#i am currently working on a version with rosaria
katyspersonal · 4 days
Can you make headcanons you have about Gundyr aka belated champion 🥺
Mine has always been how yknow, his prisoner chain is the ring of the embedded, and it says how the people wearing it become slaves of their own pleasure
So i think damn that man is freaky
Also the theory that ocelot= gundyr (ocelot was bred into being a champion, and gundyr's pus of man is also different from the others we see in game) just implies that gundyr is so ugly without his helm it made Gwynevere leave 🚬
Hey! Yeah I must admit that my Dark Souls loredigging is still a work in progress, especially considering in how many ways to connect the dots it offers! With ER and BB I always found a "more apparent" way to answer a lore question quickly, but as for DS trilogy I am soooo lost in opportunities fhhddffd So take most DS things I suggest as a 'draft'!
As for the chain detail: really good eye! It IS the same item!!!
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You can certainly tell that it had some context change by the DS3 time! But I really think that using basically the same item is not coincidental! So think of this: why would those weak ass pathetic chains, with the links apparently small enough to be used as rings, hold back THIS guy? He is so huge and strong, so would not he be able to break them easily?
So the thing is.. he did. But it was a bit too late. In DS2 version this kind of chain did have connotation with "pleasure", or "temptations of flesh" like it was put in Key to the Embedded description, but it can mean variety of things. In the end, holding Gundyr back with this kind of chains likely made him not want to proceed with his duty (or what he believed it was, but I'll get to that later)! It was mental restrain more than physical making him limp, like being drunk, or a dream so comfortable and happy that you don't want to wake up from it. He broke them when he was able to overcome whatever brain fog and "temptation to stay" they inflicted on him. It was a willpower effort that he was eventually able to recollect, because from physical standpoint, again, these chains were nothing. Still very commendable that he broke through their effect; I think it is rare that anyone is able to do this!
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Japanese original also says 古い王, so, ancient or old king more specifically! This is to nitpick that the emphasis here should be placed on how the mentioned king was relevant long time ago, rather than 'he was a king but not anymore'! It is about time passage. As for the helmet itself, I think it is the same as Marais Mask in ER: it depicts Gundyr's royal ancestor, not himself! As for why Gundyr was not included in my and @val-of-the-north's draft of the royal family across the games then....
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BEFORE I CONTINUE My current idea is that he is not Ocelotte, but in fact, likely older than the twin princes! He might have been a generation older, or a collateral relative to the three children of Queen of Lothric! Also, without going on a tangent I want to specify that for now I do not think that Queen of Lothric IS Gwynevere! Gwynevere is mentioned in description in DS3 and mentioned by Yorshka, so refusal to namedrop her would be odd since her name is certainly not obscured! As for Queen of Lothric being connected with Gwynevere's item, same can be told about Rosaria who is not Gwynevere being connected with Gwynevere's miracles! Basically, I think Rosaria and Queen of Lothric are just descendants of Gwynevere! I am yet to decide the exact specifics but yeah.. Guess I have to write a whole character my darn self, but I don't mind fsdhfdh
That being said, I am not opposed to the idea that Gundyr might be 'hideous' under his helmet xD Whether it is result of corruption or just how he is! All appearances are valid! Just that it would be something special for him, not connection to Ocelotte 🤔
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I am trying to double-check through Japanese script, and it seems to be more directly stated as 'the lenght/eternity of his mission was probably decided on from the beginning'! () (Tbh Japanese script being less vague IS the reason I can't loredig without these anymore) But regardless, yeah, I think whoever sent Gundyr to link the flame was setting him for the failure and a role of the judge! My current idea about it is that it was his own family that done him so dirty!
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I think them being the variants of one another is not coincidental! Before Lords of Cinder, the method to link the fire was to nurture some randos into becoming strong champions, but it probably proven being ineffective! Heck, the Unkindled are those who failed to link the fire! They switched to "find some really powerful guys and burn them", but as they started to shy away from their duties (Melina shames Lothric for skill issue in the distance fdhfhds), the old practice with firekeepers and leveling-up randos became relevant again!
