#i also think its really good when klav really wants to kiss his forehead
woolydemon · 2 years
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directly to the forehead
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crackmadhi · 5 years
Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel
Wednesday, 26 December 2029
Apollo stretched his arms lazily as he entered the living room. Christmas dinner with the Wrights had been… excessively much and he still felt full. So, he gladly had taken Klavier’s offer to stay over with him for the next few days and just lay around and do nothing at all in the man’s house.
Or well, almost nothing, if you know what I mean…
Anyway, Apollo petted his beloved cat that had greeted him. It was nice to feel Mikeko’s fluffy fur, but he was actually on the look out for his boyfriend, who had been yet to be found. With a frown he straightened up and said to his cat: “Well, apparently my quest on finding my prosecutor is far from over. Are you going to accompany me on my noble journey, my honourable feline fellow?”
Mikeko flicked his eyes and looked to the side. That was good enough for Apollo and he went downstairs to the private recording studio. Klav did not use it much these days, or at least no longer in its original purpose. He still played music down there, but he had also installed a home cinema with a projector to watch movies and series.
As Apollo went down the stairs, Mikeko following him closely, he heard an endearing melody play. It was nothing Apollo knew, but he guessed that it was film music. It sounded soft and tinkling and somehow it reminded Apollo of the snow in the mountains. Curiously he entered the room, slowly opening the already a crack open door and glanced around in the room.
With his back turned to the door Klavier sat on the couch watching the projection on the wall. On it a young woman riding on a horse through a wintery forest. She was wearing a simple dress, probably made for a maiden and Apollo got the impression that he was looking at the protagonist of a fairy tale.
Suddenly the music stopped, as the woman got down from her horse and three men in ridiculous clothing appeared on the screen. One of them had a hilarious looking red hat thingy on the head and Apollo could no longer contain his curiosity.
“Okay, what is the deal with this film?”, Apollo asked, flopped down on the couch and stared at the red tights one the red hatted man was wearing. “Wow, that’s really a horrible fashion style that dude got there. How old is this?”
A bit surprised at Apollo’s sudden appearance Klavier looked at him stiffly. But quickly his surprise faded and with a bright smile and his eyes back on the movie he answered: “Mid-seventies, I believe. It’s a fairy-tale film made in a Czechoslovak and DDR cooperation and kind of a cult Christmas film in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. And some other countries I believe but I don’t know for sure… Oh, and Herr Red-Tights there is the price. The girl’s going to shoot a snowball at him, so he’ll miss the deer.”
And there flew a snowball through the screen. One of the men said something snarky in German to the shooter and Apollo raised an eyebrow. Apparently, the three men now decided that they had to chase the girl.
“Ah, a classic Aschenbrödel move. I love that girl”, Klavier commented and smiled at the young woman.
“Aa-sh-en-brod- what? Is that her name? How the heck did you pronounce that?”, Apollo asked making a staggered grimace.
Klavier laughed in pity and nipped him in the side.
“Aschenbrödel. Don’t try to pronounce it again that was horrible. Yeah, it’s her name. It’s the German version of Cinderella. The film’s name is Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel, which translates to ‘Three Hazelnuts for Cinderella’. She’ll get the three nuts from an old friend of her father, who found them by accident. They are magical and every one of them contains a dress that she needs right then and there. It’s a really nice film. Even though I grew up here and my mother did not really maintain any rituals from her homeland, she always watched this film with us around Christmas and I became to like it quite a bit over the years.”
The blue eyes were yet again locked on the screen and followed the three men, who miserably failed to catch the little girl. Intrigued Apollo watched his boyfriend’s expression and slowly laid back. The prosecutor had not been this relaxed in a while and somehow Apollo enjoyed him explaining the dialogue and the story to him. So, he leaned to Klavier’s side, put his arm around his shoulder and watched the movie with him.
And eventually the film found its end. The prince had figured out that Aschenbrödel’s sister was not her and could solve the little riddle she had given him. And so, they were riding over the snowy fields to the castle with the pretty melody from earlier.
The whole thing was actually quiet entertaining Apollo found himself thinking and softly squeezed his boyfriend’s arm.
“The music was really pretty, and the girl was very expressive. I liked her a lot”, Apollo reviewed to his wide grinning prosecutor and pecked his cheek.
“Mhm”, Klavier hummed, “the music is truly great. And the actress is candy for the eye. She is a beauty and her dresses were astounding. They did an awesome job with this film.”
“It is good for what it is. I can’t argue with that. Maybe I should see the whole thing sometimes.”
“You definitely should! I’d love to watch it again with you. Maybe I find a subtitle version from it somewhere. Anyway, what did you like best of it?”
