#i also just got a new dry polisher actually and im waiting for double the pneumatic machines!
cedarsaga · 1 year
death to haas my undying loyalty lies with fanutrol integrated machines
My work machines come from a Shenzhen company called JiuTu and they use the YouTube logo lmao
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versatilewindow · 4 years
A Night in ‘Las Vegas’ (its actually Daphne’s mansion)
Find it on Ao3!
Summary:Party at Daphne's, Velma experiences requited gay panic. Written for @scrubyjay<3
A/N: if u asked me a week ago what id be writing, scooby doo lesbian fanfic definitely wouldn't have been anywhere near my mind. im kinda surprised i even had this much to say about them.
In the past few years, the Mystery Gang had made a habit of meeting up before a new semester of college started to relax and hang out before their studies took over their lives. Daphne was hosting at her childhood home (as she called it, though most would consider the estate a real true mansion) as usual, (Her parents were off on their yearly honeymoon or what Daphne would call their regularly scheduled time for absolute debauchery among other acts that are certainly in a legal grey area.) and she had full reign of the staff and tonight's event. This semester’s theme was “A Night in Las Vegas”, meaning the gang would be dressed in their best cocktail outfits, and that there were actual slot machines and gambling tables, complete with dealers using rigged card decks to make sure no one would threaten the casino’s nightly earnings, not that they were actually gambling it’s all for realism.
This was the week before most the gang’s final semester, most as in Shaggy decided that he’d rather learn some cooking skills on the job rather than some pompous 75 year old teacher at the nearest cooking school, not realizing he would instead have to deal with an egotistical 40 year old going through what was surely the world’s worst case of mid-life crisis. The rest of the gang was spread around the country, Fred was at the local state college on a football scholarship, studying business and was the VP of the school’s biggest fraternity. Daphne was studying investigative journalism at Colombia, if asked she went to school in New York, and she was in fact related to the Blakes financially backing the new Blake scholarship for students studying journalism. Velma was at Stanford double majoring in Criminal Psychology and Forensic Science, and was set to continue her studies in a Phd program at Harvard. 
Out of all the gang, Velma was the most excited for the night, she rarely got to see the others because of the physical distance between them. She walked up the marble steps outside the front doors of the Blake estate, duffel bag in tow, (they always ended up absolutely sloshed at the end of these dinners, opting to stay in one of the many guest rooms with plush king sized beds rather than waiting for a taxi) and pressed the buzzer which linked to a pager on the butler’s uniform. It was only a few moments before Jenkins opened the heavy oak doors.
“Ah, Miss Dinkley, glad to see you’ve made it here safely, would you like someone to take your bag to your room?”
“No, thank you Jenkins, Daphne wanted to get ready together and I have some things I’ll need in the bag. Is she in her room?”
“Yes, allow me to escort you there.” With that Jenkins turned into the Foyer, walking under the first of many grand chandeliers, and up the grand blush pink marble stairs towards Daphne’s suite. Before she knew it they were in front of the door to the bedroom.
Jenkins knocked on the pale door, “Miss Blake, Miss Dinkley has arrived.”
“Oh Yes! Send her in please! The door’s unlocked!” A light rustling was heard behind the door as Jenkins opened the door for Velma, revealing Daphne moving towards her vanity in a silk lavender robe that ended mid thigh. “Velma! I’m so happy you could come early!” The taller woman changed her course towards the shorter one, who seemed almost frozen in the doorway. “Come on in! Thank you Jenkins, let me know when the boys have arrived.” Jenkins responded with a light bow before swiftly turning away, no doubt to continue the prep for tonight's event. 
Velma walked in the room, closing the door behind her, and setting her bag down on the loveseat in front of the room’s TV. “I’m glad I could make it too, I wasn’t sure if I would’ve been able to trade shifts with someone at the bookstore, but Sarah S., remember her from high school? She was trying to avoid a family event that was going on earlier today, her aunts are always setting her up on dates and she didn’t want to deal with that again. So it all worked out!” 
Daphne smiled at Velma, “Oh Sarah’s wonderful, I almost forgot she worked at the bookstore too during the breaks. There’s a robe for you in the bathroom to change into before we do our manicures.” Velma turned into the attached bathroom, quickly changing into the orange silk robe she usually used while at Daphne’s, the light geometric patterns reminding her of all the sleepovers the two shared in high school. Stepping out of the bathroom, Velma saw that Daphne had already set up the station to paint their nails. “So what’s tonight’s color scheme for you? I’m going with glittery hot pink.” Daphne had started with the base coat already.
