#i am so fucking shfhagdgdgheyftdhrvdgehfgfagrhhe
fabcreature · 1 year
Flirted With My Crush Again Today, and it turns out i'm GOOD at it
we were talking about how his (male) roommate recently kissed a guy, and he (my crush) was rly hyped up about it bc he's not that used to queerness but he thinks it's rly cool that people can be themselves and do what they want. he then jokingly told our other male coworker that they should go and kiss so his roommate won't be "winning". i said that to really win this "competition" he should kiss a guy and then also kiss me so he'd be winning by having kissed a nonbinary person too, to which the other previously mentioned coworker said that that was the pickup line of the century.
my crush then said that he won't be able to get any sleep tonight thinking about that pickup line as well as the time i called him handsome (which means he's been thinking about it!!??)
anyway so
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