Apollo tapped his forehead in musing and looked up to the ceiling.
“Probably that part where the stepmother fell into the pond with the daughter. That was good. Also, when Ms. Ashen-thingy was snarky with the prince and the stepmother. That was really good.”
Klavier giggled and covered his mouth with his hand.
Apollo winked at him and asked amused: “What did you like best about it, though? You must have seen it a hundred times, huh?”
“Ja, I did in fact. Hmm… I think it’s the ball scene I like best. It’s not the thing they filmed best but I like the atmosphere, and they gazing at each other, and the king being clueless and impatient to learn the mystery woman’s identity. Also, I like all the animal scenes in the film and in general the interactions between Aschenbrödel and the price. It’s just too cute.”
The ex-rock star’s voice was mellow, and his hand clasped in Apollo’s, as he ended with his analysis Apollo realized. Fondly he tilted his head to the side and softly brushed Klavier’s bangs behind his ear.
“It’s cute how much you like this movie”, Apollo smiled and kissed Klavier, as he looked at him.
Klavier enjoyed the feeling of Apollo’s peachy lips on his but cautiously broke the kiss of with a smile. He had something else on his mind right now. But – it was not the time for that.
“Well, it is a good movie after all. But not perfect. I mean, there are things I would have liked to see in it but weren’t there”, Klavier brabbled and looked to the side.
That particular behaviour immediately got Apollo’s attention. Klavier did not tell him something and Apollo now was determined to find out what it was.
“What does it lack then?”
The hint of a blush was showing itself on Klavier’s cheeks and he started fumbling around with his bangs.
“Ach, well. It’s a bit cheesy, you see. Promise you won’t laugh, would you?”
Apollo smiled amused and said: “I promise. Now go on! I’m getting impatient!”
“Schon gut! I’m telling you already. So, you know normally in fairy-tale movies it’s quite common that you see the happily-ever-after-couple marry on screen. And they don’t show that here and it always gets me that we won’t see their wedding. I mean, look at them! They are so perfect together and their wedding would be beautiful, especially with this music and the dresses and – Hey you promised you would not laugh!”, Klavier whined and hit Apollo in the upper arm as the latter one had started to giggle.
Defensively Apollo lifted his arms to protect himself from other attack of the prosecutor and said still laughing: “Oh come on Klav! I’m not making fun of you! You’re just too pure and a hopelessly romantic. I love it.”
And with that he caught his boyfriend’s hands and kissed the blond’s cheek. And there Klavier felt his heart rate speed up. He lost himself in Apollo’s grand brown eyes and realized that a spurt of courage was welling up inside of his chest. He blinked confused for several times, ignoring Apollo’s slightly worried look, and then suddenly knew that he was about to say something that he had not planned to say until tomorrow.
“Uhm, it’s – it’s okay”, Klavier said putting his hands in his lap and relaxing his shoulders a bit.
“Klav…? Are you okay? I really did not want to offend you and I’m sorry if I did. I’ll be more considerate in the future.”
Klavier cracked a smile and took Apollo’s hand to calm him.
“No, no. It’s alright. I knew that you’re not the romantic type, so I guess weddings are rather… silly to you.”
Apollo furrowed his eyebrows and subconsciously shook his head as he heard that. With conviction he said: “That’s simply not true!”
At that Klavier raised his eyebrows in disbelief and Apollo puffed his cheeks as a response.
“I’m sorry but I know few people that are even less romantic than you, Schatz.”
“Well, okay”, the red lawyer said and threw his arm in the air, “I’m not really romantic, true that. But I don’t think that weddings are silly. I mean, maybe a little, but they lead to marriage and that’s something pretty awesome. I mean it can be really awesome, if the right people-“ “Like us”
“What was that?”
“Nothing! Go on!” That had not been smooth Klavier Gavin. Not at all.
Apollo squinted his eyes and slowly continued: “And as I said, if the right people find each other and are willing to work together, then marriage can be something great. So, and now what did you say and why are you talking about weddings?”
“Would you believe me if I’d tell you that the lack of the wedding scene in the movie just railed me up a lot?”, Klavier tried with a hopeful grin.
Deadpanned Apollo lifted his wrist and pointed to the golden bracelet. Dammit. Klavier let out a tired huff and scratched his neck, while shyly glancing at his boyfriend.
“I have been thinking-”
“That’s never a good starter.”
“Oh, just let me finish! I have been thinking about marrying and stuff. I know it’s completely inappropriate right now, you being in Khura’in and staying there for the time being, me being here and us being together for not even a year at this point, but I’m still thinking about it. Ich liebe dich über alles, and I appreciate our time together more that I can explain – He started fumbling with his rings and glanced up between them and Apollo – I believe in us and I do not want to let go of you ever again. The idea of planning a ceremony for the two of us, celebrating our future life together with all our friends, it sounds so appealing and perfect to me. But I know I overdo it and I can’t just phantasies about it, since it is your choice as well and I feel silly for it and-“
“You were thinking about our wedding?”, Apollo stopped him.
