#htba jack smut
Celebrate Valentine's Day!
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Welcome, welcome. These fics are 18+ NSFW female reader inserts with Joe Keery and Joseph Quinn characters (no RPF). If you are a minor, please do not interact. All fics include tags of possibly triggering content which you can read before you proceed!
Links will be added daily as the fics drop! First drops February 1st!!
❤ \\ Bee's Masterlist // ❤
Week One Keery Spotlight!
Clinomania || ft. Steve Harrington | Day One + Steve + Chocolate!
Fire Hazard || ft. Kurt Kunkle | Day Two + Kurt + Candles!
Getting Off || ft. Walter McKeys | Day Three + Keys + Ring
Spicing Things Up || ft. Jack HTBA | Day Four + Nurse Jack + Kisses
(Un)Virtual Valentine || ft. Walter McKeys | Day Six + Keys + Card
My Big Shot, My Star || ft. Steve Harrington | Day Five + Steve + Presents
If you missed it: the plan to post the rest of these fics on time has failed HOWEVER these are not being abandoned! The decor of these fics may change, but as they are completed (❤ I'll get to them when I get to them ❤), they will be linked here and available to read on my Masterlist.
Happy holidays, loves 💋
Venus & Aphrodite || ft. Jack HTBA | Day Seven + Nurse Jack + Flowers
Week Two Quinn Spotlight!
TBD || ft. Eddie Munson | Day Eight + Eddie + Card
TBD || ft. Tom Grant | Day Nine + Tom + Presents
TBD || ft. Eddie Munson | Day Ten + Eddie + Candles
TBD || ft. Ralph Penbury | Day Eleven + Ralph + Ring
TBD || ft. Leonard Bast | Day Twelve + Leonard + Party
TBD || ft. Billy Knight | Day Thirteen + Billy + Flowers
TBD || ft. Eddie Munson | Day Fourteen + Eddie + Kisses
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Spicing Things Up
❤ A Valentine's Day Special ❤
Summary || [How To Be Alone’s Jack X Female Reader SMUT] You show Jack your extraterrestrial appendages and after some freaking out, you get to show him how much fun they can be. 
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Girlfriend Reader Has Tentacles | 5.3k words | NO BETA/ SELF-EDITED, Swearing, Valentine’s Day Theme, Prompt: “Day Four + Jack HTBA + Kisses,” Light Angst, Alien!Reader, Faux Alien Anatomy, Mentions of Having Children, Xenophilia/Teratophilia, Kissing, Safe Word Checking, Sub!Jack, Anal (male receiving), Gaping, Overstimulation, No Contraceptive.
More Valentines! | Other Keery Fics | Masterlist
You didn’t mean to set this up on February the Fourteenth, but you figured it wouldn’t matter much given it is just as good a day as any to get dumped by your loving and caring but painfully normal boyfriend. You had heard from a friend of a friend that Jack had bought a ring and, yes, it doesn’t exactly mean he bought that ring, however if it was for an engagement, then you were now racing against time to tell him your crucial and very classified secret!
A secret that, on several occasions, had ended with you alone. Sometimes through your own fault of waiting too long to say it or having it revealed on accident without preparation. All of those partners had to have their minds erased, and one occasion had gotten so out of hand, there was a whole town in Middle of Nowhere, Arizona that had to be mind wiped. You didn’t want that with Jack, he is the world to you and if you can help it, you actually want to spend the rest of your life with him! And yet you also need to be realistic with yourself and remember that ultimately he may choose to leave despite everything you have been through together. 
Jack already left for the hospital to start his shift, so unfortunately you have plenty of time to kill...
To distract yourself from your catastrophic thoughts, you decide to decorate the house. Streamers, plushies, banners– the dollar store makes bank on your one trip to get supplies. And the baking? You’ve gone completely overboard, made more cookies and cupcakes and brownies that you and Jack could ever stomach in a lifetime. You decorate them with pink, red, and white icing and heart shaped sprinkles until there is no kitchen counter space left. 
