#however by the time we got to madarame we had enough sp and items to use him 2-3 times in a battle
spacetrashpile · 1 year
i’ve been watching my friend play p5 royal for a bit now and i’ve decided that it’s the ideal way to play p5 not because of any story changes or what have you, but because you can unlock isanagi-no-ookami (the god final persona from p4) for basically free at any level and then just myriad truths your way through the rest of the game and it’s the funniest thing in the world
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existential-fox · 7 years
Persona 5 Review
I’ve had time to digest this game fully, to reflect on it, and to consider the full impact of the characters, story, gameplay, and themes. I can say in all confidence that this is a tremendously fun and quirky game that has kept me entertained throughout, however there are some small criticisms that I’d love to see ATLUS improve upon in their next work. They do not detract from the overall package but tending to them would most certainly enhance the experience.
My number one criticism is going to be the repetition of some segments of the game and dialogue. I think it’s necessary to address this and not brush it under the rug as improving on this will make for a more streamline, concise, and engaging game overall.
When I speak of repetition I speak of over used battle dialogue, of dialogue sections where the characters say the same thing over and over but in different ways, of the same song being used throughout the game for standard battle (and it’s a darn good song don’t get me wrong),and palace text reminders. I am not saying that the dialogue needs to be taken away, or even that more has to be added, but that simply sometimes silence is preferable over hearing the same line three times in a row when critical striking enemies. There’s simply too much of it, and while I love some of the battle dialogue (”IT’S TIME FOR SOME BLOOD SHED”) the enormous amount of the same line doesn’t make it feel special or intimate with your teammate, but simply annoying. This certainly isn’t restricted to Persona 5. I think it’s a JRPG trend of sorts but it’s something I feel can be improved upon.
Likewise, I love the story segments of the game but I feel they would flow better with a little less of different characters saying the same thing. I get this is probably a way to help each individual have a part to play but it feels more tedious then constructive, especially when getting to a juicy part and not being able to throw yourself into the plot because it seems to have halted for characters to all have input. I don’t think this is as bad as the battle quotes but it’s still something that could be looked at.
The song thing is...debatable. I love the boss themes and they feel special enough to be enjoyable whenever they come up, however I think a standard theme for each Palace would not be inadvisable. This is a JRPG trend since Final Fantasy and others have often had the same standard battle, but while I have many criticisms of FF XV I do have to note that they did mix up their themes in their large world and having something similar in Persona 5 would not go amiss.
The Palace texts are annoying after a while. I understand for the first palace it is necessary so a new player will not forget, but it gets to a point where you really don’t need to be told every day. You know. Have some faith in players, and if they end up missing it and dying then it’s completely on their head.
My second criticism is a more subjective one. Ryuji. I love this guy. He’s a little blonde and hot headed but he has a massive heart and a determination that can’t be matched easily. However the treatment in parts of the game vary from buttmonkey to full on punching bag. I didn’t like it. In comparison Yusuke and Futaba’s bickering was a lot more enjoyable as they both got the upper hand at points. But Ryuji is always the punching bag to absolutely everyone. Even his amazing moment at the end of Palace 7 is tarnished by a quick “comedy” segment of all the girls beating him up rather then actually fully acknowledging what he did for everyone. Especially considering he.is.a.domestic.abuse.survivor. I can’t say how this could be improved on in another game as it will have different characters, but please...please...don’t shit on one character for the entirety of the game for “comedy”. It gets old and fails to highlight the character’s positives.
The stealth mechanic is strange to handle sometimes I will say. It never mucked up my game but it is frustrating sometimes when you leave cover without meaning to or can’t jump to another cover spot easily even though you know one is there.
The only other criticism I would have is Mementos. It’s too easy. I found palaces challenging and fun, but Mementos a slog at times. I think they did well to include teammate banter and weather affecting how Mementos is, but it feels a little empty still. I don’t expect the puzzles of the palaces but a few optional challenges could be fun- kill ten enemies in a certain time, negotiate with a persona perfectly or end up fighting twice as many, use such and such team members only, etc.- and add in some tempting rewards like lockpick ingredients or SP rewarding items. My ideas are completely pulled out of the air but you get the picture.