It was someone from the royal family. I consider maybe Queen of Lothric herself! She was like, 'hey Gundyr good news, Lothric refused to link the fire so now YOU can save the world :))))) HAHA TROLLED YOU LOOSER YOU ARE ACTUALLY NOW THE STEPPING STONE TO RESTARTING CHOSEN UNDEADS THING LMAO' ....okay I am trivializing hhfdsd But basically deceiving him, chaining him, letting him see the result of "his" failure and being stuck in the timeless dark until he is defeated for the first time was the plan to shape him into everything any "worthy" Unkindled would face and have to overcome! I have not decided if they really hated Gundyr so much they decided to throw him away like that or they saw his outstanding personality qualities and believed only he could do something so important out of twisted 'love'. That they chose him BECAUSE only he was in their eyes good enough to overcome all those traumas and become a perfect test. Leaning more towards the latter...
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Okay, and I think not only he was deceived in this shit machiavellian way, but also someone else! Someone likely from within their walls too!
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Not only Shrine Handmaid is strangely the only NPC still present in the 'dark' Firelink Shrine instead of being replaced by like, corresponding item, and not only she weirdly looks same as retired Firekeepers from Dark Souls 2 (!!!).. but ALSO she is notably blinded, whereas blinding the Firekeepers specifically became a thing in Dark Souls 3 time (!!!!!)
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AND she strangely drops this item:
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I think it is safe to assume that she is the person tasked to be a Firekeeper that never met her champion! Needless to mention that it is, after all, FROM Lothric Castle HOW you access the Untended Graves! Yes, what they promised to Gundyr was being a Lord of Cinder, not the leveled-up "chosen undead", so her own tragedy is connected with the state of 'dark' Firelink Shrine. And maybe with us the player. Gundyr went from Champion to Iudex after being bested "by an unknown warrior" and since WE fight him outside of time as a Champion, it is probably us who set him on this path. Same as how in Dark Souls 1's DLC area WE are the one who sealed the Abyss in the past. When it is not us, metanarratively, it is any other player xd
So yeah, the two characters are not connected as Firekeeper and the "chosen" warrior because it was simply not what was promised to Gundyr, but they are connected as part of the same plan to restart the old practice after the authorities took collective L with Lords of Cinder idea! (Though if Gundyr himself is of royal blood, it is a cute idea that maybe Handmaid was Gundyr's wet nurse in the past.. ;-; )
So yeah, it is less headcanons post and more pinning down my interpretation post! I am very bad with headcanons actually as I don't have imagination hshdsd If I forgot something I want to hear it, like I said there is too much Soulsborne information and my brain is starting to fall apart from it! But yeah, I think Gundyr was a person of many virtues from the beginning, and unfortunately he was just good enough to be used like this. (also cunning Queen of Lothric character ftw lol)
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wehveechen · 4 years
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Seira, inspired by Mucha’s jugendstil/art nouveau style. It’s fun to be ornate
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I'm sorry if it's too late hahsjaha
Well! My current team isn't exactly solid and I don't really know how dps or that things work jahshs but I know I need someone with good attack, defense and a healer at least, so I use Aether, Noelle, Xiangling and Barbara the most, changing Barbara with Chongyun or Kaeya at times.
Before anything I would like to share that depending on the zone and the situation I am currently I change the character who is running/walking,, like if I'm in Liyue City I change to Xiangling and if I am going to glide I am changing to Aether, things like that. I just think it's fun watching the characters in their element lmao.
Onto the characters headcannons, I really think all are really wholesome with each other, like Aether taking either the Big Brother or the person to rely on role with the girls! Barbara making crown flowers and singing them to sleep and healing them after a brawn! Or Xiangling and Noelle making dinner together and all the strange shenanigans with Xiangling for ingredients! Just wholesome stuff mihoyo pls take my recommendations🥺 I really want to get Zhongli or Diluc or both for the extra tired parent energy
With the leaks of the 1.5 version I hope I can get Zhongli and his weapon but I am terrified to lose all my pity if I wish anything else on Childe banner (yes I want Rosaria) so idk what to do without enough primos 😔😔
Oops this turned more as a rant... Well jahshs I hope you have a great day and get lucky wishing💜
I am so glad to find I’m not the only one who does this! I use Zhongli in Liyue and Diluc in Mondstadt when I’m just walking around :) -- I NEVER glide with those two either, it seems undignified to have Zhongli do it lol. 
Barbara cannot stop herself, she’s so thankful and excited to be useful, and the team she’s found herself a part of, from day one, welcomed her with open arms. They’ve encouraged her and supported her, and most of all, they respect her. 