It makes you look nervous– well you are nervous. You told Jack that you had something serious that you wanted to tell him six days in advance. And he’s been great, amazing even, in holding off questions and making nice while you spiral up and down like trying to hang on to a roller coaster from the outside. 
“It’s nothing bad,” you had said more to assure yourself than him. “And it’s nothing to do with you either!,” you interrupted yourself in the hopes that you weren’t inadvertently driving him just as mad with worry as you were doing to yourself. If Jack was upset or losing his mind, he was doing an excellent job at disguising it. Aside from a few concerned looks, he seemed to be handling it with relative ease. 
You take a seat to catch your breath and suddenly realize you’re exhausted. Everything with a clock face or tells time had been turned off by you in the morning to keep you from counting the seconds until Jack gets home. You haven’t eaten lunch and realize as you look out the window it’s well past noon, maybe three or four pm. 
God, maybe if Jack does break up with you, you’ll just get a cat. One that loves to cuddle and play, one with enough panache to demand food when it's hungry and maybe help you do the same for yourself. At first you think about just throwing together a bowl of cereal, but Jack is still not going to be home for hours so you switch gears and make yourself something decent (after moving the baked goods off the stove and onto the kitchen table). 
Cook. Takes time and attention, savoring the smells and growing hungrier as you move steps closer to your goal. Eat. Taste every bite and make notes about what you could do better next time and what ingredients you’ll need in the future. Wash. Take everything by hand and scrub and rinse and dry with robotic calm and care. Hum a tune so you don’t have to look at your phone and get concerning messages that might pull you away for your very important date tonight. 
Jack comes home early. You hear the keys in the door and are convinced that somehow you have imagined them, until the door swings open and your boyfriend appears bathed in warm sunlight in his blue scrubs with a dozen red roses in his hands. And that smile, that easy tug at the corner of his lips that crinkles the skin around his kind eyes and makes your heart melt into a puddle. If you weren’t already leaning over the sink, your ass would be sprawled out on the floor from weakened knees. 
“Hi, baby! D’you miss me?” 
“Of course I did,” you say and you mean it, you really did. 
You drop the soapy fork in the sink and hug him, peppering kisses all over his freckled cheeks and drinking in the scent morning cologne, dry sweat, and hand sanitizer on him. He tries and fails several times to capture your lips with his own, giggling as he is forced to shove the flowers into your hands and hold you still so he can finally kiss you properly. And you melt into each other, bodies pressing together like magnets and crushing some of the roses’ petals. 
The moment ends when he pulls away from your kiss to glance down at you lovingly. He always does that, sappy romantic gazes that makes you feel like the only person in the whole world, and you feel your resolve to tell him the truth slip out of your hands like a live fish. Maybe he never has to know. Maybe you can hide it for decades and just tell him that you are unfortunately infertile. Maybe you can adopt a cat and a baby and call it good! 
But you’ve tried that before. It always slips out, and you can’t gaslight them into believing they didn’t see something they clearly had. So instead, you pick up your resolve (which is still flopping like a desperate fish) and try to hold on to it a little longer. Almost there. 
“How was your day?,” Jack asks, rubbing your back and stepping away to remove his shoes and put them by the door. “I dropped at least three things on my shift today, but thankfully no babies.” 
“I’m sure the parents were thrilled when you told them that joke,” you quip dryly. 
Jack laughs and discards his lanyard on the key hook by the door. “Oh geez, that’s a good way to get myself blacklisted from every hospital in the state!” 
You look around the apartment feeling a little self conscious. “Well, you can probably see I spent most of my day decorating.” 
Jack makes a show of looking up and around, his eyes bulging at the dessert covered counters before falling back on you with a sympathetic and amused look. “Yes, I can. It looks great, baby. We can probably, uhm, take some of those treats to the neighbors.” 
You laugh together awkwardly. It feels like your heart is beating uncomfortably against your rib cage and your stomach is vibrating with anxiety. 
It's time to tell him your secret. 