Despite all I just said it’s amazing to see how far they’ve improved upon Persona 4 with this game. Social Links/Confidants are a lot more integral to the gameplay and the overall theme of the story. Palaces are unique, atmospheric, and challenging. The music is the best it’s ever been imo. The gameplay has enough going on to keep it fresh with critical strikes, negotiations, guns, stealth, baton passes and so on. I spent most of my game using Yusuke, Makoto, and Ann but I mixed it up in the end simply because I had to with the last two big bosses. Every character has something to bring to the table that another doesn’t, whether that be Morgana being the healing powerhouse with critical luck strikes, or Yusuke with his hard hitting countering evasiveness. 
Story wise this game is easily on par with Persona 4. This is rather subjective but I found myself enjoying the characters a lot more in this one. There isn’t a character I disliked, though there are certainly favorites that I have! I felt that all the characters (and this includes confidants) had a struggle I could relate to. They have all been made to feel taken advantage of or that they don’t belong in what they truly want to do. Fitting in with the theme of what happens in the end, Persona 5′s confidants are all about their relationship with society as much as with the MC you control. They all wear masks because they don’t feel they can show “the true them” in the world they live in. As an existential counsellor I want to say here that a lot of what is said is spot on in regards to the human condition and how we present ourselves. While I didn’t manage to maximise all of the links, I can say Yusuke’s route was my definite favorite due to exactly those reasons above. His route isn’t just the presentation of the human condition of existence, but he actively questions it and debates it while trying to find the answer to his art block. It’s hilarious to watch at times too as this naive art student baffles himself with the concept of love and what it means to different people.
And the humor is on point too. There were several times I was laughing out loud at something a team mate said or a situation they had gotten themselves into. The game most definitely has it’s serious and emotional moments but it hits you just as hard with it’s quirky sense of humor and narm.
The last thing I wanted to talk about was the overarching story and themes.The story tells you that what you see on the surface isn’t always the same underneath, but that both of these sides can equally be true. Polite and studious Makoto doesn’t go away when she embraces her anger inside and her need to stand up for herself, it simply enhances who she already is in both roles. Of course this doesn’t always mean everything we hold inside is true as we see with Futaba but it’s by looking deeply at our own selves that we are able to identify that truth for ourselves rather then running away or living a lie. The game presents people as complex and nuanced (which again is why I love Yusuke’s link as it emphasizes this) rather then as straight up villains or heroes. True, people like Kamoshida are certainly deplorable but the game gives you an understanding in his treasure being an olympic medal, it doesn’t simply present him as evil for the sake of it. The main characters question their motives constantly and even get much too wrapped up in the idea of fame at a certain point. Which is understandable as the game has given ample time to establishing this cast have been ignored and cast aside by society, so of course they would get caught up in it.
The theme of freedom is ever present in the story: the freedom to be yourself, the freedom to make your own choices, the freedom to change, the freedom to help change society etc. The main character is on probation, accused of a crime when he was defending a woman from assault, and a lot of emphasis is put on “whether he is ready to face the consequences of his actions”. I don’t think these words are said lightly or simply meant in terms of an unfair trial. The main character chose to save that woman. Ryuji chose to punch Kamoshida, Ann chose to ignore Kamoshida’s requests to the detriment of her friend. Yusuke chose to ignore the truth of what Madarame was doing. etc. etc. And while in all these instances a person of power has an unfair degree of power over those characters, I think it can also be said that we will always face consequences for our actions and have some responsibility for that. Because we are responsible for our own lives and the world we create for ourselves. I’m truly not saying it is wrong to protect a woman from assault (it’s not), but I’m saying that in doing so you take on the burden of whatever comes next from that decision, good or bad. In that way we are all prisoners of fate, but at the same time we are all free to thus choose how to live our lives.
And that leads me to my very last point. My favorite part of the theme. That we all have our own worlds and have a choice on how we construct them. The world is as real as we make it and perspectives can be changed, as we can change ourselves.
"The whole world is a product of cognition... not just the Metaverse. It can be freely re-made. The same goes for you, and everyone else. Soon a new world will come. One where mankind isn't held captive. The world will shine brightly as long as you hold hope in your hearts. Remember... There's no such thing as the "real" world. What each person sees and feels - those are what shape reality. This is what gives the world infinite potential. Even if you feel that only darkness lies ahead... As long as you hold hands together... See it through as one... the world will never end! The world exists within all of you!"
