#i cant believe this is the first piece of trice forgotten fanart i actually managed to finish. good lord
lucky-numberme · 11 months
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happy pride to Trice Forgotten most beloved podcast
(this is from the old days when Anh and Alestes both worked for Gammon)
[ID: A two panel comic based on the "gay meth" comic featuring Trice Forgotten characters. In the first panel, Gammon stands with hands behind his back and grins cockily at Alestes, saying "It's pride month Alestes. You know what that means." Alestes frowns back at him with hands on hips, and says "...huh? ...what?" In the second panel she says, "Do you want us to do like... even gayer piracy? what?" Gammon walks away, silently grinning to himself. Anh is sitting on a ladder in the corner looking at Alestes and says, "I wish you would" End ID]
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