In the bedroom, you make him sit. Then stand. Then sit again. Trying to calculate for the possibility of him fainting and causing the least amount of physical damage when he falls. He stands in front of the end of your shared bed obediently but you can see that he's running out of patience with your indecision and nerves. 
Meanwhile you babble incoherently, trying to balance the narrative and prepare him for either entirely mediocre news or the worst thing he has ever heard in his entire life that will uproot his whole existence and lead to him needing to be neuralized.
"Sweetheart, please," Jack interrupts before you can shoot off on another extremely nervous tangent. "Just… tell me what it is." 
You bite your finger so hard you leave indents. "... I have something to show you." 
Hadn't he been listening to anything you were saying just now? Well, he was probably gaining net zero information with the way you rambled and backtracked and contradicted yourself. No more games, just do it. 
You force your hands to rest rigidly at your sides and lift your chin. "It's my body. Something you don't know about it… something I'm not supposed to tell you about unless our relationship is truly serious." 
Jack shifts in his seat looking worried. "Okay…" 
"I probably wouldn't even ever tell you about it, except that if we want kids together, you know someday not now, like five or ten years from now, if you still want to be with me, it will be important," you add. 
"Right you said that," Jack sighs and rubs his temples. "And you said it's not an infectious disease. And it's not 'bad' but it's not 'normal' and and and– sweetheart! All this… anxiety and stalling is unnecessary. You know me, sweetheart, I'm a rational guy. I'm going to react rationally." 
"Yes, and I love you for that. But…" and you take a breath like it will be your last. "Right now, I am going to ask you to be more than rational. I need you to open your mind and expand it beyond the realm of your known reality because what I'm going to show you… is not for traditionally sound minds." 
Jack swallows roughly, then gives you a serious nod. 
As he watches you, something moves beneath your shirt. Slithering movements expand like a living creature hidden beneath the fabric. What the fuck is that…, he wonders, and his confusion compounds with fear as a slithering something falls out beneath the hem and reveals itself. It curls upward and uncurls at the end, prehensile and dexterous. It looks like a tail, or a tentacle, or… but… what even... did you have an octopus under your shirt? Did you somehow get your hands on animatronics and think you could scare him with it? Is this payback for making you watch The Thing?
Another one follows, then another, until there are four distinct worm-shaped waving things, all undulating as if they are independent minds that have agreed in a telepathic language that they are collectively discomforted by being watched. 
Jack wants to glance at your face but he cannot tear his eyes away from the abnormal growths that are supposedly connected to you. His brain struggles to reconcile all this information and can't seem to sort anything rationally. He knows your body– or he thought he knew your body– where have these things been that he never noticed them before? So then it has to be a prank or a lie but that also doesn't make sense because why the fuck would you do that to him? 
The– he can't stop thinking of them as– tentacles seem to shrivel away from him and he watches your clammy hands pull your shirt back down over them… yet he can still see the impression of them, hiding, pressed against your belly. 
The disconnection of visual dissonance makes him blink and feel relief. He tries to stand abruptly and instantly his vision goes black and ringing fills his ears. Your hands– your normal human hands– grab his arms and help him sit back down to recover. Your terrified face swims back into focus. 
"Are you okay? Do you need water?" 
Jack's hands grip your sweater hard as he asks, "what are those things? Where did they come from? Why, how, what…" 
You look away uncomfortably and try your best to answer calmly. "Well, we consider them just as limbs, but to you they might seem like extra, flexible appendages. They come from… well, you probably misidentified it as a naval, but people of my species don't have umbilical scars. We…" you swallow, "pull our limbs inside to protect them from physical attack and… to blend in." 
You stroke his hair to comfort him (and yourself). "Yeah, I'm… not really human. Uh aliens are real– we’re not evil abductors or impregnators though, by the way– and there are like billions of species just on Earth alone, not every alien is like me. You know that movie Men In Black? It's exactly like that! Actually it's a fictional documentary, Lowell Cunningham worked at the agency for decades before he became a comic book creator." 
