#i assume roche and ves thought the game was too silly and decided not to play?
roughentumble · 5 months
idea for a witcher/homestuck AU. ciri goes to fight the white frost and seemingly defeats it, but something isnt right about it, and for some reason at the center of it all she finds some sort of game with complex instructions right there. she kind of tells herself that it was leftover from some other traveler, who came to the center of all that is to destroy entropy and found themselves lacking, leaving behind only scraps of who they were. but it seems so pristine... could it really be that...? whatever it is, she feels oddly compelled to play it. perhaps as homage to a soul that was lost clutching a game and thinking of joyful times with their family.
(there is no stopping the white frost. entropy cannot be fought back. but how is she to know? when avallac'h told her otherwise? is it so wrong to dare to hope?)
the game is called something silly, like hmlet(like sburb but instead its. hamlet.)
everyone is already gathered, so when they all slink off to nurse their bruises, when theyre all still together, she brings out the game. eskel thinks its a bit grim. lambert thinks its grim, so he's completely behind it. they shuffle through the confusing rules as the first icy, frozen meteor falls far, far away, on the other side of a world that's yet to be fully circumnavigated.
my preliminary cast list idea looks something like:
1. yen (witch of time) (derse)
2. ciri (mage of space) (derse)
3. jaskier (rogue of breath) (prospit)
4. geralt (knight of blood) (prospit)
5. eskel
6. lambert
7. regis (?)
8. avallac'h
9. cerys (?)
10. letho (?)
11. triss
12. zoltan (?)
with question marks denoting placements that are the most up in the air, though i'd REALLY like to keep letho and zoltan on board. im never going to write this but i am going to have fun turning it over in my head and imagining these 12 as fun gods of a new world.
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