“I brought an orange leather skirt, and I was thinking of a black top, but the options I brought don’t really fit with the cocktail dress code for tonight.” Velma sat down across from her friend in a dark luxurious chair, fiddling with the collection of polishes in front of her. 
Daphne grabbed a mid-tone orange from the selection, “Don’t worry about your top, you know I have a lot to choose from.” The smile on her face was audible, and she continued, “If it’s the leather skirt I’m thinking of, it would pair great with this sheer, flowy turtleneck I have.” Daphne’s delicate hands grabbed Velma’s, and with skillful light touches started applying the polish. The two took turns with the materials, falling into a comfortable silence finishing the task quickly.
“It’s make-up and hair next, right? I have some things in my bag.” Deeming her nails dry enough, Velma stood and made her way over to the aforementioned bag, pulling out a travel toiletries bag that had her small selection of make-up. It’s not that she was against make-up in any way, it was really more for special events than the day to day, also her college-student budget meant some luxuries were limited, and make-up was on that list. Adjusting her glasses, Velma turned to where Daphne was standing next to the vanity chair, she had a slight pout on her face, the one she used to get what she wanted from anyone.
“Can I please do your make-up? You know I love to do it and you love the outcome every time.” The pout stayed on her face.
“I suppose I could let you do my makeup Daph, seeing as you’re asking so kindly.” Daphne let out a light giggle at the fake sass in Velma's statement. (They both knew that Velma would never say no to Daphne, with or without the pout, not that Velma would ever admit it.) Velma sat down, leaning against the back of the chair, removing her glasses and setting them down on the vanity to allow Daphne full vision of her canvas.
Feathery touches moved across Velma’s face, applying the primer on to soft moisturized skin. “Are you wearing contacts tonight?”
“I brought them, but I’m not sure I’ll remember to take them off before sleeping tonight.”
Daphne continued with the base make-up. “Don’t wear them, you look cute with your glasses.”
A light blush covered the tips of Velma’s cheeks and nose, it certainly wasn’t her first time hearing that phrase, but something about hearing it from Daph’s rosy lips made it different. 
Working swiftly, Daphne made her way to the eyes, she grabbed Velma’s eyeliner, leaning in close to work on the wing. The controlled, concentrated breaths tickled the lightly covered freckles on Velma’s face, the flush from before continuing on strong through the powder pink blush Daphne already placed on the high point’s of her cheek bones. Daphne leaned away from her to examine the work done, hands lingering behind on Velma’s face, a satisfied smile appearing when she decided the two sides were even. “We’ll do lips after we change, you good on your own for hair?” Velma nodded while putting her frames back on to inspect the work Daphne had done on her face. It was simple, what she liked best, but it was better than anything Velma could do on her own. Daphne had perfected her technique in blending and choosing colors, if she didn’t know the other for years, Velma would’ve expected Daphne to enroll in a fashion and design school. 
The two made quick work of the rest of their prep work, gossiping about the town’s latest scandals. (The Adam’s were being investigated for tax fraud, and the Miller’s were going through a particularly nasty divorce.) Velma straightened out her hair, smoothing it from the usual halo of frizz, stealing glances at Daphne while she did her own make-up and hair. Their gazes met each other once, staring deep into the other’s dark eyes for a beat before looking away as though nothing happened. 
The evening drew to a close, night just beginning to settle in, the others would be here soon. Their attention was now drawn to the expansive walk-in closet in the room. Daphne pulled out the sheer turtleneck mentioned before for Velma, it had shiny glittery threads spread throughout, perfect for tonight’s event, and a hot pink sequined mini dress. They both changed in front of each other, as they had many times before, but something in the air was different, there was an unspoken tension between the two of them growing from the lingering touches and frequent glances from earlier. Velma looked up from her skirt’s zipper to see Daphne’s bare back in front of her, dress unzipped. She said a light ‘I got it’ before pulling the hidden zipper up the pale back, the dress tightly hugging the curve of the toned body before her. 
The tension dissipated as they walked over to the rack of shoes covering a wall of the closet, Daphne thinking out loud, wondering if she should go with boots or a strappy pump. She grabbed a chunky platform heel for Velma, one she often borrowed, before deciding on black suede thigh high boots. Daphne’s pink phone pinged, a text from the boys, they were five minutes away. As she pulled the boots over her long legs, Daphne saw Velma staring at her thighs, pinked nose, where skin met suede, and blushed herself, not mentioning that she’d caught the other. 