She’s grown quite fond of Noelle, her pleasant support and empathy mean so much. Noelle always listens to Barbara when she talks about Jean, and will even give her advice on situations she’s unsure of. Noelle says she is still learning how to be a proper knight, but Barbara thinks she’s already proven herself. 
When Barbara shared her chilibrew recipe with Xingling, she was not prepared for the reaction! Xingling started adding new ... interesting (unsettling) ingredients to the pot and while some of them were good ... others were very terrible. Luckily, Aether is always on board to try something new. 
(save save for Zhongli - literally, he is such a good character, and his shield is stupid good) 
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holymoonlighted · 4 years
Lost in the Sands, Irithyll, Anor Londo and beyond.
Spoilers for Dark Souls III for the entire post:
Irithyll is an interesting location in Dark Souls III, a snowy town with an eternal Moon upon its sky; Anor Londo being the same. However, if not obvious it was not always the case for Dark Souls III. The intentions for Anor Londo and Irithyll were much different, it can even be seen in the game still.
If one needs some information before we begin: Dark Souls III was heavily edited and reconstructed very late in the day. You can still see so many unused structures and different placements of things especially from Vordt’s room where you fly to Undead Settlement. Many maps even now have drastically rearranged, new or removed architecture, placements of buildings and locations, the works. It is a miracle that this game even came out, honestly. Nevertheless, this is needed to explain that the story was shifted around insurmountably. It is why many things in the story seem to just fall off, or seem like they don’t belong. Many things even during the DLC were absolutely switched and patchworked in to make sense or to make things even more confusing. Boss Musical Chairs is the name of the game in this game as well. Nevertheless, enjoy.
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(Sorry, this is the best shot I could get for this building.)
This itself is Anor Londo. This is not the end of the world as the Ringed City would like you to believe. It was never planned to be that until they had to cut the entire concept. Yes, this means Irithyll was a desert at some point. It’s still quite obvious in the final game, but luckily snow acts the same as sand in the way it’s used but, nonetheless, here we go. In this version, it was just sand everywhere. Furthermore, this proves something by the appearance of it. It’s old, decrepit and quite frankly demolished. Ruins are all over the place and it is obviously quite large. It also appears even from Vordt’s view, not as high up as if it’s sunken into the sands. Many buildings are left to ruin and most likely, no holy sights or Gwyn or even Gwynevere statues exist anymore.  So, it’s not how it appears in the final game, and that can be explained. What would have happened is, at some point, travelling back to a past Anor Londo was necessary. How or why this was isn’t know, but, what is known is that travelling back was a thing but then possibly defeating Gwyndolin or someone that looks like Gwyndolin was necessary. If you notice, the Gwyndolin we fight as Aldrich, well that isn’t Gwyndolin. It’s just Lothric with a mask similar to Gwyndolin. It is also interesting to note, at one point, Aldrich had the ability to summon Man Grubs as one point and it links him to being Rosaria’s firstborn even more, so fun fact.
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Current story aside this, well, is not Gwyndolin. The mask is so different that it looks like a Bootleg. Not to mention the clothes are entirely new, especially that the color is transparent and black. And this was most likely the case. Someone who was pretending to be Gwyndolin and faking it so that they can influence the people of Irithyll their god is still alive, somebody named Sulyvahn. See, Aldrich’s internal name is Sulyvahn. With this it can be concluded that some roles were changed, Aldrich at one point was at Archdragon Peak, way, way past Anor Londo. Then he was at the Cathedral, still far away from Anor Londo. In conclusion, Sulyvahn was this character that was acting like Gwyndolin, who is leading the Darkmoon Knights and corrupting their image. There is just a boss in the files called “Anor Londo Boss” and well, it was most likely Sulyvahn and was probably a callback to the Gwyndolin fight. At the time where you travel back to, Anor Londo was still whole, in fact the past map is actually the current map but the past map would have a “past” world state aka just a filter on the screen. Also, the entire Sulyvahn and Aldrich plot was absolutely just not here. As will be seen later. The boss that was “Moonlight Witch” and this enemy still appears in game, as the “Fire Witch”. It’s also in the art book with some impressive art, it being the boss is the reason. These enemies still bare their magic and weapons in the final game, but not the spell shown in its art.
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This location by the way is called “Anor Londo Ruins” and the entire place would just be ruins and it was also the end game area, assumedly. And, once in the past, and defeating this boss some event revolving around resurrection is involved. An unused game flag called “After Resurrection” is present but sadly, nothing is known about it other than that. Except, we probably do know. Sulyvahn as we know him now is actually a boss called “Old King of the Eclipse” and was actually the final boss before Soul of Cinder. He was probably the final boss for a long while until he had to be changed due to unspecified reasons.