Jack nods like a bobble head and tries to stand again, this time successfully, but he starts to back away from you, inching towards the bathroom. 
"I need a minute. I need, I need a minute." 
Jack stumbles over his feet seeking salvation in the form of the 4 x 5 foot windowless concrete cell that the landlord called a “full bathroom” and who charges extra on your monthly rent for the aptly named “Brutalist aesthetic.” There’s a plywood door, porcelain toilet and sink, tiny mirror cabinet, and claustrophobic shower nook– the only bit of personalization is the foldable shelf you and Jack built together so you can do your make-up. While the room was uncomfortable by design, having a moment to himself was necessary to gain back some sanity. 
Jack splashes water in his face and pops a squat on the floor, hugging his knees to his chest and closing his eyes. 
Aliens are apparently real and his girlfriend is one of them. It’s a lot for a sensible guy like Jack to take in especially on a Wednesday. His mind went involuntarily to the engagement ring he had ordered to be made just a few weeks ago before you had suddenly told him you needed to share something serious. But what does you being an alien change– other than his entire understanding of the universe and his place in it? 
Jack blows a heavy breath and stands up, shaking the tingling feeling out of his legs. Leaving the bathroom was the hardest thing he had ever done, and finding you crying silently at the kitchen table surrounded by the Valentine’s Day cupcakes you so lovingly decorated broke his heart. He decides to show no fear. Jack pulls a chair up right next to you and pulls you into his arms. He realizes he can’t feel your "extra appendages" anywhere and his shoulders relax only to add more guilt like a weight in his stomach.  
You cling to him so needily that he rubs your back and shushes you gently. “It’s uhm, it’s going to be okay, sweetheart, but I-I do have questions…” 
Sniffling, you sit up and swipe a hand over your cheek, “of course! Anything.” 
Something about feeling you in his arms, a real being and not a delusion but not entirely the person that he had thought that you were, it allowed him to ground himself further into this new reality. 
“Well what, uhh… how different is your anatomy to, like, humans?” 
Your mouth crooks into a smile and you try to clean your face as you answer. “It’s very similar– well on the outside. I mean if a medical professional cut me open, they’d probably notice something off with my organs. But aside from the extra appendages… no. This face and this body isn’t a facade, it’s all me, there’s just a little bit more.” 
“Okay,” Jack sighs and sinks into your arms furthrr. Then he half jokes, “now, tell me about those tentacles.” 
You laugh and it’s like the fear from earlier evaporates between you two. “They are not tentacles! We have our own words for them, not that it would make sense to you. But I guess if that’s the closest approximation you have in your Human language, then fine, call them tentacles.” 
Growing hungry, the conversation pauses as you take a break to sate your rumbling stomachs and then you both lay down in your bed with the television on mute. Jack brings up the tentacles again and you trace the V-neckline of his scrub shirt as you try to answer. 
“Well, I have five of them, which is pretty standard. To describe them it in Human terms: they have high strength and dexterity, but low health and constitution.” 
“D&D lingo? Very sexy.” 
“Shut up,” you giggle. “We can have kids together, if you are concerned about that. Yes, they will probably have tentacles too and have to be taken to my family’s physician– which is what you should do for me in all future emergencies, by the way. We can have human kids if you really really want, but I don’t think you’re going to be fully on board with the How.” 
“Could you elaborate on that,” Jack asks. 
You boop his nose, “Nope!” 
You both dissolve into laughter and when it dies down, your eyes start to droop. Waiting to have this huge, world altering talk with Jack was beyond nerve racking, and now that it’s over, you are officially drained. Yet Jack seems to have other ideas and he tries to keep you awake with kisses along your neck in spots he knows are sensitive to his touch. 
“You said you have five but you only showed me four,” he whispers against the spot behind your ear. “Am I correct in thinking that that one is different from the others?” 
