#hysteroscopy in indore
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Uterine Cancer: What Women Need to Know
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Uterine cancer, also known as endometrial cancer, is a type of cancer that begins in the lining of the uterus. It mainly affects postmenopausal women, but it can also occur in younger women. Understanding uterine cancer, its risk factors, symptoms, and treatment options is crucial for women's health. Here are key points every woman should know about uterine cancer:
Risk Factors: Several factors increase the risk of developing uterine cancer, including:
Age: Risk increases with age, especially after menopause.
Obesity: Excess body fat can increase estrogen levels, which may raise the risk.
Hormone Therapy: Prolonged use of estrogen-alone hormone therapy can increase the risk.
Family History: Having close relatives with uterine or colon cancer increases the risk.
Endometrial Hyperplasia: A condition characterized by the thickening of the uterine lining.
Lynch Syndrome: A genetic condition that increases the risk of several cancers, including uterine cancer.
Symptoms: Recognizing the symptoms of uterine cancer can lead to early detection and better outcomes. Common symptoms include:
Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding: Such as bleeding between periods or after menopause.
Pelvic Pain or Pressure: Pain in the pelvic area or lower abdomen.
Painful Urination: Discomfort or pain during urination.
Unintended Weight Loss: Losing weight without trying.
Diagnosis: If uterine cancer is suspected, your doctor may recommend several tests, including:
Transvaginal Ultrasound: Uses sound waves to create images of the uterus.
Biopsy: Removing a small sample of tissue for examination under a microscope.
Hysteroscopy: A procedure that allows the doctor to look inside the uterus using a thin, lighted tube.
Treatment Options: The treatment for uterine cancer depends on several factors, including the stage of the cancer and the woman's overall health. Treatment options may include:
Surgery: The main treatment for uterine cancer, which may involve removing the uterus (hysterectomy) and possibly other nearby tissues.
Radiation Therapy: Uses high-energy rays to kill cancer cells.
Chemotherapy: Uses drugs to kill cancer cells.
Hormone Therapy: Uses hormones or hormone-blocking drugs to treat cancer.
Prognosis: The prognosis for uterine cancer varies depending on the stage at diagnosis and other factors. Early detection and treatment can significantly improve outcomes.
Uterus Cancer Surgery in Indore: For women, access to specialized care is essential for uterine cancer surgery in Indore. For women in Indore, accessing specialized care for uterine cancer surgery in Indore is essential. Several hospitals and healthcare facilities in Indore offer advanced treatment options, including minimally invasive surgery, which can lead to faster recovery and fewer complications.
Uterine cancer is a serious condition, but with early detection and appropriate treatment, many women can successfully overcome it. Regular gynecological check-ups and awareness of symptoms are crucial for early detection. If you experience any symptoms or have concerns about uterine cancer, consult your healthcare provider promptly.
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mohakivf · 2 months
Pregnancy After Miscarriage: What You Need to Know 
Pregnancy after a miscarriage is defined as the occurrence of a new pregnancy following the loss of a previous pregnancy before 20 weeks. It can be an emotional and challenging experience for couples, but it also brings hope and joy as they look forward to welcoming their new baby into the world. While there may be some anxiety or fear due to past experiences, many women go on to have successful pregnancies after experiencing a miscarriage. Each pregnancy is unique and should be treated with care and support from healthcare professionals And also consult to ivf specialist in Indore. 
Miscarriage is defined as the loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. It can be a difficult and emotional experience for women and their partners, often leaving them with feelings of grief, guilt, and confusion. However, it’s important to remember that miscarriages are common and do not mean that you cannot have a successful pregnancy in the future. With proper support and care, many couples go on to have healthy pregnancies after experiencing a miscarriage.
Pregnancy after miscarriage can be a daunting and emotional experience for many women. After experiencing the loss of a pregnancy, it is natural to have concerns about becoming pregnant again. Some may wonder if there are any tests or precautions that need to be taken before trying to conceive again. While every woman’s body is different, most doctors recommend waiting at least one menstrual cycle before attempting to get pregnant again and also you can contact the test tube baby Center in Indore .This allows time for the body to heal physically and emotionally from the previous pregnancy. It is also important to consult with your doctor or best fertility hospital in Indore  and discuss any potential risks or necessary tests before trying to become pregnant again after a miscarriage.