The Old King of the Eclipse:
This part of cut content is extremely, very, very hard to pin down lore-wise but other parts like mechanics is pretty easy to decipher. So, to state a few things I said before and some I didn’t: 
Aldrich in Archdragon Peak
Resurrection in Anor Londo
Lorian and Lothric being an early boss
Old King of the Eclipse being resurrected
Archdragon Peak lines up with Lothric Castle with some teleportation manipulation, meaning Archdragon Peak was closer at one point, incredibly close.
So, with this information we can construct a narrative: Aldrich is still a Lord of Cinder, traveling to him would be like Anor Londo now. But instead it would be in Archdragon peak. Since the Lothric princes are early bosses, no need to fight them as Lords of Cinder(them being Lords is very late, apparent by their absence in the intro cutscene.). So, three lords defeated and once at Anor Londo, a resurrection happens. Then you go to Untended Graves and unlock the Kiln of the First Flame. It is unknown if something at Anor Londo resurrected the Old King, or what it’s just up in the clouds. Also, I am not sure when this was a thing but the Pilgrim Butterflies at one point were seemingly Dragons. A lot of early stuff seemed to involve Draconic Children and really the return of Dragons in general. Which could help with the whole scenic thing of “Things are turning back to how their primal form” which would also include the world itself, which includes Dragons who were there before Gwyn and Humans. But. nevertheless, assume that this resurrection is related. 
Then, this possibly kickstarts the Eclipse or furthers it along. The Eclipse in a logistical standpoint is not explained as far as I know. It has not true explanation that gives credence to any sort of theory involving it rather than content clues. It seems that a King was born and became a holy symbol of this world ending eclipse, it is most likely that this eclipse is something like the 2012 Mayan Calendar event and when this or this happens like the resurrection, it kicks off and the world ends. The picture below is assumedly the eclipse as well as the Kiln at this point:
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Also, keep in mind that this King is literally the Sulyvahn Model, from what I know, nothing drastic changed and it’s the same. The King seems to form this duality, like souls tends to do; Life and Death, Alive and Undead, Good and Evil and Light and Dark which are incredibly key opponents in the Dark Souls world. Gwyn has always been seen as the light of the world, he is literally the Sun. The Eclipse is the Moon, Darkness. An Eclipse is the Moon obscuring the Sun, and this King of the Eclipse can be well equated with a Dark Lord character archetype found in fiction. This figure that overshadows the Dark. It’s even more apparent looking at early Anor Londo, it’s absolutely destroyed.  Gwyns legacy is destroyed, at least one of its major parts.
Gwyn as a name is essentially forgotten. And yes, it is unknown how worshipped this King was, but, he’s doing way better than Gwyn, he’s still alive. So, it seems this King and the Eclipse is this symbolic thing that says “Gwyn is dead, his age of light is dead, overtaken by the dark.” and it’s way more maddening when you realize this is the apocalypse, the end of everything. Also, notice how it looks exactly like the Darksign, this bloody Moon of Darkness which covers the Sun; It’s definitely a symbol of Gwyn’s fear and his failed efforts have finally overtaken his world that he’s built. 
 It’s not only Gwyn, though. The society he built is still lingering through Lothric, in some capacity. Undead are still hated, the linking of the fire is still “needed” and supported to the point an entire Kingdom’s ethics are based around making a worthy linker. It symbolizes, in my mind, the idea of the curse and the world that the sins are bleeding onto the world as if it were saying “this has been brought onto you, by you, your blood.” Of course, Gwyn did bring the curse to humanity, but they continued to link the fire, the fear of death is a thing that lingers still: But due to humanity’s fears as well, they continued to link it. But since humanity continued this tradition. The world must sit and watch itself burn. 
Of course, this is just my theory, if you have anything else to add or you don’t agree, feel free to let me know.
Thanks for reading! (This post has been drastically edited!)
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iiasha-archived · 3 years
genshin anon! yeah the sacrificial one can have the skill useable again after it's used! gosh i pull all the claymores :/ when i was doing some pulls to try to get homa, i got the wolf's gravestone instead AND i finally hit pity on my standard banner (i only use the free pulls on that) and got the freaking skyward claymore from it so.... yay.... guess xinyan can get a new claymore and if i ever pull diluc... ive got his claymore.... lol.