You hum an affirmative and allow him to turn you over onto your back where he hovers over your side and slips his hand under your shirt. His kisses become more aggressive and he turns your head over to lavish kisses on the other side of your neck. While a part of you hoped he would become comfortable enough with your body to explore newer avenues of intimacy, you had fully expected it to take weeks or months, however the way he is touching you makes you wonder for a second if he erased his own memory of the reveal. 
“What are you doing?” You can’t help but giggle as his hair tickles your skin. “What’s gotten into you all of a sudden?” 
Jack’s warm hand caresses higher, brushing against the edge of your bra as his frenzied kisses continue. “I was thinking about how you made me wait to tell me about your ‘extra appendages’ until the lover’s holiday, and I question how coincidental it is.” 
He lifts his head and wags his eyebrows at you until you cover his face with your hands. 
“No, it’s not like that! It really was an accident,” you say defensively. “That being said, you changed your mind real fast about my tentacles when you started thinking about sex!” 
“Well how do you know I wasn’t into it before? You know, tentacles are getting pretty popular in the human adult film industry…” 
Jack may be mostly teasing, but you suspect there is probably a kernel of truth hidden in his joke; a sort of half admission of interest (which is great for your sex life, all things considered).  Your boyfriend has already proven himself to be pretty adventurous when it comes to sex, always open to experimentation and even suggesting some things himself. But this was a little different from introducing safewords, handcuffs and other instruments into sex… 
“We don’t have to, baby,” you say. You hold his face in your hands so he can look you in your eye as you continue, “I mean, sex is one of many of their functions, but… you aren’t going to hurt my feelings if you want to leave them out of sex, and know that I am not ‘missing out’ on pleasure by doing so. Okay?” 
“I understand what you’re saying… and I want it,” Jack replies, pressing his forehead against yours. You feel the hard line of his cock against your thigh and the fast beating of his heart against your own chest. “I trust you with my body and– if it really is all the same to you– I think I’d like to see what you can with those things.” 
Heat floods up through your belly and into your throat which constricts reflexively. “I just want you to be sure, baby. Promise me you’ll tell me if you want to stop?” 
“Of course,” he replies as he massages your thigh. “We can use the traffic light system or whatever you call it!” 
Finally feeling confident, you both take things slow. Kissing in between discarding clothes, lips connecting wherever you can reach each other as you strip down to your underwear– including when Jack takes down your pants and your underwear at the same time and planting hot kisses on your mound. 
Standing up, Jack folds his glasses and sets them neatly on the nightstand before slipping his underwear down his legs. You watch his stiff cock jet upwards and make a light slap against his stomach before settling, hard and proud. Your bra flies across the room and you lay back again, intent on letting him be on top so as not to make him feel trapped beneath you if he suddenly decided your body was a little too monstrous for his psyche. 
As a test, you wait until Jack is climbing over your body to allow your smaller tentacles to unfurl and reach out to him. It does startle him– he freezes for a second before he settles on his haunches and watches intensely as you lay your them gently against his skin. Your extra limbs are warm to the touch, moisturized but not slimy, and Jack strokes the one climbing up his hip to find it very reactive. 
“Can you feel that?” He knows he probably sounds ignorant, but he says it anyway and watches the curious tentacle curl around his wrist. 
“Yes, I can feel you,” you whisper. “I can feel everything. They’re very sensitive but not as sensitive as…” 
Jack can tell you are prioritizing his comfort and feels grateful for it as his body and mind adjust to the extra stimulation. He does have to remind himself that these things are a part of you and not some unknown entity sharing your body, but the nerves quickly turn to excitement as your tentative exploration becomes bolder. One slithers close to his junk, looping itself around his cock and balls and tightening like a living cock ring which elicits a gasp from him. 
“Color?,” you immediately prompt. 
“Green, very green…” 
Jack becomes obsessed with the way you look now; you were laid out beneath him like an empress on a chaise lounge. You were touching him all over his body even with your hands inert and resting on the pillows beneath your head. A tentacle slinks loosely around his neck leaving him breathless with anticipation. 
“Go on,” he moans and feels the limb become snug and start to pull him forward. Jack is forced to bend forward as he watches you rise to meet him for a kiss. 