This is Morgana basically telling the cast and you, the player, that we all have the freedom to change the worlds we exist in. It’s not static, fixed, or fated, it is something we have the power to change even when we feel powerless, we just might need some help from other worlds or people when we feel stuck in order to bring about a new change. It is imperative we don’t forget that as while external factors may have a degree of power over us, the world we shape within ourselves is completely of our own design.
Anyway I’m giving this game 9.8/10 and Yusuke is the best character. 
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ask-the-phan-site · 5 years
Phan Cam: It’s “fairy” true
>King Erendor’s Palace. We just took care of some Shadow as we try to secure a route to his Treasure.
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That last one wasn’t easy.
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No one said Treasure Demons would be.
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But at least we had what we need.
Sky: That’s for sure.
Crow: By the way, I like your new look. Yours and the Specialists.
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Thanks. Apart from designing the girls’ uniforms, Stella made something new for us.
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I’m still curious how she knew I was here for her to make this outfit.
Brandon: (nervous) Well...
Riven: Actually, never mind. Musa probably found out just like I said.
Brandon: ... Yes, that’s probably it.
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Brandon, are you okay?
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Yeah, you’ve been acting weird since we got here.
Brandon: I’m just a little excited. That’s all.
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Alright. Jus’ make sure not to push yourself too hard, okay?
>Brandon just nods.
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Okay, the map says we’re reaching the halfway point. After that, this map will be useless. We’ll have to find another one then.
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It’s my own fault. I didn’t notice it saying that the map was 1 of 2.
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It’s not your fault at all, Timmy. This is just like Madarame’s Palace. It’s grotesquely big for just one map.
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No doubt. Red Fountain was already big enough in the real world, but here, it really is like being in another world.
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Is something wrong, Roy?
Roy: I’m just a little bum that I didn’t get a Season 8 look. I guess that means I really won’t be there, huh?
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I’m sure it’s not so bad. They wouldn’t just dump you like that. They might change their minds.
Roy: I doubt it.
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Give it time. Something will come up.
Roy: I hope you’re right, Mona.
Oracle: Anyway, let’s keep going.
>We make our way to the place where the map can take us until we can get the next one. I notice that Brandon keeps checking his pouch. I wonder what’s in there. I thought about using my Third Eye... But I don’t think it would be polite. We soon arrive at a large set of gates.
Oracle: Let’s see. The next part of the Place should be just behind these gates.
Sky: Let’s see if that key we got from that Shadow earlier can help.
>Sky takes out an iron key and opens the gates.
Riven: Yes, we’re in!
Skull: Let’s go.
>Inside, it looked like the court yard. There were many cage areas with animals in them with masks. The big cage had a huge sign on it.
Sky, the Not-So-Wild Dog
>We looked inside.
Sky: (shocked) So, this is it. This is how my father sees me.
>No doubt. Inside was a cognitive Sky with messy hair, covered in a little dirt, and wearing nothing by a loin cloth.
Cognitive Sky: Arf! Arf! Hello! Me Sky! Welcome to Red Fountain! Daddy loves me! I do what Daddy says! No one else owns me! Not even Bloom! I no love Bloom! Me love Diaspro!
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What a load of bullshit!
Riven: This is a new low. Never thought Erendor would be this gone.
Shadow Erendor’s voice on the pa system: On the contrary, I’m everywhere.
Skull: Hey, you effin d bag! Show yourself! You can’t hide!
Shadow Erendor’s voice: I’m just saving for the big finale. It would spoil the whole thing if I come too soon.
Noir: But this is ridiculing of your own children. Have you no empathy for him or anyone?
Shadow Erendor’s voice: I am merely thinking for the best of everyone. I have no need for such disobedient animals in my kingdom. Who are you to tell me what I should or shouldn’t do? Now, I shall give you my son, one last chance. Ditch these damn fools and join me. Just look at yourself in the cage. He’s happy where he is.
Cognitive Sky: Listen to Daddy, brother! Arf! He know best! Arf!
Sky: You’re not my brother... If anything, Brandon’s more of a brother to me.
Brandon: That’s actually quite true.
Shadow Erendor’s voice: I see. Oh, well. You had your chance. Sky, my pet, please show these thieves what happens when you don’t follow my rules.
>Then, the cage opens and Cognitive Sky comes out.
Cognitive Sky: You shoulda listen to Daddy. Arf! Now... Me kill you now.
