#hypnosis weight loss melbourne
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Unlock Your Weight Loss Potential with Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy in Melbourne
Unlock your weight loss potential with our hypnosis and hypnotherapy services in Melbourne. Let us help you overcome emotional eating and boost your motivation for fitness. Achieve your goals with our proven techniques. #WeightLossHypnosisMelbourne #HypnotherapyWeightLossMelbourne
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Discover Transformation with Expert Hypnotherapists Melbourne - Your Path to Wellness!
Embark on a journey of change with skilled hypnotherapists Melbourne. Our transformative sessions offer tailored solutions for stress, anxiety, and more. Unlock the power of your mind for lasting well-being. Book a session today!
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savvybariatrics · 10 months
Achieve Your Dream Body with Savvy Bariatrics' Body Transformation Program!
Are you tired of struggling with your weight and feeling like you've tried every diet under the sun? Look no further! Savvy Bariatrics, the leading weight loss coach and expert in body transformation programs, is here to help you achieve your dream body. With our unique approach combining weight loss hypnotherapy and bariatric surgery Melbourne, we have successfully transformed the lives of countless individuals. Say goodbye to your weight woes and hello to a healthier, happier you!
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Why Choose Savvy Bariatrics? At Savvy Bariatrics, we understand that weight loss is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Each individual is unique, and that's why our weight loss coach, backed by years of experience, will create a personalized program tailored to your specific needs and goals. We believe in a holistic approach to weight loss, focusing on both the physical and mental aspects of your journey.
Our Body Transformation Program: The cornerstone of our approach is our revolutionary Body Transformation Program. Through a combination of nutritional guidance, exercise plans, weight loss hypnotherapy, and bariatric surgery options, we provide a comprehensive solution that addresses the root causes of weight gain and empowers you to make sustainable lifestyle changes.
Weight Loss Hypnotherapy: Weight loss hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that can help rewire your subconscious mind, enabling you to overcome emotional eating, cravings, and self-sabotaging behaviors. Our weight loss coach will guide you through personalized hypnotherapy sessions, helping you develop a positive mindset and healthy relationship with food. By reprogramming your thoughts and beliefs surrounding weight loss, you'll find that achieving your goals becomes easier and more sustainable.
Bariatric Surgery in Melbourne: For those who have struggled with severe obesity and have not found success through traditional weight loss methods, bariatric surgery can be life-changing. As part of our Body Transformation Program, we offer bariatric surgery options in Melbourne, performed by experienced surgeons who prioritize your safety and well-being. Our weight loss coach will guide you through the entire process, from pre-surgery consultations to post-operative care, ensuring a seamless experience.
The Savvy Bariatrics Difference: What sets Savvy Bariatrics apart is our unwavering commitment to our clients' success. Our weight loss coach provides ongoing support and motivation throughout your journey, helping you stay accountable and overcome any obstacles that may arise. We understand that sustainable weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint, and we'll be by your side every step of the way.
Conclusion: If you're ready to embark on a transformative weight loss journey, look no further than Savvy Bariatrics. Our Body Transformation Program, combining weight loss hypnotherapy and bariatric surgery in Melbourne, offers a comprehensive and personalized approach to help you achieve your dream body. Don't let excess weight hold you back any longer - take the first step towards a healthier, happier you today!
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purehypnotherapy · 4 months
Provided clinical hypnotherapy for Quit Smoking, Stress & Anxiety Management, Fitness and Weight Loss Management, Learning How To Focus, Positive And Healthy Mindset, Managing Insomnia With Hypnotherapy, Letting Go Of Fears And Phobias, just to name some. Online and at office location
Full Address : 1020 Mt Alexander Road, Essendon Vic 3040
Phone : 0484 791 220
URL : https://www.purehypnotherapy.com.au
Payment Methods : https://www.fresha.com/a/pure-hypnotherapy-melbourne-1020-mount-alexander-road-c6kgp4h8/booking
Opening Hours : By Appointment
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papriakter240 · 4 months
Black technology that is needed by 1 billion people can save me even though I have to work for N days
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After working for seven days in a row, the "debt" from the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday is finally about to be paid off.
We now live in a "high-pressure" society. Impetuousness, depression, insomnia and anxiety are daily struggles for many people. Since the epidemic, the psychological problems of the entire society have also been amplified, and even "depression per capita" has become a brand new topic. .
