#i also just love quirkless izuku and the misadventurous he gets on when he isnt breaking his bones 24/7
decadentrot · 2 years
It is finally summer so i have the time to pump out a couple AUs out in the open cause they have been taking up too much free real estate in my brain (●'◡'●)
Ok so BKDK Nerd AU right:
Izuku and Katsuki are best buds as kids who live their life to the fullest until tragedy strikes. Izuku’s father gonna divorce his mom and leave his ass but as a parting gift he gives Izuku an All Might plush.
From there on, every traumatic experience Izuku has, Izuku will treat himself to buying a new hero plush and thats his coping mechanism. Basically at the tender age of 5, Izuku has developed the habit of retail therapy.
He finds out he's quirkless, ‘dont worry he has an all might doll to remind him to be strong in tough times.’ Kacchan starts bullying him, ‘ok let me buy that mirko doll to remind me that you always gotta keep going and stay determined.' His mom dies, ‘oh look a ms.joke plush to remind me to always keep smiling no matter what ( totally not b/c the green hair reminds him of his mom.’ Izuku gets sent to an orphanage, ‘ahh ill get a present mic figure. Maybe his confience can rub off on me and I’ll befriend the other orphans…’
At the orphanage he meets his roomie… dun dun dun Shinsou woo and at first they kinda ignore each other until Izuku wakes up at 2 am and feeling scared of this new environment and wants to sneak out to buy a new plush and sees his roomie also awake crouched over a laptop with over 300+ items on his amazon wishlist (hes even more aghast when he sees all of those items are cat related.) Nevertheless, together they enable eachother's bad shopping habits and become the resident disaster duo. Also Izuku decides not to go to the UA and instead decides to follow in his moms footsteps and become a nurse, while Shinsou learns of UAs difficult entrance exam and when inquiring about Izuku's ms joke plush, he decides to attend Ketsubutsu Academy where she works and try to learn to be an underground hero like her (I like to think shes also underground cause shes close to aizawa)
Meanwhile, Katsuki was never really one for plushes or dolls thinking thats soft shit but he always still kept the matching Endeavor keychain he still has when Izuku's father also got them when they were kids so he doesnt feel left out. Anywho he goes to UA, feeling like something is missing but adamantly refusing to admit he misses  certain green bean. He goes on grumpy and frustrated and eventually meet Shoto who sees the Endeavor keychain and gets angry at it to the point where he burns it and Katsuki is angry cause 'hey thats the last reminder of my connection to my childhood best friend' and Shoto gets angry cause 'what the hell he just said he wasnt gonna use his fire ever and he just broke his promise' They become ultimate rivals ™ which eventually turns into friends eventually in their UA years and they all work out their trauma together
Speaking of UA years, in this au I imagine there are a lot of differences but ill probably draw snippets of it later like for one All Might saves the students at the USJ but hurts himself and ends up in the hospital and surprise surprise Izukus there volunteering as a nurse (to get experience yk) and he ends up caring for Yagi-san and blabbers about heroes this and All Might that, unaware of who exactly he is talking to. I also like to imagine that Kota instead of being sent to live with his aunt, they think heroics are too dangerous and send him away to the orphanage for 'his own safety' and he become little brother to Izuku and Shinsou and slowly also becomes a hero plush fanatic ect 
The real meat of the story begins when everyones all graduated and grown up and debuted as heroes and Class 1a is asked to attend a hero con where they answer questions and give out merch to start a fan base and Izuku, Shinsou, and Kota are living their best lives in the crowd buying everything ‘woah look Hito-chan its Red Riot or woah is that Uravity yk they really captured her muscles in this figurine i boug- not that i was ogling her muscles no stop laughing at me Hi- OH MY GOD oooh cool its Creati and shes even using her cool quirk’ Meanwhile Katsuki is in his own personal hell at this convention and when overhearing a conversation, is flabbergasted his his classmates mention that this so called cute MEGA DORKY HERO FANATIC LOSER is going to all their stands and buying all their merch and complimenting them, but dares to IGNORE THE MIGHTY GREAT EXPLOSION MURDER GOD DYNAMIGHT'S MERCH?? I mean damn he may not like this aspect of heroism but he didnt sit through over 10+ hours of trying merch meeting discussing whether he wants ebony black or midnight black to be he color of his figure to be ignored. He didnt get woken up at 3am in the morning by his manger for his opinion on whether he wants to sell a 32 ounce or a 40 ounce hydroflask for this shit. So obviously he has to go and confront the nerd and he almost shits his pants when he realizes this mega loser dweeb is fucking DEKU!
Katsuki talks with him and eventually asks why he doesnt want to buy any of his stuff and Izuku ends up admitting that this merch, all this stuff is basically his therapy, when he sees these dolls he is filled with hope that he future is gonna get bad and he wont be haunted of the past and katsuki is the antithesis of that. Getting a Dynamight figure will just remind him of the past he wants to forget and while he loves Kacchan and believes in him and truly does believe he is destined for great things, he needs to let him go. Please Kacchan, let me let you go...
FUCK YOU DEKU! take my phone number and since you keep associating me with bad memories, well then lets go make new BETTER memories shitty nerd. And suddenly Izuku is hanging out with Kacchan again and Katsuki is giving it his 110% until he slowly but surely builds up Izuku's Dynamight collection.
The End lmao (hopefully i explained it well and you get the premise)
Bonus: RING RING RING "Hey Half and Half remember when you burned that Endeavor keychain... wanna help me burn down some other merch?"
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