>Then, the cognition changes shape.
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Oracle: Persona!
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>Necronomicon scans the Shadow.
Oracle: I got it! It’s weak to Ice. You up for this, Inari?
Fox: I’ll do it.
Sky: Count me in, too.
Skull: I’ll shatter them good!
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Then let’s do it!
>I change Personas as Sky changes elements.
Fox, Joker, Sky, and Skull: Persona!
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>Orthrus uses Summon and call two more Shadows.
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>Goemon uses Mabufula. Orthrus was knocked down and the two Oni were Frozen. Goemon then uses Vicious Strike. The two Oni were shattered with a technical hit. Lachesis uses Marakukaja to raise our defense. Water Elemental uses Mabufula. Neither Oni were Frozen, but were now slightly weaker. Captain Kidd uses Zionga on one of the Oni. It got Shocked. Orthus, who got back up, uses Agilao on Fox. Luckily, he dodged it. The first Oni uses Rampage. Luckily, it wasn’t much of damaging, especially with our defense up. The other Oni was still Shocked. Goemon uses Giant Slice on the Shocked Oni. It was a technical hit. Lachesis uses Bufula on Othrus. It knocks him down again. I pass the baton to Skull and Captain Kidd uses Bad Beat. The Oni that wasn’t Shocked went into Despair. Water Elemental uses Vicious Strike. It was a critical hit on the two Oni.
Sky: Alright, let’s move out!
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>After the attack, Orthrus and the Oni were still up, but the Oni were now weaker. Captain Kidd uses Bad Beat again. Orthrus dodged it, but the Oni were now really weak. Orthrus uses Agilao on Fox. Luckily, he dodged it. The two Oni just attack me. But I’ll be fine. Goemon uses Mabufula. Othrus was knocked down and the two Oni were gone. We don’t do an All-Out-Attack this time, instead, Fox just attacks. Lachesis uses Bufula on Orthrus. So does Water Elemental. Captain Kidd uses Assault Dive.
Oracle: With the Oni gone, taking care of Orthrus will be a breeze.
Orthrus: (getting back up) You think so? Send back up!
>Orthrus uses Summon and three more Oni appear.
Orthrus: See? Plenty more where they come.
>All three Oni uses Rampage. Good thing they weren’t that effective, especially with our defenses up.
Oracle: This is bad. If he can summon more Shadows, this is going to be tough.
Skull: Why are you so worried? All we gotta do is take down Orthrus and no more summonin’ Shadows. Fox, take care of him.
Fox: I will do what I can. Goemon, strike!
>Goemon uses Bufula on Orthrus. It knocks him down. Fox passes the baton to Skull and he has Captain Kidd use Assault Dive on Orthus... However, one of the Oni protects him and takes the hit for him.
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Joker: Let me try.
>I take out my gun and shoot. But somehow, the Oni keep protecting him.
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I don’t understand.
Orthrus: Daddy ordered them to always protect me. No matter what you do, you can’t touch me!
Oracle: This looks bad. We have to get rid of the Oni if we want to get to Orthrus.
Sky: Then we’re just have to try harder. Get ‘em, Elemental!
>Water Elemental uses Mabufudyne. Orthrus dodged it, but all three Oni were Frozen.
Skull: Right! We can’t give up now! Take ‘em down, Captain!
>Captain Kidd uses Deathbound. All three Oni were shattered, but still up.
Orthrus: You won’t win! Me got Daddy on side!
>Orthrus uses Maragi. Fox and Sky are both knocked down and I got Burned. The Oni all use Rampage. Fox gets back up and has Goemon use Mabufula. Orthus is knocked down and two of the Oni Froze. Goemon uses Bufula on the unfrozen Oni. It didn’t Freeze this time. Lachesis uses Bufula also. It Froze this time. Water Elemental uses Vicious Strike. The Oni were shattered and were now weaker.
Skull: Now it’s my turn!
>Captain Kidd uses Maziodyne. The Oni were all gone.
Orthrus: You think that help? Me need more help here!
>Orthrus uses Summon to summon two more Oni and a new Shadow.
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Orthrus: Diaspro, you came!
High Pixie: Of course. I wouldn’t miss a chance to spend time with... my husband.
Sky: (angry) We’re not married! My heart already belongs to Bloom.
?????: You tell them, Sky!
Sky: (surprised) Huh? Who said that?