Following test can be recommended by your doctor and by IVF  center in Indore :-
Blood test with advancements in medical technology, there are now blood tests available that can help determine the health of the pregnancy early on. These tests measure hormone levels and can provide reassurance to those who have experienced previous loss.
Chromosomal Test. This test can help identify any potential genetic abnormalities in the fetus, providing reassurance for expecting parents and allowing them to better prepare for their new arrival.
Ultrasound.  Your doctor will  place the ultrasound device over your abdomen or places it inside your vagina to obtain images of your uterus. An ultrasound might identify uterine problems, like as fibroids.
Hysteroscopy. Your health care or doctor may inserts a thin, lighted instrument called a hysteroscope through your cervix into your uterus to diagnose and treat identified intrauterine problems.
Sonohysterography. Sonohysterography is a medical procedure that uses ultrasound technology to examine the uterus and uterine lining. It involves inserting a small catheter into the cervix and filling the uterus with saline solution, allowing for better visualization of any abnormalities or issues within the reproductive organs. This procedure can help diagnose conditions such as fibroids, polyps, and scar tissue in the uterus
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).  It is commonly used for diagnosing various health conditions such as tumors, injuries, and abnormalities in organs and tissues.
After experiencing a miscarriage, many women may wonder when is the best time to try for another pregnancy. While there is no definitive answer, doctor’s and ivf specialist in Indore  typically recommend waiting at least one full menstrual cycle before trying again. This allows the body to heal and ensures that hormone levels have returned to normal. However, it’s important for each woman to listen to her own body and emotions and decide when she feels ready both physically and emotionally. Some experts also suggest seeking support from a therapist or joining a support group during this difficult time. Ultimately, the decision of when to try again after a miscarriage should be made with careful consideration and guidance from medical professionals.
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After dealing with a miscarriage, there are some important things that you need to know. First and foremost, it's important to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally. This may involve getting enough rest, eating well, and seeking support from loved ones or a therapist. It's also important to understand the physical changes your body will go through after a miscarriage and how long it may take for your menstrual cycle to return to normal. Additionally, knowing when it is safe to try again for another pregnancy can be helpful in planning for the future. Remember that everyone copes with loss differently and give yourself time and space to grieve in whatever way feels right for you.Consult with your Doctor or best IVF specialist in Indore  about when it’s safe for you to try again and make sure to take care of your health during this time. Once cleared by your doctor, it’s important to track ovulation using methods such as tracking basal body temperature or using ovulation predictor kits. Additionally, staying positive, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and having open communication with your partner can increase chances of success in conceiving post-miscarriage.
Contact Us - 
Website - https://mohakivf.com
Contact Number - 78980-47572
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Looking for the best gynaecologist in Greater  Noida near me? Choosing the right gynaecologist may be stressful with there being many top doctors in Noida Extension. But Dr Kanika Thakral  (MBBS, DNB - Obstetrics & Gynecology  ) is one of the best gynaecologists in Noida Extesntion looking at her academic accolades & patient’s reviews. She has expertise in management of gynae disorders & infertility through latest techniques using laparoscopic procedures, Hysteroscopy, IUI, IVF etc
Dr Kanika Thakral is a Gynaecologist and Obstetrician. She has an MBBS and DNB. A doctor with over 18 years of experience as a practising gynaecologist and obstetrician, she is one of the best gynaecologists in Ghaziabad – NCR. She is a pass out, with an MBBS, from JJMMC Davangere RGUHS Bangalore, in the year 2005, followed by a DNB – Obstetrics & Gynecology from Bhandari Hospital & Research Centre, Indore in 2012. 
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What Are The Treatment Options For Uterine Fibroids?
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Uterine fibroids, also known as leiomyomas, are non-cancerous growths that develop in the uterus. While they are quite common, affecting up to 80% of women by the age of 50, they often do not cause any symptoms. However, in some cases, fibroids can lead to heavy and painful periods, pelvic pain, and even fertility issues. If you have been diagnosed with uterine fibroids, it is important to understand the treatment options available to you. In this blog post, we will discuss the various treatment options for uterine fibroids and how a lady gynaecologist in Indore can help.