Shrugging this off, Daphne stood and walked out of the closet, to the door of her room, waiting for Velma. As the shorter walked to the doorway, fingertips touched the small of her back guiding her through. The two walked to the main room on the ground floor where it had been transformed to feel like a real casino, the lights were dimmed, 5 slot machines took up a wall, a dealer’s table next to the grand fireplace, tall, small tables with tea lights and stools took up the center floor, and two servants stood at the edge, one with a tray of hors d'oeuvres and the other a tray of champagne. Meeting the ladies at the bottom were their friends, and Jenkin’s informing them that dinner would be served within the hour. The boys cleaned up well, Shaggy’s usual mop of hair gelled back, with burgundy suspenders against a white button up holding up light green slacks. Fred opted for a more classic black and white suit, with a sapphire blue tie to add his own flair. Even Scooby looked prepped for a red carpet, his nails cut, a light almond scent from soap rather than his usual distinct dog smell. 
The forty or so minutes before dinner was served went smoothly, Shaggy, Scooby, and Daphne spent their time catching up at the slot machine; Fred and Velma playing black jack while laughing about funny stories from the past semester. The waiters did their jobs, handing out each person’s favorite snack before the meal, or snacks in Shaggy and Scoob’s case, leaving no glass unfilled, although they insisted they all have at least a glass of plain water for every couple of refills. 
Once it was time for the meal, the servants put their trays down to push the tables together, so the group could enjoy the dishes together. Daphne pulled her stool next to Velma’s brushing her hand against the smooth skin of the other’s thigh, and noticed how the seated girl’s relaxed, slightly tipsy posture tensed at the quick touch. The dinner continued with similar interactions, a tap of one’s foot against the other, a brush of knees under the table, dabbing away sauce at the edge of the other’s lips. If the boys had noticed these seemingly innocent interactions, they either didn’t care about the clear subtext, or were too drunk to even notice the tension growing with each lingering touch.
After they had finished eating, the ladies continued with their behavior at the table even though the others moved to the dealer’s table for poker. With a well placed hand on the other girl’s thigh, Velma took things a step further and gave a light squeeze, causing Daphne to get out her stool, pulling the other by the wrist to the nearest bathroom, offhandedly mentioning their destination to the hired boy bringing out chicken nuggets for Shaggy. 
In the bathroom, Velma locked the door behind them as the taller girl pulled her onto the granite countertop in a rushed passionate kiss. Contrary to popular belief, Velma was no stranger to Saturday night party bathroom hook-ups, but she was in her childhood best friend’s home having a bathroom hook-up, with her childhood best friend no less. The flutter in her stomach that was growing during dinner, turned into heat and a blazing fire at her core as Daphne’s supple pink lips trailed down the side of the other neck, lightly biting where the top of the turtleneck ended. A quick hand undid the button at the top of the sheer shirt, allowing Daphne more places to nip and kiss. Velma’s hands pulled the other closer as a soft moan left her lips, making Daphne continue the attack at her neck with more vigor. With a light squeeze on her butt, the orange haired girl looked up from the other’s neck with half lidded eyes before asking, “do you,” a kiss on the cheek, “want to take this” a kiss on the other, “to my room?” a kiss on the nose, “I have some things there that could make this even better” a kiss on the lips. At this, Velma hopped off the counter, straightening out her disheveled clothes as best she could before unlocking the door and rushing towards the stairs, Daphne close behind with a large grin on her face. The only thing that pulled them away from their mission of making it to the room was a quick stop telling the boys they were turning in for the night.
The next morning, Daphne figured it was a good thing her parents insisted the boy’s sleep on the other side of the house.
Bonus: after the ladies mentioned they were off to bed
Shaggy turned to Fred, he was drunk, but sober enough to notice the smeared lipstick on Daphne, or the trail of lip marks down Velma’s neck. "You're gonna have to pay up man, did you see them?"
Fred slumped down onto the table and mumbled, "Why couldn't they stick it out a few more months till after graduation, I'll have your money on Monday."
A/N: uhhhh, velma got RAILED, lets leave that as the description for the smut. I would also like to get dommed by Daphne Blake. Lmk if u liked it!
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Even Though It Hurts Pt.1 (Steve Harrington x Reader)
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Song Inspiration: “Hoodie” - Hey Violet
Request: how are you i’m good lol okay so can you make some about steve the kids and them fighting demodogs and stuff and can you make it more than one chapter but still long you don’t have to omg i am asking for to much sorry to bother you hope your day is great also if you do tag me -  @im-a-stranger-thing 
Part 2
Warning: Curse words
A/N: I hope you like it so far! I plan on making this a two part series (depending on the next part, we could get three). This first part might not be as good as this is my first time writing for Steve, but I want to make the second part more deep so please be patient! haha hope you like it!
