#i also imagine David giving Michael a cheeky yet withering 'you'll pay for that' look
ingravinoveritas · 9 months
dustylyric replied to your post "All of the shows and movies Michael has been in,...”
What bugs me is that in the bloop of the 7 take, we only get it from Michael’s perspective. We don’t get to see David’s reaction.
Ugh, I know. So frustrating, as it would've been quite lovely to see David's reaction. But I feel like we also got a hint of it here, when Michael mentioned it in this GO 2 promo interview...
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I imagine he laughed it off on the outside, but underneath it all was feeling something like what we're seeing here with those flushed cheeks. I've always felt that there is an exhibitionist side to David, and so realizing that he was "performing" for Michael likely pushed all of his buttons. Embarrassment, delight, and pleasure all bubbling close to the surface, heating his skin. But ever the consummate professional, David would keep it hidden until he and Michael were alone later on...
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