In the past two years, companies focusing on mental health digital therapy have emerged one after another. However, after some people have tried psychological counseling, meditation, and even drug therapy, they still say that their psychological problems still "abuse me thousands of times." A new wave of start-up HE Tuber companies are taking a different approach. , focusing on self-awareness and hoping to use hypnotherapy to help us heal. This idea quickly aroused the interest of investors.
01 Hypnosis: Relieve stress and maintain health
Mindset Health from Melbourne is such a company. The founders, brothers Chris and Alex, were actually inspired by the failure of the company they founded before. They tried hypnosis to solve mental health problems and decided to bring this therapy to the market. More "angsty stars."
Users of Mindset Health can undergo hypnotherapy directly through the app. The sessions are guided by a voice guide, allowing the user to enter a relaxed and focused state. The guide will then guide the user step by step to help relieve symptoms through visualization of thoughts and ideas. Mindset will also match users in need with clinicians to better recommend and evaluate hypnosis projects. Currently, there are about 2,000 doctors on the platform matching more than 100,000 patients.
Mindset Health App
At first, Mindset only focused on overall mental health, but now it has expanded to more health fields. It owns Nerva for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Evia for menopause, and Finito for smoking cessation. Their principles are that Hypnosis activates specific areas in the brain to help better accept new concepts and promote the connection between the brain and the body. For example, the smoking cessation program activates areas related to attention/happiness/motivation, and Nerva uses thoughts to repair excess gas in the intestines. Sensitive nerves.
Mindset Health’s areas of involvement
Hundreds of scientific experiments have demonstrated the effectiveness of hypnotic therapy. For example, it can alleviate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) by 60%; it is more effective in helping to quit smoking than ordinary nicotine replacement products and reduces the usual symptoms. side effects; the effectiveness in relieving menopausal discomfort symptoms and long-term pain can basically reach 100%.
Mindset Health’s solution breaks down the barriers between ordinary patients and innovative treatments. In March this year, it completed a US$12 million Series A financing led by King River Capital, including the founders of WordPress, SendBird and Linktree. Tech giants also participated in the investment.
Oneleaf from France has developed a similar app, focusing on the solution of "hypnosis at home". It is suitable for various problems such as relieving anxiety, quitting smoking, assisting sleep, cultivating concentration and self-confidence, and even losing weight at home. Not only is the private environment more relaxing than in a clinic, but the treatments performed through the app are also much more affordable than those performed by doctors.
Oneleaf’s areas of involvement
Oneleaf's courses only take 20 minutes each time, and use voice to guide users to use self-awareness to "soul torture." For example, users who want to lose weight will think in a relaxed state, "Why do I eat emotionally?" "eating", "the positive significance of fitness to my life" and other questions.
oneleaf weight loss course
Users who want to improve their concentration will learn how to relax their cognition, relax without guarding, plan their schedule reasonably, and reduce procrastination under the guidance of hypnotherapy.
oneleaf dedicated courses
In fact, the issues discussed in these courses are not special, but under hypnosis it is easier for people to break out of the endless cycle of internal friction and accept new concepts. Some people say that meditation is like clearing your mind, while hypnosis is more like giving the brain a Instructions, which allow deeper and more sustained thinking, and are extremely effective in achieving specific goals.
The science of hypnotherapy
Like most digital therapy companies, Oneleaf also charges through subscription. Users can enjoy all course content in Oneleaf's entire resource library for $68 per month, and can also unlock more features through in-app purchases. Oneleaf completed US$4.6 million in financing from First, Kima Ventures and Raise Ventures at the beginning of this year. Its ultimate goal is to use hypnotherapy to enable 1 billion people to solve the problems that trouble them and become the best version of themselves.
In addition, Clementine App, a hypnotherapy app developed specifically for female users to solve problems such as insomnia, self-doubt, anxiety and low self-esteem, has received more financing in this track.
Clementine's App
WellSet provides hypnosis and meditation courses for the entire team to relieve work stress and promote communication and cooperation
Benefits of using WellSet
It can be said that hypnosis is evolving from a seemingly unattainable psychological therapy to a solution that the general public can benefit from.