P.S. I finished the show “Star” and Brittany O’Grady has been my latest obsession, she’s really great in broadway productions and acting in drama, so I had to make a gif of her and use it for this story.
GIF Info: I’ve recently discovered the beauty of GIPHY so I’ve been making my own so yeah lol
“I’m coming!” you called, jogging down the hall toward the kitchen, nearly tripping over a heap of hockey gear. You rolled your eyes and shoved the pile to the side with your foot, muttering under your breath about how messy 12 year old boys were.
You entered the kitchen were your aunt stood stirring a pot of something, probably a new experimental dish.
“Did you need something?” You asked as she had called to you only moments ago.
“Oh yes dear!” She said twirling around, her cheeks rosy from the warmth of the stove. “Dusty went out to look for mewsy but it’s getting dark and I’m a little worried.”
Ever since the youngest Byers boy had gone missing the year before all parents seemed a little on edge.
Your family was having some financial issues so to help take off some stress your aunt had offered to take you in. You weren’t new to Hawkins, in fact you visited every summer since you were three.
“You want me to go look for him?” You asked, already pulling on your coat that had been sitting over the kitchen chair.  “I think I know where he is.”
Whenever  Dustin dragged you along with him you’d go to this junkyard and help him look through the scraps. You’d look for cool things to make Star Wars replicas with and things like that.
“Can I borrow the car?” You asked your aunt, who was probably the sweetest woman on the face of the earth.
“Sure thing sweetie, the keys are by the front door.” She said as she continued to stir the...soup? The woman wasn’t the best cook but you’d never tell her that.
You squinted as you tried to navigate through the fog, the headlights barely making a difference.
The car struggled to get up the hill, the tires had hardly any grip on the dirt backroads. You recognized the old school bus, from what you could tell and pulled over.
You hugged yourself as the air was cool and the fog thick.
“Dustin?” You called out, your eyes squinting through the fog. “Dustin are you out here?”
A hand wrapped around your mouth, you trashed around in their grip.
“Stop it’s me.” A voice said, you were too scared to process whose it was.
You jerked backward as more hands grabbed and pulled you into the school bus. You fell to the floor of the bus from the force of who ever was tugging at you.
“Y/N what the hell are you doing here.” Dustin said crouching next to you.
You gave him a bewildered look, as if you were in the wrong. You looked around to see the three others who accompanied your younger cousin. You recognized Lucas, he’d gotten a little taller but looked otherwise the same. He gave you a little wave, you returned with a nod.
“What am I doing here?” You said a little angry now. “What am I doing? What are you doing Dustin? Your moms worried sick, it’s dark out. The least you could say is ‘thanks Y/N for making sure I wasn’t dead in a ditch.”
Dustin shoved a hand in your face, using his other to motion up and down.
“Keep your voice down, they are going to hear you.” Dustin warned, Lucas nodding in agreement.
You rolled your eyes and swatted his hand away.
“Listen if this is some dungeon and dragons shit I’m going to-“
“It’s not.” The same voice from earlier said, now realizing you never noticed who it was. Steve Harrington stood with a serious look on his face, a baseball bat with nails hammered through it resting on his shoulder.
“Steve?” You asked, now completely confused with a horrified expression plastered on your face.
The summer before he and Nancy Wheeler got together you had shared your first kiss with him. Not only that but you had become good friends that summer, and to find out from Dustin that Steve was now with Nancy hurt quite a bit.
“Okay that’s it,” You said throwing your hands up in defeat. “I’m going home, have fun playing your little games. Get a ride from Babe Ruth over here.”
“Babe?” Steve repeated with eyebrows raised.
“The baseball player dumbass!” You explained, trying to get around steve.
“Y/N, no! I’m being serious, you can’t go out there. If you leave I’ll never- Uh- never talk to you again.” Dustin threatened, frantically trying to block the door to the bus. “I’ll eat all your mint ice cream!”
You rolled your eyes giving him irritated sigh.
“Are you being serious right now?” You said, finally surrendering to his silly attempts to make you stay.
“They are being serious, I didn’t believe them at first but they are.” The red head girl piped up, dustin rolled his eyes.
“No one asked you, why are you even here” he snapped, completely out of character and out of line.