But he’s losing his balance and he discovers his hands are bound behind his back. Then something heavy pushes back on his chest and keeps him in the air as your lips meet his for a passionate tangling of tongues. The heavy thing holding him up was almost unnaturally warm and he had to peek at it. What he saw made his cock throb. 
“I know I said it was more sensitive than the others, but did I mention it was bigger, too?,” You tease him, letting him back up to sit and properly marvel at your last secret. 
Your fifth tentacle can only be described as girthy. The end doesn’t taper like the others do, it’s blunted and therefore a little phallic looking, and it carries with it a strength that exists nowhere else in your body. Jack can’t stop wondering if the strange shape of the tip is indicative of a hole or just extra skin. A name for it involuntarily forms in his lust filled mind as it caresses over his body with far more greed than the rest have: the Bully. 
“Green,” Jack wheezes. You hadn’t asked, but he wants you to do something– anything– to him, especially with that thing! 
Your hand ends up in the hair at the nape of his neck. “Easy, baby.” 
You lift yourself again and settle into a different position; this time straddling him and adjusting a smaller tentacle from a makeshift cock ring to a grip that allows you to pump his neglected shaft. The second his hands shift with a need to touch, you release him there too and tease a few more sensitive parts of him. Meanwhile, Jack’s hands find purchase around the Bully, stroking it with reverence and licking his lips in a way you can’t ignore. 
“Jack, do you want to…” 
He’s already opening his mouth and dragging his tongue over the tip and delighting in the way it makes you shiver. Further confirmation that you can feel it, and he’s quick to apply himself to liberally spreading his spit around the appendage and bobbing his head with a practiced motion. 
“God you’re gorgeous, baby. You like having your mouth full, huh?” 
Jack pulls back on the tip to moan a positive response before taking the Bully a little deeper and feeling it bump the back of his throat. That’s when he feels the Bully move by itself, fucking into his mouth and he stops gagging quickly once he’s made the adjustment. Your little noises tell him exactly what he needs to hear and he feels his mind slipping into a submissive headspace which he hadn’t experienced in a while. 
“Good boy, Jack,” you purr and switch so your hand is stroking his cock. “Think you’d want this thing somewhere… else?” You can feel his cock jump in your hand and spread the pre-cum around the skin there. "Fuck, okay, baby. Need you inside me first." 
The Bully pops out of Jack's mouth and he has to blink stars out of his eyes. He hugs you to his chest and peppers kisses all over your neck as you try and maneuver around his clinginess. 
“Babe, that tickles,” you say, and your giggling turns to a gasp as you feel his tip catch at your entrance. “Oh fuck…” 
Jack hisses in your ear as he impales you. “Mh, so tight, sweetheart. Go ahead and relax… that’s it, oh-ho– so perfect.” 
Without letting you go, Jack returns you to the bed and locks his arm around your waist. It takes you a second to find a placement for your legs but you settle on crossing your ankles and digging your heels into the small of his freckled back. Your smaller tentacles tease his ass, feeling the muscles flex as he thrusts shallowly into you. Light sweat coats both your bodies and your tentacles have a special coating that lubricates a little bit better. 
Jack’s panting against your collarbone turns to a whiny moan as his hole is breached and instantly he wants more. You don’t make him wait long and it isn’t until the third slips in that he feels a tightness and stretching. 
Jack’s cock is hitting so deep you feel like it's puncturing your lungs. “G-green, baby?” 
He buries his face in your breasts and groans like an animal, “yesss, fuck, please…” 
The Bully is slippery– Jack can feel it leaving slick trails as it surges and pushes out from the limited space between your bellies. The trail continues as it works around his hip and Jack loses his pace as he feels the other tentacles opening him wider. There’s pressure at his entrance before the Bully– your thick, wet tentacle– breaches the muscles and slips inside. 
For only a moment, all five of your appendages are inside him before the little ones retract but they are barely noticed by Jack, whose mouth falls open and his eyes widen as they lock onto your beautiful face and he feels like he’s being split apart. 