1) Watchful Waiting
If your fibroids are small and not causing any symptoms, your gynaecologist may recommend a "watchful waiting" approach. This means monitoring the fibroids through regular check-ups and imaging tests, but not actively treating them. This option is usually recommended for women who are nearing menopause, as fibroids tend to shrink and disappear after menopause.
2) Medications
There are several medications that can be used to manage the symptoms of fibroids. These include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain relief, hormonal birth control to regulate heavy periods, and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists to shrink the fibroids. However, these medications do not treat the fibroids themselves and their effects are temporary.
3) Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE)
UFE is a minimally invasive procedure that involves blocking the blood supply to the fibroids, causing them to shrink and die. It is performed by an interventional radiologist and does not require any incisions. UFE has a shorter recovery time compared to surgery and is a good option for women who want to preserve their uterus.
Also Read: Laparoscopic Surgeon in Indore
4) Myomectomy
A myomectomy is a surgical procedure to remove fibroids while preserving the uterus. It is usually recommended for women who want to become pregnant in the future. Depending on the size, number, and location of the fibroids, a myomectomy can be performed through open surgery or minimally invasive techniques such as laparoscopy or hysteroscopy.
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IVF Specialist | A Complete Solution to Your Infertility
Infertility may not come suddenly; there are many things that are directly linked to infertility like older age for both men and women, over exercise, diabetes, eating disorders, excessive use of alcohol, and smoking, environmental toxins, cancer Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), stress, obesity and underweight.
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If you and your partner have been trying to conceive for more than a year after having unprotected sex but have been unsuccessful, it means that either you or your partner or both are infertile. Having infertility doesn’t mean you’ll never be able to be a parent. Becoming a parent is possible when you go to the BEST IVF Centre in Indore.
For Ladies:
Abnormal period
Blocked fallopian tubes
Damaged fallopian tubes
Celiac disease
Pituitary Gland Disorders
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Primary ovarian insufficiency
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
For Men:
Enlarged veins in the testicles
Cystic Fibrosis
Testicular cancer
Descending testicle
No smoking anymore
Do not use drugs
Limit or quit alcohol
Get treated for an STD
Limit exposure to toxins
Don’t over exercise
Infertility Diagnosis Process
For Ladies:
Basal body temperature
Pelvic exam
Blood test
For Men:
Semen analysis
Blood test
Scrotal ultrasound
Infertility Treatment Process
For Ladies
Medications – such as fertility drugs that help stimulate ovulation
Surgery – applicable only to remove uterine fibroids and uterine polyps, to treat endometriosis, and to open blocked fallopian tubes
For Men
Medicines – which help improve hormone levels and treat erectile dysfunction
Surgery – can sometimes help make sperm healthier by opening blockages in the tubes
Infertility treatment is a bit challenging, but it is possible to conceive with the help of IVF doctors by visiting the Best Infertility Specialist in Indore. Health improvement is not a one day effort, it is a process that takes time and helps you overcome infertility forever.
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yaamiivfcenter · 1 year
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Yaami Fertility and IVF Center is indore’s leading fertility center, providing world-class fertility treatments like Tubal evaluation, In vitro fertilisation (IVF), Blastocyst transfer,  Intrauterine insemination (IUI),  Ovulation induction and cycle monitoring,  Surgical sperm retrieval (SSR),  Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI),  Embryo cryopreservation,  Egg vitrification, Hysteroscopy and laparoscopy surgery, Doppler test and urological procedures, Time lapse embryo monitoring, Laser assisted hatching (LAH),  Endometrial receptivity analysis test (ERA),  Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS),  Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), Sperm DNA fragmentation testing Andrology services for male infertility treatments.
Yaami Fertility & IVF Center Indore
Location: Third floor Vidyaraj Annexe, Basant Vihar Near Satya Sai Square, Vijay Nagar, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452010
Contact :  078800 07281
Visit our website- https://yaamifertility.com/ for more information.
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gynecologistindore · 2 years
Common Gynecological Surgeries and Procedures
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What Procedures Are Performed By Gynecologists?
The most frequent procedures carried out by obstetricians and gynecologists are as follows:
• Amplification and cure (D&C)
• Hysteroscopy
• Laser Endometrial Ablation
• Laparoscopy
• A tubular ligature
• Salpingectomy
• Conization
• Hysterectomy
• Myomectomy
• Oophorectomy
• Ovarian cyst removal
• Surgery for pelvic support
What Gynecological Issues Are Most Prevalent?