You smacked the back of his head, obviously not aggressively or too hard but just to snap him out of his attitude.
“Why are you being such a dick?” You scolded, becoming motherly.
“Ow, jeez Y/N!” Dustin said, adjusting the hat you had nearly taken off.
You sat at the back of the bus, one knee bent as the other leg extended off the seat. You fiddled with the fraying thread on the knee of your jeans, waiting for whatever the fuck was going on to be over. You weren’t sure why you decided to say, it wasn’t like you really believed the bullshit story they were feeding you. You convinced yourself it was just something to do, considering you read every single one of Dustin’s comics and there was no way you were actually going to do homework,
“Hey.” Steve said, taking a seat across from you. Your chest tightened, feeling nervous around him for whatever reason.
“Hi.” You said without looking up, now picking at the nail polish on your thumb.
Steve shifted uncomfortably, turning his bat around in his hands.
“So, how’ve you been?” He asked, glancing up from his hands to see if you were going to look at him.
“Shitty.” You said with a shrug. “I didn’t have much of a choice moving here, my grades are pretty crappy and I’m pretty sure you are all lying to me about whats really going on.”
Steve ran his tongue along his bottom lip before letting out a dry laugh.
“If you knew, you’d lose your shit.” He said a playful grin on his face.
You moved to the edge of your seat, your knees now nearly touching his.
“Would I?” You asked, returning the look. “I don’t know Harrington, living in New York makes you see some pretty bizarre things.”
As he was about to say something in return, he took a double take at your outfit. 
“Nice sweater.” He said, his grin now twisting into a smirk .
Your eyebrows furrowed as looked down at the sweater you wore underneath your denim jacket.
“Thanks?” You replied,  wondering what Steve was on about.
Steve turned toward you, elbows on his knees his chin resting on top of his hands in a prayer like position.
“You don’t remember do you?” He asked, the corners of his mouth still pulled upward.
You shook your head laughing still not understanding what was going on.
“That’s my sweater, remember? I gave it to you when you were cold, like two, summers ago.” He explained, a proud look on his face.
You reached behind your head and pulled at the nape of your hoodie, pulling it as far as you could to the side to get a better look at the tag.
“shit” you thought to yourself. You had kept his sweater, never really making an effort to give it back. You had worn it to bed a few times, because it was warm, not because you missed Steve or anything like that...that would be weird.
You saw the “S.H” written in a faded sharpie on the tag, now having no way to get around this mess.
“Oh shit, you’re right” You said scratching the back of your neck. “Do you want it back?”
His chin held high and clearly smug about the idea you still had and wore his hoodie. You looked away from him, tapping your knees as you tried to find somewhere else to give your attention to.
“How’s Nancy?” You asked, finally returning his gaze. “Dustin mentioned you guys are going steady.”
“Going steady?” Steve said giving you an amused look. “I didn’t know we were living it up in the 50’s”
You gave his shoulder a shove, now laughing with him.
“Says Elvis Presley himself” You quipped, playfully reaching up to mess up his hair, in which he caught your wrist still laughing himself.
“Not the hair!” He dramatically exclaimed, falling backwards on the seat. Pulling you down with him, you rolled off his chest and onto the floor with a thud.
“Would you two stop making out for five minutes and keep your voices down.” Dustin whisper yelled, giving Steve an annoyed look.
“Yeah Steve keep it down.” You mocked between laughs, placing a finger over your lips to jokingly scold Steve.
The two of you regained some composure and just sat in silence for awhile.
“Listen, I’m sorry I stopped writing to you. Things just sort of got busy here, a lot was going on.” Steve tried to explain, a mixture of guilt and regret on his face.
You looked up from under your eyelashes, your mouth in a hard line.
“You don’t have to explain yourself to me, Steve, it’s fine. It’s not like we were together.” You sadly admitted. You arms crossed tightly as you glared out the window, although there wasn’t much to look at.
Steve let out a whistle, tapping his foot as the atmosphere was getting more and more awkward.
“I guess karma got me,” he announced, this grabbing your attention. “Nancy dumped me...pretty sure for Jonathan Byers.”
Your eyebrows tilted upward sympathetically, the hurt evident on Steve’s face. From what you knew of Nancy, she seemed pretty nice, and you only knew the surface of the situation so you weren’t going to pass judgements on her too quickly.
“That’s...rough man.” You said, patting his knee in a poor attempt to show your sympathy. “If it’s meant to be, it’ll be...right?”
“Thanks?” Steve responded giving you a funny look.