02 Self-awareness + technological assistance
Although meditation and hypnosis are different, the combination of the two is more effective. For example, the meditation software Headspace, which has raised more than 300 million US dollars, has also launched guided imagery. This method requires the trainer to mobilize the five senses. Let positive messages connect your body and mind. For example, when you imagine yourself lying on the beach, you will combine the color of the towel, the sound of the waves, the saltiness of the sea and the warmth of the sand into a complete picture, and Imprint the peace and joy of the moment in your memory, and "retrieve" the memory to relax when you are anxious or depressed.
Trainers can also use this technique to exercise their imagination to realize their dreams, imagine the healing of physical injuries, and imagine themselves mastering a new skill. The main idea is that if you can imagine a complete picture for an idea, then it will eventually come true in reality. Clinical studies have shown that guided imagery is very effective in relieving stress, relieving pain, and combating insomnia. According to a Mayo Clinic survey, patients only need to receive 2-4 guided imagery treatments after surgery, which is better than ordinary ones. of patients requiring less pain medication treatment.
Guided Imagination Content/Creative Visualization
In addition to just using self-imagination, VR virtual reality technology is also often used to assist psychotherapy because of its immersive nature. For example, BehaVR is a digital therapy company that combines scientific research results with VR, through immersive scenes and cognitive behavioral therapy. principles to help patients treat various problems such as postpartum depression, anxiety management, pain relief, and addiction recovery. Users can experience a variety of scenes in the VR game and try mindfulness stress reduction, reflective cognition, and fear elimination in an entertaining way. and psychoeducation, which provide a deeper and less stressful experience than using traditional therapy.
VR scene of BehaVE
The VR game social engagement™ created by Oxford VR is even more groundbreaking. It is mainly aimed at treating people's social disorders. Users can choose daily life scenes in VR or situations that make them feel scared, and play in a stress-free environment. Simulated social interactions, awareness exercises and thinking adjustments are very effective for a variety of problems including fear of heights, phobia of public places, anxiety, social stress, personality disorders and even schizophrenia.
social engagement™
BehaVR and Oxford VR merged at the end of last year, joining forces to become the largest VR platform for mental health digital therapy. At the same time, they received $13 million in Series B financing led by Optum Ventures and Oxford Science Enterprises, Confluent Health, Accenture Ventures, Chrysalis Ventures and Thornton Capital participated in the investment.
03 “Healing” trend is also spreading in China
In China, with the pressure from many aspects such as work and life, modern young people have also begun to seek solace from "healing". If you search for "healing" on Xiaohongshu, you will find more than 2 million related Notes including not only conventional methods such as meditation and psychological counseling, but also many suggestions on "Buddhist" methods such as sound healing, singing bowls, and meditation. Of course, domestic entrepreneurs have also seen this opportunity and started working with therapy. There are more and more intelligent products that are becoming more relevant.
For example, Hartley Lab, a lifestyle brand focusing on mindfulness + meditation, is mainly aimed at "high-stress" people aged 25-35. It provides psychological theories such as mindfulness-based stress reduction and multi-scenario meditation course content online, and offers meditation and therapy offline. Healing experience classes and travel training and other activities, in addition to launching consumer products such as meditation clothing and outdoor products. Hartley Lab has now completed tens of millions of RMB in seed round financing, and has reached cooperation with multiple fitness and electronic lifestyle brands. This also means that the highly sticky user base of mental health products can develop more scenarios.
Hartley lab App
Just like athletes are accustomed to tracking their sports performance with watches, meditation experts also hope to know more about their own state of meditation. The meditation cushion and meditation headband developed by FLOWTIME can monitor it in real time. It also records a variety of data including heart rate, breathing and stress levels. By combining the software content of meditation courses with biofeedback hardware devices, it helps users visualize the progress of healing, which is more motivating for trainers in the long term. Stick to this lifestyle habit.
FLOWTIME flow moment
Mindfulness and meditation practices are also a good angle to enter into mental health. For example, Pulse healing is developing from sound-guided mindfulness and meditation to a comprehensive mental health solution. The platform currently includes meditation, sleep, anxiety relief, stress reduction, diet and improvement. In multiple columns such as happiness, users can record and evaluate moods on mini programs or apps. According to the user’s mood and stress level, the system will provide personalized services. Users with mild emotional distress can choose to be guided by the course content. Under self-regulation, users who are slightly more serious can talk to virtual psychological counselors, and the platform will even connect with external professional psychologists to intervene to complete the transition from content to therapy.
