#i begin every gambit match shooting at drifter the entire time he talks
Destiny 2′s Gambit Mode Exists To Bully Destiny 2 Players
I want to play Darktide, but it's not out yet. Instead I play Destiny 2, which is really quite sad. Been writing a post analyzing and complaining about a bunch of shit in Destiny 2, the thesis of which is that it has no idea what it's doing and hates its players with a passion, but this little side segment about how much I hate Gambit kinda ballooned into a long enough post of its own.
So, I fuckin hate Gambit mode. I hate PvP in all its forms of course. Crucible is bad with its usual brand garbage for PvP Assholes, but Gambit,
Man, Gambit is something else.
Gambit is the most hateful game mode I've ever seen. As if it weren't bad enough that playing it necessitates interacting with the most annoying cunt in the game.
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(howling dickhole noises)
It's like they got some evil scientists together to craft an experience that would generate the most rage out of people who don't like PvP. It's advertised as "Competitive PvE" but this is a blatant lie; Gambit isn’t that at all. 
Gambit is a Fun Ruining Simulator.
I'm just gonna steal screenshots from the internet, because, I really don't want to go play this garbage again.
Here's the basic run down of how Gambit works for the uninitiated: There are two teams, each with four players, in two identical arenas. Regular enemies spawn in, and players kill them. These enemies drop little glowy tokens called Motes, which players must collect and deposit in a big glowy machine thingy called the Bank. 
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Depositing enough motes at one time sends a big tough enemy called a Blocker to the opposing team, and they can't deposit motes until the Blocker is killed.
At certain intervals, a portal opens up and one person can Invade the opposing team's area, and if you kill a player they drop all their motes. Invading is something of a trade off: if you invade, you can sabotage the enemy, but you stop banking tokens yourself, and if you just get killed right away you don't hinder the enemy but you still miss out on the tokens you could have been getting.
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So far, okay.
Once enough tokens are banked, mote dropping enemies stop spawning, and instead a giant monster shows up, called the Primeval. Killing your team's Primeval wins the game. Invading is still part of this phase; but now if you kill someone while invading, the enemy team's Primeval gets some of its health back.
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So on paper this all sounds basically fine. Competitive PvE, right? It's the number balance that turns it all into shit.
Everything is ABSURDLY stacked in the invader's favor. The amount the Primeval gets healed by when an invader scores a kill is like a quarter of its entire health bar. Yeah. Getting two or three kills during an invasion will pump that sucker back to full health. Strategy guides aren't shy about telling you that Invading is the most important part of the whole game mode by far. One good invasion can turn an entire game around.
Compound this with power weapons like rocket launchers and heavy machine guns, and super abilities, and the fact that, for some fucking reason, the Invader can SEE WHERE ALL THE OPPOSING TEAM'S PLAYERS ARE, AT ALL TIMES, getting multiple kills as the invader is VERY easy.
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The damage you deal to the Primeval is TINY. It increases over time when you kill these other guys who periodically show up to shield the Primeval, and it goes up by A LOT. Once you've killed like six of them the Primeval goes down like a bitch. In other words, fighting the boss doesn't really matter. It doesn't matter how well you can take the monster down, because after a little while it becomes incredibly easy. The only thing that matters is invading so you can kill the enemies and undo all their progress. No role matters compared to The Invader. Invading is everything. Everything else exists only for there to be something to Invade. There's no thought to it, no point to it, it's not fun or interesting or unique in any way except that some fucking cocksucker might barge in and ruin everything, and there's basically nothing you can do about it, because they see you and you don't see them, and it only takes a few shots from a machine gun or a rocket or a grenade launcher or a super to kill you. Often, only one shot.
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It's not Competitive PvE, because the PvE doesn't matter. It's just more PvP, because the PvP is the only part that matters. It just has to lie so it can entice PvE players into trying it. The entire game mode exists to create a little playground for PvE players to play in so that a PvP Asshole can have fun stomping on all their sand castles. 
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Mreh mreh but what about blockers? What ABOUT blockers!? These little piss weak NOTHINGs? These things I casually run over on my way to turn in my tokens? They are barely a speed bump, who cares.
Mreh mreh if you hate invaders beating you why don't you get good at invading? Because I don't fucking WANT to be the invader! I WANT to fight monsters! I WANT to do PvE stuff because I don't get any fun out of PvP! That's why Gambit sucks so much; it seems to have been designed literally to piss off people like me, and reward people I hate! Mreh mreh if you hate gambit so much then just don't play it OH IF ONLY A WHOLE BUNCH OF SHIT DIDN'T FUCKING REQUIRE ME TO.
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I don’t even want your shitty revolver anymore. This is the part that would have segued back into the main point that Destiny fucking hates you. We'll get to that in the other post.
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