Brandon: (quickly) That was me. You tell them, Sky!
>I doubt it. High Pixie uses Diarama on Orthrus. The two Oni all use Rampage.
Oracle: It shouldn’t be that hard. Just use Nukes or Guns on High Pixie.
Joker: But if we use Nukes, Orthrus would probably just take the hit like for her like the Oni do for him. And if we use Guns, the Oni will take the hit.
Sky: What if we just took out the Oni with our major elemental skills?
Oracle: Even if we could, Orthrus will just summon more.
Sky: We just have to try.
Joker: Alright. We’ll see what we can do.
>Goemon uses Bufudyne on Orthrus. He dodged it. Lachesis uses Marakukaja.
Oracle: Super move! Ultra Charge!
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>Necronomicon uses Charge and Concentrate on us. Hopefully that will help. Water Elemental uses Mabufudyne. The two Oni were Frozen and High Pixie dodges it. Water Elemental uses Vorpal Blade. The two Oni were shattered, and Orthrus and High Pixie got a lot of damage. Captain Kidd uses Maziodyne. Both Oni took a large hit and High Pixie resists it. Orthrus get’s back up and uses Maragi. It knocks Fox and Sky down and I got Burned. High Pixie uses Garula on Skull. It knocks him down. Then she uses Diarama on Orthrus. One of the Oni attacks. It was a critical hit. The other Oni uses Rampage. Good thing our defenses were raised. Fox gets back up and Goemon uses Mabufudyne. Orthrus and High Pixie dodged it while the Oni get a lot of damage. I get back up and Lachesis uses Mabufula. Orthrus dodges again. Still no Freezing. Then the Burn took some of my health. Water Elemental uses Bufudyne on Orthrus it knocks him down. Then, Sky uses an Extinguish Orb on me.
Sky: That’s it. We’re fresh out of items. We used it all when we fought that Shadow to get the key.
Joker: And we'll be running low on HP and SP soon.
Skull: We can’t give up. Attack ‘em, Captain!
>Captain Kidd uses Agneyastra. The two Oni quickly defended Orthrus and High Pixie. It was a critical hit on those two. Captain Kidd uses Agneyastra again. The two Oni was gone and Skull was low on health.
Skull: That should (pant) help, right? (pant)
High Pixie: Not quite.
>Orthrus gets back up and Summons more Oni.
Joker: This is bad. We’re going to wear ourselves out like this.
Sky: I know. But we can’t give up... If only we had some deus ex machina.
Brandon: ... Actually, we do.
Sky: We do?
?????: Yeah you do!
?????: Let’s do it, girls! Flaming Attack!
>Suddenly, six bight lights came from Brandon’s pouch. One of them shot fire at both Oni, ending them real quickly.
Sky: (surprised) I know those flames... Bloom!?
>Then, the six lights grow... To show six fairies.
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Surprised you, didn’t we?
Riven: Brandon, dude, you told them!?
Brandon: Well...
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Actually, I followed you guys. I simply “convinced” him to tell the rest.
High Pixie: There’s no way I’m going to let you take him from me again, Bloom!
Orthrus: No we me going with you, fire witch.
>Orthrus Summons two more Oni.
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Sonic Percussion!
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Morphix Bolt!
>Musa and Princess Aisha attack two Oni. It halfed their health.
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Now that was some great teamwork.
Princess Aisha: But we’ll see even more once Season 8 comes.
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I know. It’s suppose to be cosmic.
Orthrus: Big deal. Me have own fairy.
High Pixie: We won’t fall to the likes of you commoners.
Princess Stella: Hey, I’ll remind you I’m the Crown Princess of Solaria! Aisha is Princess of Andros! And Bloom is Princess of Domino!
High Pixie: Either way, we won’t lose to you.
>Orthrus uses Maragi. Princess Bloom absorbed the flames and the other Winx dodged it. High Pixie and the two Oni all just attack. They also dodge that.
Princess Bloom: You! Oracle, isn’t it?
Oracle: I see you knew that.
Princess Bloom: I think I know how we can help the others. If you don’t mind helping.
Oracle: If it means winning this fight, we’ll try anything.
Princess Bloom: Good. Techna?
Techna: I’m on it.
Princess Bloom: Ready?
Oracle and Techna: Ready!
Princess Bloom: There here goes! Strength of Life!