(2/5) oo nice! id definitely give bennett a try then. i use him in spiral abyss but my normal healer is diona. but he does really good. yeah i agree ): from what ive heard honkai had the same type of update schedule and it worked for that so.. im sure whenever a new region comes out everyone will come back and it'll bring more people in? but yeah exploring is so much fun and we just have to wait all the time. it would be nice to have a bit more events in between.
(3/5) thanks! :D new update - pulled venti lol. i was guaranteed him since i pulled qiqi last AND i even got him early. and finally got razor too lol. and c2 sucrose. now to save for childe because i want him so bad. also @ your posts from yesterday, i also heard the rumor zhongli is coming back so 👀 need him for my polearm squad lol. how have you been enjoying the windblume festival?? and rip the 2 noelles you pulled :/ thankfully only got razor and sucrose so far... lol
(4/5) probably won't pull anymore to save for childe. since c2 sucrose is good and i have razor now. i enjoyed his playstyle. it definitely took a bit to get used to but i think by the end of his story quest i had it. aww i love bow users! haha. i love using polearms and bows the most. i walk around the world with xiao, hu tao, venti, and diona lol. yeah i can't wait to see that boss then!! more story!!! did you do the hangouts yet? i unlocked barbara and noelle but i haven't done them yet.
(5/5) ill do the hangouts once i get bored or something lol. yeah rosaria... lol. ill still try to get her (mainly since ill be trying to get childe) but.. hopefully we fid out she isn't as rude as she was in albedo's quest lol. she seems fun to play though from what ive seen. and yeah the most things you get are from ascending! but hp and def i think still increase pretty well while leveling up. attack doesnt change a whole lot just from leveling up.
ohhhh okay!! i think i have the bow version on fischl but that was because some guide told me to i didn’t actually understand what it meant jaskdfla omg nice!! the only 5 star weapon i have is the skyward sword who i just put on my most dps sword user at the moment lmao (currently bennet i guess)
and i am starting to get used to him!! actually between him, xingqiu, and chongyun i’m getting elemental reactions for days so it almost makes xiao the pointless member on my team now since he’s a pretty selfish character lmaoo once he gets to friendship level 10 i might swap him out again for a more support character like fischl and make bennet the main dps. 
yeah!!! but i get they have to. program all the events ajsdkflaj in all honestly i think the rate they’re doing things is fine, but i do hope i don’t lose interest before another region comes out LMAO
YOU GOT VENTI I’M SO JEALOUS AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG i don’t have the primogems so i might just stop after these noelle pulls jadsklfjakd or at least stop after getting sucrose who’s higher chance. tbh i don’t think i currently have a real use for venti aside from pairing him with someone like xiao ESPECIALLY if i do manage to get sucrose. i actually have 0 use for zhongli too but i’m in love with him so i’m saving everything i fucking have jakldsfja. i might pull once or twice on childe’s just to try to get rosaria at least, idrc about childe ajskdfladsf
i’m really really liking the windblume festival!!! maybe it’s not as like. pretty as liyue but the events are definitely WAY more fun ones that’s for sure. like even if i don’t get extra rewards some of them are just fun to play which is an indicator of like. a good minigame lmaooo. like the lyre/music one i really really want those perfect scores ajfskdl
i definitely like polearms and claymores the best! and as suggested earlier i walk around with whoever i’m trying to build friendship levels with while still having a balanced team so right now its xiao, bennet, xinqiu, and chongyun!! chongyun there bc the xinqiu/chongyun besties pair >>>>>>>>>>> for elemental reactions AND character stories lmao. i actually played chongyun’s hangout walking around as xinqiu which was funnier when chongyun mentioned xinqiu lmaoo.
i’ve done chongyun’s and barbara’s, i’m probably gonna do bennet’s next!! i like the hangouts, they do get a little tedious with the multiple endings but that’s the nature of these kinds of storyline-based games and i’m at least glad they give you the option to skip to certain parts of the story instead of restarting from the beginning (that would truly suck lmao). and at least you get rewards for each one.
lmaooo yup rosaria we’ll see... since she’s kind of featured i wonder if she’ll show up in the main storyline for the windblume festival like venti. but yeah she looks super fun to play, and since i love polearms + claymores and she’s a polearm user who looks like she fights like a claymore user i’m very 👀👀👀
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