The most typical gynecological issues include:
• white ejection
• Menstrual irregularity
• Prolapse of the Pelvic Floor
• Pelvic pain
• Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
• Uterine tumours
• Incontinence of the urine
• abnormal bleeding
• Candida infections
• Endometriosis
Matricare is one of the best obstetrician & gynecology Clinic in Indore. Menstrual irregularities, infertility, prolapsed uterus, fibroids, endometriosis, urinary incontinence, genital tract infections, and other uterine & ovarian tumours are just a few of the gynecological conditions that our best gynecologist in Indore provides specialised medical and surgical management for.
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sushmitamukherjee · 4 years
Female Infertility: Causes & Treatment
What is Female Infertility?
When a woman is not being able to conceive a child despite having unprotected sex for 6-12 months, it is referred to as female infertility. The reason may be in the woman herself, but in some cases, the reproductive function is also impaired in the partner. The treatment for infertility is carried out based on the cause of the disease, and the data of the gynecological examination. Female infertility is completely a treatable condition to a large extent. You can visit the infertility clinic in Indore for more info.
Causes of Female Infertility
1.      Congenital anomalies of the uterus, absence of the uterus, as well as inflammation, endometriosis, which prevent embryo implantation;
2.      Fibroids, in which the node deforms the uterine cavity and disrupts blood flow;
3.      Intrauterine synechiae - adhesions;
4.      Immune disorders in which a woman develops anti-sperm antibodies that destroy male germ cells or the embryo.
5.      Endocrine disorders at the level of ovaries.
Along with the above-mentioned causes, there are many other factors that contribute to infertility in women. The age, regularity of sexual life, the optimal time for conception, lifestyle, other medical health issues, such as diabetes, kidney dysfunction, heart disease, etc. are some of the many factors that affect conception.
Female Infertility Symptoms
Not being able to conceive is the foremost symptom of infertility. Disorder of hormones and emotions, unusual discharge from the genital tract, excess hair growth throughout the body fluctuation in the weight, etc. are some of the other symptoms of infertility in women. Fibroid, one of the most common causes of infertility, is accompanied by symptoms such as pain between cycles, during intercourse, spotting outside the cycle. You can see a gynecologist in Indore to know more about the other symptoms.
Female Infertility Treatment Methods
There is more than one way to treat female infertility. The way of treatment often gets chosen based on the cause of infertility and the examination result. In general, there are two types of infertility treatments - conservative methods and surgery. The treatment primarily aims to eradicate the cause of infertility. Surgical treatment of female infertility can be performed when performing a diagnostic procedure. For instance, if your infertility specialist, while carrying out diagnostic hysteroscopy, may bump into polyps, intrauterine synechiae, or endometrial hyperplasia, then he/she can perform excision of these formations right at that moment.
If you experience the symptoms of infertility, you must call your doctor, or visit the nearest infertility clinic for treatment. In this modern era, medical science has achieved a new milestone. There are several diagnostic and infertility treatment options available in Indore at Dr. Sushmita Mukherjee’s Clinic.
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rawalfertility-blog · 4 years
What Is Male Fertility?
Male infertility refers to a male's inability to cause pregnancy in a fertile female. Male fertility is because of low sperm creation, strange sperm capacity or blockages that forestall the conveyance of sperm. Ailments, wounds, ceaseless medical issues, way of life decisions and different elements can assume a job in causing male barrenness.
 1. Unusual sperm creation or capacity because of undescended testicles, hereditary imperfections, medical issues, for example, diabetes, or contaminations,  chlamydia, gonorrhea, mumps or HIV. Developed veins in the testicles (varicocele) additionally can influence the nature of sperm. 
2. Overexposure to certain natural components, for example, pesticides and different synthetic compounds, and radiation. Cigarette smoking, liquor, weed, anabolic steroids, and taking drugs to treat bacterial diseases, hypertension and gloom additionally can influence richness. Visit introduction to warm, for example, in saunas or hot tubs, can raise internal heat level and may influence sperm creation.