Techna: Gem of Mind!
Oracle: Help them now, Necronomicon!
>Oracle, Princess Bloom, and Techna combine their powers and did something to us.
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My strength! It’s been restored!
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I feel like I can take these guys on again.
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Right. Let’s go!
Princess Bloom: Let us handle the red guys. You take care of the dog and fairy.
Sky: Right. Attack!
Oracle: High Pixie is weak to Gun and Nuclear skills.
Sky: Then here I go.
>Sky changes elements.
Sky: Persona!
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>Sky summons Energy Elemental.
Princess Aisha: (surprised) Whoa! From Brandon to Roy.
Sky: You haven’t seen anything yet.
Orthrus: No! We not allow this!
High Pixie: Neither will I!
>Orthrus uses Agilao on me. I dodge it. High Pixie uses Garula on Skull. He dodges that, too.
Fox: Now it’s our go!
>Goemon uses Bufudyne on Orthrus. It knocks him down. Fox then passes the baton to Sky and Energy Elemental uses Freidyne on High Pixie and knocks her down.
Sky: Strike!
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>After the attack, both Orthrus and High Pixie were still up, but now weak. Lachesis uses Bufula on Orthrus again and it knocks him down. I shoot my Gun at High Pixie. She dodges it. Energy Elemental uses Freidyen again. This time, High Pixie was down.
Sky: Time to fly!
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>After the attack, Orthrus was still up, but now really weak and High Pixie was gone.
Orthrus: Help me, Daddy!
Skull: Give it up, man. He never really cared about you. Now it’s time your realized that.
>Captain Kidd uses Megaton Raid. With that, Orthrus was gone.
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Ha! Losers!
Fox: But I must say, that was a difficult battle.
Panther: I’m more concerned about the Winx being here.
Princess Stella: (upset) Uh, you’re welcome!
Techna: Well, it is a bit surprising.
Princess Aisha: We’ll explain more on this later. Right now, I think we should get someplace safe.
Joker: Before we do, let me get something first.
>I spot an information booth. I use my Third Eye.
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I have something. I can feel it.
>With my Third Eye, I find a rack full of maps. I take one. I check it. 2 of 2.
Timmy: It’s the other map!
Oracle: Now we have a full layout of the Palace. It says there’s a Safe Room nearby. Let’s go.
>We all go to the Safe Room. From there, we return to the real world.
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>The Black Lagoon Cafe. We returned here where the Winx and Brandon explain everything.
Brandon: It’s my own fault. Stella’s just that kind of girl... Then again, that’s what I love about her.
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Aww, I’m so glad you think of me that way, Brandon.
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I see what you mean.
Sky: Bloom, I would have told you. I just don’t know how you would react.
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Well, I am upset you didn’t tell me. But I’ll let it slide this once since you only did it to protect me and the rest of the girls.
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I’d say you dodged a bullet there, Sky.
Princess Bloom: Let’s not get to hasty. We still need to know what to do about this whole Phantom Thief thing. We learned about you guys from our WoW counterparts. You really did a number on Ace.
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Can’t say he didn’t deserve, though. Where does that guy get off doing that to people?
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When someone has that much money, they think themselves above all others.
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But we put that case to bed. It’ll be a long time before Ace can do somethin’ like that again.
Musa: That’s true.
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But what to do about the Winx Club knowing we’re the Phantom Thieves?
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The logical solution would be for us to work together.
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And what do you hope to gain from this.
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We’re trying to get Erendor to let girls attend Red Fountain. That should be all to it.
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The only real reason he’s against that notion is just to keep Sky and Bloom apart.
Princess Bloom: I still can’t believe your father still doesn’t want us together.
Sky: I just don’t understand it either. It’s been years and nothing’s change at all.
Ren: But that’s why we’re here.
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King Erendor’s heart is far too distorted. That’s why we came to take his Treasure and make him stop.
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You said it, kitty... who can talk without Roxy around.
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I’ll explain later. Right now, do you think you can keep up with us?
Akechi: She’s right. In the Metaverse, you’ll find no witches or dark wizards or corrupted Tritons. You might find something similar, but they are just Shadows from the human unconsciousness.
Ann: And you have that new part of your story coming up soon.
Princess Bloom: I know it won’t be easy, but we want to help. If King Erendor is so dead set on doing whatever it takes to make others miserable for his own gain, we have to stop him. If not for others, than for his own sake.
