#huan ‘good dog best protective babysitter’
tanoraqui · 1 year
Continuation of the Silmarillion Superhero AU, specifically expansion on Celebrimbor’s Haunted House Adventure. Cheerfully self-indulgent.
The door to the office of the CEO of Fëa Technologies, Inc. was cracked open. By the twinkle of city lights coming in through the hallway windows and the faint glow of his sword, Valiant inspected it carefully for wires strung across the gap, tripping hazards on the floor, a bucket full of Eru knew what propped against the inner doorframe. Every few seconds, he paused to listen intently for the quiet whir of electronics, any electronics.
He was perfectly aware that a camera was watching his every move and that he looked completely ridiculous. But it had been a long night.
Finding nothing, he used the tip of his sword to push the door another inch open. Someone was breathing in there, and shifting as though restless. But no new traps triggered…yet.
He kicked the door the rest of the way open and strode into the dark office.
Valiant knew where everything in this room lay. The tall, broad central desk, built to intimidate. The respectably stuffed bookcases, at least one of which disguised a hidden door, with a handful of comfortable chairs beside them for more casual conversation. The rare original art on two walls, the family crest on a third, and the floor-to-ceiling windows that made up the fourth, now tuned to impenetrable darkness.
A single beam of light illuminated only the tall-backed black chair behind the desk.
It swiveled to reveal its occupant: a nine-year-old boy with light skin and dark hair, and electric-blue eyes bright with the Light of Vala-derived powers. He was wearing pajamas with a cartoon robot on the shirt. In one hand he held a tablet computer, screen out of view, and with the other he stroked a roomba which was whirring softly on his lap. A pile of what were probably encyclopedias boosted his seat on the chair, which (along with the desk) was made for a man over six feet tall.
“Congratulations, Hero, for surviving my Tower of Terror!” he cried.
Fingon lowered his sword, though he didn’t quite lean against the doorframe. Nor did he discount the roomba. One of those things had eaten half a sleeve of his semi-indestructible supersuit.
“Tyelpë, where is your uncle.”
“My name is ‘Spark,’” the young villain argued, leg bouncing petulantly.
“Alright, Spark. Where is your uncle?”
[keep reading on AO3]
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