#i also agree w riddle: you'd look cute w short hair! /p
suiseisyojo · 9 months
"Riddle, do you think a shorter hair would fit me? It has crossed my mind for some time now, and I am curious to hear your opinion^^" D/
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With you seated across from him, Riddle lifted his gaze away from the teacup nestled between his fingers and examined your frame—giving your inquiry the rumination it deserved. "Shorter hair? Hm⋯" he trailed off, tilting his head to survey you more accurately, "Of course I do."
It was unbelievably cliche of him that he knew you'd look good in anything.
But he wasn't so naive as to believe that a suitable answer.
"Haircuts and styles are personal things," Riddle began softly, memories of his own childhood coruscating at the back of his mind, "It takes some time before you can find one that's right for you."
As long as you're smiling, Riddle⋯ doesn't care how you present yourself.
The path to self-discovery is unending—he's still discovering things about himself that he suppressed, after all—and if cutting your hair short is a path you want to take, you shouldn't hesitate or hold back.
"So, to reiterate, yes; I do think short hair would fit you," Riddle simpered, bringing the tea back up to his lips, "It'll be cute. You should cut it."
Before you can give any rejoinder back, Riddle adds, deadpanning, "Just don't ask me to help you cut it⋯ and don't ask Che'nya, either. Or any of the first-years. Or—"
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