Pulse Healing App
In addition, sleep-aid technologies such as Snail Sleep and Qu'an Technology, as well as fitness products such as Keep and FUTURE, are also incorporating concepts such as stress reduction and meditation into their products. It is not difficult to see that domestic healing products are still. There are some attempts and explorations going on, but they are all developing in the direction of daily life and multiple scenes, which also indicates that "healing" may become an important part of modern people's daily life.
FUTURE Meditation Course
Whether at home or abroad, psychological problems are becoming a social problem, but medical resources focusing on mental health are extremely scarce. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), about one in eight people in the world suffers from mental illness. disease, but only receives 1% of international health aid. In China, less than 1% of people with depression receive adequate treatment. These digital solutions with therapeutic properties not only help urban people relax and relieve stress at the end of the day, but also have the potential to help millions of people with mental illness get out of their haze.
We live in an anxious and impetuous world, and actively choosing to heal ourselves is already half the battle. However, healing is more like a spiritual practice. There is no specific medicine. Only by making dialogue with oneself a long-term way of life can we find true peace. .
Reference sources:
Startups Get Hip To Hypnotherapy (Crunchbase News)
Oneleaf is a self-hypnosis app that guides you through audio programs (Techcrunch)
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seddonhypnotherapy · 9 months
Key Benefits of Hypnotherapy in Achieving Weight Loss Goals
In the ever-evolving world of health and wellness, people are constantly searching for effective and sustainable ways to shed those extra pounds. While diet and exercise are the go-to methods for weight loss, there's another tool in the box that's gaining popularity - hypnotherapy. In this blog post, we'll dive deep into the world of hypnotherapy Melbourne and its remarkable benefits for weight loss.
We'll also explore how working with an EFT practitioner can enhance your weight loss journey. So, fasten your seatbelts as we embark on a fascinating exploration of the benefits of hypnotherapy for weight loss!
Hypnotherapy: What's the Hype About?
Hypnotherapy, often referred to simply as "hypnosis," is a therapeutic technique that involves deep relaxation and focused attention. It's not about swinging pocket watches or making people cluck like chickens; instead, it's a powerful tool for rewiring the mind. Hypnotherapy helps individuals tap into their subconscious, where habits, beliefs, and emotions reside. By accessing this inner realm, you can address the mental barriers that hinder your weight loss progress.
The Weight Loss Mindset: Rewiring the Brain
One of the key benefits of hypnotherapy Melbourne for weight loss is its ability to reprogram your mindset. With the guidance of a skilled hypnotherapist, you can change the way you think about food, exercise, and your body. Negative thought patterns that lead to overeating or emotional eating can be replaced with positive affirmations and healthy habits. This mental shift can make a world of difference on your weight loss journey.
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EFT Practitioner: The Perfect Complement to Hypnotherapy
While hypnotherapy works wonders on the subconscious, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or "tapping" is a fantastic tool to address emotional triggers that contribute to weight gain. EFT practitioner Melbourne experts are trained to guide you through a process of tapping on specific acupressure points while verbalising your feelings. This simple yet effective technique can release emotional blockages, reduce stress, and alleviate cravings - all of which are critical for weight loss success.
The Hypnotherapy and EFT Synergy
Imagine combining the power of hypnotherapy with the emotional release of EFT. It's a dynamic duo that can accelerate your weight loss goals. Hypnotherapy sets the stage by rewiring your mindset and boosting your motivation, while EFT helps you release pent-up emotions that might be sabotaging your progress. Together, they create a powerful synergy that addresses both the conscious and subconscious aspects of weight loss.
Long-Term Benefits and Lasting Results
Unlike crash diets or extreme exercise regimens that often lead to temporary results, the benefits of hypnotherapy and EFT for weight loss can be long-lasting. By addressing the root causes of weight gain and providing you with tools to manage your emotions and behaviours, these therapies set you up for sustainable success. You'll not only shed the pounds but also build a healthier relationship with food and your body.
In Conclusion
Hypnotherapy and EFT, when used in conjunction with a balanced diet and regular physical activity, can be powerful allies in your weight loss journey. These therapies help you overcome mental and emotional barriers, paving the way for lasting results.
