#i am ready and willing to talk abt isekai shit for hours
thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Same anon with vine boom sfx ask, I got another one xD hope u dont mind
Okay so while I was reading through the tags and replies of the language post i got reminded of a memory. Everyone knows the russian words 'cyka blyat' but as someone whose country is full of bilinguals/trilinguals I see a different word with the same letters used that is bad and I have to take a double-take.
Basically reader who is still learning teyvatian language (bear with me), stumbles across a sign (a shop, a random sign, etc.), sees an english bad word, SUS moment only to find its a harmless, innocent teyvatian word mistaken as an english one.
(If you ask the twins they would either slowly but surely die of laughter or wheeze so bad they have to be revived. Cue other characters of your choosing wheezing as well or turned into the equivalent of Windows XP shut-down jingle)
(This happens to me so many times ever since I searched up random words from random languages and seeing my country's equivalent, imagine the chaos reader would unleash. The twins mught az well be wheezing ghosts---)
There's so much ✨️ room ✨️ for language chaos and genshin
(Like it was a creative idea to make them have theyre own language, bc u kno international audience/diff language settings all the time)
oh the old, 🤨 "what is that?" sus look from someone who speaks multiple languages when they see smth that looks/sounds like a cuss word/slur but in actuality means some shit like "cheese"
Yeah as i think about it more and more, as soon as ANY language shenanigans happen (blunt speech, ppl dont speak ur lang, etc) aint no way the traveler is makin it out alive
Like, realistically, only ppl like Kazhua could travel with yall consistently, so like him, the traveler, and kuni (im sick of typing out scaramouche so itll either be kuni/scara/lil meow meow/bbygirl from now on)
Are all in the line of fire.
They're abt to gets abs (if they didnt already have them) from how hard theyre laughing all the time
Omfg imagine walking thru like main street in Liyue or Inazuma city and the slur/cuss word mistranslation is like a common word 😭
All the shop signs or like banners or restaurant menus (like u kno how they put them outside?) as u go down the street is just
"Flower *slur*(shop)"
"Beauty fuck"
"Ass Bakery"
LMAO oh how the turn tables-
Now they cant stop laughing at ur reactions
Yeah the traveler at least is like in physical pain bc they have to be around u all the time so everything funny happens to/around them 💀 RIP ur traveling partners
Thank you for the ask!!
You're always welcome to come back again!! I love to see it :D !!!
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