Lucas climbed up onto the roof of the bus acting as the lookout, You and Steve joined Max and Dustin closer to the front. Steve flicked the lighter on and off, the clicking slowly driving you up the wall.
“So you really fought one of these things before?” Max asked as she watched Steve mess around with the lighter. “And you're, like, totally 100% sure it wasn’t a bear?
Before Steve could answer your younger cousin piped in, almost aggressively.
“Shit. Don’t be an idiot. Okay? It wasn’t a bear. Why are you even here if you don’t believe us? Just go home.” He snapped at Max who had done nothing to provoke this behaviour. This obviously pushed her away as she now joined Lucas on the roof.
 You sat across from Steve watching in horror at Dustin’s behaviour, your lips pursed and your eyelids fluttering quickly in disbelief.
“That’s good.” Steve complimented, clearly impressed. “Just show her you don’t care.”
“I don’t,” Dustin said shortly, Steve shooting back a wink.
You were pissed off, to say the least, not only by Dustin’s behaviour but Steve’s encouragement of it.
“Um excuse me?” You questioned, eyebrow raised at the boys. “But what the fuck was that? What the hell has gotten into you?”. Dustin rolled his eyes, slumping in the seat where Max had sat before.
“You wouldn’t get it.” He explained, his hands balled into small fists.
You stood up from your seat and walked over to him, hands placed firmly on your hips.
“Yeah? Why is that? Last time I checked I’m a girl, and I know for a fact that girls don’t like being treated like shit.” You snapped, clearly upset by how he was treating Max.
“I don’t know what Mr Casanova has been telling you, but from a girls perspective, you’re acting like a tool.”
Before either of them could respond to you, the eerie sound of some sort of wailing animal cut the conversation short.
Steve and Dustin scrambled to the window, peaking through the blinders, watching the fog for movement.  Your arms rested on their shoulders, now joining their gaze.
“What the hell is that?” You whispered, your stomach buzzing with nerves.
“What’s it doing,” Dustin said, his eyes not moving away from the fog.
Your fingers moved toward the window, clutching the grate that covered it. You analyzed the creature that moved around in the distance.
“It looks like a big lizard, like a Komodo dragon. You know those things with the poisonous spit? From Indonesia, I think.” You rambled on, trying to wrap your head around what was happening.
“He’s not taking the bait, why isn’t he taking the bait?” Steve asked.
“Maybe he’s not hungry,” Dustin replied, both breathing rather heavily.
“Maybe it’s sick of cow.” Steve said backing up, eyes fixed on the creature.
Steve grabbed his bat, Dustin following after him with concern. You came to your senses and realized what Steve was doing.
“Steve, you can’t go out there.” You said, now closely behind him.
“Be ready.” He said dismissing your concerns, tossing Dustin the lighter.
Steve hesitantly stepped out, making his way carefully toward the pile of raw beef that laid a few feet away from the bus.
As he taunted the creature you could hear Lucas muttering about something on the roof, you climbed the later to see what was going on.
“Holy shit there’s more of them.” He said frantically. “Steve, Steve there’s more!”
You quickly climbed down the latter, jumping from the third step. You got on the floor and crawled, looking for a weapon to help Steve.
“What are you doing?” Dustin asked, peeling his eyes away from the scene unfolding before them.
“Buses.” You said with a gasp. “Buses they-they have emergency axes in case the bus flips on its side.”
Your hands reached around under the spot where the bus driver seat was, although it was lopsided and a falling apart. Your hands now coated in dust and grime as you wildly rummaged around.
“Got it.” You said getting up as you pulled the axe out and up with you.
Without hesitation you ran off the bus, quietly closing the door behind you, careful not to alert any of the creatures that had begun to lurk around Steve.
You got into a low crouched position, keeping the chances of detection low. Crawling on top of the nearest cars hood, you slowly inching yourself further onto the windshield. You cringed every time the glass cracked under your weight, already weak from the cracks created over time.
You caught a glimpse of one of the lizard demo-thingy’s, its tail waving around as it focused on its prey.
It was getting the upper hand on Steve, but you had the upper hand on it. You got to your feet, careful not to lose balance. You let out a slow breath, trying to calm down before swinging the axe and slicing into the demodog.
This now taking the attention off of Steve and onto you.
“Shit.” You said as the dogs began closing in on you, gooey blood dripping down the handle of your axe. “Shit. Shit. Shit.” 
Steve regained his composure and began swinging at the demodogs that had begun toward you, allowing a window of time for you to sprint to his side and help mow down the creatures.
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