So, if you're tired of yo-yo dieting and want to achieve a healthier, happier you, consider exploring the world of hypnotherapy Melbourne and working with an EFT practitioner. Your path to wellness is just a session away!
Remember, it's essential to consult with qualified professionals for hypnotherapy and EFT. Find a certified hypnotherapist and EFT practitioner Melbourne to guide you on your journey to weight loss success.
Now, over to you! Have you ever considered hypnotherapy or EFT for weight loss, or do you have any experiences to share? Feel free to drop your thoughts and questions in the comments section below.
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Know the process of Quit smoking hypnosis Melbourne
Hypnosis is a synthetically induced daydream-like state resembling rest, defined by increased sensitivity to idea. In this state we can harness the power of your mind, the part of your mind that controls all your bodily features, shops your memories, thoughts, practices, ideas as well as routines.
Hypnotherapy is a tried and tested, natural technique helpful you stop cigarette smoking permanently. Quit smoking hypnosis Melbourne is medication-free and pain free.Effective after the first session, with a follow up session to aid reinforce the modifications at the inmost level.You will soon be really feeling fitter, healthier, happier, and back in control.
Hypnosis integrates components of couselling along with psychological workouts and also idea in this hypnotic trance state to assist individuals cause favorable change in your life. If you ever before start cigarette smoking again we will supply up to 2 extra sessions at no additional fee
The very first step is to click the button on this web page to make a reservation, or get the phone and also give us a call.
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Overcoming Anxiety with Hypnotherapy in Melbourne: A Guide to Finding Relief
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Anxiety is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can manifest in different ways, including panic attacks, phobias, social anxiety, and general anxiety disorder. If left untreated, anxiety can significantly impact an individual's quality of life, making it difficult to perform daily activities and maintain relationships. Fortunately, anxiety therapy Melbourne is available, and it can help individuals to manage and overcome their anxiety symptoms.
One of the most effective forms of anxiety therapy Melbourne is hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy for anxiety Melbourne uses hypnosis to access the subconscious mind, where the root cause of anxiety is often found. During hypnosis, the therapist guides the patient into a state of deep relaxation, where they can access and change negative thoughts and beliefs that contribute to their anxiety.
Hypnosis for anxiety Melbourne is a powerful tool that can help individuals to overcome their anxiety symptoms by changing their thought patterns and beliefs. The therapist can also teach the patient self-hypnosis techniques, which they can use to manage their anxiety symptoms in between therapy sessions.
Melbourne hypnosis is a safe and effective form of treatment for anxiety. It is a non-invasive, natural, and holistic approach that can help individuals to overcome their anxiety symptoms, improve their quality of life, and regain control of their lives.
Another benefit of Melbourne hypnosis is weight loss hypnosis Melbourne. Hypnosis can be used to change negative thoughts and beliefs about food, eating habits, and body image. It can also help individuals to overcome emotional eating, cravings, and other issues that contribute to weight gain.
anxiety therapy Melbourne is an effective way to manage and overcome anxiety symptoms. Hypnotherapy for anxiety Melbourne is a powerful form of treatment that can help individuals to change their thought patterns and beliefs, and improve their quality of life. Melbourne hypnosis is a safe, natural, and holistic approach that can also be used to overcome weight loss issues. If you are struggling with anxiety, consider seeking out a qualified hypnotherapist in Melbourne to help you on your journey to recovery.
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savvybariatrics · 11 months
"Unlock the Power of Weight Loss Hypnotherapy with Weight Loss Hypnotherapy by Savvy Bariatrics: Say Goodbye to Fad Diets and Hello to Sustainable Results!"
Savvy Bariatrics: Unlocking the Power of Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Are you tired of trying every weight loss fad and diet out there, only to see minimal results? Look no further than Savvy Bariatrics, your trusted partner in achieving a healthy and sustainable weight loss journey. With our revolutionary weight loss hypnotherapy program, we can help you transform your body and regain control over your health.
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Bariatric surgery in Melbourne has gained popularity in recent years as an effective solution for weight loss. However, it is not suitable for everyone and comes with its own set of risks and complications. At Savvy Bariatrics, we offer an alternative approach with our weight loss hypnotherapy, helping you achieve your desired results without going under the knife.
