#i DO think him getting cursed would be fun ive been idly considering batb dyssol au but
hirokiyuu · 2 years
How's this for a dyssol prompt? Fairytale AU, prince Dys carrying a secret romance with commoner Solana (fem!Sol), while trying to fight off arranged marriage offers. Go nuts :D
Also I'm sorry for being so specific 😅
The problem with Tangent fucking off to join the Magic Bullshit Academy or whatever the fuck they called it was that now all the stupid proposals that had been going to her were coming to him instead, and as she’d been considered the (barely) more approachable one, that meant the number had more that doubled overnight. “It’s all such fucking bullshit,” he snarls, throwing a full handful of letters straight into the fire and not even enjoying the way they warp at the edges.
“I mean, you’re gonna have to pick one of them,” comes the voice of the only person Dys could ever even think of marrying, from his side where he can’t bring himself to look at her face, because the only thing worse than her being hurt would be her being not hurt at all.
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