3. DNA DamageNormal acquired variations in qualities that encode catalysts utilized in DNA crisscross fix are related to an expanded danger of sperm DNA harm and male infertility. As men age, there is a steady decrease in semen quality, and this decay has all the earmarks of being because of DNA damage. The harm shows by DNA discontinuity and by the expanded vulnerability to denaturation upon introduction to warmth or corrosive, the highlights normal for apoptosis of physical cells. These discoveries recommend that DNA harm is a significant factor in male barrenness.
There is various treatment available and we also provide male infertility treatment in Indore as well as women infertility treatment and we are the best test tube baby center in Indore. The infertility treatments for both men and women provided by us :
Basic              > Ovulation Induction  | Intrauterine Insemination
Advanced       > IVF  |   ICSI  |  TESE / PESA  | FET
Embryology   > Blastocyst Transfer  |  Assisted Hatching  | PGD/PGS
Previous IVF Failure/ Miscarriage  > Endometrial Receptivity Array | Endometrial Scratching | PRP & Stem Cells
Endoscopy    > Hysteroscopy  |  Laparoscopy
Fertility Preservation   >  Sperm Freezing | Embryo Freezing | Oocyte Freezing
Donor Gamete Treatment  > Using Donor Eggs | Using Donor Sperms | Using Donor Embryos
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shivanijoshi01-blog · 5 years
Best Gynaecologist in Indore
The best IVF center provides our patients with complete male and female fertility solution for all their sub fertility. We provide treatments to our patients by making use of latest technologies available.
Our area of expertise are gynic, laparoscopic and hysteroscopy surgeries, High risk pregnancy, Infertility specialist.
If you are looking for Best Gynaecologist in Indore then Total Fertility Solution is the best  IVF center in Central India.The best IVF center provides our patients with complete male and female fertility solution for all their sub fertility. We provide treatments to our patients by making use of latest technologies available. Our area of expertise are gynic, laparoscopic and hysteroscopy surgeries, High risk pregnancy, Infertility specialist. If you are looking for Best Gynaecologist in Indore then Total Fertility Solution is the best  IVF center in Central India.
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ivfspecialistindore · 2 years
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vinsfertilitycentre · 3 years
Best IVF Cost in Bangalore Your Way To Success - Vinsfertility
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IVF or In-Vitro Fertilization is a procedure to fix most infertility issues among women just as men. The treatment basically involves hormonal and physiological approaches that can encourage the conceiving interaction. In numerous metro urban areas, including Bangalore, this technique for treatment is liked by couples from all age sections. The IVF center has understood this demand and accordingly supported their R&D to think of better and more successful outcomes.
One such focus that has developed in the midst of this and made your excursion towards parenthood simple, is Vinsfertility.
When to think about IVF?
At Vinsfertility, we treat patients with infertility issues to give a chance of conceiving through various fertility medicines. With the assistance of IVF, there are still a few couples. On account of innovation as a result of which conceiving is currently conceivable who are having diverse fertility issues.
IVF is suggested or considered by the doctors in these circumstances:
Endometriosis: This is an ailment that likewise influences pregnancy in numerous females. In the event that the female is recognized with endometriosis, doctors prescribe them to go for IVF treatment.
Unexplained infertility: If any couple is having no recognizable reason for infertility subsequent to completing all the fertility assessments then they are suggested for IVF.
Harm to fallopian tube: If there is any scar, blockage or harm in the fallopian tube at that point likewise doctors go for IVF treatment to increase the chances of the success pace of pregnancy.
Age-related infertility issues: With age, the ovarian capacity of the females diminishes. The quantity of good quality eggs diminishes with age. In this manner, in numerous cases, matured females require IVF treatment for conceiving. Aside from this, PCOS and anovulation is additionally a prescription condition in which couples will require IVF treatment.
Vinsfertility as a believed IVF Treatment Centre in Bangalore consistently takes incredible consideration of the guardians and the planned kid. We have confidence in a sound mother, a solid kid who makes a solid family.
IVF Cost in Bangalore
The cost of IVF in Bangalore goes from Rs. 140,000 to Rs. 180,000 depending on the IVF doctor's insight, success rates, and IVF clinic area which includes the injections and recommended medicines by the IVF doctor.