So, what exactly is weight loss hypnotherapy? It is a powerful technique that harnesses the power of your subconscious mind to reprogram your thoughts, habits, and behaviors towards food and exercise. By addressing the underlying emotional and psychological factors that contribute to weight gain, we can help you break free from unhealthy patterns and create lasting change.
Our team of highly trained and experienced body transformation coaches in Melbourne understands that weight loss is not just about physical transformation; it's about transforming your mindset as well. Through personalized hypnotherapy sessions, we will guide you towards a healthier relationship with food, boost your self-confidence, and help you develop positive habits that support your weight loss goals.
At Savvy Bariatrics, we believe that weight loss is not a one-size-fits-all journey. That's why our weight loss hypnotherapy program is tailored to your unique needs and goals. Whether you have struggled with weight issues for years or just want to shed a few pounds, our team will customize a plan that fits your lifestyle and preferences.
Unlike traditional weight loss methods, weight loss hypnotherapy offers a holistic approach that addresses the root causes of weight gain. It helps you identify and overcome emotional triggers, manage stress, and develop a healthy relationship with food. By rewiring your subconscious mind, we can empower you to make healthier choices effortlessly, leading to long-term weight loss success.
When it comes to weight loss, consistency is key. That's why our weight loss hypnotherapy program includes ongoing support and guidance from our dedicated team. We will be with you every step of the way, providing motivation, accountability, and tools to ensure your success. From regular check-ins to personalized coaching sessions, we are committed to helping you achieve your weight loss goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Ready to embark on your weight loss journey with Savvy Bariatrics? Say goodbye to crash diets and hello to sustainable results. Experience the transformative power of weight loss hypnotherapy and unlock your full potential. Contact us today to book your consultation and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.
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healthnews101 · 4 years
Hypnosis Offers Hope to Those Trying to Shed Pounds in 2020
Hypnosis Offers Hope to Those Trying to Shed Pounds in 2020
Weight loss is often a lot more complex than it seems. On the surface, you’d think that just working out a little more often would get you in better shape. After that you might start trying to incorporate a diet as well, which comes with its own challenges of finding out which diet is right for you.
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Then you start to learn that there are all these little tips and tricks – small things that you…
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HYPNOTHERAPY - The most effective way to lose weight
Maintaining physical fitness is one of the most challenging tasks for a person in today’s modern world. Technology is evolving so fast that the physical task is reducing in our day to day life. This is leading to a lot of people being overweight in the world.
However, there are specific ways to reduce weight. The core is to work out and eat the right kind of meals, but some treatments give great results when done with regular exercise. One of these treatments is Hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy services in Melbourne are known to be one of the most effective ways of weight loss with a success rate of over 90 percent.
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a process in which a therapist re-wires the sub-conscious mind of the patient. This treatment usually helps the patient to get self-motivated to follow a diet or workout. The therapist puts the patient in a deep relaxation state. Hence, the therapist understands the reasons behind not developing an organized life. There are various weight loss Hypnotherapists all over the world. We recommend you to go to a therapist with the right amount of experience and results.
You will be surprised to know that there is hypnotherapy for children also which is mainly practiced in the Melbourne hypnotherapy clinics. You may also take online weight loss Hypnotherapy services which are conducted by leading hypnotherapists in Melbourne. These services are easy to assess and cost-effective too.
Beneficial for whom?
Hypnotherapy is highly effective for those who face problems in maintaining a consistent workout schedule.  This treatment also helps you to manage your weight. Many people know Hypnotherapy as weight loss management hypnosis.
There is a misconception that, hypnotherapist controls the mind of the patient. However, this is not true. The therapist works as a psychologist for you. They help you understand yourself and find the reasons behind overweight. Hence, it doesn’t have any ill effect on the mind; instead, it gives positive results.
Also, Hypnotherapy is one of the few treatments that are beneficial for all age groups.  Hypnotherapy for kids and old age people is considered to be one of the most effective weight loss treatments. However, these services are mainly observed in the Melbourne Hypnotherapy clinic.
There are many Hypnotherapists in Melbourne. However, very few provide the service of Hypnotherapy weight loss in Melbourne. However, you must keep in mind that there is no such thing as the best therapist. Each therapist has a different way of connecting with their patients. Hence, you should do in-depth research to find out the Best Hypnotherapist in Melbourne for you.
