading and working with computer. But sometimes still wear fake ones for fashion purpose.
You occasionally bumps into him and noticed moments that he does not wear glasses.
You noticed Jun is with another guy. That's Minghao.
You went to the video editing class early and you took the extra time to finish up the homework you got from Chinese class.
You can get pronunciation ok but not the Chinese characters. Your class has not start writing complex Chinese character yet, but you are already struggling, and cursing yourself.
Jun was there earlier than you. He was listening to music, quietly humming to himself but saw you struggling.
Out of curiosity he asked if he could help because you are pouting so hard while looking at your homework.
He notices you are struggling with characters that have a lot of strokes to write.
Also you tend to confuse on words that look very similar during comparison
Jun then offers to help you out. You only then realise you are aloof enough to remember you have a Chinese senior sitting beside you. And you did not bother to think of asking him about your homework at all.
Jun then offers to have a 1 on 1 crash course before video editing class starts. He felt it could help him remember his mother tongue too. (He only has Minghao to talk in Chinese for now)
So it starts. Jun will help you a bit with homework. But mostly he won't let you cheat by asking him directly.
We know it's hard to fully concentrate when you have such wonderful guy sitting beside you. You could not help but occasionally stares at him.
He will caught you doing it, you will turn your head away very quickly. But he does not know why you do it. Only ask if there are anything on his face.
This boy even ask you keep an eye on his face because it will not look nice if there are something foreign got attached to it.
He encourages you to speak Chinese with him. So you will try to greet him in Chinese mostly when you met him in the campus. He will just give you a smile and a "hwaiting" pose.
You got speech test session for Chinese class coming up and you need help to check your pronunciation. Again Jun is the best choice.
He will try to correct your pronunciation by trying to let you shape your mouth in a certain to get the sound right. ( cues in you two making derp faces because trying too hard lol)
It works because Jun knows the mechanism and it's the fastest way.
But he will burst into laughter when you get the intonation wrongly. Even mimics your wrong pronunciation lol. Don't worry the process only last for 5 seconds.
Session with Jun is fun and he is kind and patient enough to slowly explain.
He sometimes stutter when gets excited in explaining lol
He tend to use the word "like", "such as". (I am inserting this cos I noticed Jun uses "yakkan 약간 " and "就像" frequently, both are similar to English when you pause and say "like...")
Jun also tell you that the way to learn the language is to listen to songs and try to sing it out.
He offers you a few legendary mandopop songs and let you to go find it out.
You did. Then there is recommendation of a cover for the song and you just let it play cos it's on autoplay. You think its fine because you can listen to it more.
You find it weird when you heard the voice of the cover artist. It's not weird as in it's badly sung. But you are really familair with that voice.
Only to find the title says "Covered by Jun".
Your mind flashes the Chinese tutor Jun. But you will forget about it because you got distracted
You bumps on him again at the campus during lunch time and he introduced you to Minghao. This time you can have a better distance to see Jun without glasses.
You couldn't help but laugh along when you see Jun acting like a 5 year old annoying Minghao while the latter is sending you SOS eye signal.
You get to see how Jun is acting when he is with others. Which is nice, his different potentials sparked your interest to know him even more.
On the next time you know him, you just straightly tell him no need to cover up himself too much in front of you. Just be cool with it.
He accepts and starts to be himself more. Showing all those quirks that will make you laugh.
Jun with fingers pressing his lips and nodding/bobbing his head while listening to your speech practise is DEFO A THING.
He will be more happier than you once you finish everything without stuttering or wrong pronunciation.
I mentioned this back in the teacher/instructor au. JUN SHAKES YOU BACK AND FORTH TO EXPRESS HIS JOY.
Jun casually asked if you are planning to learn Chinese seriously. He felt you enthusiasm and he is proud of it.
Jun : "It will be nice if y/n can join us and converse in Chinese all the way."
That motivated you. SOMEHOW. You planned to take it for this semester only but now you wanna finish the whole course. Just to one day really just talk to this handsome senior in his mother tongue.
SINCE THIS WILL BE LONG. I will stop here and do a part 2 soon.
Btw the song you accidentally listened and felt familiar
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