Sky: I’m glad you understand, Bloom. I love you.
Princess Bloom: I love you, too, Sky.
>The two embrace on another.
Riven: (embarrassed) Seriously?
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I don’t mind it.
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I don’t, either.
>Before we knew it, me and Yusuke were doing the same.
Princess Stella: (surprised) It takes a lot to make up the Magic Dimension.
>Riven was just real silent.
Musa: Is something wrong, Riven?
Riven: ... I’m going to take the first watch.
Roy: I’ll go with you.
Riven: Thanks.
>With that, Riven and Roy leave to keep watch.
Musa: Guess he’s not ready to face me.
Princess Aisha: Give it time. I know the two of you are broken up for good, you both can still be friends.
Musa: ... That’s true. Thanks, Aisha.
Morgana: Let’s break for today. We have a lot to do tomorrow.
Ren: Yeah. I have to find work to buy more items. I don’t think the money we get from fighting Shadow won’t be enough. I’ve been getting them from the Velvet Room, but the person Lavenza has selling me them is doing it at a high price. So it wouldn’t hurt to find someplace that sells at a more reasonable price.
Princess Bloom: I think they’re looking for some part time janitors at Alfea. Even an ogre needs a little help.
Ren: That sound like a good idea, Your Highness.
Princess Bloom: Glad you like it... But you know, you could just call me Bloom. I know your thieves, but any friend of our boyfriends is a friend of ours.
Princess Aishia: Same for me and Stella. Isn’t that right?
Princess Stella: (who was busy looking around) Huh? Oh yeah, sure.
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That’s quite an honor.
Ann: But just in case, we’re going to need another job.
Stella: (just joining in) This place is a drab as the day the Trix trapped me here. I know it’s suppose to be a hideout and you’re only staying temporarily, but you can at least clean it up a bit.
>Stella snaps her fingers and a wave of magic fixes up the place a bit. Seeing this makes Flora think a bit. And then...
Flora: That’s perfect!
Helia: What is it, Flora?
Flora: This place.
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This place? You mean the cafe?
Flora: It was originally that before the Trix used it. Maybe it can be again?
Ren: Actually, that sound like a good idea. I already worked as a barista at Boss’s and Joe’s places. Plus, it would give me what I need to make Master Coffee and Curry.
Musa: Themed cafes are good too. I suggest a music cafe.
Nex: You already have one.
Musa: Oh.
Flora: I think we should do a nature theme. I know a lot of students at Alfea would like that.
Haru: I think that would be good, too. I was a member of the gardening club back in high school.
Flora: That’s good of you.
Makoto: But will we be able to have time to look after those plants? Some of use have to keep up our studies and three of us are already in collage.
Ryuji: And I could be called back to my part time job anytime.
Techna: Then I suggest a cyber cafe. It will really help people when they need to do thing online.
Futaba: That’s sound like a great idea. But cyber cafes are so common these days. What makes a cafe real special is its uniqueness. But let’s not make it too much like Leblanc. I don’t think my dad would be happy with that.
Ann: I guess we could go for a maid and butler cafe.
Nex: Maid and butler cafe?
Bloom: They’re very popular in Japan. That’s a country on Earth.
Ren: That could work. I even got the uniforms.
>I snap my fingers and we are in our maid and butler uniforms.
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See? No too bad, isn’t it?
Stella: It does have that kind of air to it.
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As long as it’s only temporary. I never liked these clothes.
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You like fine, Inari. Quit complaining.
Ren: I totally agree.
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Fine. But only because of how much Ren likes it.
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Thank you.
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I wonder if we’ll get a lot of male customers if they saw me in this.
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I still don’t get “moe” an’ stuff, but I know guys love pretty girls in uniforms.
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The female customers would like butlers, too.
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You know, KUROFUNE dressed as butlers for one of their performances. Maybe this is a good chance to know what it’s like.
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Then I guess I’m on board for this. Let’s do it.
Musa: Hold on. I thought I recognized you. You’re Ryuji Sakamoto. You performed with those guys twice.
Ryuji: I guess KUROFUNE’s known here, too.
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Anyway, we should call it day for now. We’ll plan more another time.
>We all agree and part ways for now.
Winx Club Cosmix Forms by Winx-Rainbow-Love.
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