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seddonhypnotherapy · 9 months
The Power of the Mind: How Hypnotherapy and EFT Can Transform Your Life.
Are you ready to unlock the hidden potential within your own mind? Imagine being able to tap into a limitless source of self-improvement, healing, and personal growth. In this fast-paced world, we often overlook the incredible power that lies within our minds. But what if I told you that hypnotherapy and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) have the ability to transform your life in ways you never thought possible?
Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery as we delve into the fascinating world of these transformative practices. So sit back, relax, and prepare to unleash the true power of your mind!
Introduction to Hypnotherapy and EFT
If you’re looking to transform your life, you may want to consider hypnotherapy and EFT.
Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses relaxation and suggestions to help people change their habits, thoughts, and emotions. EFT, or emotional freedom technique, is a form of psychotherapy that uses acupressure and tapping on specific points on the body to help release emotions.
Both Best Hypnotherapy Melbourne and EFT can be powerful tools for change. If you’re struggling with an issue like anxiety, depression, or addiction, these therapies can help you make lasting changes. Here’s a closer look at how each therapy works and what you can expect.
With hypnotherapy, the goal is to enter a state of deep relaxation called a trance. In this state, your mind is more open to suggestions. The therapist will make suggestions that are aimed at helping you change your behaviour or thought patterns. For example, if you’re trying to quit smoking, the therapist may suggest that cigarettes taste bad or make you feel sick.
EFT works by tapping on specific points on the body while focusing on a particular issue or emotion. This helps to release the emotion and break the connection between the problem and the negative feeling. For example, if you’re struggling with anxiety, you might tap on your forehead while saying, “Even though I have this anxiety, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
How Does Hypnotherapy Work?
The mind is a powerful tool that can be used to help heal the body and overcome challenges. Hypnotherapy and EFT are two techniques that tap into the power of the mind to help people transform their lives.
Hypnotherapy works by inducing a state of relaxation in which the subconscious mind is more open to suggestion. The therapist then makes positive suggestions to the client that can help them overcome their challenges.
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EFT, or emotional freedom technique, is a form of energy psychology that uses tapping on acupuncture points to release negative emotions and beliefs. This technique can be used to help people overcome fears, phobias, anxiety, and other issues.
Both hypnotherapy and EFT are effective techniques that can help people overcome challenges and improve their lives.
How Does EFT Work?
EFT is a form of psychological acupuncture that uses acupressure points on the body to help balance the energy system. It is based on the idea that all emotions are caused by a disruption in the body's energy field.
EFT is said to help re-balance the body's energy system by tapping on specific points on the body. This is done with the fingertips open and can be done anywhere at any time.
There are many different variations of EFT, but they all involve tapping on specific points on the body while focusing on a particular issue or concern. The goal is to release the negative emotions associated with the issue being addressed.
EFT has been shown to be an effective treatment for a variety of issues, including anxiety, stress, phobias, PTSD, addictions, weight loss, pain management, and more.
Hypnosis and EFT have been used for centuries to help people achieve their goals. By tapping into the power of your subconscious mind, you can take control of your life and unlock personal potential. Whether it's managing stress, smoking cessation, or overcoming anxieties or phobias, hypnotherapy Melbourne and EFT are powerful tools that may be helpful in reaching desired outcomes. With the guidance of a professional hypnosis or EFT practitioner Melbourne, these techniques can provide amazing results for those ready to make positive changes in their lives.
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Use weight loss hypnosis Melbourne for rapid results
Diets do not operate. Research recommends that dieters typically weigh a lot more 5 years after starting a diet regimen plan than they did when they began.We all comprehend how to drop weight in theory, which just makes it more frustrating! Diet regimen programs is not enduring, it's a cycle of eating, fixation, deprival and also regret. The excellent information is it doesn't have to be like this; there is a much less difficult technique i.e weight loss hypnosis Melbourne. The distinction is, Evolution Hypnotherapy get to the origin of the problems.
Evolution Hypnosis love to see our clients leave their session with a smile as well as also the idea that factors are going to get far better. We supply hope, and the excellent function of hypnotherapy is that it's known as a short-term treatment. That means that unlike lots of other therapies, outcomes take place reasonably quickly. Although we're all numerous, clients usually report seeing a prompt improvement.
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