His whole body tenses up, squeezing the intrusion and burying his own cock deeper inside you. Jack takes a few deep breaths and relaxes just enough to let you push in further, and he sucks air between his teeth as he feels the Bully slide deep enough to touch his prostate. 
You watch the myriad of chaotic expressions cross your boyfriend’s face and feel something resembling sadistic entertainment as you watch him try and fail to process all of the pleasure assaulting him. Your clit needs no stimulation with the way his muscles constrict on your extra appendage because they stimulate you the same. 
You hum and stroke your hands over his arms. "So tight, baby. So perfect…" 
Jack bows his head as his body adjusts to the stretch and shivers as he realizes the Bully is so deep it's making his stomach bulge. Black and stars dance at the edges of his vision like a vignette. His brain's ability to function glitches like a computer game with lag, yet his eyes rover over your torso and your face without keeping much of the information beyond pretty, pretty, good, touch, so full, warm.  
You twist the Bully like a key in an ignition and the noise that Jack makes is so loud his face turns beet red. 
"If you keep looking at me like that, I'm going to come," you chuckle breathlessly and caress his face.  
Jack's breathing is ragged and he answers by thrusting his hips backwards into the Bully, then thrusting forwards to sheath himself in your guts and repeating mindlessly. The vignette of darkness creeps further into his view and almost begins to obscure his vision of you completely, but he doesn't stop because he's so close and his pleasure transcends all other thoughts and reason. 
Your own moans crescendo over the ringing in his ears and the moment you tight around his sensitive cock, Jack explodes. 
His sack tightens and he pumps hot jets into your womb (he presumes, your anatomy is now a mystery to him), his body shakes with the force of his release and he babbles incoherently until he is hoarse. He feels the Bully pulse inside of him in time with your orgasm and pull out suddenlu just as he collapses into your arms. 
"Holy fucking shit," you pant. 
Jack weighs heavy on your body but you can still breathe it's just a little constricted. Using the heels of your feet, you massage his thighs and rub his back with your hands as you boyfriend comes down from his high. You almost worry that he's somehow suffered a heart attack and died, except for the fact that his heart is still beating. 
"Jack, are you still with me, baby?" He doesn't move a muscle but his breath on your collarbone tells you enough. "Think we're gonna need a nap after that." 
Jack snorts and says in a gravelly voice, "way ahead of you…" 
Needing to move before your legs fall asleep, you roll until you can slide out from under Jack, who falls limp into the space you left behind. You don't do much clean up aside from wiping the cum leaking onto your inner thigh and then you crawl back into bed, taking an extra soft blanket to throw of both of you as the room grows cold. 
"Hey…" Jack reaches out and grasps your thick tentacle (which you had forgotten was still out). "What's all this?" 
You look between him and the limb and back again. "What do you mean?" 
"The, the… spots, there are spots but there weren't spots before…" 
Jack's brow furrows and he runs his thumb over your skin. He hadn't seen anything special color-wise until now– ovalish rings have appeared with black outlines and color changing pulses on the inner edge of the spots, blinking like a psychedelic pattern. Was he tripping right now? 
"Oh!," you snapped your fingers and laugh, "Humans can't typically see these colors which is why, to you, they suddenly appeared. I should have probably mentioned that the mucus on my tentacles acts like a mild hallucinogen. It'll go away in a few minutes, I promise." 
"Christ," Jack rubs his eyes and laughs as you cuddle under his arm. "Now I know what I'm getting myself into! And… I still love you. Tentacles and all."
You tuck yourself deeper into his side and wrap him up in the way you have always longed to, unable to tame the joy on your face and tingling throughout your body. "I love you so damn much, Jack. Happy Valentine's Day."
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More Valentines! | Main Masterlist
As a writer I have the power of all the gods and no one can stop me from writing freak smut! Like, comment, and reblog if you wanna see more freaky alien sex! BECAUSE I'LL FUCKING DO IT
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