The cost of IVF Treatment in Bangalore fluctuates from one patient to another on the grounds that each understanding's need is extraordinary and a custom treatment plan is expected to make it successful. According to your hereditary or fertility issue, you may expect an alternate IVF experience. For instance, the offices in the emergency clinics differ and so the drug cost during and after treatment. Every one of these factors influences the IVF treatment cost in Bangalore. At Mannat Fertility, you don't need to stress over the cost. We have made the IVF procedure straightforward with every one of the factors combined.
Morpheus Ayaansh Fertility Center
Morpheus Ayaansh Fertility Center is extraordinary compared to other IVF focuses in Bangalore. The administrations offered by the middle are In Vitro Fertilization, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Antenatal consideration, Blastocyst transfer, egg transfer, and Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI). We give truly sensible IVF centers in Bangalore where you are guaranteed value treatment. It includes a sound and great climate for its patients with the goal that they can recuperate quick. The parts of Morpheus are situated in various urban areas like Lucknow. Gurgaon, Meerut, Indore, Secunderabad, and Jaipur. Every one of these branches is exceptional with the most recent advances.
Dr. Haritha Rao
Dr. Haritha Rao Infertility Specialist is MBBS, MS (Obst and Gynae), Training in Assisted Reproductive Technology and Training in Hysteroscopy. Dr. Haritha Rao is an acclaimed Gynecologist and Fertility Specialist with more than 15 years of involvement. Prior to Partnering with Morpheus Life Sciences Pvt Ltd in 2016 she was heading the focal point of a top chain of IVF clinics in the capital city of Delhi.
With an outstanding scholarly record and training in managing infertility from the most amazing aspect the center in Mumbai and Delhi. Her proficiency in handling and managing troublesome instances of infertility has made her a favored doctor for such cases.
Her skill and total devotion towards patient consideration has settled on her a doctor of decision. With an outstanding capacity to give care accentuation on a comprehensive approach, treating the female patient as a physical, enthusiastic, and social being with fantastic bedside habits has culminated in a splendid capacity to build up a rapport with the patient
IVF success rate
Internationally, the normal IVF success rate is around 40% in young ladies. The chance of success rates likewise increases in women more youthful than 35 years old. The success pace of this most commonly utilized helped conceptive innovation or ART is typically estimated based on live birth per embryo transfer.
If you have any information related to the infertility doctor Bangalore. You can contact us
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poonamraikwar · 3 years
Female Infertility - Dr. Poonam Raikwar
What is Female Infertility?
Infertility may be a condition that affects just about one out of each half dozen couples. A sterility designation is given to a few that have been unsuccessful in efforts to conceive over the course of 1 full year. When the reason for sterility exists inside the feminine partner, it's cited as Female Infertility. Female infertility factors contribute to approximately 50% of all infertility cases, and female infertility alone accounts for approximately one-third of all infertility cases.
What causes female infertility?
The most common causes of feminine sterility embrace issues with the organic process, injury to fallopian tubes or womb, or problems with the cervix. Age will contribute to sterility as a result of as a girl ages, her fertility naturally tends to decrease.
Ovulation issues could also be caused by one or additional of the following:
A hormone imbalance
A tumor or cyst
Eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia
Alcohol or drug use
Thyroid gland problems
Excess weight
Intense exercise that causes a major loss of body fat
Extremely brief menstrual cycles
How is female infertility diagnosed?
Potential feminine sterility is assessed as a part of an intensive physical test. The test can embrace an anamnesis concerning potential factors that would contribute to sterility.
Healthcare suppliers could use one or additional of the subsequent tests/exams to gauge fertility:
A biopsy to visualize for infections or an internal secretion drawback, together with thyroid perform
Pelvic exam and breast exam
A sample of cervical mucus and tissue to determine if ovulation is occurring
Laparoscope inserted into the abdomen to look at the condition of organs and to seem for blockage, adhesions or scar tissue.
HSG, that is associate degree x-ray utilized in conjunction with a colored liquid inserted into the fallopian tubes creating it easier for the technician to visualize for blockage.
Hysteroscopy uses a little telescope with a fiber lightweight to seem for female internal reproductive organ abnormalities.
Ultrasound to look at the uterus and ovaries. Maybe done vaginally or abdominally.
Sonohystogram combines associate degree ultrasound and saline injected into the womb to seem for abnormalities or issues.
Tracking your organic process through fertility awareness also will facilitate your care supplier to assess your fertility standing.
How is female infertility treated?
