#i am perpetuating the cycle of favourite children started by my grandmother
rinpenrose1900 · 6 months
every time you think i've forgotten about this account, boom. i re-emerge . this time i come to you with Secret Knowledge. this one's for you, my 1,107 tumblr followers.
there will likely be a new Gin Stream next month. don't say i don't feed you guys well. the people who follow rinpenrose1900 are my favourite children
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Full name: Jeremy Amadeus Swartout Nickname(s) or Alias: Remy(common), Rem, RemStar(by bro-in-law), Sparkles, Pikaru(retired stage name), The Cospunk Prince Gender: Nonbinary Trans Man(Pronouns they/them, would so much rather be called sir than m’aam if they had to) Species: Human Age: 23 Birthday: 11/28/1993 Sexuality: Panromantic/Demisexual with a slight preference of men Nationality: American and hating it Religion: Raised Methodist and catholic simultaniously? But after age 10 stopped going to church and since then has no real religious affilation City or town of birth: Manahawkin, NJ Currently lives: Florida and hating it Languages spoken: English, Japanese(intermediate) Native language: English Relationship Status: In an open relationship of 6 years but not actively looking for anyone else PHYSICAL APPEARANCE Height: 5′2 Weight: 122 lbs Figure/build: Curvy, not quite muscular, big tummy Hair colour: chestnut Hairstyle: short in the back,not going any farther than the nape of the neck. Sides are asymmetrical, down to the armpit on the left and the collar bone on the right. slightly layered. To be changed soom. Facial Hairstyle: No facial hair other then a very unnoticeable mustache but really wishes they could have facial hair. slight unibrow.  Eye colour: Hazel Skin/fur/etc colour: very pale Tattoos: None Piercings: None Scars/distinguishing marks: Buises easily so random bruises on their legs, scar on left inner upper arm from a cat, beauty marks on tummy that almost make a right triangle to the left of the belly button, freckles on her shoulders, perpetual darke circles under eyes Preferred style of clothing: It changes based on their mood and who they’re around, but almost always wears chest binder and an open flannel when going out(though never at work for obvious reasons). Polo shirts and cargo shorts are their friend. Into Japanese punk style. On the rarest occasion will wear a skirt or lolita style dresses. A fan of wigs and hats. Has a tie collection but has not worn any since high school. Frequently worn jewelery/accessories: Two necklaces; A mood necklace in the shape of the letter J and a silver necklace with their nickname Remy in Katakana(The way it’s connected, it could also be read as レ王/reou, or King Re). The katakana necklace was a gift from their sister. Almost always wears a hat, though their favourite hat’s decor broke so they are looking for a new one. HEALTH Smoker? Never Drinker? Never Recreational Drug User? Which? NEVER Addictions: Caffeine Allergies: None that they know of, other than pesto(at least they believe they do, whenever they have something with pesto in it my throat hurts but doesn’t really swell or anything) Any ailments/illnesses/disabilities: Bad hip that acts up around the time of their menstrual cycle, very bad PMDD(pre-menstrual depressive disorder) on top of their regular depression. Dyslexic. Bad asthma after healing from a cold or if they swim too much. Any medication regularly taken: Is anti-med for their own personal reasons. PERSONALITY Personality: Their depression easily masks their personality so much that they wouldn’t even be able to describe themselves. Very contradictory and usually stays to themselves.  Likes: Cute things, animation, travel, cooking Dislikes: the human race in general but specifically any kind of peoplephobic/supremacist person, gore, raw tomatoes, fish, Ugg boots(the texture is waaaay to gross to them), themselves Fears/phobias: simultaneously death and living past 25(fear), live chickens(phobia), republicans, speaking Favourite colour: scarlet to colour with, periwinkle to look at and purple and navy to wear Hobbies: drawing on occasion, fandubbing Jpop(specifically Hello!Project), recreational math(has their own algebra book they work on from time to time for no real reason and does not go to college) Taste in music: The Rasmus, Symphonic metal/rock(mainly nordic bands), doo-wop, Jpop(specifically idol groups, even more specicfically Hello!Project), bubblegum pop/eurodance when in a certain mood. Will listen to everything except for English speaking rap, most country, and anything that screams(though minor deathgrowls in a song are okay within reason) SKILLS Talents/skills: doubting themselves, pointing out a voice actor/actress in their most diverse roles(if they’ve listened to their work long enough), over-analyzing, being cute Ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles? Dude, they don’t even know how to ride a bike. They got their drivers’ permit, drove about 3 times, but don’t have the confidence or mental capacity to continue.  EATING HABITS Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore/(Vegetarian): Omnivore Favourite food(s): Japanese style curry, potatoes(mainly scalloped or Jagamiso), Japanese style strawberry shortcake, burgers Favourite drink(s): Lattes(mainly dulce de leche and gingerbread), The Switch juice(Orange), melon soda, any kind of apple/grape cider, American lemonade Disliked food(s): Fish, tomatoes(will eat marinara sauce but whole tomatoes aren’t too great), eggplant Disliked drink(s): Energy drinks other than coffee, milk, anything alcoholic HOUSE AND HOME Describe the character's house/home: In the middle of a neighborhood complex nestled in the middle of nowhere, takes about 2 miles just to get to the main road. Open floorplan, 3 bedroom 2.5 bath, a lanai with hot tub, garage, and very little closet space.  Do they share their home with anyone? Who? Their parents and 7 cats Significant/special belongings: their CD/Dvd collection, Jpop idol microfiber and muffler towels proudly desplayed, framed namesign with a Naruto theme CAREER Level of education: High school graduate class of 2012 Current job title and description: CSA(customer service associate), been with the company 7th years and has been trained in low-level management but was never promoted. Name of employer: Wawa FAMILY, FRIENDS AND FOES Parents names: Since this is literally about myself I’m witholding this info Are parents alive or dead? alive Is the character still in contact with their parents? Lives with them but rocky relationship, been emotionally abused/neglected most of life Siblings? Relationship with siblings? 