Klavier looked at him and cautiously nodded: “Yes, I did.”
Apollo remained silent for solid twenty seconds. Then he opened his mouth a few times without making a sound. And then he finally managed to say: “You feel silly because you think that I do not like weddings and you want one? I – Where is this coming from? And why did you not just ask, if I am against marriage? I mean it’s not like I would leave you because of this question–“
“Then you could imagine marrying me?”, Klavier said with hopeful puppy-dog-eyes.
“Yeah, one day, sure. I love you and I want to be with you just as much as you do, so you don’t need to worry about it any longer. But why were you worrying about it in the first place? We were nowhere near wedding stuff the last time we talked about us, right? Or was I oblivious again? Oh, please tell me I did not miss something important!”
A bit forceful Klavier squeezed Apollo’s upper arm and told him: “No, no! You overlooked nothing. It’s – it’s just been on my mind lately. Because of Herr Edgeworth’s wedding plans with your ex-boss and the movie, I guess. But it didn’t leave me. The thought stayed with me and I really started thinking about it and started to plan some stuff and now – He let go of Apollo and stood up to walk in circles and scratch his forehead in disbelief – that planning was for naught. I feel so childish right now.”
Klavier walked over to a drawer, where he usually put notes and music sheets and all the stuff he was working on and opened it. Apollo could not see what he was taking out of it, but it did not bother him anyway. He was way too focused on making sense out of Klavier’s words and said: “Wait, I don’t get it. You planned to ask me about my opinion of marrying? Why would you want to plan that?”
And with that Klavier turned and stared and Apollo with a blank face. Had he… had he actually not understood that Klavier was…
“No, I planned to propose to you, Herr Forehead.”
With a sigh Klavier looked to the floor and did not notice how Apollo stood up and started to walk over to him.
“I mean, I now I know that you are not against it, but not now, what is fine. I mean, I would not have wanted to get married now that you are thousands of miles away, but I really had a plan laid out for tomorrow with a nice dinner at home, because I would not want to pressure you with other people watching us in public, so I could ask you, if you want to marry me” - “Yes” - “I had a song prepared, a menu. I had even written some possible things for saying to you” – “YES” – “But now this is just embarrassing and –“
Violently Apollo cupped Klavier’s cheeks to make the man finally stop monologuing. Confused Klavier looked at him, not sure what was just happening. His boyfriend was smiling widely, something awfully shiny glimmering in his eyes. Wait. Had he – While he had been talking –
“Klavier, you’re as fucking dense as I am!”, Apollo laughed and saw Klavier’s eyes lighting up. “I said yes! Yes, I wanna fucking marry you, you idiot!”
Eagerly Apollo stood on his toes and kissed his stupid, blond now-fiancée. And after a second of pure delight and shock Klavier kissed back only to start laughing shockingly. Apollo tuned in and pulled him back to the couch, so he could sit down and calm himself a bit.
After several moments and some soft and slightly misguided kisses on various parts on everything above the neck Klavier had found himself saying: “But I thought you weren’t ready for marriage right away? You just said one day, didn’t you?”
Apollo laughed and answered, while caressing Klavier’s arm gently: “Yeah, but you said it yourself. We are not going to get married as long as I’m in Khura’in. I know it will take a while until I come back, and when it the time comes, I’ll be ready. We’ll be ready. And Holy Mother, I did not think I’d be so fucking excited to know that this day would be coming.”
They laughed and let their foreheads touch. Eventually Apollo laid back and raised his eyebrows teasingly.
“For somebody who had planned everything for proposing to me, you forgot a pretty important part.”
“And that is?”, Klavier asked playfully shocked.
“The ring, genius.”
And there it was. The so much dreaded smirk of Klavier Gavin. Slowly, he lifted his left hand and Apollo spotted a small, black box.
“What did you think did I get out of the drawer, mein Sonnenschein?”, Klavier teased and opened the box.
A thin, golden ring was in it. Wide eyed Apollo gawked at it. Then he looked up at Klavier who looked smugly at his fiancée and winked victoriously.
“Are you gonna put it on me or do I need to stare at it until it hops on my finger?”
Klavier chuckled, took the ring out of the box and grabbed Apollo’s hand. With a amused huff he slid the golden ring on Apollo’s finger and whispered lovingly: “You’re absolutely terrible, Apollo Justice and I love it.”
Link There are three more chapters.
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