Female sterility is most frequently treated by one or additional of the subsequent methods:
Taking internal secretions to deal with a hormone imbalance, endometriosis, or a short menstrual cycle
Taking medications to stimulate ovulation
Using supplements to enhance fertility – shop supplements
Taking antibiotics to remove an infection
Having operation to get rid of blockage or scar tissues from the fallopian tubes, uterus, or pelvic area.
Can female infertility be prevented?
There is typically nothing which will be done to stop feminine sterility caused by genetic issues or health problem.
However, their area unit many things that ladies will do to decrease the chance of infertility:
Take steps to prevent sexually transmitted diseases
Avoid illicit drugs
Avoid heavy or frequent alcohol use
Adopt good personal hygiene and health practices
Have annual check-ups together with your GYN once you're sexually active
When should I contact my healthcare provider?
It is necessary to contact your care supplier if you expertise any of the subsequent symptoms:
Abnormal bleeding
Abdominal pain
Unusual discharge
Pain or discomfort during intercourse
Soreness or itching in the vaginal area
Some couples wish to examine new antiquated or over the counter efforts before examining sterility systems. If you are seeking to get pregnant and seeing for resources to help your works, we invite you to check out the fertility outcome and resource guide provided by our Dr.Poonam Raikwar.
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shanujey82-blog · 6 years
Indira IVF and Dr. Yogita Parihar
Indira IVF center is arranged at AB road, Indore. The mending focus offers organizations and pointlessness pharmaceuticals like IVF, Laser delivered, cryopreservation, ICSI, Donor progrma, blostocyst culture, Sonography, laproscopy and hysteroscopy. The specialist's office has each forefront development and particularly arranged research focuses.  Dr. Yogita Parihar Gynecologist The specialist's office boasts a propelled system with all solaces. The specialist's office in-house a gathering of ace masters and all around arranged embryologists. The specialist's office has an overall outfitted research focus with each impelled development. The mending focus staff works with commitment to give most outrageous care to the patient to propel an alluring treatment and early recovery. The specialist's office is gone to by Dr. Yogita Parihar  You can get contact purposes of enthusiasm of Indira IVF on www.elawoman.com
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drarchanadubey · 4 years
Different Women Health Issues And Solutions
A woman bears much more load but still, you will see them smiling and doing their duty towards their family, and those who mean to them. Taking care of the health of those who are younger them her, taking care of those who are older than her. But when it comes to her health, she cannot describe that to anyone. Many women in the villages consider menstruation as taboo and a thing that they can’t discuss fully. They even don’t use sanitary pads, which can be deadly. Today, in this article we will talk about different health issues women face, and also, we will talk about their modern-day solutions.
Menstruation Issues:
The menstrual cycle is a part of a woman’s life. It will not cause a problem until the cycle runs smoothly. But, if the cycle disturbs and disturbs for a longer period, then it can cause huge problems and create issues like Heavy period issues or No periods. This can depend on various reasons and lead to several consequences. Thus, it is recommended to have a proper gynaecological consultation for the issue.
Pelvic Pain:
Pelvic pain can be a sign of menstrual cramps, ovulation, or a gastrointestinal issue such as food intolerance. It can also develop due to a more serious problem. Sometimes, Pelvic pain is an indicator of an infection or issue with the reproductive system or other organs in the area.
Infertility is not being able to become pregnant after trying at least one year. There can be both male and female infertility. Infertility can be treated but usually happened in females either because of the genetics of having some previous reproductive issue in the past.
These are The Reasons for Female Infertility: -
 · Failure to Ovulate.
· Problems in the Menstrual Cycle.
· Structural Problems of the Reproductive System.
· Infections.
· Failure of an Egg to Mature Properly.
· Implantation Failure.
· Endometriosis.
· Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
These and many other diseases need a gynaecological care and consultation to cure. Every issue can be a cure if we reach to the expert on time. But it’s recommended that a woman should visit a gynaecologist as soon as she becomes sexually active. 
There are various treatments are being done regarding women health issues. But the treatments in the city of Indore have shown tremendous positive outcomes. There are several treatments like Hysteroscopy, Cystectomy, Issues related to pregnancy, menopause, infertility, issues related to pregnancy, and Laparoscopic surgery in Indore are being done quite efficiently.
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