2 half-sisters, one from dad’s previous marriage and one from mom’s previous marriage. Funny enough they are only a month apart in age, yet 8 years older than Remy. One sister was close with as a child but since moving away from their hometown lost touch, yet that sister is the most supportive of the name change. The other one was Remy’s nemesis when they were growing up but once she moved out, they became closer. This sister is trying but not quite accepting of the name change, and won’t correct her children when they use Remy’s deadname. Other Important Relatives: 5 niblings(4 from one sister, 1 from the other) ages 2-9. All grandparents deceased except for one, whom they haven’t seen since age ten. 2 aunts deceased(one passed from a drunken car crash and was also LGBT and passed away before Remy was old enough to remember. The other passed from a prescription drug addiction when Remy was around 15 hence why Remy is anti med.), one aunt(though no blood relation) a retired lawyer and still very close to Remy. Partner/Spouse: Jesse, together for almost 6 years and referred to by their niblings as ‘uncle Jesse’. open long distance relationship yet committed as well. If that makes sense. Children: A cat named Yossie Angela, age 7 Best Friend: Childhood friends Rachel, Sam C and Sam W. Middle school/Highschool friend Jerome Other Important Friends: Their entire class from Japanese 3/4 of their junior year minus about 5 people. Has lost touch with almost all of them since graduating, but still thinks about them constantly. Acquaintances: Too many to name Pets: 6 cats(not counting Yossie) Sugar Elisabeth, Spice Mckenzie, Inky, Binky, Daisy, Lovebug Isabelle. Enemies? Why are they enemies? A kid from their graduating class who was only friends with Remy when it was beneficial to her. Not really enemies, but someone they really would have rather not have had in their life BACKSTORY Describe their childhood (newborn - age 10): Born 2.5 months premature. Youngest of 3 with an 8 year age gap and their cousins were also much older, so they were often neglected/emotionally abused. Thought they were part cat until about age 9. Wanted to be a cook since kindergarten. First favourite colour was orange. Picked on alot and didn’t get along well with people. Loved scooby doo, the Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog and SatAM series. Watched Barney and Lamb Chop’s PlayAlong until the VHS tapes burnt out. showed a bunch of signs of being nonbinary including trying on only their dads clothes/mullet wig, peeing standing up, and shouting in confirmation ‘I am a birl, part boy, part girl’. Was introduced to Neopets by their aunt at age 10 and was hooked. Was very close to their aunt until she started getting heavy into prescription drugs, and their parents forbid Remy from driving with their aunt. Describe their  teenage years (11 - 19): Avid neopets player and roleplayed until around age 16. Found their favourite band on a friend’s sonic OC page. Started drawing their own sonic OCs on MS paint. All of their friends minus about 3 of them were from the internet, including their best friend Rachel and another person who emotionally abused Remy around ages 14-18. Said person is no longer in their life, yet it wasn’t a one-sided abuse(both were way too young to really know what they were doing to eachother was bad until it was too late). They were battling depression from as early as age 9 when their grandmother passed away from cancer, but really escalated in ages 11-14. They swear that the friends they made on the internet helped them get through it. Were big into anime and manga, with Jpop/Hello!Project becoming a huge part of their life in around 9th grade.Started dubbing under the stage name Pikaru and did dance covers. Many parental issues/self hate issues. Started working at 16 and dedicated their life to the company by the time they graduated, swearing it was the only thing they were genuinely good at/the only thing their parents were truly proud of. Went to their first concert senior year, Berryz Kobou at an anime convention. Went to a Metal concert a few months later. the morning before the concert ultimately severed the bond of Remy and their mother after their mother screamed ‘I hate you’ while in the middle of a heated argument. Since then they can’t say ‘I love you’ back to their mother and doesn’t believe any compliments given to them from her.  Describe their  adult years (20+): Moved in with their boyfriend for about 1.5 years after Remy’s parents had to move out of state for their dad’s job. Very toxic living situation do to things beyond their/their boyfriend’s control. Went through a depression so bad it almost ruined their relationship. Started experimenting with gender and name around age 19, but started really getting there from age 21-23. Moved back in with their parents to another state when the situation became too much. The toxic friend from the internet officially broke ties with Remy about a year after they moved back in with their parents, completely shattering them(though in the long run being the best thing for both people involved). Worked two jobs for about 8 months with little to no days off, working about 3 months straight with no day off. They landed themselves in a mental clinic for a week between their PMDD, stress from work, and the loss of their ‘friend’. Had to quit their 2nd job. At age 22 they went to Japan for 21 days, a life long goal, and felt more at home there than anywhere in America. Planned to start getting their life together, find an apartment or at the very least start schooling.. until they found out they were moving a couple months later. Moved to the literal hell that was Florida, where it is dangerous to be out and open and where rich white people like to degrade everyone within their path. All of their dreams for a future were thrown in the garbage, and now they are just trying to work their remaining years away. Wanted to go to Tokyo International University for business economics but with the current state of America and the impending doom of another world war, they’ve just about given up on that dream. Would either like to go to TIU still or end up moving back to their hometown/’settle down’ with their boyfriend. 
Main Theme Song- In My Life by The Rasmus 
Nostalgic Theme Song- I Want My Tears Back by Nightwish
Montage Theme- Battle of Rose by Mitsumune Shinkichi
Idol Theme- Genki PikaPika by Morning Musume
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