valofthevilla · 5 years
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I wish I felt this sassy today. . I don’t. . I didn’t sleep at all and my mind went into over drive. Self doubt crept in and I second guessed everything. EVERY. THING. My parenting, my business, my training, my housekeeping (yes even that 🤦🏻‍♀️) . So to say I was in a funk today, is an understatement. . My husband was kinda freaking out. Lol. He thought he should be looking for an apartment. 🙄😂 . It’s not him and it’s not me either. It’s just a funk. We’re not going to feel like confident badasses every day. . We just need to remember that we ARE badasses and are entitled to feeling just BLEH every now and again. Tired? Hormonal? Sick? Human? Retrograding Mercury? (whatever that is) . Whatever it is, this too shall pass and I’ll just take it as a moment reflection and NEED for rest. . So, get some rest and get ready to start the week refreshed and ready to kick some 🍑. . My 100 day group starts tomorrow and nothing is more motivating than doing things with your tribe. 💪🏼 . . Grateful for my tribes: #treasuretribe #htxteam38 #houstonlatinabloggers #teamDetermination - they set my ❤️ on 🔥 & lift me up. 🥰 (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0e_HosANBa/?igshid=151by2sm6xqzs
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