#i accidentally posted an animoji while typing this.
079soren · 2 years
sometimes the short end of the stick is the sharpest.
he's not sure who the people talking to him in his mind are, but they're (sometimes) complete experts at ruining silence. one second the mind would be buzzing in white noise, and suddenly it's filled with endless chatter by 'speed' and 'energy'. billy swears they've told their names before, but the memory was far gone.
other times, the 'brave' voice talked. they didn't talk for very long, saying they were busy doing who-knows-what, but their stories were pretty adventurous. (<- smarty taught him that word!) brave and strong shared turns telling stories of their life, (he wasn't sure how they lived as voices.) and billy would listen to them as backround noise.
but there were times where it was distressing for them to talk. when he got fainty and confused, they stopped talking. when static filled his ears, they stopped talking. sometimes it gets quiet for weeks, months, to somewhere close to years. but they were never permanently gone.
'dissociation', the smart voice called those times. they didn't explain any further.
out of nowhere, short phrases of some voices would be heard. billy only got to hear 1-2 sentences during that time, as if their speech was cut. he didn't try to reach out in those times, he barely could anyways.
billy would get headaches that varied throughout the day or weeks, always when one of the voices sounded a bit too close to him. (it almost felt like they were standing right next or behind him, but there was never anyone around.)
he rarely heard the voices chatter so much while he was captain marvel, but there were times they did. he couldn't call those times 'distressing', but they were quite annoying when they talked in important league meetings. (billy should tell them sometime.)
sometimes people noticed his face scrunch up due to the amount of voices that were talking at the same time—but none questioned it. sometimes they whispered about him looking 'out of it' or having 'a faraway look'. batman tended to look at him more often when people spoke up about it to the bat. ("why would they do that?" he heard a familiar, energetic voice whisper.)
he's not sure, he decides to tell the energetic voice.
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